1,650 research outputs found

    Model Rancangan Rumah Susun Di Kampung Wisata Jetisharjo YOGYAKARTA Dengan Pendekatan Green Landscape Dan Green Facade

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    Tujuan penulisan adalah merencanakan dan merancang rumah susun di permukiman kampung wisata Jetisharjo dengan penekanan Green Landscape dan Green Facade. Permasalahan lingkungan di sekitar kali Code merupakan pemukiman yang sangat padat dan sebagian di antaranya kumuh dan kurang ruang terbuka hijau. Di lingkungan perkotaan Yogyakarta, khusunya di kawasan pinggiran sungai Code, dapat dinilai kurang berkembang pada aspek tata lingkungan landscape maupun facade bangunan. Konsep tersebut sangat relevan dengan pendekatan green architecture sebagai metoda yang digunakan dalam mewujudkan arsitektur ekologis atau ramah lingkungan untuk mencapai keseimbangan pada sistem interaksi manusia dengan lingkungan. Metoda untuk memperoleh data dilakukan dengan cara pengambilan data primer dan sekunder. Data primer berupa kondisi sosial fisik lingkungan lokasi perencanaan dilakukan dengan pencatatan, wawancara, dan pengambilan gambar (foto dan internet). Sedangkan data sekunder berupa data statistik dan literatur diperoleh melalui pencarian pada media internet dan perpustakaan. Metoda analisis perancangan lansekap dilakukan dengan penetapan green open space strategi yang mengedepankan aspek civic space dan kind of vegetation. Adapun analisis green facade dilakukan dengan strategi perancangan green roof dan green wall. Diharapkan pendekatan tersebut akan memberikan citra dan estetika lingkungan rumah susun yang ramah terhadap lingkungan pinggiran suangai. Studi kasus perencanaan berada di kampung wisata Jetisharjo, Yogyakarta yang sebagian berada di bantaran kali Code Yogyakarta. Analisis Perundangan tata bangunan dan lingkungan serta kebijakan green landscape yang akan menghasilkan zona-zona yang ramah lingkungan dimana ruang terbuka hijau direncanakan lebih besar dibanding luas maksimum diijinkan oleh peraturan daerah setempat, sehinga perlu adanya insentif menambah ruang hijau perkotaan. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah suatu masterplan untuk sebagai dasar penataan landscape dan perancangan bangunan rumah susun dengan penekanan Green Landscape dan Green Facade

    Evidenze della rapida variazione di profondità della Moho, in corrispondenza dell'area di Città di Castello (Appennino Settentrionale), dall'analisi di funzioni ricevitore

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    In questo studio è stata sfruttata l’opportunità di poter analizzare dati provenienti da una densa rete sismica locale temporanea costituita da 30 stazioni a tre componenti, installata nell’ambito di un progetto del Gruppo Nazionale per la Difesa dei Terremoti (GNDT) nel periodo compreso fra l’Ottobre 2000-Maggio 2001, in un’area che si estende per circa 2800 km2 a circa 43° N in Appennino Settentrionale (Piccinini et al., 2003), al fine di ottenere un dettagliato andamento della topografia della Moho, in una zona così complessa, attraverso un’analisi delle Funzioni Ricevitore (Langston, 1979), definendo la struttura di velocità delle onde di taglio (S) al di sotto di ciascuna delle 28 stazioni sismiche. Sono stati analizzati circa 400 eventi telesismici registrati da 28 stazioni con valori di magnitudo M>5 e distanza epicentrale Δ compresi fra 25°-100°. Per il calcolo delle RFs è stato utilizzato il metodo sviluppato da Di Bona (1998), tale metodo consente di ottenere una stima della varianza, permettendo l’utilizzo di forme d’onda generate da eventi di bassa magnitudo (aventi valori di varianza accettabili), con un conseguente ampliamento del data-set. Modellando ampiezze e tempi di arrivo delle fasi Ps in funzione dell’azimuth di provenienza (BAZ) e della relativa distanza epicentrale (Δ), si possono ricostruire le geometrie delle superfici di discontinuità al di sotto delle stazioni sismiche. La fase di modellazione è stata condotta attraverso l’applicazione dell’algoritmo di inversione “neighbourhood” di Sambridge (1999) mediante un approccio monodimensionale. Questo metodo consente di campionare in maniera estensiva lo spazio dei parametri (profondità delle varie interfacce e valori di velocità negli strati compresi fra le interfacce), concentrando la ricerca in quelle regioni dello spazio multiparametrico dove i modelli di velocità trovati hanno un miglior misfit rispetto al dato (la RF) reale. Tale fase di modellazione ha consentito di ricostruire i modelli di velocità delle onde S (Vs) al di sotto di ciascuna stazione. L’analisi comparata dei modelli di velocità delle onde S (Vs) così ottenuti, per ogni singola stazione, mette in luce la natura fortemente eterogenea della porzione più superficiale della crosta dell’area in studio. Nonostante la complessità delle RFs calcolate che si riflette sulla eterogeneità della porzione più superficiale dei profili di Vs ottenuti, è stata individuata con buona continuità l’andamento di una superficie di discontinuità sismica da noi interpretata come transizione crosta-mantello superiore o Moho

    Culverted rivers in the historic center of Genoa (Italy) as an emblematic case of human pressure and fluvial landscape changes

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    The city of Genoa is internationally known its the recurrent floods, mainly related to the Bisagno River. The high risk is linked to meteo-hydrological hazard and to the urbanisation in hazardous areas and consequently to the high exposure of risk elements. The present research concerns the hydrographic network that characterises the historical center of Genoa, i.e. the natural amphitheatre bordering the Polcevera valley to the W and the Bisagno valley to the E. In this area of just 8.5 km2 there are eight catchments ranging from 0.49 km2 to 2.36 km2 in size: from W to E we recognise the basins of the San Bartolomeo, San Lazzaro, San Teodoro, Lagaccio, Sant'Ugo, Carbonara, Sant'Anna and Torbido streams. These watercourses have been subject to anthropic modifications since the Middle Ages, sometimes with significant diversions, rectifications and channelling; today the watercourse network appears almost entirely artificial, flowing under the streets and buildings of the historic centre. The name of some alleys recalls their presence, which is otherwise not perceptible. Only the upper basin of the Lagaccio and San Lazzaro streams still have a watercourse with a natural riverbed, although the area is still significantly urbanised. The construction of these culverts over time and the modifications they have undergone over the following centuries up to very recent times due to progressive urbanisation have led to a reduction in the hydraulic cross-section, which can lead to a possible flow of water under pressure and the consequent flooding hazard. Therefore a better geographic knowledge of these culverted streams in Genoa historical city is crucial for hazard and risk assessments and for the planning of related hydraulic risk reduction activities

    Analisi strutturale di crosta e mantello in prossimità dell’alta Val di Chiana (Toscana orientale)

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    L’Appennino Settentrionale è una catena montuosa NE-vergente ed è il risultato dell’affioramento del prisma di accrezione originato in seguito alla subduzione della litosfera adriatica sotto il mar Tirreno ed ancora in atto (Faccenna et al., 2001). Dall’Oligocene ad oggi, l’Appennino Settentrionale è stato interessato da due fasi deformative: inizialmente compressiva con la formazione di thrusts e più recentemente distensiva (Elter et al., 1975). Attualmente è caratterizzato da un regime crostale distensivo con una velocità stimata circa 2.5 mm/anno (Hunstad et al., 2003). Gli effetti e le conseguenze di questi episodi deformativi sono ben visibili attraverso un’analisi geologica e geofisica. L’area in studio è posta in corrispondenza della transizione tra la successione Toscana ed il settore Tirrenico del dominio Umbro-Marchigiano, quindi, una zona particolarmente dibattuta da un punto di vista geodinamico, a causa della presenza di diverse tipologie crostali, flusso di calore e anomalie gravimetriche

    Crustal and Upper Mantle Three-Dimensional Stratification and Anisotropy from Receiver Functions (Northern Apennines-Italy)

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    The Northern Apennines (NA) were predominantly formed by a Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary sequence thrust northeast and stacked over the Adriatic foreland during Late Miocene-Pleistocene. Extension on the Tyrrhenian margin is synchronous with thrust emplacements along the external Apenninic chain and is associated by crustal thinning, normal faulting, ductile deformation, volcanic activity and high heat flow. Both, the extensional and the compressional fronts migrated towards the Adriatic foreland during the Plio-Pleistocene. Crustal extension everywere disrupted structural architectures formed during the preceding compressional phase leading to the development of thinned, uplifted and extended crust in the Tuscany mainland. Several models have been proposed to explain the evolution of the NA that are acknowledged to be tectonically complex. We present results from a Receiver Functions (RFs) analysis of teleseismic events recorded at Arezzo seismic station (Tuscany). A broad-band station (ARZ) is installed on the north-east margin of the “Val di Chiana” extensional syntectonic basin. We selected and grouped in “bins” high signal/noise teleseismic events of four years of recording to compute a data-set of RFs. We applied a classical inversion scheme (a Neighbourhood Algorithm) and we carried out a three-dimensional modelling. As a criterion to identify and to distinguish the effects of azimuthal anisotropy from those of lateral heterogeneity, we included the harmonic angular analysis performed by stacking Radial (R) and Transverse (T) components with weights depending on the backazimuth. The results of these analysis provide a detailed three-dimensional image of the S-velocity lithosphere structure

    Non-thermal recombination - a neglected source of flare hard X-rays and fast electron diagnostic

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    Context. Flare Hard X-Rays (HXRs) from non-thermal electrons are commonly treated as solely bremsstrahlung (f-f), recombination (f-b) being neglected. This assumption is shown to be substantially in error, especially in hot sources, mainly due to recombination onto Fe ions. Aims. We analyse the effects on HXR spectra and electron diagnostics by including non-thermal recombination onto heavy elements in our model. Methods. Using Kramers hydrogenic cross sections with effective Z, we calculate f-f and f-b spectra for power-law electron spectra, in both thin and thick target limits, and for Maxwellians, with summation over all important ions. Results. We find that non-thermal electron recombination, especially onto Fe, must, in general, be included together with f-f, for reliable spectral interpretation, when the HXR source is hot. f-b contribution is greatest when the electron spectral index is large, and any low energy cut-off small. f-b spectra recombination edges mean a cut-off in F(E) appears as a HXR feature at Photon energy = Ec + Vz, offering an Ec diagnostic. Including f-b lowers, greatly in some cases, the F(E) needed for prescribed HXR fluxes and, even when small, seriously distorts F(E) as inferred by inversion or forward fitting based on f-f alone. Conclusions. f-b recombination from non-thermal electrons can be an important contributor to HXR spectra and should be included in spectral analyses, especially for hot sources. Accurate results will require use of better cross sections than ours and consideration of source ionisation structure.Comment: 13 pages, 2 tables, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Determination of the Acceleration Region Size in a Loop-structured Solar Flare

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    In order to study the acceleration and propagation of bremsstrahlung-producing electrons in solar flares, we analyze the evolution of the flare loop size with respect to energy at a variety of times. A GOES M3.7 loop-structured flare starting around 23:55 on 2002 April 14 is studied in detail using \textit{Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager} (\textit{RHESSI}) observations. We construct photon and mean-electron-flux maps in 2-keV energy bins by processing observationally-deduced photon and electron visibilities, respectively, through several image-processing methods: a visibility-based forward-fit (FWD) algorithm, a maximum entropy (MEM) procedure and the uv-smooth (UVS) approach. We estimate the sizes of elongated flares (i.e., the length and width of flaring loops) by calculating the second normalized moments of the intensity in any given map. Employing a collisional model with an extended acceleration region, we fit the loop lengths as a function of energy in both the photon and electron domains. The resulting fitting parameters allow us to estimate the extent of the acceleration region which is between 13arcsec\sim 13 \rm{arcsec} and 19arcsec\sim 19 \rm{arcsec}. Both forward-fit and uv-smooth algorithms provide substantially similar results with a systematically better fit in the electron domain.The consistency of the estimates from these methods provides strong support that the model can reliably determine geometric parameters of the acceleration region. The acceleration region is estimated to be a substantial fraction (1/2\sim 1/2) of the loop extent, indicating that this dense flaring loop incorporates both acceleration and transport of electrons, with concurrent thick-target bremsstrahlung emission.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysics journa

    Electron-Electron Bremsstrahlung Emission and the Inference of Electron Flux Spectra in Solar Flares

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    Although both electron-ion and electron-electron bremsstrahlung contribute to the hard X-ray emission from solar flares, the latter is normally ignored. Such an omission is not justified at electron (and photon) energies above 300\sim 300 keV, and inclusion of the additional electron-electron bremsstrahlung in general makes the electron spectrum required to produce a given hard X-ray spectrum steeper at high energies. Unlike electron-ion bremsstrahlung, electron-electron bremsstrahlung cannot produce photons of all energies up to the maximum electron energy involved. The maximum possible photon energy depends on the angle between the direction of the emitting electron and the emitted photon, and this suggests a diagnostic for an upper cutoff energy and/or for the degree of beaming of the accelerated electrons. We analyze the large event of January 17, 2005 observed by RHESSI and show that the upward break around 400 keV in the observed hard X-ray spectrum is naturally accounted for by the inclusion of electron-electron bremsstrahlung. Indeed, the mean source electron spectrum recovered through a regularized inversion of the hard X-ray spectrum, using a cross-section that includes both electron-ion and electron-electron terms, has a relatively constant spectral index δ\delta over the range from electron kinetic energy E=200E = 200 keV to E=1E = 1 MeV. However, the level of detail discernible in the recovered electron spectrum is not sufficient to determine whether or not any upper cutoff energy exists.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    Fast electron slowing-down and diffusion in a high temperature coronal X-ray source

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    Finite thermal velocity modifications to electron slowing-down rates may be important for the deduction of solar flare total electron energy. Here we treat both slowing-down and velocity diffusion of electrons in the corona at flare temperatures, for the case of a simple, spatially homogeneous source. Including velocity diffusion yields a consistent treatment of both "accelerated" and "thermal" electrons. It also emphasises that one may not invoke finite thermal velocity target effects on electron lifetimes without simultaneously treating the contribution to the observed X-ray spectrum from thermal electrons. We present model calculations of the X-ray spectra resulting from injection of a power-law energy distribution of electrons into a source with finite temperature. Reducing the power-law distribution low-energy cutoff to lower and lower energies only increases the relative magnitude of the thermal component of the spectrum, because the lowest energy electrons simply join the background thermal distribution. Acceptable fits to RHESSI flare data are obtained using this model. These also demonstrate, however, that observed spectra may in consequence be acceptably consistent with rather a wide range of injected electron parameters

    Moho-depth and subglacial sedimentary layer thickness in the Wilkes Basin from Receiver Function Analysis

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    Wilkes Basin lies to the east of the Transantarctic Mountains. The origin of this sub-glacial basin is still controversial. Flexural uplift of the Transantarctic Mountains has been suggested as the geophysical process which generated the basin (Stern & ien Brink, 1989). Other studies proposed a continental rift structure for this region (Ferraccioli et al., 2001). The two models differ mainly in the crustal structure predicted beneath the basin. In the former, crustal thickning is expected to be originated from the high rigidity of the East Antarctic Craton lithosphere. Otherwise, the rift structure hypothesis is consistent with a broad crustal thinning. During the WIBEM 2003 campaign, we deployed five broadband seismic stations across the basin. We selected high signal/noise teleseismic recording to compute a data-set of receiver functions. We applied a classical inversion scheme, the Neighbourhood Algorithm, to our data-set. Here, two different and complementary studies are presented. We constrain the Moho geometry beneath the Wilkes Basin from the analysis of low-frequency P-to-S conversion at the base of the crust. Also, we investigate the nature of the basin mapping the presence of subglacial sediments using the P-to-S conversion at the ice-bedrock interface