963 research outputs found

    Inmueble en Barcelona

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    The power of inadequate language representation in legal procedures: monolingualism against human rights

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    Ponència presentada a: Language, Literature, Power (Online Conference), 6-7 May, 2022. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, Serbia.International instruments have long recognized the power of languages and established measures to mitigate and prevent the harm of language deprivation. Indeed, linguistic rights have increasingly been recognized as human rights. In a number of contexts, the effective realization of the most basic linguistic rights depends on the translation from a minority to a dominant language. Legal proceedings are an example, and the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 6) enshrines the right to interpretation and translation for those who do not speak or understand the language of the proceedings. However, monolingual ideologies still loom large on societies, resulting in a number of inadequacies that deprive the speakers of languages socially classified as minor of the necessary resources to enjoy their rights. This contribution will tackle two different contexts, Kosovo, and the Valencian country. Despite the legal obligation to avoid discrimination of speakers of non-dominant languages, judiciary practices discourage and endanger the maintenance and development of the regional and minority languages in both settings. This chapter addresses the lack of maturity of judiciary translation policies focusing on the accuracy, quality, and availability of translation, or lack thereof. In that way, we will show that from translator training to quality standards, societies’ preparedness vis-à-vis their increasing diversity requires improvement

    Symmetry Constrained Two Higgs Doublet Models

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    We study Two-Higgs-Doublet Models (2HDM) where Abelian symmetries have been introduced, leading to a drastic reduction in the number of free parameters in the 2HDM. Our analysis is inspired in BGL models, where, as the result of a symmetry of the Lagrangian, there are tree-level scalar mediated Flavour-Changing-Neutral-Currents, with the flavour structure depending only on the CKM matrix. A systematic analysis is done on the various possible schemes, which are classified in different classes, depending on the way the extra symmetries constrain the matrices of couplings defining the flavour structure of the scalar mediated neutral currents. All the resulting flavour textures of the Yukawa couplings are stable under renormalisation since they result from symmetries imposed at the Lagrangian level. We also present a brief phenomenological analysis of the most salient features of each class of symmetry constrained 2HDM.Comment: 30 pages, 5 Table

    Interaction of the chromium–iron black pigment with porcelanised stoneware

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    A study has been undertaken on the interaction between the (Fe,Cr)2O3 black pigment and an industrial porcelanised stoneware composition at its firing temperature. The results indicate that the glassy phase that forms during firing preferentially extracts Fe2O3 from the pigment and probably contributes some Al2O3 to it, enriching the pigment composition in Cr2O3, without changing pigment crystal structure. The pigment alteration process mainly affects porcelanised stoneware microstructure and, to a lesser extent, color

    Size-consistent self-consistent configuration interaction from a complete active space : Excited states

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    The self-consistent size consistent on a complete active space singly and doubly configuration interaction (SC)2CAS-SDCI method is applied to excited states. The (SC)2 correction is performed on a closed shell state, and the excited states are obtained by diagonalization of the dressed matrix. A theoretical justification of the transferability of the improvement concerning the dressing state to all roots of the matrix is presented. The method is tested by three tests on the spectrum of small [email protected] ; [email protected]

    Self‐consistent intermediate Hamiltonians : A coupled cluster type formulation of the singles and doubles configuration interaction matrix dressing

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    This paper presents a new self‐consistent dressing of a singles and doubles configuration interaction matrix which insures size‐consistency, separability into closed‐shell subsystems if localized molecular orbitals (MOs) are used, and which includes all fourth order corrections. This method yields, among several schemes, a reformulation of the coupled cluster method, including fully the cluster operators of single and double excitations, and partially those of the triples (Bartlett’s algorithm named CCSDT‐1a). Further improvement can be easily included by adding exclusion principle violating corrections. Since it leads to a matrix diagonalization, the method behaves correctly in case of near degeneracies between the reference determinant and some doubles. Due to its flexibility this formulation offers the possibility of consistent combination with less expensive treatments for the study of very large [email protected] ; [email protected]