294 research outputs found

    Longitudinal study in 3,000 m male runners: relationship between performance and selected physiological parameters

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    The purpose of the present study was to analyze longitudinal changes in 3,000 m running performance and the relationship with selected physiological parameters. Eighteen well-trained male middle-distance runners were measured six times (x3 per year) throughout two consecutive competitive seasons. The following parameters were measured on each occasion: maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), running economy (RE), velocity at maximal oxygen uptake (vVO2max), velocity at 4mmol L-1 blood lactate concentration (V4), and performance velocity (km·h-1) in 3,000 m time trials. Values ranged from 19.59 to 20.16 km·h-1, running performance; 197 to 207 mL·kg-1·km-1. RE; 17.2 to 17.7 km·h-1, V4; 67.1 to 72.5 mL·kg-1·min-1, VO2max; and 19.8 to 20.2 km·h-1, vVO2max. A hierarchical linear model was used to quantify longitudinal relationships between running performance and selected physiological variables. Running performance decreased significantly over time, between each time point the decrease in running velocity was 0.06 km·h-1. The variables that significantly explained performance changes were V4 and vVO2max. Also, vVO2max and V4 were the measures most strongly correlated with performance and can be used to predict 3,000 m race velocity. The best prediction formula for 3,000 m running performance was: y = 0.646 + 0.626x + 0.416z (R2=0.85); where y = V3,000 m velocity (km·h-1), x = V4 (km·h-1) and z = vVO2max (km·h-1). The high predictive power of vVO2max and V4 suggest that both coaches and athletes should give attention to improving these two physiological variables, in order to improve running performance

    Cinesiterapia e Massoterapia

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    Very large scale high performance computing and instrument management for high availability systems through the use of virtualization at the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope

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    The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) Telescope, is an ongoing project set to start its building phase in 2018 and be ready for first light in 2020. The first part of the project, the SKA1 will be comprised of 130.000 low frequency antennas (50 MHz to 350 MHz) and 200 mid frequency antennas (350 MHz to 15.5 GHz). The SKA1 will produce a raw data rate of ~10 Tb/s, require a computing power of 100 Pflop/s and an archiving capacity of hundreds of PB/year. The next phase of the project, the SKA2, is going to increase the number of both low and mid antennas by a factor of 10 and increase the computing requirements accordingly. The key requirements for the project are a very demanding availability of 99.9%, computing scalability and result reproducibility. We propose an approach to enforce these requirements - with an optimal use of resources - by using highly distributed computing and virtualization technologies.publishe

    Reabilitação Respiratória

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    Comparação entre protocolos para extração de DNA de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum).

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    O cupuaçu é uma espécie nativa na região Amazônica que se encontra em estágio inicial de domesticação, apresentando ampla variabilidade genética para as diversas características. Contudo, poucos são os estudos que envolvem avaliações moleculares nesta espécie. A otimização de um protocolo para extração de DNA é pré-requisito básico para etapas subseqüentes da análise molecular. Com o objetivo realizar amplificação e melhoria da qualidade e quantidade de DNA obtido dessa espécie, o presente trabalho compara protocolos de extração de DNA do cupuaçu. Os protocolos utilizados foram o de Doyle e Doyle (1990), modificado por FIGUEIRA et al. (1997) com a utilização de proteinase K, e o Doyle e Doyle (1990), modificado por FERREIRA GRA TTAP AGLIA (1998) estabelecido para várias espécies e já utilizado no setor de Biologia Molecular do Laboratório de Morfogênese e Biologia Molecular da EMBRAPA-Acre, em ambos os protocolos também foram feitos os testes com beads de cerâmica e de tungstênio. Os resultados obtidos na quantificação das amostras mostraram que o emprego da proteinase K produziu um DNA mais limpo. Porém, quando se compara esta metodologia com a que não utilizou a proteinase K, verificou-se uma menor quantidade de DNA extraído. A utilização das beads de cerâmica proporcionou um aumento significativo na quantidade de DNA, no entanto, não se obteve boa qualidade, apresentando DNA fragmentado. Em meio a esses resultados pode-se constatar que o uso das beads de tungstênio e sem o emprego da proteinase K possibilitaram a extração de um DNA com melhor qualidade e quantidade. Cupuassu is a native species in the Amazon region that finds in initial stage of domesticated, that has ample genetic variability for the diverse characteristics. However, few studies that involve molecular evaluations in this species. The optimization of a protocol of DNA extraction is basic prerequisite for subsequent steps the molecular analysis. With the objective J of realization the amplification and improvement of the quality and amount in DNA of this species, the present work compares two protocols of DNA extraction. The protocols of extraction ofDNA that utilized were Doyle and Doyle (1990), modified for FIGUEIRA et al. (1997) with the use of proteinase K, and the Doyle and Doyle (1990), modified for FERRERIA and GRA TTAP AGLIA (1998) established for some species and used in the sector of Molecular Biology in the Laboratory of Morphogenesis and Molecular Biology of EMBRAPA-Acre, in both of protocols also were made the tests with ceramics and tungsten beads. The results obtained in quantification of samples had shown that the used of proteinase K produced a cleaner DNA. However, when this methodology is compared with that did not use proteinase K, was verified a few amount of extracted DNA. The use of beads of ceramics provided a significant increase in the DNA amount, however, did not get good quality, shown DNA fragmented. These results evidenced that the use of tungsten beads and no utilization of proteinase K makes possible the better quality and amount in DNA extration

    Optimization of Laccase Production, and Characterization of Lignin Degradation Products by Fusarium oxysporum JUMAD-053

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    The objective of this work was to optimize the culture conditions for laccase production in the presence of Kraft lignin by Fusarium oxysporum JUMAD-053, and to evaluate the biodegradation products of lignin. The fungal isolate that presented highest laccase activity had its production optimized by a statistical factorial design 33 in 15 experimental runs. F. oxysporum presented the highest constitutive laccase titer (5.37 U/mL). Statistical factorial design demonstrated a maximum laccase titer of 9.8 U/mL when assayed against ABTS under the conditions optimized: 1.125% (w/v) yeast extract, 0.5% (w/v) Kraft lignin and 10 days of cultivation. The maximum laccase titer when assayed on DMP was 8.4 U/mL, following the conditions optimized: 1.125% yeast extract, 0.25% Kraft lignin and 7 days of cultivation. The analysis of cultures led to identification of metabolites; two being aromatic: 2,6-dimethoxy benzoic acid and sesamin; also, fumonisin and long-chain fatty acids. As a result of the study, the maximum laccase activities of 9.8 and 8.4 U/mL measured from ABTS and DMP substrates, respectively. The search shows new sources of fungal laccase for obtaining new metabolites of biodegradation from Kraft lignin in culture medium. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i5.162

    iFloW: an integrated logistics software system for inbound supply chain traceability

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    Visibility plays an important role in supply chain management. Such visibility is not only important for better planning, but especially for real-time execution related with the traceability of goods. In inbound supply chain management, logistics planners need to trace raw materials from their requests in order to properly plan a plant’s production. The iFloW (Inbound Logistics Tracking System) integrates logistics providers IT applications and Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to track and trace incoming freights. The Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) is updated in real-time allowing an improved materials planning process. This paper presents the iFloW project and describes how these issues are addressed and validated in a real pilot project.This research is sponsored by the Portugal Incentive System for Research and technological Development PEst-UID/CEC/00319/2013 and by project in co-promotion no 36265/2013 (Project HMIExcel—2013–2015)