248 research outputs found

    Effect of hyperon bulk viscosity on neutron-star r-modes

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    Neutron stars are expected to contain a significant number of hyperons in addition to protons and neutrons in the highest density portions of their cores. Following the work of Jones, we calculate the coefficient of bulk viscosity due to nonleptonic weak interactions involving hyperons in neutron-star cores, including new relativistic and superfluid effects. We evaluate the influence of this new bulk viscosity on the gravitational radiation driven instability in the r-modes. We find that the instability is completely suppressed in stars with cores cooler than a few times 10^9 K, but that stars rotating more rapidly than 10-30% of maximum are unstable for temperatures around 10^10 K. Since neutron-star cores are expected to cool to a few times 10^9 K within seconds (much shorter than the r-mode instability growth time) due to direct Urca processes, we conclude that the gravitational radiation instability will be suppressed in young neutron stars before it can significantly change the angular momentum of the star.Comment: final PRD version, minor typos etc correcte

    Parity-Affected Superconductivity in Ultrasmall Metallic Grains

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    We investigate the breakdown of BCS superconductivity in {\em ultra}\/small metallic grains as a function of particle size (characterized by the mean spacing dd between discrete electronic eigenstates), and the parity (PP = even/odd) of the number of electrons on the island. Assuming equally spaced levels, we solve the parity-dependent BCS gap equation for the order parameter ΔP(d,T)\Delta_P (d,T). Both the T=0T=0 critical level spacing dc,Pd_{c,P} and the critical temperature Tc,P(d)T_{c,P} (d) at which ΔP=0\Delta_P = 0 are parity dependent, and both are so much smaller in the odd than the even case that these differences should be measurable in current experiments.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 1 encapsulated postscript figure, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    A small superconducting grain in the canonical ensemble

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    By means of the Lanczos method we analyze superconducting correlations in ultrasmall grains at fixed particle number. We compute the ground state properties and the excitation gap of the pairing Hamiltonian as a function of the level spacing δ\delta. Both quantities turn out to be parity dependent and universal functions of the ratio δ/Δ\delta/\Delta (Δ\Delta is the BCS gap). We then characterize superconductivity in the canonical ensemble from the scaling behavior of correlation functions in energy space.Comment: 11 pages Revtex, 5 figures .ep

    Gor'kov and Eliashberg Linear Response Theory: Rigorous Derivation and Limits of Applicability

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    A rigorous microscopic calculation of the polarizability of disordered mesoscopic particles within the grand canonical ensemble is given in terms of the supersymmetry method. The phenomenological result of Gor'kov and Eliashberg is confirmed. Thus the underlying assumptions of their method are justified. This encourages application of RMT in the Gor'kov--Eliashberg style to more complicated situations.Comment: Final published versio

    Fixed-N Superconductivity: The Crossover from the Bulk to the Few-Electron Limit

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    We present a truly canonical theory of superconductivity in ultrasmall metallic grains by variationally optimizing fixed-N projected BCS wave-functions, which yields the first full description of the entire crossover from the bulk BCS regime (mean level spacing dd \ll bulk gap Δ~\tilde\Delta) to the ``fluctuation-dominated'' few-electron regime (dΔ~d\gg\tilde\Delta). A wave-function analysis shows in detail how the BCS limit is recovered for dΔ~d\ll \tilde \Delta, and how for dΔ~d \gg \tilde \Delta pairing correlations become delocalized in energy space. An earlier grand-canonical prediction for an observable parity effect in the spectral gaps is found to survive the fixed-N projection.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX, V2: minor charges to mach final printed versio

    Quantum Hall Transitions in (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6

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    We have studied the temperature dependence of the integer quantum Hall transitions in the molecular crystal (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6. We find that the transition width between the quantum Hall plateaus does not exhibit the universal power-law scaling behavior of the integer quantum Hall effect observed in semiconducting devices. Instead, the slope of the ρxy\rho_{xy} risers, dρxy/dBd\rho_{xy}/dB, and the (inverse) width of the ρxx\rho_{xx} peaks, (ΔB)1(\Delta B)^{-1}, show a BCS-like energy gap temperature dependence. We discuss these results in terms of the field-induced spin-density wave gap and order parameter of the system.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX, 4 PostScript figure

    Nanoantenna-enhanced ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy of a single gold nanoparticle

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    Optical nanoantennas are a novel tool to investigate previously unattainable dimensions in the nanocosmos. Just like their radio-frequency equivalents, nanoantennas enhance the light-matter interaction in their feed gap. Antenna enhancement of small signals promises to open a new regime in linear and nonlinear spectroscopy on the nanoscale. Without antennas especially the nonlinear spectroscopy of single nanoobjects is very demanding. Here, we present for the first time antenna-enhanced ultrafast nonlinear optical spectroscopy. In particular, we utilize the antenna to determine the nonlinear transient absorption signal of a single gold nanoparticle caused by mechanical breathing oscillations. We increase the signal amplitude by an order of magnitude which is in good agreement with our analytical and numerical models. Our method will find applications in linear and nonlinear spectroscopy of nanoobjects, ranging from single protein binding events via nonlinear tensor elements to the limits of continuum mechanics

    Pair Fluctuations in Ultra-small Fermi Systems within Self-Consistent RPA at Finite Temperature

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    A self-consistent version of the Thermal Random Phase Approximation (TSCRPA) is developed within the Matsubara Green's Function (GF) formalism. The TSCRPA is applied to the many level pairing model. The normal phase of the system is considered. The TSCRPA results are compared with the exact ones calculated for the Grand Canonical Ensemble. Advantages of the TSCRPA over the Thermal Mean Field Approximation (TMFA) and the standard Thermal Random Phase Approximation (TRPA) are demonstrated. Results for correlation functions, excitation energies, single particle level densities, etc., as a function of temperature are presented.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figers and 3 table

    Field-Orientation Dependent Heat Capacity Measurements at Low Temperatures with a Vector Magnet System

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    We describe a heat capacity measurement system for the study of the field-orientation dependence for temperatures down to 50 mK. A "Vector Magnet" combined with a mechanical rotator for the dewar enables the rotation of the magnetic field without mechanical heating in the cryostat by friction. High reproducibility of the field direction, as well as an angular resolution of better than 0.01 degree, is obtained. This system is applicable to other kinds of measurements which require a large sample space or an adiabatic sample environment, and can also be used with multiple refrigerator inserts interchangeably.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Directional emission of light from a nano-optical Yagi-Uda antenna

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    The plasmon resonance of metal nanoparticles can enhance and direct light from optical emitters in much the same way that radio frequency (RF) antennas enhance and direct the emission from electrical circuits. In the RF regime, a typical antenna design for high directivity is the Yagi-Uda antenna, which basically consists of a one-dimensional array of antenna elements driven by a single feed element. Here, we present the experimental demonstration of directional light emission from a nano-optical Yagi-Uda antenna composed of an array of appropriately tuned gold nanorods. Our results indicate that nano-optical antenna arrays are a simple but efficient tool for the spatial control of light emission.Comment: 4 pages, including 4 figure