816 research outputs found

    The Work Disability Prevention CIHR Strategic Training Program: Program Performance After 5 Years of Implementation

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    Introduction The Work Disability Prevention (WDP) Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Strategic Training Program was developed in 2001 and is a unique program in the world. The main objective of this program is to help future researchers develop transdisciplinary knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding WDP. The purpose of this paper is to present a descriptive portrait of the program's performance over the past 5 years, as well as the trainees' and alumni's perspectives on the WDP CIHR Training Program. Methods Data on the program's performance were collected from documents in the program records. The trainees' opinions on the WDP training program were obtained through focus groups and telephone interviews. The data collected were compiled and divided into themes to summarize the qualitative findings pertaining to each question. Results From 2003 to 2007, five successive summer sessions have been offered, involving 44 high-caliber applicants from nine countries, 34 mentors and collaborators, 29 guest speakers and 15 stakeholders. Overall, trainees appreciated the networking, the opportunity to interact with people from different disciplines and countries, the openness, and the international perspective and uniqueness of the program. The least appreciated aspects concerned mainly the e-learning course, evaluations and information on optional courses. The coordination and logistics were judged appropriate and several topics were suggested to improve the program quality. Conclusion In general, the program implementation went well, with good participation from mentors, speakers and stakeholders; the program was appreciated by the trainees and alumni. This paper underscores the importance of the international perspective, the transdisciplinarity and the scientific networking established through the progra

    Optimization and quality control of suspended particulate matter concentration measurement using turbidity measurements

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    The dry weight concentration of suspended particulate material, [SPM] (units: mg L?1), is measured by passing a known volume of seawater through a preweighed filter and reweighing the filter after drying. This is apparently a simple procedure, but accuracy and precision of [SPM] measurements vary widely depending on the measurement protocol and experience and skills of the person filtering. We show that measurements of turbidity, T (units: FNU), which are low cost, simple, and fast, can be used to optimally set the filtration volume, to detect problems with the mixing of the sample during subsampling, and to quality control [SPM]. A relationship between T and ?optimal filtration volume?, Vopt, is established where Vopt is the volume at which enough matter is retained by the filter for precise measurement, but not so much that the filter clogs. This relationship is based on an assessment of procedural uncertainties in the [SPM] measurement protocol, including salt retention, filter preparation, weighing, and handling, and on a value for minimum relative precision for replicates. The effect of filtration volume on the precision of [SPM] measurement is investigated by filtering volumes of seawater ranging between one fifth and twice Vopt. It is shown that filtrations at Vopt maximize precision and cost effectiveness of [SPM]. Finally, the 90% prediction bounds of the T versus [SPM] regression allow the quality control of [SPM] determinations. In conclusion it is recommended that existing [SPM] gravimetric measurements be refined to include measurement of turbidity to improve their precision and quality control

    Results of a feasibility study: barriers and facilitators in implementing the Sherbrooke model in France.

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    OBJECTIVES: Return-to-work interventions associated with the workplace environment are often more effective than conventional care. The Sherbrooke model is an integrated intervention that has proved successful in preventing work disability due to low-back pain. Implementation, however, runs up against many obstacles, and failure has been reported in many countries. The present study sought to identify barriers to and facilitators of the implementation of the Sherbrooke model within the French health system. METHODS: A multiple case study with nested levels of analysis was performed in two regions of France. A conceptual framework was designed and refined to identify barriers and facilitators at the individual, organizational and contextual levels. Qualitative data were collected via semi-structured interview (N=22), focus groups (N=7), and observation and from the gray literature. Participants (N=61) belonged to three fields: healthcare, social insurance, and the workplace. RESULTS: Numerous barriers and facilitators were identified in each field and at each level, some specific and others common to workers in all fields. Individual and organizational barriers comprised lack of time and resources, discordant professional values, and perceived risk. Legal barriers comprised medical confidentiality, legal complexity, and priority given to primary prevention. Individual-level facilitators comprised needs and perceived benefits. Some organizations had concordant values and practices. Legal facilitators comprised possibilities of collaboration and gradual return to work. CONCLUSION: The present feasibility analysis of implementing the Sherbrooke model revealed numerous barriers and facilitators suggesting a new implementation strategy be drawn up if failure is to be avoided

    Coordinated and tailored work rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial with economic evaluation undertaken with workers on sick leave due to musculoskeletal disorders

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    Introduction In Denmark, the magnitude and impact of work disability on the individual worker and society has prompted the development of a new "coordinated and tailored work rehabilitation" (CTWR) approach. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of CTWR with conventional case management (CCM) on return-to-work of workers on sick leave due to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Methods The study was a randomized controlled trial with economic evaluation undertaken with workers on sick leave for 4-12 weeks due to MSDs. CTWR consists of a work disability screening by an interdisciplinary team followed by the collaborative development of a RTW plan. The primary outcome variable was registered cumulative sickness absence hours during 12 months follow-up. Secondary outcomes were work status as well as pain intensity and functional disability, measured at baseline, 3 and 12 months follow-up. The economic evaluation (intervention costs, productivity loss, and health care utilization costs) was based on administrative data derived from national registries. Results For the time intervals 0-6 months, 6-12 months, and the entire follow-up period, the number of sickness absence hours was significantly lower in the CTWR group as compared to the control group. The total costs saved in CTWR participants compared to controls were estimated at US 1,366perpersonat6monthsfollowupandUS 1,366 per person at 6 months follow-up and US 10,666 per person at 12 months follow-up. Conclusions Workers on sick leave for 4-12 weeks due to MSD who underwent "CTWR" by an interdisciplinary team had fewer sickness absence hours than controls. The economic evaluation showed that-in terms of productivity loss-CTWR seems to be cost saving for the society

    Les apports de la phytoécologie dans l'interprétation de changements et perturbations induits par l'homme sur les écosystèmes forestiers méditerranéens.

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    Présente une caractérisation structurale des modèles forestiers méditerranéens, les caractéristiques dynamiques de ces modèles (modèles expansionniste, de résistance et de stabilisation), un bilan et évolution des superficies forestières, les effets des perturbations humaines sur les principaux écosystèmes forestiers, et les effets des non-perturbations sur les écosystèmes forestiers du nord de la Méditerranée

    Image-based visual servoing on planar objects of unknown shape

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    [Notes_IRSTEA]bibl. [Departement_IRSTEA]GEAPA [TR1_IRSTEA]42 - ALITECH / CAPORALInternational audienceThis paper proposes a way to achieve positioning tasks by visual servoing, for any orientation of the camera, when the desired image of the observed object cannot be precisely described. The object is assumed to be planar and motionless but no knowledge about its shape or pose is required. To simplify the problem, first, we treat the case of a threadlike object and then we show how our approach can be generalized to an object with three particular points. The control law is based on the use of 2d visual servoing and on an estimation of a 3d parameter. Experimental results relative to objects of unknown shape are given to validate the approach. In addition, an algorithm to estimate the depth between the object and the camera is provided which leads to the dimensions of the object

    Les reboisements en région méditerranéenne. Incidences biologiques et économiques

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    La forêt méditerranéenne se trouve en face de divers problèmes très graves qui sont liés essentiellement d une part aux modifications drastiques qui sont survenues dans son utilisation traditionnelle par l homme, et d autre part à sa faible productivité de la plupart des essences qui la constituent. La faible productivité des essences forestières méditerranéennes doit être discutée avant de proposer une généralisation des reboisements de conifères plus productifs, en définissant une sylviculture plus rationnelle et en utilisant des sclérophylles et des caducifoliés provenant en particulier de Méditerranée Orientale

    Conformational changes of polymers in model batter systems

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    Cake batters - made of flour, egg, sugar and fat - are complex systems. Ingredients interactions and their impact on protein secondary structure and starch conformational structures were studied in model batter systems using Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. The results showed the possibility of using the pregelatinized starch without affecting protein conformation. The estimation of protein secondary structure highlighted the prevalence of \u3b1-helical structures in the model batter system, while \u3b2-sheets are predominant in flour systems as known in dough systems. The protein conformation in batter system is related to fat-protein interactions and could explain fat functionality in the final product. Starch crystallinity increased when each ingredient - except for pregelatinized starches - was added to the flour. Changes in starch conformation could be related to the redistribution of water between the batter ingredients. The overall results highlighted the importance of ingredients on the structural conformation of the batter polymers - starch and proteins - which could be the key factor to understand the functional properties of the batter