1,088 research outputs found

    Clinical Usefulness of Streptococcus pneumoniae Urinary Antigen in Patients Hospitalized with Non-Nosocomial Pneumonia

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    Introduction : Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a major cause of hospital admissions and mortality in developed countries. Nevertheless, in about half of the cases a microbial etiology can`t be determined. The need to improve the diagnostic tools of this disease has led to the development of new techniques, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae urinary antigen. Objectives : To analyse the usefulness of the urinary antigen in determining the etiologic diagnosis of pneumonias and its influence in the antibiotherapy modification. Methods : Retrospective analysis of hospitalized patients in 2010 with CAP (n=226) and healthcare associated pneumonia (HCAP) [n=64] diagnosis whose urinary pneumococcal antigen has been analyzed. Results: Median age was significantly greater in HCAP. HCAP patients had more co-morbidities and higher severity scores. Twenty-one patients in the CAP group and 4 patients in the HCAP group had positive pneumococcal antigen. The sensibility of urinary antigen in determining pneumococcal pneumonias was 36% and the specificity 89%. Almost one quarter of the 25 patients with positive urinary antigen had appropriate reductions in antimicrobial spectra, which was not statistically significant when compared with the group with negative urinary antigen. There was a significant relation between a positive urinary antigen and pneumonia severity. Conclusions: Considering its high specificity, the urinary antigen is useful to confirm the presence of pneumococcal pneumonia. Potentially urinary antigen can help to avoid unnecessary treatments in hospitalized patients with CAP

    Von Meyenburg Complex or Liver Metastasis? Case Report and Literature Review

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    Hepatic lesions represent a common finding in clinical practice. Bile ducts hamartomas, also known as Von Meyenburg complex, are benign hepatic malformations composed of small dilated cystic bile ducts lined by fibrous stroma. They represent a rare and asymptomatic clinic-pathological entity. Imagiological findings are variable, and may present as multiple small scattered lesions, or rarely as a single nodule. These findings may resemble secondary lesions and, although benign, there are cases of progression to colangiocarcinoma. Thus it is important to include this complex in the differential diagnoses of focal hepatic lesions, being necessary a detailed investigation for their differentiation. This case represents an atypical presentation of a rare and not frequently considered entity in clinical practic

    Factors influencing oviposition behaviour of the sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola Coq.

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    Visual stimuli influence the orientation behaviour of the sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola Coq. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Yellow, red and white colours are attractive to the midge while blue and black are least attractive. Sorghum panicles covered with blue- or black-coloured bags in a headcage showed maximum midge damage, while the reverse was true for panicles covered with yellow, red, and white coloured bags. Panicles at half-anthesis with viable pollen and receptive stigmata suffered higher damage than those at the pre- and post-anthesis. Physical removal of anthers and stigmata significantly reduced the oviposition by the sorghum midge. Reduced oviposition/adult emergence was also recorded in male sterile sorghum lines (2219A and 296A) or through chemically- (Ethrel) (2-Chloro ethyl-phosphonic acid) induced male sterility in panicles of the sorghum cultivar, Swarna. Chemical stimuli from viable pollen and receptive stigmata and to a limited extent physical stimuli, govern the oviposition behaviour of the sorghum midge. Sorghum cultivars IS 12573C, S-GIRL-MR1 and IS 2816C showed antixenosis to adult midges. However, these cultivars became susceptible under no-choice conditions in the headcage. DJ 6514 and IS 12666C were attractive to the adult midges, but showed antixenosis to oviposition under natural and no-choice conditions. Genotypes with short florets showed antixenosis for oviposition. Ovary and anther breadth and tannin content of grain showed negative associations with oviposition. Cultivar antixenosis to adult midges and oviposition is an important component of resistance to the sorghum midg

    Componental analysis of the factors influencing resistance to sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola Coq.

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    Field studies were conducted in Andhra Pradesh, India, from 1982 to 1984 to determine components of resistance to the cecidomyiid Contarinia sorghicola in 4 resistant (DJ 6514, AF 28, TAM 2566 and IS I5107) and 2 susceptible (CSH 1 and Swarna) sorghum cultivars. Short floral parts, faster rate of grain development and a high grain tannin content were apparently associated with resistance to the cecidomyiid. Genotypic and phenotypic correlations between the resistance factors were in the same direction (positive or negative) as their association with resistance. Glume g2, lemma 12, anther and lodicule length, rate of grain development based on dry weight (except oviposition) and tannin content of mature grain showed correlation and path coefficients (direct effects) in the same direction, and were considered characters which could be useful criteria to select for resistance to the cecidomyiid. Using D² and canonical cluster analysis, the position of the cultivar AF 28 was distinct from other sources of resistance. However, based on the number of larvae/100 florets, the position of DJ 6514 was distant from TAM 2566 and IS 15107. Based on egg numbers, the number of adults emerged and grain damage, DJ 6514 was grouped with TAM 2566 and IS 15107. The position of the susceptible hybrid CSH 1 was generally distant from the self-pollinating susceptible variety, Swarna. It is concluded that the results indicated that sources of resistance to the cecidomyiid are diverse, and there is a distinct possibility of increasing the levels and diversity of resistance to this pes

    Wavelet Based Fractal Analysis of Airborne Pollen

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    The most abundant biological particles in the atmosphere are pollen grains and spores. Self protection of pollen allergy is possible through the information of future pollen contents in the air. In spite of the importance of airborne pol len concentration forecasting, it has not been possible to predict the pollen concentrations with great accuracy, and about 25% of the daily pollen forecasts have resulted in failures. Previous analysis of the dynamic characteristics of atmospheric pollen time series indicate that the system can be described by a low dimensional chaotic map. We apply the wavelet transform to study the multifractal characteristics of an a irborne pollen time series. We find the persistence behaviour associated to low pollen concentration values and to the most rare events of highest pollen co ncentration values. The information and the correlation dimensions correspond to a chaotic system showing loss of information with time evolution.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    FAST CARS: Engineering a Laser Spectroscopic Technique for Rapid Identification of Bacterial Spores

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    Airborne contaminants, e.g., bacterial spores, are usually analyzed by time consuming microscopic, chemical and biological assays. Current research into real time laser spectroscopic detectors of such contaminants is based on e.g. resonant Raman spectroscopy. The present approach derives from recent experiments in which atoms and molecules are prepared by one (or more) coherent laser(s) and probed by another set of lasers. The connection with previous studies based on "Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy" (CARS) is to be noted. However generating and utilizing maximally coherent oscillation in macromolecules having an enormous number of degrees of freedom is much more challenging. This extension of the CARS technique is called FAST CARS (Femtosecond Adaptive Spectroscopic Techniques for Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy), and the present paper proposes and analyses ways in which it could be used to rapidly identify pre-selected molecules in real time.Comment: 43 pages, 21 figures; replacement with references added. Submitted to the Proceedings of National Academy of Science

    The problems associated with the monitoring of complex workplace radiation fields at European high-energy accelerators and thermonuclear fusion facilities

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    The European Commission is funding within its Sixth Framework Programme a three-year project (2005-2007) called CONRAD, COordinated Network for RAdiation Dosimetry. The organisational framework for this project is provided by the European Radiation Dosimetry Group EURADOS. One task within the CONRAD project, Work Package 6 (WP6), was to provide a report outlining research needs and research activities within Europe to develop new and improved methods and techniques for the characterisation of complex radiation fields at workplaces around high-energy accelerators, but also at the next generation of thermonuclear fusion facilities. The paper provides an overview of the report, which will be available as CERN Yellow Repor

    Observation of a large parity nonconserving analyzing power in Xe

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    A large parity nonconserving longitudinal analyzing power was discovered in polarized-neutron transmission through Xe. An analyzing power of 4.3±0.2% was observed in a p-wave resonance at En=3.2 eV. The measurement was performed with a liquid Xe target of natural isotopic abundance that was placed in the polarized epithermal neutron beam, flight path 2, at the Manuel Lujan Neutron Science Center. This apparatus was constructed by the TRIPLE Collaboration, and has been used for studies of parity symmetry in compound nuclear resonances. Part of the motivation of the experiment was to discover a nucleus appropriate for a sensitive test of time-reversal invariance in polarized-neutron transmission. The large analyzing power of the observed resonance may make it possible to design a test of time reversal invariance using a polarized-Xe target

    Systematic study of Coulomb distortion effects in exclusive (e,e'p) reactions

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    A technique to deal with Coulomb electron distortions in the analysis of (e,e'p) reactions is presented. Thereby, no approximations are made. The suggested technique relies on a partial-wave expansion of the electron wave functions and a multipole decomposition of the electron and nuclear current in momentum space. In that way, we succeed in keeping the computational times within reasonable limits. This theoretical framework is used to calculate the quasielastic (e,e'p) reduced cross sections for proton knockout from the valence shells in 16^{16}O, 40^{40}Ca, 90^{90}Zr and 208^{208}Pb. The final-state interaction of the ejected proton with the residual nucleus is treated within an optical potential model. The role of electron distortion on the extracted spectroscopic factors is discussed.Comment: 45 pages, 10 encapsulated postscript figures, Revtex, uses epsfig.sty and fancybox.sty, to be published in Physical Review
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