15 research outputs found

    Analiza mitohondrijalne DNK kod medonosnih pčela (Apis mellifera) iz Srbije

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    In this study mitochondrial DNA of the indigenous honey bee populations from Serbia was analysed. Three ecotypes were comprised in the investigation: Banat (B), Syenichko-Peshterski (S) and Timok (T). The results show that all investigated samples of honey bees from Serbia belong to one mtDNA haplotype of the C phylogenetic lineage, previously designated as C2D haplotype, though with three additional polymorphic sites. For the novel mtDNA haplotype, the designation C2E is proposed. The novel C2E haplotype differs from C2D in two A-T transversions and in one insertion. Moreover, within the T honey bee ecotype, two additional polymorphic sites were observed; a deletion of a T nucleotide and a T-C transition. Our results suggest that the Carniolan honey bee populations from Serbia may represent an indigenous gene pool within A. m. carnica. The mtDNA haplotype (C2D), previously found in A. m. macedonica, was found in all samples of Serbian A. m. carnica. This suggests that the C2D haplotype may be found within both subspecies. This study represents the first effort to characterize the indigenous honey bee populations in Serbia using molecular techniques with the objective of improving our understanding of the phylogeography of Apis mellifera.U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati analize mitohondrijalne DNK autohtonih populacija medonosne pčele iz Srbije. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo tri ekotipa: Banatski (B), Sjeničko-Pešterski (S) i Timočki (T). Rezultati ukazuju da svi ispitivani uzorci medonosne pčele iz Srbije pripadaju jednom mtDNK haplotipu C filogenetske linije, ranije označenom kao C2D haplotip, mada sa tri polimorfna mesta više. Za novi mtDNK haplotip predložena je oznaka C2E. Novi C2E haplotip razlikuje se od C2D haplotipa u dve A-T transverzije i jednoj inserciji. Osim toga, u okviru T ekotipa medonosne pčele uočena su još dva polimorfna mesta, delecija nukleotida T i T-C tranzicija. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da populacije kranjske medonosne pčele iz Srbije mogu pretstavljati autohtoni genski pul u okviru podvrste A. m. carnica. Mitohondrijalni DNK haplotip C2D, koji je prethodno opisan kod A. m. macedonica, utvrđen je u svim uzorcima A. m. carnica iz Srbije. Ovakav nalaz sugerise da C2D haplotip može postojati kod obe podvrste. Ovaj rad predstavlja prvi pokušaj da se obavi karakterizacija autohtonih populacija medonosne pčele u Srbiji primenom molekularnih tehnika, a u cilju boljeg razumevanja filogeografije vrste Apis mellifera

    Phenolics, fatty acids, and biological potential of selected Croatian EVOOs

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    Nutritional value of extra virgin olive oil is associated with its complex chemical composition. The aim of this study was to determine phenolic secoiridoids in Extra virgin olive oils (EVOOs) from autochthonous Croatian cultivars (Drobnica, Krvavica, Lastovka, and Oblica) by qNMR, to determine simple phenolics by UPLC, as well as to analyze the fatty acid profile, the antioxidant activity, and the oxidative stability of selected oils. This is the first study on chemical and biological characterization of selected autochthonous olives varieties. Drobnica EVOO contained the highest amount of total phenols and major secoiridoid derivatives (oleocanthal, oleacein, oleuropein aglycon, and ligstroside aglycon) compared to other oils. The antioxidant activity of Drobnica phenolics was very high by FRAP and copper-induced LDL oxidation assays, while the oxidative stability of Drobnica oil by Rancimat method was very long (23 h). Practical applications: This study represents the contribution to the research of chemical and biological potential of monovarietal extra virgin olive oil from Croatia. EVOOs from selected Croatian autochthonous cultivars had very high phenolic content that is related to high inhibitory rate of copper-induced oxidation of human LDL as well as the long oxidative stability. Drobnica EVOO showed very long oxidative stability. EFSA approved health claim on olive oil polyphenols (EU, 432/2012) and selected Croatian cultivars, especially Drobnica, are of interest due to its high phenolic content and strong biological potential. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinhei

    Inhibitory effects of medical plants on the Candida albicans and bacterial growth in the oral cavity

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    In this mini-review, the authors discuss the effects of ethanol extracts, essential oils and cytotoxicity of some medicinal plants and their compounds used in ethno-medicine in different geographic regions worldwide, including Serbia, on the growth, mul­tiplication and pathogenicity of Candida albicans and bacteria that play the main role in the balance of the oral ecosystem. Various medicinal plants, such as Rosmarinus officinalis (Fam. Lamiaceae), Artemisia dracunculus, Artemisia absinthium (Fam. Asteraceae), exist in different geographic regions and continents, as well as in the Balkan region, and among them there are some indigenous species like Hypericum perforatum L. (Fam. Hypericaceae), Urtica dioica L. (U. dioica) (Fam. Urticaceae), Achillea millefolium L. (Fam. Asteraceae), Matricaria chamomilla L. (Fam. Asteraceae), Sambucus nigra L. (Fam. Caprifoliaceae), and Thymus serpyllum L. (Fam. Lamiaceae) with impressive antimicrobial activity against microorganisms originating from the oral cavity. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 34021


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    Abstract — Helminths of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L.) from the Danube River were studied as a part of ichthyoparasitological research in Serbia. The fish were collected during the period of 2002 – 2003 along the Danube's course through the Belgrade region. A total of 517 specimens of sterlet of different ages (0+ to 1+) were examined. Helminths were found in 342 or 66.15 % of the collected specimens. The examined fish yielded a total of 13 helminth species: four species of Trematoda, one species of Cestoda, four species of Nematoda, and four species of Acanthocephala

    Optimization of the extraction process of polyphenols from Thymus serpyllum L. herb using maceration, heat- and ultrasound-assisted techniques

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    Despite the fact that Thymus serpyllum is well-known medicinal plant and its chemical profile and biological activity have been investigated, there is no detailed study regarding the influence of different techniques and conditions on the extraction of polyphenolic compounds from Serpylli herba. The aim of this study was optimization of the extraction parameters that improves the efficiency of polyphenols extraction from T. serpyllum: particle size, solid-to-solvent ratio, solvent type and extraction time, by using maceration, heat- and ultrasound-assisted extraction (HAE and UAE). The extraction efficiency was expressed via total polyphenol content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC). The statistical analysis (one-way ANOVA and full factorial design) has revealed that the optimal conditions for achieving the best polyphenols yield were particle size of 0.3 mm, 1:30 solid-to-solvent ratio and 50% ethanol, as environmentally friendly extraction medium, while extraction time has not shown statistically significant influence on polyphenols concentration, in all procedures. Under these conditions, the measured TPC was 26.6 mg GAE/L in maceration, 29.8 mg GAE/L in HAE and 32.7 mg GAE/L in UAE, which was in agreement with the predicted values, while TFC was 143 mg CE/L, 12.4 mg CE/L and 16.7 mg CE/L for maceration, HAE and UAE, respectively. According to total polyphenols yield, the efficiency of the extraction methods for all variables was ranked by significance in the following order: UAE gt HAE gt maceration, whereas total flavonoids yield was the highest in UAE, although there was no statistically significant difference between maceration and HAE. According to our results, UAE could be selected as the most successful and suitable technique for extraction of bioactive polyphenolic compounds from Serpylli herba. Using LC/MS and HPLC analysis, 9 polyphenolic compounds were identified and quantified: 6,8-Di-C-glucosylapigenin, chlorogenic acid, 6-hydroxyluteolin 7-O-glucoside, caffeic acid, luteolin 7-O-glucuronide, apigenin glucuronide, salvianolic acid g isomer, rosmarinic acid and salvianolic acid I. This study was an initial step in production of polyphenols-rich wild thyme extracts aimed to be used for formulation of foodstuffs and medicines