6,715 research outputs found

    Spacelab system analysis: A study of the Marshall Avionics System Testbed (MAST)

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    An analysis of the Marshall Avionics Systems Testbed (MAST) communications requirements is presented. The average offered load for typical nodes is estimated. Suitable local area networks are determined

    Objects that Sound

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    In this paper our objectives are, first, networks that can embed audio and visual inputs into a common space that is suitable for cross-modal retrieval; and second, a network that can localize the object that sounds in an image, given the audio signal. We achieve both these objectives by training from unlabelled video using only audio-visual correspondence (AVC) as the objective function. This is a form of cross-modal self-supervision from video. To this end, we design new network architectures that can be trained for cross-modal retrieval and localizing the sound source in an image, by using the AVC task. We make the following contributions: (i) show that audio and visual embeddings can be learnt that enable both within-mode (e.g. audio-to-audio) and between-mode retrieval; (ii) explore various architectures for the AVC task, including those for the visual stream that ingest a single image, or multiple images, or a single image and multi-frame optical flow; (iii) show that the semantic object that sounds within an image can be localized (using only the sound, no motion or flow information); and (iv) give a cautionary tale on how to avoid undesirable shortcuts in the data preparation.Comment: Appears in: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 201

    Spacelab system analysis: A study of communications systems for advanced launch systems

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    An analysis of the required performance of internal avionics data bases for future launch vehicles is presented. Suitable local area networks that can service these requirements are determined

    Variable maternal nutrition and growth hormone treatment in the second quarter of pregnancy in pigs alter semitendinosus muscle in adolescent progeny

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    Maternal nutrition and growth hormone (GH) treatment during early- to mid-pregnancy can each alter the subsequent growth and differentiation of muscle in progeny. We have investigated the effects of varying maternal nutrition and maternal treatment with porcine (p) GH during the second quarter of pregnancy in gilts on semitendinosus muscle cross-sectional area and fibre composition of progeny, and relationships between maternal and progeny measures and progeny muscularity. Fifty-three Large White×Landrace gilts, pregnant to Large White×Duroc boars, were fed either 2·2 kg (about 35 % ad libitum intake) or 3·0 kg commercial ration (13·5 MJ digestible energy, 150 g crude protein (N×6·25)/kg DM)/d and injected with 0, 4 or 8 mg pGH/d from day 25 to 50 of pregnancy, then all were fed 2·2 kg/d for the remainder of pregnancy. The higher maternal feed allowance from day 25 to 50 of pregnancy increased the densities of total and secondary fibres and the secondary:primary fibre ratio in semitendinosus muscles of their female progeny at 61 d of age postnatally. The densities of secondary and total muscle fibres in semitendinosus muscles of progeny were predicted by maternal weight before treatment and maternal plasma insulin-like growth factor-II during treatment. Maternal pGH treatment from day 25 to day 50 of pregnancy did not alter fibre densities, but increased the cross-sectional area of the semitendinosus muscle; this may be partially explained by increased maternal plasma glucose. Thus, maternal nutrition and pGH treatment during the second quarter of pregnancy in pigs independently alter muscle characteristics in progeny.Kathryn L. Gatford, Jason E. Ekert, Karina Blackmore, Miles J. De Blasio, Jodie M. Boyce, Julie A. Owens, Roger G. Campbell and Phillip C. Owen

    Neutrino Dimuon Production and the Strangeness Asymmetry of the Nucleon

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    We have performed the first global QCD analysis to include the CCFR and NuTeV dimuon data, which provide direct constraints on the strange and anti-strange parton distributions, s(x)s(x) and sˉ(x)\bar{s}(x). To explore the strangeness sector, we adopt a general parametrization of the non-perturbative s(x),sˉ(x)s(x), \bar{s}(x) functions satisfying basic QCD requirements. We find that the strangeness asymmetry, as represented by the momentum integral [S]01x[s(x)sˉ(x)]dx[S^{-}]\equiv \int_0^1 x [s(x)-\bar{s}(x)] dx, is sensitive to the dimuon data provided the theoretical QCD constraints are enforced. We use the Lagrange Multiplier method to probe the quality of the global fit as a function of [S][S^-] and find 0.001<[S]<0.004-0.001 < [S^-] < 0.004. Representative parton distribution sets spanning this range are given. Comparisons with previous work are made.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures; expanded version for publicatio

    Galliformes science and species extinctions: what we know and what we need to know

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    Extinciones de especies de Galliformes y conocimientos científicos: lo que sabemos y lo que necesitamos saber A principios de 2010, las 193 partes que habían firmado el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica reconocieron que no habían cumplido el objetivo que ellas mismas habían fijado en 1992 de reducir de forma significativa las extinciones de especies en 2010. Al final del año establecieron un objetivo nuevo y más ambicioso que consistía en evitar las extinciones de especies en 2020. Lograr dicho objetivo requerirá una utilización mucho más eficiente de los recursos y la investigación tiene un papel fundamental en hacer que esto ocurra. Existen 290 especies de Galliformes, de las cuales el 26% se considera en peligro de extinción, en comparación con el 12% del total de las 10.000 especies de aves. Al mismo tiempo, hay numerosos estudios publicados sobre el grupo que abarcan décadas para algunas especies. Por consiguiente, es oportuno analizar si es posible aumentar la eficiencia y las repercusiones a escala mundial de la investigación sobre aves de caza, de forma que, con la planificación meticulosa que conlleva más orientación estratégica e intercambio de experiencias, los biólogos especializados en este tipo de aves puedan desempeñar una función destacada en la consecución del objetivo de 2020 para las especies aprobado por el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica. Los ámbitos específicos que necesitan este planteamiento de intercambio de experiencias son la estimación de la población y la evaluación de las amenazas, el análisis de la explotación y la determinación de la base ecológica de las intervenciones que hayan obtenido buenos resultados