1,183 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of atmospheric rivers to aerosol treatment in regional climate simulations: insights from the AIRA identification algorithm

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    This study analyzed the sensitivity of atmospheric rivers (ARs) to aerosol treatment in regional climate simulations. Three experiments covering the Iberian Peninsula for the period from 1991 to 2010 were examined: (1) an experiment including prescribed aerosols (BASE); (2) an experiment including direct and semi-direct aerosol effects (ARI); and (3) an experiment including direct, semi-direct, and indirect aerosol effects (ARCI). A new regional-scale AR identification algorithm, AIRA, was developed and used to identify around 250 ARs in each experiment. The results showed that spring and autumn ARs were the most frequent, intense, and long-lasting and that ARs could explain up to 30 % of the total accumulated precipitation. The inclusion of aerosols was found to redistribute precipitation, with increases in the areas of AR occurrence. The analysis of common AR events showed that the differences between simulations were minimal in the most intense cases and that a negative correlation existed between mean direction and mean latitude differences. This implies that more zonal ARs in ARI or ARCI with respect to BASE could also be linked to northward deviations. The joint analysis and classification of dust and sea salt aerosol distributions allowed for the common events to be clustered into eight main aerosol configurations in ARI and ARCI. The sensitivity of ARs to different aerosol treatments was observed to be relevant, inducing spatial deviations and integrated water vapor transport (IVT) magnitude reinforcements/attenuations with respect to the BASE simulation depending on the aerosol configuration. Thus, the correct inclusion of aerosol effects is important for the simulation of AR behavior at both global and regional scales, which is essential for meteorological predictions and climate change projections.</p

    Impact of large wildfires on PM10 levels and human mortality in Portugal

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    Uncontrolled wildfires have a substantial impact on the environment, the economy and local populations. According to the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), between 2000 and 2013 wildfires burned up to 740 000 ha of land annually in the south of Europe, Portugal being the country with the highest percentage of burned area per square kilometre. However, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding the impacts of the wildfire-related pollutants on the mortality of the country's population. All wildfires occurring during the fire season (June–July–August–September) from 2001 and 2016 were identified, and those with a burned area above 1000 ha (large fires) were considered for the study. During the studied period (2001–2016), more than 2 million ha of forest (929 766 ha from June to September alone) were burned in mainland Portugal. Although large fires only represent less than 1 % of the number of total fires, in terms of burned area their contribution is 46 % (53 % from June to September). To assess the spatial impact of the wildfires, burned areas in each region of Portugal were correlated with PM10 concentrations measured at nearby background air quality monitoring stations. Associations between PM10 and all-cause (excluding injuries, poisoning and external causes) and cause-specific mortality (circulatory and respiratory) were studied for the affected populations using Poisson regression models. A significant positive correlation between burned area and PM10 was found in some regions of Portugal, as well as a significant association between PM10 concentrations and mortality, these being apparently related to large wildfires in some of the regions. The north, centre and inland of Portugal are the most affected areas. The high temperatures and long episodes of drought expected in the future will increase the probabilities of extreme events and therefore the occurrence of wildfires.This work was financially supported by the European Regional Development Fund–Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ERDF-FEDER), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness/Agencia Estatal de Investigación (grant no. CGL2017-87921-R (ACEX project)) and Project UIDB/00511/2020 of LEPABE (Portuguese national funds through FCT/MCTES PIDDAC). Sofia Augusto was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (grant no. SFRH/BPD/109382/2015)

    Implementation of resuspension from paved roads for the improvement of CALIOPE air quality system in Spain

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    Emissions of resuspensed particles from paved roads (RPR) have received an increasing attention in air quality modeling, since chemistry transport models are generally unable to reproduce particulate levels near road traffic. However, among the models operated in the forecasting mode in Europe, there is a lack of systems including the contribution of RPR on an hourly basis. Therefore, this contribution describes the inclusion of the resuspension of particulate matter within HERMES emission model (operationally implemented in the CALIOPE forecasting system) and the improvements obtained in the simulations of the PM10 mass over a domain covering Spain for a whole year of simulation (2004). The results indicate a remarkable improvement of the PM10 predictions, reducing the biases and errors around 15-18% and 2.6 μg m−3 for the average bias in all Spain. The RPR emission have strong local effects on the modeled particle concentration in or near the largest urban zones (up to 7 μg m−3 as the annual average), albeit those positive effects are more limited in background areas, since the deposition mechanism was found to be a significant sink for RPR in the chemistry transport model. This approach is accurate and effective in order to improve the prediction of the PM10 mass and becomes essential to achieve the standards set in the regulations for modeling applications

    Aerosols in the CALIOPE air quality modelling system: evaluation and analysis of PM levels, optical depths and chemical composition over Europe

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    The CALIOPE air quality modelling system is developed and applied to Europe with high spatial resolution (12 km × 12 km). The modelled daily-to-seasonal aerosol variability over Europe in 2004 is evaluated and analysed. Aerosols are estimated from two models, CMAQv4.5 (AERO4) and BSC-DREAM8b. CMAQv4.5 calculates biogenic, anthropogenic and sea salt aerosol and BSC-DREAM8b provides the natural mineral dust contribution from North African deserts. For the evaluation, we use daily PM&lt;sub&gt;10&lt;/sub&gt;, PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt; and aerosol components data from 55 stations of the EMEP/CREATE network and total, coarse and fine aerosol optical depth (AOD) data from 35 stations of the AERONET sun photometer network. Annual correlations between modelled and observed values for PM&lt;sub&gt;10&lt;/sub&gt; and PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt; are 0.55 and 0.47, respectively. Correlations for total, coarse and fine AOD are 0.51, 0.63, and 0.53, respectively. The higher correlations of the PM&lt;sub&gt;10&lt;/sub&gt; and the coarse mode AOD are largely due to the accurate representation of the African dust influence in the forecasting system. Overall PM and AOD levels are underestimated. The evaluation of the aerosol components highlights underestimations in the fine fraction of carbonaceous matter (EC and OC) and secondary inorganic aerosols (SIA; i.e. nitrate, sulphate and ammonium). The scores of the bulk parameters are significantly improved after applying a simple model bias correction based on the observed aerosol composition. The simulated PM&lt;sub&gt;10&lt;/sub&gt; and AOD present maximum values over the industrialized and populated Po Valley and Benelux regions. SIA are dominant in the fine fraction representing up to 80% of the aerosol budget in latitudes north of 40° N. In southern Europe, high PM&lt;sub&gt;10&lt;/sub&gt; and AOD are linked to the desert dust transport from the Sahara which contributes up to 40% of the aerosol budget. Maximum seasonal ground-level concentrations (PM&lt;sub&gt;10&lt;/sub&gt; &gt; 30 μg m&lt;sup&gt;−3&lt;/sup&gt;) are found between spring and early autumn. We estimate that desert dust causes daily exceedances of the PM&lt;sub&gt;10&lt;/sub&gt; European air quality limit value (50 μg m&lt;sup&gt;−3&lt;/sup&gt;) in large areas south of 45° N with more than 75 exceedances per year in the southernmost regions

    An annual assessment of air quality with the CALIOPE modeling system over Spain

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    The CALIOPE project, funded by the Spanish Ministry of the Environment, aims at establishing an air quality forecasting system for Spain. With this goal, CALIOPE modeling system was developed and applied with high resolution (4 km × 4 km, 1 h) using the HERMES emission model (including emissions of resuspended particles from paved roads) specifically built up for Spain. The present study provides an evaluation and the assessment of the modeling system, coupling WRF-ARW/HERMES/CMAQ/BSC-DREAM8b for a full-year simulation in 2004 over Spain. The evaluation focuses on the capability of the model to reproduce the temporal and spatial distribution of gas phase species (NO2, O3, and SO2) and particulate matter (PM10) against ground-based measurements from the Spanish air quality monitoring network. The evaluation of the modeling results on an hourly basis shows a strong dependency of the performance of the model on the type of environment (urban, suburban and rural) and the dominant emission sources (traffic, industrial, and background). The O3 chemistry is best represented in summer, when mean hourly variability and high peaks are generally well reproduced. The mean normalized error and bias meet the recommendations proposed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) and the European regulations. Modeled O3 shows higher performance for urban than for rural stations, especially at traffic stations in large cities, since stations influenced by traffic emissions (i.e., high-NOx environments) are better characterized with a more pronounced daily variability. NOx/O3 chemistry is better represented under non-limited-NO2 regimes. SO2 is mainly produced from isolated point sources (power generation and transformation industries) which generate large plumes of high SO2 concentration affecting the air quality on a local to national scale where the meteorological pattern is crucial. The contribution of mineral dust from the Sahara desert through the BSC-DREAM8b model helps to satisfactorily reproduce episodic high PM10 concentration peaks at background stations. The model assessment indicates that one of the main air quality-related problems in Spain is the high level of O3. A quarter of the Iberian Peninsula shows more than 30 days exceeding the value 120 μg m−3 for the maximum 8-h O3 concentration as a consequence of the transport of O3 precursors downwind to/from the Madrid and Barcelona metropolitan areas, and industrial areas and cities in the Mediterranean coast

    Internal and external variability in regional simulations of the Iberian Peninsula climate over the last millennium

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    In this study we analyse the role of internal variability in regional climate simulations through a comparison of two regional paleoclimate simulations for the last millennium. They share the same external forcings and model configuration, differing only in the initial condition used to run the driving global model simulation. A comparison of these simulations allows us to study the role of internal variability in climate models at regional scales, and how it affects the long-term evolution of climate variables such as temperature and precipitation. The results indicate that, although temperature is homogeneously sensitive to the effect of external forcings, the evolution of precipitation is more strongly governed by random unpredictable internal dynamics. There are, however, some areas where the role of internal variability is lower than expected, allowing precipitation to respond to the external forcings. In this respect, we explore the underlying physical mechanisms responsible for it. This study identifies areas, depending on the season, in which a direct comparison between model simulations of precipitation and climate reconstructions would be meaningful, but also other areas where good agreement between them should not be expected even if both are perfect

    RNA-seq analysis of the Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 Transcripitome shows similarites in the activation patterns of symbiotic genes in the presence of apigenin and salt.

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    Rhizobium tropici strain CIAT 899 establishes effective symbioses with several legume species, including Phaseolus vulgaris and Leucaena leucocephala. This bacterium synthesizes a large variety of nodulation factors in response to nod-gene inducing flavonoids and, surprisingly, also under salt stress conditions. The aim of this study was to identify differentially expressed genes in the presence of both inducer molecules, and analyze the promoter regions located upstream of these genes. Results obtained by RNA-seq analyses of CIAT 899 induced with apigenin, a nod gene-inducing flavonoid for this strain, or salt allowed the identification of 19 and 790 differentially expressed genes, respectively. Fifteen of these genes were up-regulated in both conditions and were involved in the synthesis of both Nod factors and indole-3-acetic acid. Transcription of these genes was presumably activated through binding of at least one of the five NodD proteins present in this strain to specific nod box promoter sequences when the bacterium was induced by both apigenin and salt. Finally, under saline conditions, many other transcriptional responses were detected, including an increase in the transcription of genes involved in trehalose catabolism, chemotaxis and protein secretion, as well as ribosomal genes, and a decrease in the transcription of genes involved in transmembrane transport. To our knowledge this is the first time that a transcriptomic study shows that salt stress induces the expression of nodulation genes in the absence of flavonoids. Thus, in the presence of both nodulation inducer molecules, apigenin and salt, R. tropici CIAT 899 up-regulated the same set of symbiotic genes. It could be possible that the increases in the transcription levels of several genes related to nodulation under saline conditions could represent a strategy to establish symbiosis under abiotic stressing conditions

    Unveiling the stellar origin of the Wolf-Rayet nebula NGC6888 through infrared observations

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    We present a comprehensive infrared (IR) study of the iconic Wolf-Rayet (WR) wind-blown bubble NGC6888 around WR136. We use Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), Spitzer IRAC and MIPS and Herschel PACS IR images to produce a sharp view of the distribution of dust around WR136. We complement these IR photometric observations with Spitzer IRS spectra in the 5-38 μ\mum wavelength range. The unprecedented high-resolution IR images allowed us to produce a clean spectral energy distribution, free of contamination from material along the line of sight, to model the properties of the dust in NGC6888. We use the spectral synthesis code Cloudy to produce a model for NGC6888 that consistently reproduces its optical and IR properties. Our best model requires a double distribution with the inner shell composed only of gas, whilst the outer shell requires a mix of gas and dust. The dust consists of two populations of grain sizes, one with small sized grains asmalla_\mathrm{small}=[0.002-0.008] μ\mum and another one with large sized grains abiga_\mathrm{big}=[0.05-0.5] μ\mum. The population of big grains is similar to that reported for other red supergiants stars and dominates the total dust mass, which leads us to suggest that the current mass of NGC6888 is purely due to material ejected from WR136, with a negligible contribution of swept up interstellar medium. The total mass of this model is 25.52.8+4.7^{+4.7}_{-2.8} M_{\odot}, a dust mass of Mdust=M_\mathrm{dust}=0.140.01+0.03^{+0.03}_{-0.01} M_{\odot}, for a dust-to-gas ratio of 5.6×1035.6\times10^{-3}. Accordingly, we suggest that the initial stellar mass of WR136 was \lesssim50 M_{\odot}, consistent with current single stellar evolution models.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 6 tables; Accepted to MNRA

    Caliope: an operational air quality forecasting system for the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands ? first annual evaluation and ongoing developments

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    International audienceThe Caliope project funded by the Spanish Ministry of the Environment establishes an air quality forecasting system for Spain to increase the knowledge on transport and dynamics of pollutants in Spain, to assure the accomplishment of legislation and to inform the population about the levels of pollutants, topics in which the European Commission has shown a great concern. The present contribution describes the first quantitative verification study performed so far with two chemistry transport models (CMAQ and CHIMERE) for a reference year (2004) at medium spatial resolution (around 20×20 km for the Iberian Peninsula). Both models perform similarly in the case of ground-level ozone. The mean normalised gross error MNGE remains below 15?20% during summertime, when ozone episodes occur, outlining the good skills of the system concerning the forecasting of air quality in Spain. Furthermore, the ongoing developments of the system towards high resolution modelling (4×4 km for Spain, 12×12 km for Europe, 1 h temporal resolution) and the integration with observations within the Caliope umbrella are described

    IAMSEST secundario a síndrome de Kounis tipo I inducido por alimentos

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    Kounis syndrome is characterized by an acute coronary episode in the context of an anaphylactic reaction; the pathophysiology is varied but is based on the release of vasoactive substances from mast cell degranulation. We present a case of a patient who debuted as a NSTEMI in the context of anaphylactic shock triggered by food. The patient presented angina, abnormalities in electrocardiogram, and troponin elevation; echocardiography and coronary angiography were normal. The patient responded favorably to treatment with corticosteroids, antihistamines and antiplatelet agents. He was discharged without symptoms.El síndrome de Kounis se caracteriza por un episodio coronario agudo en el contexto de una reacción anafiláctica; la fisiopatología es variada, pero se basa en la liberación de sustancias vasoactivas derivadas de la degranulación de los mastocitos. Se presenta el caso de un paciente que debutó como un IAMSEST en el contexto de un shock anafiláctico desencadenado por alimentos; presentó angina, alteraciones en el electrocardiograma y elevación de troponinas, la ecocardiografía y la coronariografía fueron normales. El paciente presentó evolución favorable con tratamiento a base de corticoides, antihistamínicos y antiagregantes, y fue dado de alta asintomático