712 research outputs found

    Measurements and Variability of Arterial Blood Pressure and Heart Interval in Conscious and Anesthetized Dogs

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    Kelan kuntoutuksen vuonna 2002 päättäneet : Kuntoutujien rekisteriseuranta vuosina 2002-2004

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    7,00 euro

    Change in Job Strain as a Predictor of Change in Insomnia Symptoms: Analyzing Observational Data as a Non-randomized Pseudo-Trial

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    Study objectives: To examine whether change in job strain leads to change in insomnia symptoms. Methods: Among 24873 adults (82% women, mean age 44 years) who participated in a minimum of three consecutive study waves (2000–2012), job strain was assessed at the first and second wave and insomnia symptoms at all three waves. We analyzed observational data as a “pseudo-trial” including participants with no job strain in the first wave and no insomnia symptoms in the first and second wave (n = 7354) to examine whether the onset of job strain between the first and second waves predicted the onset of insomnia symptoms in the third wave. We used a corresponding approach, including those with job strain in the first wave and insomnia symptoms in the first and second wave (n = 2332), to examine whether the disappearance of job strain between the first two waves predicted remission of insomnia symptoms in the third wave. Results: The onset of job strain predicted the onset of subsequent insomnia symptoms after adjustment for sex, age, marital status, education, smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption, body mass index, and comorbidities (odds ratio compared to no onset of job strain 1.32, 95% CI 1.16–1.51). The disappearance of job strain was associated with lower odds of repeated insomnia symptoms (odds ratio compared to no disappearance of job strain 0.78, 95% CI 0.65–0.94). Further adjustment for shift work or sleep apnea did not change these associations. Conclusions: These results suggest that job strain is a modifiable risk factor for insomnia symptoms

    Kelan kuntoutuksen vuonna 2003 päättäneet : Kuntoutujien rekisteriseuranta vuosina 2003–2006

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    Tämän rekisteriselvityksen tavoitteena oli kuvata Kelan kuntoutuksen vuonna 2003 päättäneiden (n = 43 436) työtilannetta ja terveysturvaetuuksia vuosien 2003–2006 lopussa. Kuntoutujien enemmistö oli naisia. Kuntoutukseen hakeutuessaan kuntoutujien keski-ikä oli 45 vuotta. Miehet olivat keskimäärin neljä vuotta nuorempia kuin naiset; miehistä 11 % oli alle 16-vuotiaita ja naisista 4 %. Vaikeavammaisten lääkinnällisessä kuntoutuksessa olleet olivat muita nuorempia. Kuntoutukseen hakeutuessaan kuntoutujista 60 % kuului työvoimaan joko työllisenä (54 %) – naiset useammin kuin miehet – tai työttömänä (6 %). Eläkkeellä oli 17 % ja sairauspäivärahalla 9 %. Päädiagnoosina kuntoutujilla oli yleisimmin tuki- ja liikuntaelinten sairaus (46 %), naisilla useammin kuin miehillä ja vanhemmilla useammin kuin nuorilla. Joka viidennellä (21 %) diagnoosi oli mielenterveyden ja käyttäytymisen häiriö, alle 16-vuotiailla niiden osuus oli 61 %. Työvoimaan kuuluvien osuus kokonaisuutena väheni seuranta-aikana neljä prosenttiyksikköä ja eläkkeellä olevien osuus kasvoi vastaavasti. Ikäluokassa 55–64-vuotiaat työkyvyttömyys- ja vanhuuseläkkeellä olevien osuus kasvoi seuranta-aikana 16 prosenttiyksikköä. Työvoimaan kuuluvien osuus kasvoi ikäluokassa 16–44-vuotiaat. Tätä selittää mm. se, että osa niistä, jotka kuntoutukseen hakeutuessa olivat alle 16-vuotiaita, siirtyi seuranta-aikana työelämään. Lähes viidesosa (17 %) kuntoutukseen hakeutumisen ajankohtana työmarkkinoiden ulkopuolella olleesta ei-aktiivista oli työmarkkinoilla tai työmarkkinoiden käytettävissä vuonna 2006. Ennen kuntoutusta ilmennyt sairauspäivärahakausien kasvu kääntyi kuntoutuksen jälkeen laskuun ja oli vuoden 2006 lopulla samalla tasolla kuin kuntoutusta edeltävinä vuosina. Kaikista kuntoutujista 3 % kuoli seuranta-aikana. Kuntoutujien työtilanteen muotoutumiseen vaikuttavat kuntoutuksen lähtökohdan ja toteutuksen ohella myös monet muut yksilölliset elämäntilanteeseen liittyvät tekijät, kuten iän mukainen eläkkeelle siirtyminen.8,00 euro

    Shift work, work time control, and informal caregiving as risk factors for sleep disturbances in an ageing municipal workforce

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    Objectives This study aimed to examine the contribution of shift work, work time control (WTC) and informal caregiving, separately and in combination, to sleep disturbances in ageing employees. Methods Survey data were obtained from two prospective cohort studies with repeated measurements of working conditions, informal caregiving, and sleep disturbances. We used fixed-effect conditional logistic regression analysis to examine whether within-individual changes in shift work, WTC and informal caregiving were associated with changes in sleep. Secondary analyses included between-individuals comparison using standard logistic regression models. Results from the two cohorts were pooled using meta-analysis. Results Low WTC and informal caregiving were associated with sleep disturbances in within-individual analyses [odds ratios (OR) ranging between 1.13 (95% confidence interval 1.01-1.27) and 1.48 (95% CI 1.29-1.68)] and in between-individuals analyses [OR 1.14 (95% CI 1.03-1.26) to 1.33 (1.19-1.49)]. Shift work alone was not associated with sleep disturbances, but accumulated exposure to shift work, low WTC and informal caregiving was associated with higher risk of sleep disturbances (OR range 1.21-1.76). For some of the sleep outcomes, informal caregiving was related to a higher risk of sleep disturbances when WTC was low and a lower risk when WTC was high. Conclusions Informal caregiving and low WTC are associated with risk of sleep disturbances among ageing employees. The findings also suggest that low WTC in combination with informal caregiving may increase the risk of sleep disturbances whereas high WTC may alleviate the adverse impact of informal caregiving on sleep

    Rotational spectra of isotopic species of methyl cyanide, CH3_3CN, in their ground vibrational states up to terahertz frequencies

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    Methyl cyanide is an important trace molecule in star-forming regions. It is one of the more common molecules used to derive kinetic temperatures in such sources. As preparatory work for Herschel, SOFIA, and in particular ALMA we want to improve the rest frequencies of the main as well as minor isotopologs of methyl cyanide. The laboratory rotational spectrum of methyl cyanide in natural isotopic composition has been recorded up to 1.63 THz. Transitions with good signal-to-noise ratio could be identified for CH3_3CN, 13^{13}CH3_3CN, CH313_3^{13}CN, CH3_3C15^{15}N, CH2_2DCN, and 13^{13}CH313_3^{13}CN in their ground vibrational states up to about 1.2 THz. The main isotopic species could be identified even in the highest frequency spectral recordings around 1.6 THz. The highest JJ' quantum numbers included in the fit are 64 for 13^{13}CH313_3^{13}CN and 89 for the main isotopic species. Greatly improved spectroscopic parameters have been obtained by fitting the present data together with previously reported transition frequencies. The present data will be helpful to identify isotopologs of methyl cyanide in the higher frequency bands of instruments such as the recently launched Herschel satellite, the upcoming airplane mission SOFIA or the radio telescope array ALMA.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, article appeared; CDMS links update

    Coulombically Interacting Electrons in a One-dimensional Quantum Dot

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    The spectral properties of up to four interacting electrons confined within a quasi one--dimensional system of finite length are determined by numerical diagonalization including the spin degree of freedom. The ground state energy is investigated as a function of the electron number and of the system length. The limitations of a description in terms of a capacitance are demonstrated. The energetically lowest lying excitations are physically explained as vibrational and tunneling modes. The limits of a dilute, Wigner-type arrangement of the electrons, and a dense, more homogeneous charge distribution are discussed.Comment: 10 pages (excl. Figures), Figures added in POSTSCRIPT, LaTe

    Persistent Currents in Small, Imperfect Hubbard Rings

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    We have done a study with small, imperfect Hubbard rings with exact diagonalization. The results for few-electron rings show, that the imperfection, whether localized or not, nearly always decrease, but can also \emph{increase} the persistent current, depending on the character of the imperfection and the on-site interaction. The calculations are generally in agreement with more specialized studies. In most cases the electron spin plays an important role.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic field dependence of the exciton energy in a quantum disk

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    The groundstate energy and binding energy of an exciton, confined in a^M quantum disk, are calculated as a function of an external magnetic field. The confinement potential is a hard wall of finite height. The diamagnetic shift is investigated for magnetic fields up to 40TT. Our results are applied to InyAl1yAs/AlxGa1xAsIn_{y}Al_{1-y}As/Al_{x}Ga_{1-x}As self-assembled quantum dots and very good agreement with experiments is obtained. Furthermore, we investigated the influence of the dot size on the diamagnetic shift by changing the disk radius. The exciton excited states are found as a function of the magnetic field. The relative angular momentum is not a quantum number and changes with the magnetic field strength.Comment: 10 pages, 17 figure