375 research outputs found

    Implementasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Objek Pajak Sisimop (Studi Di Kantor Upt Dispenda Provinsi Riau Kota Bagan Siapi-api Tahun 2015)

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    This study aims to determine the management of information management systems subject to tax in order to increase local tax revenue Riau Technical Implementation Unit Revenue Chart Siapi-fire Revenue Service Riau Province. The underlying doing this study is the management of information management systems subject to tax at the Technical Implementation Unit Revenue Chart Siapi-fire Revenue Service of Riau province has not done service-based e-systems such as e-SPT, e-Filing, e-Billing and e -Registration. The impact is the number of potential tax objects are not recorded, than the level of awareness and taxpayer compliance is also low.This study uses the theory of the policy with a focus on the implementation of policies for the implementation of a management information system to tax is part of the implementation of the policy of the Act No. 28 Year 2009 on Regional Taxes and Riau Provincial Regulation No. 08 Year 2011 on Regional Taxes. This study was conducted with a qualitative approach and descriptive data analysis.The results of this study indicate that the implementation of information management systems subject to tax on income UPT-fire Bagan Siapi faced with external problems that lack of trust and public awareness of the tax. In addition, the quality of human resources and management information systems to tax is still done manually is also a problem in the implementation of management information system to tax in order to increase the reception area of a sector of local taxes

    Hubungan Perubahan Fungsi Fisik Terhadap Kebutuhan Aktivitas Hidup Sehari-hari (Ahs) Pada Lansia Dengan Stroke (Studi Pada Unit Rehabilitasi Sosial Kota Semarang)

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    Insiden stroke mengenai populasi usia lanjut yang berusia 75-84 tahun sekitar 10 kali dari populasi 5564 tahun (Azizah, 2011). Dari jumlahtersebut, sepertiganya bisa pulih kembali, sepertiga lainnya mengalamigangguan fungsional ringan sampai sedang dan sepertiga sisanya mengalami gangguan fungsional berat yang mengharuskan penderita terus menerus di kasur. Stroke yang menyerang lanjut usia menyebabkanketergantungan lanjut usia makin meningkat. Tujuan penelitian iniuntuk mengetahui hubungan Perubahan fungsi fisik terhadap kebutuhanAktivitas Hidup Sehari-hari (AHS) pada lansia dengan stroke (Studi padaUnit Rehabilitasi Sosial Kota Semarang). Jenis penelitian ini adalahdeskriptif korelasi dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi dan sampeladalah lansia dengan stroke yang menghuni Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial“Mandiri” Semarang dan Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial “Wira Adi Karya” Ungaransebanyak 32 dengan teknik pengambilan sampel Purposive Sampling.Hasil penelitian didapatkan mayoritas umur responden adalah 69,75 tahun, jenis kelamin sebagian besar adalah laki-laki. Perubahan fungsi fisik pada lansia dengan stroke sebagian besar berjalan dengan bantuan. Kebutuhan Aktivitas Hidup Sehari-hari (AHS) pada lansia stroke sebagian besar dependen berat. Ada hubungan Perubahan fungsi fisik terhadap kebutuhan Aktivitas Hidup Sehari-hari (AHS) pada lansia dengan stroke (Studi pada Unit Rehabilitasi Sosial Kota Semarang) (pvalue=0,029). Diharapkan masyarakat, terutama yang mempunyai anggota keluarga lansia dengan stroke mampu memantau kesehatan lansia terutama Perubahan fungsi fisik dan kebutuhan Aktivitas Hidup Sehari-hari (AHS) untuk meningkatkan pelayanan pada lansia

    Study on Pressure Distribution in the Blade Passage of the Francis Turbine

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    Pressure distribution along a series of guide and runner blade passages of the Francis turbine are useful to be known in order to predict flowing water pressure through the passages whether the pressure under the vapor pressure or not. Furthermore, when at any section of the passages the water pressure under the vapor pressure a cavitations will occur. In this study, the pressure of flowing water throughout the blade passages were measured at four sections along the passages by using four mercury deflection manometers and conditions of the flowing water were recorded by using a stroboscope and camera. The turbine was operated at 5 different heads with the same guide blade openings. Water pressures at the inlet and outlet turbine were measured by a Bourdon manometer of each. The flow rates were measured by using an orifice plate equipped with a mercury deep well manometer. The forces were measured by using a prony brake and turbine rotations were detected by using a digital tachometer. The result of the research state that head drop on the guide and runner blades, and turbine efficiency changing as the head, flow rate and turbine speed changed. The head drop on the runner was greater than that on the guide blade. Cavitations were not occoured because the lower pressure along the passages were still higher than vapor pressure. Water pressure decreased from the guide blade inlet to the runner outlet

    Micromechanical characterization of spider silk particles

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    Spider silk fibers are well known for their mechanical properties, and they are therefore in the focus of materials scientists. Additionally, silks display biocompatibility making them interesting materials for applications in medicine or cosmetics. Due to the low abundance of natural spider silk proteins because of the spider's cannibalism, the recombinant spider silk protein eADF4 has been established for material science applications. Once processed into micron-sized particles by controlled salting-out, these particles can be used as drug delivery vehicles. For any application of the silk particles it is important to know their mechanical characteristics for processing and storage reasons. Here, we examine the swelling behavior and mechanics of these particles. Upon hydration, a drastic drop in elastic modulus occurs by orders of magnitude, from 0.8 GPa in the dry state to 2.99 MPa in the wet state. Importantly, the elastic modulus of recombinant silk particles can be tuned by varying the molecular weight of the used proteins, as well as chemical crosslinking thereof

    Estudio con análisis por elementos finitos de sistemas análogos circuitales en física

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    This article presents a didactic development of three systems solution circuital analogs such as electric, magnetic and thermal which present a structural and functional correspondence in terms of the equations that govern their domains. The knowledge and use of a domain can serve as a support to facilitate teaching and learning a new domain called white [1], which share similar structures and equations of their behavior, thus, their physical responses resolve with same method, as in this case may be finite elements [2].Este artículo plantea un desarrollo didáctico de solución de tres sistemasanálogos circuitales: eléctricos, magnéticos y térmicos, los cualespresentan una correspondencia estructural y funcional en términos delas ecuaciones que rigen sus dominios. El conocimiento y manejo de undominio puede servir como soporte para facilitar la enseñanza y aprendizajede un dominio nuevo, llamado blanco [1], que comparte estructuraso ecuaciones semejantes del comportamiento de los mismos, por loque sus respuestas físicas se resuelven con el mismo método; en estecaso, con el de elementos finitos [2]

    Implementasi Algoritma Greedy Untuk Melakukan Graph Coloring: Studi Kasus Peta Propinsi Jawa Timur

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    This paper will describe us how to coloring a graph by using greedy algorithm with the case study province of Jawa Timur. From this research we will know that for graph coloring at Jawa Timur Province only use four difference colors. Keywords: edge, graph coloring, vertex. Paper ini akan memperlihatkan sebuah teknik penggunaan algoritma Greedy untuk melakukan pewarnaan graf (graph coloring) pada peta Propinsi Jawa Timur. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa untuk melakukan pewarnaan graph di Propinsi Jawa Timur dibutuhkan sebanyak empat buah warna yang berbeda

    Obtención de máxima transferencia de potencia a una carga eléctrica por métodos de optimización

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    El presente artículo presenta el análisis de datos en una carga eléctrica para obtener la optimización del valor de la carga eléctrica que permita la máxima transferencia de potencia de un circuito a la carga, modelado mediante un equivalente de thévenin. Para el estudio se tomaron datos experimentales en un circuito para el cual la carga varía mediante un potenciómetro que se instala a un circuito considerado como caja negra, con lo que se encontraron unos datos experimentales de potencia en la carga en función de la resistencia de carga. Al tomar datos experimentales se tiene presente ubicar una condición de optimización de tres puntos, es decir, una concavidad encerrada por tres datos experimentales, para empezar un método de optimización por sección dorada o por método polinomial de Powell

    Shapes, contact angles, and line tensions of droplets on cylinders

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    Using an interface displacement model we calculate the shapes of nanometer-size liquid droplets on homogeneous cylindrical surfaces. We determine effective contact angles and line tensions, the latter defined as excess free energies per unit length associated with the two contact lines at the ends of the droplet. The dependences of these quantities on the cylinder radius and on the volume of the droplets are analyzed.Comment: 26 pages, RevTeX, 10 Figure