2,486 research outputs found

    The Electron Glass in a Switchable Mirror: Relaxation, Aging and Universality

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    The rare earth hydride YH3−δ_{3-\delta} can be tuned through the metal-insulator transition both by changing δ\delta and by illumination with ultraviolet light. The transition is dominated by strong electron-electron interactions, with transport in the insulator sensitive to both a Coulomb gap and persistent quantum fluctuations. Via a systematic variation of UV illumination time, photon flux, Coulomb gap depth, and temperature, we demonstrate that polycrystalline YH3−δ_{3-\delta} serves as a model system for studying the properties of the interacting electron glass. Prominent among its features are logarithmic relaxation, aging, and universal scaling of the conductivity

    Low-Frequency Noise Phenomena in Switched MOSFETs

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    In small-area MOSFETs widely used in analog and RF circuit design, low-frequency (LF) noise behavior is increasingly dominated by single-electron effects. In this paper, the authors review the limitations of current compact noise models which do not model such single-electron effects. The authors present measurement results that illustrate typical LF noise behavior in small-area MOSFETs, and a model based on Shockley-Read-Hall statistics to explain the behavior. Finally, the authors treat practical examples that illustrate the relevance of these effects to analog circuit design. To the analog circuit designer, awareness of these single-electron noise phenomena is crucial if optimal circuits are to be designed, especially since the effects can aid in low-noise circuit design if used properly, while they may be detrimental to performance if inadvertently applie

    Groene diensten in Groen Waterland

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    Dit document levert achtergronddocumentatie bij het project "Groene diensten in Groen Waterland". In dit project zijn de mogelijkheden voor diensten op gebied van zorg, natuur- en milieu-educatie en waterbeheer in het landelijk gebied van Waterland verkend. Geïnventariseerd is, op welke activiteiten de geïnterviewde instellingen zich richten. Nadruk moet voor de boer op het werk liggen. Boer en boerin moeten werkgever zijn, geen therapeut of hulpverlener

    Trusty URIs: Verifiable, Immutable, and Permanent Digital Artifacts for Linked Data

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    To make digital resources on the web verifiable, immutable, and permanent, we propose a technique to include cryptographic hash values in URIs. We call them trusty URIs and we show how they can be used for approaches like nanopublications to make not only specific resources but their entire reference trees verifiable. Digital artifacts can be identified not only on the byte level but on more abstract levels such as RDF graphs, which means that resources keep their hash values even when presented in a different format. Our approach sticks to the core principles of the web, namely openness and decentralized architecture, is fully compatible with existing standards and protocols, and can therefore be used right away. Evaluation of our reference implementations shows that these desired properties are indeed accomplished by our approach, and that it remains practical even for very large files.Comment: Small error corrected in the text (table data was correct) on page 13: "All average values are below 0.8s (0.03s for batch mode). Using Java in batch mode even requires only 1ms per file.

    Cold-induced imbibition damage of lettuce embryos: A study using cryo-scanning electron microscopy

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    The impact of rehydration on a multicellular organism was studied in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) embryos, using cryo-scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM). Naked embryos were sensitive to imbibitional stress, whereas embryos with an intact, thick-walled endosperm were not. Imbibitional injury to naked embryos was mainly confined to the outer 2-3 cell layers of the axis. These cells failed to swell and appeared poorly hydrated. Deeper layers were not affected even after extended periods of cold rehydration. The proportion of damaged cells (6-7% of total) roughly corresponded with the additional K+ that gradually leached from the embryos. Damaged embryos were able to survive the loss of their surface layers and form adventitious roots. The swelling of inner tissues caused the dead surface layers to rupture into patches. Plasma membranes in dried embryos showed normal bilayer structure with a homogeneous distribution of intra-membrane particles (IMPs), also after non-injurious rehydration. Imbibitionally damaged plasma membranes showed many irregularities, such as globular insertions, that probably resulted from malfusions in the ruptured membrane, but the IMPs were still randomly distributed

    Double Lobed Radio Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We have combined a sample of 44984 quasars, selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 3, with the FIRST radio survey. Using a novel technique where the optical quasar position is matched to the complete radio environment within 450", we are able to characterize the radio morphological make-up of what is essentially an optically selected quasar sample, regardless of whether the quasar (nucleus) itself has been detected in the radio. About 10% of the quasar population have radio cores brighter than 0.75 mJy at 1.4 GHz, and 1.7% have double lobed FR2-like radio morphologies. About 75% of the FR2 sources have a radio core (> 0.75 mJy). A significant fraction (~40%) of the FR2 quasars are bent by more than 10 degrees, indicating either interactions of the radio plasma with the ICM or IGM. We found no evidence for correlations with redshift among our FR2 quasars: radio lobe flux densities and radio source diameters of the quasars have similar distributions at low (mean 0.77) and high (mean 2.09) redshifts. Using a smaller high reliability FR2 sample of 422 quasars and two comparison samples of radio-quiet and non-FR2 radio-loud quasars, matched in their redshift distributions, we constructed composite optical spectra from the SDSS spectroscopic data. Based on these spectra we can conclude that the FR2 quasars have stronger high-ionization emission lines compared to both the radio quiet and non-FR2 radio loud sources. This is consistent with the notion that the emission lines are brightened by ongoing shock ionization of ambient gas in the quasar host as the radio source expands.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures - some of which have been reduced in quality / size. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Can crop residues provide fuel for future transport? Limited global residue bioethanol potentials and large associated land, water and carbon footprints

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    Bioethanol production from non-crop based lignocellulosic material has reached the commercial scale and is advocated as a possible solution to decarbonize the transport sector. This study evaluates how much presently used transport related fossil fuels can be replaced with lignocellulosic bioethanol using crop residues, calculates greenhouse gas emission savings, and determines lignocellulosic bioethanol's land, water, and carbon footprints. We estimate global bioethanol production potential from 123 crop residues in 192 countries and 20 territories under different environmental constraints (optimistic and realistic sustainable potentials) versus no constraints (theoretical potential) on residue availability. Previous studies on global bioethanol production potential from lignocellulosic material focused on one or few biomass feedstocks, and excluded (un)constrained residue availability scenarios. Our results suggest the global net lignocellulosic bioethanol output ranges from 7.1 to 34.0 EJ per annum replacing between 7% and 31% of oil products for transport yielding relative emission savings of 338 megatonne (Mt; 70%) to 1836 Mt (79%). Emission savings range from 4% to 23% of total transport emissions in the realistic sustainable versus theoretical potential. Land, water and carbon footprints of net bioethanol vary between potentials, countries/territories, and feedstocks, but overall exceed footprints of conventional bioethanol. Averaged footprints range between 0.14 and 0.24 m2 land per megajoule (MJ−1), 74–120 L water MJ−1, and 28–44 g CO2 equivalent MJ−1, with smaller footprints in the theoretical potential caused by the exclusion of secondary residues and low price of alternative biomass chains in the sustainable potential

    The influence of a PHI-5-loaded silicone membrane, on cutaneous wound healing in vivo

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    This study investigated whether a novel ionogenic substance, containing amongst others zinc and rubidium (PHI-5; Dermagenics Inc, Memphis, TN, USA), could improve the healing of full-thickness skin wounds. Uniform wounds were created on the right flank of guinea pigs. Micro-grooved silicone rubber membranes, containing 0 (controls), 1.25, 5.00, or 10.00 μg PHI-5, were sutured onto this wound. Standardized digital wound photographs were made after 1, 3, and 6 weeks. Also, wound biopsies were taken after 3 and 6 weeks for histological and histomorphometrical evaluation. For all study groups, 6 animals were used. Analysis of the 1-week digital photographs showed that the surface area of the wounds decreased significantly, with an increasing PHI-5 concentration. No other differences were found in the wound photographs. Also, no differences were measured in histomorphometry at 3 and 6 weeks. Concluding, in our study model a single application of PHI-5 did have a significant positive influence on initial wound healing

    The dark clump near Abell 1942: dark matter halo or statistical fluke?

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    Weak lensing surveys provide the possibility of identifying dark matter halos based on their total matter content rather than just the luminous matter content. On the basis of two sets of observations carried out with the CFHT, Erben et al. (2000) presented the first candidate dark clump, i.e. a dark matter concentration identified by its significant weak lensing signal without a corresponding galaxy overdensity or X-ray emission. We present a set of HST mosaic observations which confirms the presence of an alignment signal at the dark clump position. The signal strength, however, is weaker than in the ground-based data. It is therefore still unclear whether the signal is caused by a lensing mass or is just a chance alignment. We also present Chandra observations of the dark clump, which fail to reveal any significant extended emission. A comparison of the ellipticity measurements from the space-based HST data and the ground-based CFHT data shows a remarkable agreement on average, demonstrating that weak lensing studies from high-quality ground-based observations yield reliable results.Comment: 33 pages, 34 figures, submitted to A&A. Version with full resolution figures available at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~anja/aaclump.pd

    CPDW Project. Assessment of Cytotoxicological Potential of Products in Contact with Drinking Water.

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    The investigations described in this report were conducted as part of the European Project "Development of Harmonised tests to be used in the European Approval Scheme (EAS) concerning Construction Products in contact with Drinking Water (CPDW)", under Contract no. EVK1-CT2000-00052. This project is financially supported by the European Commission, the national authorities of Denmark, France, Germany, Portugal and the United Kingdom and the material suppliers in these countries and Europe, respectively. Work Package 2 concerned the cytotoxicity properties of materials of this project. The institutes participating in the investigations and discussions in this work package are listed below.JRC.DDG.H-Institute for environment and sustainability (Ispra
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