822 research outputs found

    Perancangan Coupled-line Directional Coupler Mikrostrip Pada Frekwensi 2.3 - 2.4 GHz

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    Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang perancangan Coupled-Line Directional Coupler, sebuah passive device, dalam bentuk Mikrostrip untuk digunakan pada antena WiMAX dengan frekuensi kerja 2,3-2,4 GHz. Untuk mendapatkan unjuk kerja yang baik dari divais Coupled-Line Directional Coupler, telah dipilih dua substrat, yaitu FR-4 Epoxy dan Roger Duroid seri RO4003. Melalui simulasi dengan piranti lunak Ansoft HFFS v.10 diperoleh beberapa hasil berupa data Parameter-s, grafik respons frekuensi dan fasa, serta perbedaan fasa dari kedua substrat. Data tersebut akan menjadi acuan dalam membuat Coupled-Line Directional Coupler yang akan dipakai pada antena WiMAX

    Progress of Natural Regeneration after Final Felling under the Current Silvicultural Practices in Matang Mangrove Reserve

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    The paper presents the results of an investigation on the progress of regeneration of mangrove forests after logging with emphasis on species composition, distribution pattern and stocking. The investigation was undertaken in the Port Weld Range of The Matang Mangrove Reserve. The areas chosen belong to inundation classes III and IV (Watson, 1928) representing a typical Rhizophora. type. Two age classes, i.e. 12 months and 24 months after felling, were sampled by means of Linear Regeneration Sampling (LRS 1) method. Rhizophora spp. and Bruguiere parviflora were the most important species in the residual stands with 3701 and 3376 seedlings per acre of Rhizophora spp. respectively in the areas 12 and 24 month after final felling. There was a significant decrease in the number of B.. parviflora seedlings in the areas 2..f- months after felling with only 62 seedlings per acre compared to 1282 seedhngs per acre, 12 months after felling. There was no large scale mortality in the Rhizophora seedlings with time during this period. At both the age classes, the areas had enough number of seedlings to produce a fully stocked stand at the end of rotation if no large scale mortality occurred


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini menggambarkan tentang kualitas penyelenggara pemilihan Walikota dan Wakil Walikota (Pilwako) Manado tahun 2015 yang fungsinya dijalankan oleh KPU Kota Manado dengan tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk memperoleh data dan gambaran secara aktual dan faktual tentang kualitas penyelenggara, melalui pengetahuan, keterampilan dan kemampuan penyelenggara pemilu. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas KPU Kota Manado sebagai lembaga independen dan netral dalam penyelenggaraan Pilwako Manado tahun 2015 sangat penting untuk menciptakan kehidupan demokrasi di tingkat lokal daerah. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pilwako Manado tahun 2015 yang diselenggarakan oleh KPU Kota Manado secara independen dan netral, pencapaiannya belum memuaskan. Disebabkan tidak saja karena belum sepenuhnya didasarkan pada aspek kualitas, yakni: pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan kemampuan, akan tetapi juga karena diabaikannya aspek komitmen organisasi yang menjadi sebagai salah satu syarat untuk menentukan pencapaian hasil dari setiap aspek kualitas tersebut. Kata kunci : Kualitas Penyelenggara, KPU Kota Manado, Pilwako.  ABSTRACTThis study describes the quality of the organizers of the 2015 Manado Mayor and Deputy Mayor election (Pilwako) whose functions are carried out by the Manado City KPU with the aim of research, namely to obtain actual and factual data and images about the quality of organizers, through the knowledge, skills and abilities of election organizers. By using a qualitative approach, the results of the study show that the quality of the Manado City Election Commission as an independent and neutral institution in organizing the Manado Pilwako in 2015 is very important for creating democratic life at the local regional level. So it can be concluded that the 2015 Manado Pilwako organized by the Manado City KPU independently and neutrally has not achieved satisfactory results. This is caused not only because it is not fully based on quality aspects, namely: knowledge, skills, and abilities, but also because of the neglect of the aspect of organizational commitment which is one of the conditions for determining the achievement of the results of each of these quality aspects. Keywords: Quality of the organizers, Manado City KPU, Pilwak


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    Objective: Development of a simple, rapid and accurate vierordt's method or simultaneous equation (SE) method for the simultaneous estimation of Buprenorphine HCl (BU) and Naloxone HCl (NA) in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form. The proposed method was validated according to the guidelines of the International Conference on Harmonization and the Association of Official Analytical Chemists International.Methods: The method was based on the measurement of absorbance at two wavelengths 289.0 nm and 283.8 nm, λmax of BU and NA in methanol respectively.Results: Calibration curves were linear in the concentration range of 40-200 µg ml-1 for BU and 40-260 µg ml-1 for NA. The mean recovery, limit of quantification (LOQ) and limit of detection (LOD) for BU were 98.91 %, 0.481 µg ml-1 and 0.158 µg ml-1 and for NA were 98.85 %, 1.283 µg ml-1 and 0.423 µg ml-1, respectively. The method was precise, with a relative standard deviation of less than 2.0 % for both drugs. For robustness, the factors analyzed did not significantly affect the quantification of BU and NA.Conclusion: The proposed method can be successfully applied for simultaneous estimation of BU and NA in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form.Â


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    ABSTRACTOpioid continues as the main pharmacological treatment for severe acute pain. Extensive first-pass metabolism is the major limitation of opioiddelivery by oral route. Thus, the parenteral route has been the only option for the delivery of opioids before the beginning of the 21 century.However, as the delivery through parenteral route is associated with limitation of being invasive, a strong need for developing non-invasive deliverysystems has been felt among the drug delivery scientists. Since mucosal surfaces are rich in blood supply and provide rapid drug transport to thesystemic circulation, this delivery system has been explored to enhance opioid bioavailability by avoiding their degradation through first-pass hepaticmetabolism. Oral transmucosal delivery such as buccal and sublingual has progressed far beyond the use of traditional dosage forms developed withnovel approaches emerging continuously. This review provides updated information about the use of opioids for the treatment of severe pain withspecial emphasis on the work done by various scientists on formulation development of opioid analgesics, especially by buccal and sublingual routefor delivery of opioids along with their clinical perspective. Particular attention is given to new approaches enhancing bioavailability of opioids bythese routes.Keywords: Opioids, Buccal, Oral drug, Sublingual delivery of opioids.s

    Treatment of cutaneous melanoma: current approaches and future prospects

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    Melanoma is the most aggressive and deadly type of skin cancer. Surgical resection with or without lymph node sampling is the standard of care for primary cutaneous melanoma. Adjuvant therapy decisions may be informed by careful consideration of prognostic factors. High-dose adjuvant interferon alpha-2b increases disease-free survival and may modestly improve overall survival. Less toxic alternatives for adjuvant therapy are currently under study. External beam radiation therapy is an option for nodal beds where the risk of local recurrence is very high. In-transit melanoma metastases may be treated locally with surgery, immunotherapy, radiation, or heated limb perfusion. For metastatic melanoma, the options include chemotherapy or immunotherapy; targeted anti-BRAF and anti-KIT therapy is under active investigation. Standard chemotherapy yields objective tumor responses in approximately 10%–20% of patients, and sustained remissions are uncommon. Immunotherapy with high-dose interleukin-2 yields objective tumor responses in a minority of patients; however, some of these responses may be durable. Identification of activating mutations of BRAF, NRAS, c-KIT, and GNAQ in distinct clinical subtypes of melanoma suggest that these are molecularly distinct. Emerging data from clinical trials suggest that substantial improvements in the standard of care for melanoma may be possible

    Solid-state non-volatile electronically programmable reversible variable resistance device

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    A solid-state variable resistance device (10) whose resistance can be repeatedly altered by a control signal over a wide range, and which will remain stable after the signal is removed, is formed on an insulated layer (14), supported on a substrate (12) and comprises a set of electrodes (16a, 16b) connected by a layer (18) of material, which changes from an insulator to a conductor upon the injection of ions, covered by a layer (22) of material with insulating properties which permit the passage of ions, overlaid by an ion donor material (20). The ion donor material is overlaid by an insulating layer (24) upon which is deposited a control gate (26) located above the contacts. In a preferred embodiment, the variable resistance material comprises WO.sub.3, the ion donor layer comprises Cr.sub.2 O.sub.3, and the layers sandwiching the ion donor layer comprise silicon monoxide. When a voltage is applied to the gate, the resistance between the electrode contacts changes, decreasing with positive voltage and increasing with negative voltage