251 research outputs found

    QMRA in the Drinking Water Distribution System

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    AbstractA Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) model was developed for contamination events after mains repairs. The sensitivity analysis showed that the contamination concentration is the most important parameter, next to the pathogen dose response relation. The time of opening valves and of consumption are also important parameters. The event location within the network and the amount of consumption are of smaller importance. Issuing a boil water advice and opening only one valve before “releasing” the entire isolation section are effective measures to reduce the number of infected people per event by a factor of 2 to 4

    Review of applications for SIMDEUM, a stochastic drinking water demand model with a small temporal and spatial scale

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    Many researchers have developed drinking water demand models with various temporal and spatial scales. A limited number of models is available at a temporal scale of 1 s and a spatial scale of a single home. The reasons for building these models were described in the papers in which the models were introduced, along with a discussion on their potential applications. However, the predicted applications are seldom re-examined. SIMDEUM, a stochastic end-use model for drinking water demand, has often been applied in research and practice since it was developed. We are therefore re-examining its applications in this paper. SIMDEUM's original purpose was to calculate maximum demands in order to design self-cleaning networks. Yet, the model has been useful in many more applications. This paper gives an overview of the many fields of application for SIMDEUM and shows where this type of demand model is indispensable and where it has limited practical value. This overview also leads to an understanding of the requirements for demand models in various applications

    Review of applications of SIMDEUM, a stochastic drinking water demand model with small temporal and spatial scale

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    Many researchers have developed drinking water demand models with various temporal and spatial scales. A limited number of models are available at a temporal scale of one second and a spatial scale of a single home. Reasons for building these models were described in the papers in which the models were introduced, along with a discussion on potential applications. However, the predicted applications are seldom re-examined. As SIMDEUM, a stochastic end-use model for drinking water demand, has often been applied in research and practice since it was developed, we are reexamining its applications in this paper. SIMDEUM’s original purpose was to calculate maximum demands in order to be able to design self-cleaning networks. Yet, the model has been useful in many more applications. This paper gives an overview of the many fields of application of SIMDEUM and shows where this type of demand model is indispensable and where it has limited practical value. This overview also leads to an understanding of requirements on demand models in various applications

    N deposition and elevated CO2 on methane emissions: Differential responses of indirect effects compared to direct effects through litter chemistry feedbacks

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    Increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration and N deposition are expected to affect methane (CH4) production in soils and emission to the atmosphere, directly through increased plant litter production and indirectly through changes in substrate quality. We examined how CH4 emission responded to changes in litter quality under increased N and CO2, beyond differences in CH4 resulting from changes in litter production. We used senesced leaves from 13C-labeled plants of Molinia caerulea grown at elevated and ambient CO2 and affected by N fertilization to carry out two experiments: a laboratory litter incubation and a pot experiment. N fertilization increased N and decreased C concentrations in litter whereas elevated CO2 decreased litter quality as reflected in litter C and N concentrations and in the composition of lignin and saturated fatty acids within the litter. In contrast to our expectations, CH4 production in the laboratory incubation decreased when using litter from N-fertilized plants as substrate, whereas litter from elevated CO2 had no effect, compared to controls without N and at ambient CO2. Owing to high within-treatment variability in CH4 emissions, none of the treatment effects were reflected in the pot experiment. C mineralization rates were not affected by any of the treatments. The decrease in CH4 emissions due to indirect effects of N availability through litter quality changes (described here for the first time) contrast direct effects of N fertilization on CH4 production. The complex interaction of direct effects with indirect effects of increased N on litter quality may potentially result in a net decrease in CH4 emissions from wetlands in the long term.Fil: Pancotto, Veronica Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Bodegom, P. M. van. University Of Amsterdam; Países BajosFil: Hal, J. van. University Of Amsterdam; Países BajosFil: Logtestijn, R. S. P. van. University Of Amsterdam; Países BajosFil: Blokker, P.. University Of Amsterdam; Países BajosFil: Toet, S.. University Of Amsterdam; Países Bajos. University Of York; Reino UnidoFil: Aerts, R.. University Of Amsterdam; Países Bajo

    Managing discolouration in drinking water distribution systems by integrating understanding of material behaviour

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    Discoloured drinking water, caused by elevated concentrations of organic and inorganic particles, is unacceptable. It occurs due to accumulation and subsequent mobilisation of material from within drinking water distribution infrastructure. Discolouration is currently partially explained by either the theories of cohesive layers or gravitational sedimentation. It is proposed and shown here how the processes behind these two theories both occur and how to integrate them to better explain observed behaviour and inform operational interventions to reduce discolouration. Deficiencies in understanding regarding the process and factors that influence material accumulation are highlighted. Future research addressing these deficiencies will enable determination of long term sustainable management strategies balancing capital investment and operational maintenance to safeguard distribution of high quality drinking water

    Health implications of PAH release from coated cast iron drinking water distribution systems in The Netherlands.

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    BACKGROUND: Coal tar and bitumen have been historically used to coat the insides of cast iron drinking water mains. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) may leach from these coatings into the drinking water and form a potential health risk for humans. OBJECTIVE: We estimated the potential human cancer risk from PAHs in coated cast iron water mains. METHOD: In a Dutch nationwide study, we collected drinking water samples at 120 locations over a period of 17 days under various operational conditions, such as undisturbed operation, during flushing of pipes, and after a mains repair, and analyzed these samples for PAHs. We then estimated the health risk associated with an exposure scenario over a lifetime. RESULTS: During flushing, PAH levels frequently exceeded drinking water quality standards; after flushing, these levels dropped rapidly. After the repair of cast iron water mains, PAH levels exceeded the drinking water standards for up to 40 days in some locations. CONCLUSIONS: The estimated margin of exposure for PAH exposure through drinking water was > 10,000 for all 120 measurement locations, which suggests that PAH exposure through drinking water is of low concern for consumer health. However, factors that differ among water systems, such as the use of chlorination for disinfection, may influence PAH levels in other locations

    Building global water use scenarios

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    The Water Future and Solutions Initiative (WFaS) develops consistent, multi-model global water scenaros with the aim to analyze the water-food-energy-climate- environment nexus and identify future hotspots of water insecurity and related impacts on food and energy security. WFaS coordinates its work with on-going scenario development in the fifth assessment review of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which has developed climate scenarios based on the Representative Concentration pathways (RCPs) and alternative futures of societal developments described in the Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs). In its 'fast-track' scenario assessment WFaS applies available multi-model ensembles of RCP climate scenarios and population, urbanization, and economic development quantifications of the SSPs. Here we interpret SSP narratives to indicate direct or indirect consequences for key water dimensions. Criical scenario assumptions are assessed for different conditions in terms of a country or regions ability to cope with water-related risks and its exposure to complex hydrologcal conditions. For this purpose a classification of hydro-economic challenges across countries has been developed. Scenario assumptions were developed for defined categories of hyro-economic development challenges and relevant features of SSPs. In this way we systematically assess qualitatively key scenario drivers required for global water models We then provide quantifications of assumptions for technological and structural changes for the industry and domestic sector. For the quantification of global scenarios of future water demand, we applied an ensemble of three global water models (H08, PCR-GLOBWB, WaterGAP). Ensemble results of global industrial water withdrawal highlight a steep increase in almost all SSP scenarios. Global amounts across the three models show a wide spread with the highest amounts reaching almost 2000 km^3 yr^-1 by 2050, more than doubled compared to the present industrial water use intensity (850 km^3 yr^-1). Increases in world population result in global domestic water withdrawals by 2050 reaching 700-1500 km^3 yr^-1 depending on scenario and water model. This is an increase of up to 250% compared to the present domestic water use intensity (400-450 km^3 yr^-1). We finally suggest improvements for future water use modelling

    UV-B absorbing pigments in spores: biochemical responses to shade in a high-latitude birch forest and implications for sporopollenin-based proxies of past environmental change

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    Current attempts to develop a proxy for Earth’s surface ultraviolet-B (UV-B) flux focus on the organic chemistry of pollen and spores because their constituent biopolymer, sporopollenin, contains UV-B absorbing pigments whose relative abundance may respond to the ambient UV-B flux. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy provides a useful tool for rapidly determining the pigment content of spores. In this paper, we use FTIR to detect a chemical response of spore wall UV-B absorbing pigments that correspond with levels of shade beneath the canopy of a high-latitude Swedish birch forest. A 27% reduction in UV-B flux beneath the canopy leads to a significant (p<0.05) 7.3% reduction in concentration of UV-B absorbing compounds in sporopollenin. The field data from this natural flux gradient in UV-B further support our earlier work on sporopollenin-based proxies derived from sedimentary records and herbaria collections

    Drinking water temperature around the globe: Understanding, policies, challenges and opportunities

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    Water temperature is often monitored at water sources and treatment works; however, there is limited monitoring of the water temperature in the drinking water distribution system (DWDS), despite a known impact on physical, chemical and microbial reactions which impact water quality. A key parameter influencing drinking water temperature is soil temperature, which is influenced by the urban heat island effects. This paper provides critique and comprehensive summary of the current knowledge, policies and challenges regarding drinking water temperature research and presents the findings from a survey of international stakeholders. Knowledge gaps as well as challenges and opportunities for monitoring and research are identified. The conclusion of the study is that temperature in the DWDS is an emerging concern in various countries regardless of the water source and treatment, climate conditions, or network characteristics such as topology, pipe material or diameter. More research is needed, especially to determine (i) the effect of higher temperatures, (ii) a legislative limit on temperature and (iii) measures to comply with this limit