91 research outputs found

    Struktura fazowa oraz tekstura osadzonych elektrolitycznie stopów InSn na podłożu miedzianym

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    Stopy In-Sn są interesujące jako materiały dla technologii połączeń bezołowiowych oraz jako materiały zastępujące toksyczne warstwy kadmowe. W pracy badano warstwy indowo-cynowe osadzone z kompleksowych roztworów cytrynianowych. Kąpiele cytrynianowe są szczególnie atrakcyjne jako nietoksyczne kąpiele dla elektrolitycznego osadzania stopów. Osadzanie prowadzono w różnych warunkach hydrodynamicznych przy zastosowaniu wirującej elektrody dyskowej (WED). Stosowany potencjał, warunki hydrodynamiczne, pH, skład roztworu i dodatki składników organicznych miały silny wpływ na skład chemiczny, strukturę fazową i teksturę osadzonych warstw. Obliczono równowagi fazowe w układzie Cu-In-Sn i przedstawiono izoplety diagramu fazowego. W zakresie 25 do 400° C przeprowadzono badania termicznej stabilności osadów na podkładzie miedzianym przy zastosowaniu strukturalnej analizy rentgenowskiej.The In-Sn alloys are interesting as the materials used in the lead-free interconnection technology and as the replacement materials for toxic cadmium layers. This work investigated the indium-tin layers electrodeposited from the complex citrate solutions. The citrate electrolytic baths are especially attractive as the non-toxic baths for the electrodeposition of alloys. The depositions were conducted in various hydrodynamic conditions by means of the rotating disc electrode technique (RDE). It was observed that the applied potential, hydrodynamic conditions, pH, composition of solution and additional organic compounds have a strong effect on the chemical composition, the phase structure and the texture of the electrodeposited layers. The phase equilibria in the Cu-In-Sn ternary system were calculated and the isopleths of the phase diagram were presented. The X-ray structural investigations of the thermal stability of the deposits on the copper substrate were carried out in the temperature range from 25 to 400° C

    Ovaries of Tubificinae (Clitellata, Naididae) resemble ovary cords found in Hirudinea (Clitellata)

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    The ultrastructure of the ovaries and oogenesis was studied in three species of three genera of Tubificinae. The paired ovaries are small, conically shaped structures, connected to the intersegmental septum between segments X and XI by their narrow end. The ovaries are composed of syncytial cysts of germ cells interconnected by stable cytoplasmic bridges (ring canals) and surrounded by follicular cells. The architecture of the germ-line cysts is exactly the same as in all clitellate annelids studied to date, i.e. each cell in a cyst has only one ring canal connecting it to the central, anuclear cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore. The ovaries found in all of the species studied seem to be meroistic, i.e. the ultimate fate of germ cells within a cyst is different, and the majority of cells withdraw from meiosis and become nurse cells; the rest continue meiosis, gather macromolecules, cell organelles and storage material, and become oocytes. The ovaries are polarized; their narrow end contains mitotically dividing oogonia and germ cells entering the meiosis prophase; whereas within the middle and basal parts, nurse cells, a prominent cytophore and growing oocytes occur. During late previtellogenesis/early vitellogenesis, the oocytes detach from the cytophore and float in the coelom; they are usually enveloped by the peritoneal epithelium and associated with blood vessels. Generally, the organization of ovaries in all of the Tubificinae species studied resembles the polarized ovary cords found within the ovisacs of some Euhirudinea. The organization of ovaries and the course of oogenesis between the genera studied and other clitellate annelids are compared. Finally, it is suggested that germ-line cysts formation and the meroistic mode of oogenesis may be a primary character for all Clitellata

    Pyrido- and benzisothiazolones as inhibitors of histone acetyltransferases (HATs)

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    Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) are interesting targets for the treatment of cancer and HIV infections but reports on selective inhibitors are very limited. Here we report structure–activity studies of pyrido- and benzisothiazolones in the in vitro inhibition of histone acetyltransferases, namely PCAF, CBP, Gcn5 and p300 using a heterogeneous assay with antibody mediated quantitation of the acetylation of a peptidic substrate. Dependent on the chemical structure distinct subtype selectivity profiles can be obtained. While N-aryl derivatives usually are rather pan-HAT inhibitors, N-alkyl derivatives show mostly a preference for CBP/p300. Selected compounds were also shown to be inhibitors of MOF. The best inhibitors show submicromolar inhibition of CBP. Selected compounds affect growth of HL-60 leukemic cells and LNCaP prostate carcinoma cells with higher potency on the leukemic cells. Target engagement was shown with reduction of histone acetylation in LNCaP cells

    Structural and Microstructural Analysis of Zn–Mo Alloy Layers Electrodeposited from Aqueous Citrate Solution

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    The paper presents results of the phase-composition and microstructure studies of the Zn–Mo alloy electrodeposited layers. The Zn–Mo coatings are electrodeposited from sulphate-citrate electrolytes on a steel substrate. As revealed in SEM, TEM and x-ray diffraction studies, the coatings consist of the phase crystallized in hexagonal system and contain less than 0.8% wt. Mo built-in the Zn-crystal structure. The presence of Mo atoms causes fragmentation of the crystallites.В статье представлены результаты исследований фазового состава и микроструктуры, электролитически осаждённых слоёв сплавов Zn–Mo. Покрытия Zn–Mo были получены на стальной подложке электролитическим осаждением из сульфат-цитратных электролитов. Исследования методами СЭМ, TEM и рентгеновской дифракции показали, что покрытия состоят из кристаллизованной в гексагональной системе фазы и содержат менее 0,8% масс. Мо, встроенного в кристаллическую решётку цинка. Наличие атомов Мо вызывает фрагментацию кристаллитов.У статті представлено результати досліджень фазового складу та мікроструктури електролітично осаджених шарів стопів Zn–Mo. Покриття Zn–Mo було одержано на сталевому підложжі електролітичним осадженням з сульфат-цитратних електролітів. Дослідження методами СЕМ, TEM і рентґенівської дифракції показали, що покриття складаються з кристалізованої в гексагональній системі фази та містять менше 0,8% мас. Мо, вбудованого у кристалічну ґратницю цинку. Наявність атомів Мо викликає фраґментацію кристалітів

    The F-actin cytoskeleton in syncytia from non-clonal progenitor cells

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    The actin cytoskeleton of plant syncytia (a multinucleate cell arising through fusion) is poorly known: to date, there have only been reports about F-actin organization in plant syncytia induced by parasitic nematodes. To broaden knowledge regarding this issue, we analyzed F-actin organization in special heterokaryotic Utricularia syncytia, which arise from maternal sporophytic tissues and endosperm haustoria. In contrast to plant syncytia induced by parasitic nematodes, the syncytia of Utricularia have an extensive F-actin network. Abundant F-actin cytoskeleton occurs both in the region where cell walls are digested and the protoplast of nutritive tissue cells fuse with the syncytium and also near a giant amoeboid in the shape nuclei in the central part of the syncytium. An explanation for the presence of an extensive F-actin network and especially F-actin bundles in the syncytia is probably that it is involved in the movement of nuclei and other organelles and also the transport of nutrients in these physiological activity organs which are necessary for the development of embryos in these unique carnivorous plants. We observed that in Utricularia nutritive tissue cells, actin forms a randomly arranged network of F-actin, and later in syncytium, two patterns of F-actin were observed, one characteristic for nutritive cells and second—actin bundles—characteristic for haustoria and suspensors, thus syncytia inherit their F-actin patterns from their progenitors

    Actin cytoskeleton in the extra-ovular embryo sac of Utricularia nelumbifolia (Lentibulariaceae)

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    The actin cytoskeleton in the mature female gametophyte of angiosperms has been examined in only a few dicot and monocot species. The main purposes of this study were to identify how the actin cytoskeleton is arranged in the mature extra-ovular embryo sac in Utricularia nelumbifolia (Lentibulariaceae). We found that the extra-ovular part of the central cell has a well-developed actin cytoskeleton: actin microfilaments formed of long strands which run longitudinally or transversally to the long axis of the embryo sac. The exerted part of the central cell, which is exposed to the environment of the ovary chamber, is highly vacuolated and in the thin peripheral cytoplasm possesses a complicated network of actin microfilaments. The epidermal cells of the placenta that are in contact with the extra-ovular part of the embryo sac are crushed. The ultrastructure data of these cells are presented. We detected the accumulation of the actin cytoskeleton between the micropylar parts of the synergids and the extra-ovular part of central cell. This actin accumulation is unusual because in typical angiosperms the micropylar parts of the synergids form the apex of the female gametophyte

    Synergids and filiform apparatus in the sexual and apomictic dandelions from section Palustria (Taraxacum, Asteraceae)

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    An evolutionary trend to reduce “unnecessary costs” associated with the sexual reproduction of their amphimictic ancestors, which may result in greater reproductive success, has been observed among the obligatory apomicts. However, in the case of the female gametophyte, knowledge about this trend in apomicts is not sufficient because most of the ultrastructural studies of the female gametophyte have dealt with amphimictic angiosperms. In this paper, we tested the hypothesis that, in contrast to amphimictic plants, synergids in apomictic embryo sacs do not form a filiform apparatus. We compared the synergid structure in two dandelions from sect. Palustria: the amphimictic diploid Taraxacum tenuifolium and the apomictic tetraploid, male-sterile Taraxacum brandenburgicum. Synergids in both species possessed a filiform apparatus. In T. brandenburgicum, both synergids persisted for a long time without any degeneration, in spite of the presence of an embryo and endosperm. We propose that the persistent synergids in apomicts may play a role in the transport of nutrients to the embryo

    Flower palate ultrastructure of the carnivorous plant Genlisea hispidula Stapf with remarks on the structure and function of the palate in the subgenus Genlisea (Lentibulariaceae)

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    In the genus Genlisea as well as in its sister genus Utricularia, the palate probably plays a key role in providing the colour, mechanical and olfactory stimuli to attract insect pollinators and to guide them to the generative structures and the nectary spur. However, information about the micro-morphology of the palate of Genlisea is scarce. This study aims to examine the structure of the palate in Genlisea hispidula in detail as well as the palate from other five species from the subgenus Genlisea. In particular, its aim is to ascertain whether these palates function as an area for the osmophores in the flower or whether they produce nectar. We showed that the palate in all of the species that were examined was the glandular type and that it had capitate, glandular trichomes, which had a similar general architecture across the species that were examined. No nectar secretion was observed on the palates. The ultrastructure of the palate trichomes showed that the palate glandular trichomes most probably function as scent glands that produce an olfactory stimulus for flower pollinators