133 research outputs found

    Two approaches for effective modelling of rain-rate time-series for radiocommunication system simulations

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    The paper presents a model which allows to synthetically generate rain rate time-series for a fixed location. Rain rate time-series are very much correlated with signal attenuation in Ka band and above and, thus, enable to realistically simulate propagation effects on Earth-satellite links. The model presented are based on Markov chains

    TerĂŒletfejlesztĂ©s vagy iparpolitika?: A francia versenykĂ©pessĂ©gi pĂłlus program tapasztalatai

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    A tanulmĂĄny felvĂĄzolja a terĂŒletfejlesztĂ©si Ă©s a verseny-, illetve iparpolitikĂĄnak a metszetĂ©ben elhelyezkedƑ francia versenykĂ©pessĂ©gi pĂłlusok kialakulĂĄsĂĄnak elƑzmĂ©nyeit, elmĂ©leti hĂĄtterĂ©t, Ă©s az alig egy Ă©vtizedes mĂșltra visszatekintƑ gyakorlati tapasztalatok összegzĂ©sĂ©re vĂĄllalkozik. A versenykĂ©pessĂ©gi pĂłlusok az innovĂĄciĂłs szereplƑk hĂĄlĂłzatos kapcsolataira Ă©pĂŒlnek, fejlƑdĂ©sĂŒket a szereplƑk közti egyĂŒttmƱködĂ©s minƑsĂ©ge alakĂ­tja. Miközben a teljesĂ­tmĂ©ny-szemlĂ©letƱ politikĂĄk a legdinamikusabban fejlƑdƑ rĂ©giĂłkra összpontosĂ­tanak az orszĂĄg eurĂłpai Ă©s globĂĄlis pozĂ­ciĂłjĂĄt szem elƑtt tartva, Ă©s a pĂłlusok esetĂ©ben is a legĂ­gĂ©retesebb csĂșcsipari ĂĄgazatok tĂĄmogatĂĄsĂĄt szorgalmazzĂĄk, a közel fĂ©l Ă©vszĂĄzados mĂșltĂș egyenlƑsĂ­tƑ cĂ©lzatĂș terĂŒletfejlesztĂ©si politikĂĄk cĂ©ljai a pĂłlusok nagy szĂĄmĂĄval Ă©s a hagyomĂĄnyos, Ă©rettebb ĂĄgazatok tĂĄmogatĂĄsĂĄval realizĂĄlĂłdnak. A kettƑs cĂ©lkitƱzĂ©s egyidejƱleg a pĂłlusprogram esetĂ©ben is nehezen teljesĂ­thetƑ, de mindmĂĄig jelen van az orszĂĄg jövƑjĂ©t meghatĂĄrozĂł terĂŒletpolitikai vitĂĄkban

    Daily scale wintertime sea surface temperature and IPC-Navidad variability in the southern Bay of Biscay from 1981 to 2010

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    The combination of remotely sensed gappy Sea surface temperature (SST) images with the missing data filling DINEOF (data interpolating empirical orthogonal functions) technique, followed by a principal component analysis of the reconstructed data, has been used to identify the time evolution and the daily scale variability of the wintertime surface signal of the Iberian Poleward Current (IPC), or Navidad, during the 1981-2010 period. An exhaustive comparison with the existing bibliography, and the vertical temperature and salinity profiles related to its extremes over the Bay of Biscay area, show that the obtained time series accurately reflect the IPC-Navidad variability. Once a time series for the evolution of the SST signal of the current over the last decades is well established, this time series is used to propose a physical mechanism in relation to the variability of the IPC-Navidad, involving both atmospheric and oceanic variables. According to the proposed mechanism, an atmospheric circulation anomaly observed in both the 500 hPa and the surface levels generates atmospheric surface level pressure, wind-stress and heat-flux anomalies. In turn, those surface level atmospheric anomalies induce mutually coherent SST and sea level anomalies over the North Atlantic area, and locally, in the Bay of Biscay area. These anomalies, both locally over the Bay of Biscay area and over the North Atlantic, are in agreement with several mechanisms that have separately been related to the variability of the IPC-Navidad, i.e. the south-westerly winds, the joint effect of baroclinicity and relief (JEBAR) effect, the topographic beta effect and a weakened North Atlantic gyre.ERA-Interim data were obtained from the ECMWF data server (http://data.ecmwf.int/data). Pathfinder v5.2 data were provided by GHRSST and the US National Oceanographic Data Center. AMSR-E data are produced by Remote Sensing Systems and sponsored by the NASA Earth Science MEaSUREs DISCOVER Project and the AMSR-E Science Team. Data are available at www.remss.com. The altimeter products were produced by Ssalto/Duacs and distributed by Aviso, with support from Cnes (http://www.aviso.oceanobs.com/duacs/). ICOADS data for this study have been retrieved from the Research Data Archive (RDA) which is maintained by the Computational and Information Systems Laboratory (CISL) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Word Ocean Database data were obtained from http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/OC5/WOD/pr_wod.html. DINEOF source code is freely available at http://modb.oce.ulg.ac.be/mediawiki/index.php/DINEOF. G. Esnaola is supported by a research grant (Interaccion Atmosfera-Oceano en el Golfo de Bizkaia) from Fundacion Centros Tecnologicos Inaki Goenaga. Jon Saenz would like to thank the financial support from project CGL2008-03321 (Spanish National R+D+I Programme). He also thanks funding provided by the University of the Basque Country (UFI 11/55, PPH12/01 and GIU 11/01). The Basque Government (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) has funded the project VARIACIONES. The authors want to express their gratitude to A. Caballero from AZTI-Tecnalia for her help with the Altimetry data and to B. Le Cann from UBO-CNRS-IRD-IFREMER for his useful comments on an early draft of this document. This is contribution number 649 of the Marine Research Division of AZTI-Tecnalia

    Volatile compounds secreted by Brindley’s glands of adult Triatoma infestans:identification and biological activity of previously unidentified compounds

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    Volatile emissions of adult male Triatoma infestans were collected on non-polar SPME fibers and analyzed by gas chromatography linked to a mass spectrometer. A complex mixture of 16 short-chain esters and acids were identified. The composition of short-chain aliphatic acids (ethanoic to nonanoic acids) was similar to previously reported results. The most abundant aliphatic acid was 2-methylpropanoic acid, constituting 18% of the total volatile content. Also abundant were the esters 2- and 3-methylbutyl 2-methylpropanoate, which constituted 30% and 22%, respectively, of the total volatile content. A similar pattern of compounds was observed in the volatiles secreted by dissected male Brindley’s glands; however, in this case, 2- and 3-methylbutan-1-ol were detected which were not found in live insect volatile emissions. Large variability in volatile composition was also observed among the glands excised from different insects. Electroantennographic (EAG) evaluation of the components of Brindley’s gland showed significant responses for 2- and 3-methylbutyl 2-methylpropanoate compared to controls. The mixture of volatiles secreted by excised Brindley’s glands and the isolated 2- and 3-methylbutyl 2-methylpropanoate had repellent effects on both male and female T. infestans, possibly associated with a defensive strategy

    Effect of climate on the epidemiology of bovine hypodermosis in algeria

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    In order to explore the effect of climate on cattle warble fly infestation, a total of 1.635 animals from 4 departments of Northern Algeria were examined visually and by manual palpation for the presence of warbles. Cattle were examined from March to June 2014, coinciding with the peak of emergence of warbles, and both the prevalence and intensity of infestation were recorded. The departments included in this study were located in the two different climatic areas in Northern Algeria: humid (Bejaia and Tizi Ouzou) and semi-arid (Tissemssilt and Ain Defla). The overall prevalence was 28.75%; the intensity of infestation ranged from 1 to 98 warbles per animal (mean 18.93±11.05). The prevalence and intensity of infestation within the departments with semi-arid climate (38.23%; 21.57±11.98) was significantly higher than in those with humid climate (20.74%; 14.84±7.86). The CHAID algorithm showed the climate as the most influencing factor for warble fly prevalence, followed by the husbandry system and breed. Logistic regression and multivariate ANOVA indicate that in addition to climate, other intrinsic (age, breed) and extrinsic factors (husbandry system, treatment) included in the study also were associated with both, prevalence and intensity of infestation. Our results indicate that in semiarid areas of Northern Algeria environmental conditions are more favorable for the development of free stages (pupae and adult flies) of Hypoderma spp life-cycle than in humid areas
