4,708 research outputs found

    Adapting agriculture in 2050 in Flevoland; perspectives from stakeholders

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    Although recently more research has gone into farm level studies, little attention has been given to the variety of responses of farmers, considering their characteristics, objectives and the socio-economic, technological and political contexts (Reidsma et al, 2010). In the Agri-Adapt project we focus on farm level adaptation within an agricultural region considering the socio-economic context of 2050

    Akkerbouw onder hoogspanning : rapport over landbouwkundige gevolgen van 380 kV hoogspanningslijn Noord-Holland

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    TenneT wil een hoogspanningslijn realiseren van Wateringen naar Beverwijk (TenneT, 2007). In 2011 start de inspraakprocedure. Het voorkeurstracé doorkruist een aantal landbouwgebieden. De Stichting van Bemmelenhoeve heeft Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving opdracht gegeven om de gevolgen in kaart te brengen voor akkerbouwbedrijven in de buurt van Hoofddor

    Economics and Business handbook

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    2002 handbook for the faculty of Economics and Busines

    On the morphology of ammonium nitrate (III): theory and observation

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    The aim of this paper is to derive on a theoretical basis the morphology of crystals of ammonium nitrate, phase III, and to compare the results with experimental growth forms. The theory used is based on the concepts of periodic bond chain (PBC), F face and connected net, developed by Hartman and Perdok. Further an Ising model is used to determine roughening temperatures. Based on different criteria theoretical growth forms are predicted and compared with experiments

    Understanding joint action: Current theoretical and empirical approaches

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    Joint actions are omnipresent, ranging from a handshake between two people to the coordination of groups of people playing in an orchestra. We are highly skilled at coordinating our actions with those of others to reach common goals and rely on this ability throughout our daily lives. What are the social, cognitive and neural processes underlying this ability? How do others around us influence our task representations? How does joint action influence interpersonal interactions? How do language and gesture support joint action? What differentiates joint action from individual action? This article forms an introductory editorial to the field of joint action. It accompanies contributions to the special issue entitled "Current Issues in Joint Action Research". The issue brings together conceptual and empirical approaches on different topics, ranging from lower-level issues such as the link between perception and joint action, to higher-level issues such as language as a form of joint action

    Evaluation of serological tests for Trichinella infections in pigs

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    The Dutch slaughter pig population is practically free of Trichinella spiralis. However, at slaughter every pig is tested for presence of larvae using the digestion method for export certification . A new 2006 EU directive concerning meat inspection for Trichinella spp. offers new opportunities to monitor Trichinella at herd level instead. Also serological methods are allowed when approved by the Commumty Reference Laboratory (CRL). To evaluate the usefulness of serological tests for momtoring a virtually free population for Trichinella, Bayesian methodology was used to estimate the diagnostic test parameters sensitivity and specificity, in the absence of a Gold Standard test

    Pilot experiment with the aim to reduce salmonella prevalence in pork by logistic slaughter of pigs

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    A pilot experiment was carried out with the aim to evaluate the possibilities and results of logistic slaughter of pigs (separate slaughter of salmonella-free and salmonella-infected pig herds) under usual circumstances in a Dutch slaughterhouse. During the experiment salmonella-free herds were delivered and slaughtered on Tuesday mornings. Herds delivered on Thursday mornings served as a control group. No significant difference could be found in the number of salmonella-positive carcasses on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This was mainly caused by contamination of carcasses by contaminated slaughter equipment; 80% of all salmonella strains on carcasses were equal to strains isolated from slaughter equipment. If these salmonella strains were not included in the results, logistic slaughter did result in a significantly lower prevalence of salmonella on carcasses on Tuesdays. It was concluded that separate slaughter of salmonella free pig herds can result in a lower salmonella prevalence on carcasses, but only if slaughter hygiene and especially cleaning and disinfection before and during processing will be improved

    Covid-19 and tracing methodologies: A lesson for the future society

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    As the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) surged across the globe, new technical solutions have supported policy makers and health authorities to plan and modulate containment measures. The introduction of these solutions provoked a large debate which has focused on risks for privacy and data protection. In this paper we offer an analysis of the available technical approaches and provide new arguments to move beyond the ongoing discussions. In particular, we argue that the past debate missed the opportunity to highlight the societal aspects of privacy and to stimulate a broader reflection on the actions needed to serve the good of society. With this paper, as well as providing an accessible review of the technical and legal aspects of the proposed solutions, we aim to offer new stimuli to reconsider contact tracing and its role in helping countries navigate the current pandemic
