1,124 research outputs found
Social Psychology and health: assuming complexity
Este artÃculo es una declaración de posición basada en una larga trayectoria de investigación e intervención en el contexto brasileño. El argumento que se presenta es que las experiencias sanitarias son complejas y que la práctica profesional debe basarse tanto en la experiencia técnica como en la erudición. La complejidad no tiene que ver con los distintos puntos de vista: el de la gente saludable, los pacientes, los doctores, los profesionales sanitarios, los administradores y la ciencia, claro está. Tiene que ver con la concomitancia de varias versiones, de las realidades fractales que representan de distintas maneras los muchos actantes sociales y materiales presentes en esta red heterogénea. Este argumento está estructurado en dos partes. La primera de ellas simplemente reafirma la multiplicidad desde la perspectiva de la PsicologÃa como una profesión sanitaria. La segunda propone que la acción en un escenario complejo requiere una amplia base de información basada más en la erudición que en la experiencia técnica: es la familiarización con aquellos temas culturales e históricos relacionados directa o indirectamente con la organización actual de la prestación de asistencia sanitaria la que presentará las prácticas diarias polÃticas y éticasThis paper is a position statement based on a long trajectory of research and intervention in the Brazilian context. The argument put forward is that health experiences are complex, and professional practice must be based on both technical expertise and scholarship. Complexity is not about different points of view: that of healthy people, patients, doctors, health professionals, health administrators and science, of course. It is about the concomitance of multiple versions; about fractal realities that are performed in different manners by the many social and material actants that are present in this heterogeneous network. This argument is structured in two parts. The first one merely restates multiplicity from the perspective of Psychology as a health profession. The second, proposes that action in a complex setting requires a broad base of information based on scholarship rather that technical expertise: it is the familiarity with issues that are cultural and historical and directly or indirectly related to present-day organization of care delivery that will anchor political and ethical everyday practice
PsicologÃa social y salud : asumir la complejidad
Este artÃculo es una declaración de posición basada en una larga trayectoria de investigación e intervención en el contexto brasileño. El argumento que se presenta es que las experiencias sanitarias son complejas y que la práctica profesional debe basarse tanto en la experiencia técnica como en la erudición. La complejidad no tiene que ver con los distintos puntos de vista: el de la gente saludable, los pacientes, los doctores, los profesionales sanitarios, los administradores y la ciencia, claro está. Tiene que ver con la concomitancia de varias versiones, de las realidades fractales que representan de distintas maneras los muchos actantes sociales y materiales presentes en esta red heterogénea. Este argumento está estructurado en dos partes. La primera de ellas simplemente reafirma la multiplicidad desde la perspectiva de la PsicologÃa como una profesión sanitaria. La segunda propone que la acción en un escenario complejo requiere una amplia base de información basada más en la erudición que en la experiencia técnica: es la familiarización con aquellos temas culturales e históricos relacionados directa o indirectamente con la organización actual de la prestación de asistencia sanitaria la que presentará las prácticas diarias polÃticas y éticasThis paper is a position statement based on a long trajectory of research and intervention in the Brazilian context. The argument put forward is that health experiences are complex, and professional practice must be based on both technical expertise and scholarship. Complexity is not about different points of view: that of healthy people, patients, doctors, health professionals, health administrators and science, of course. It is about the concomitance of multiple versions; about fractal realities that are performed in different manners by the many social and material actants that are present in this heterogeneous network. This argument is structured in two parts. The first one merely restates multiplicity from the perspective of Psychology as a health profession. The second, proposes that action in a complex setting requires a broad base of information based on scholarship rather that technical expertise: it is the familiarity with issues that are cultural and historical and directly or indirectly related to present-day organization of care delivery that will anchor political and ethical everyday practice
Psicologia Social e Saúde : trabalhando com a complexidade
Esse artigo reflete uma posição pessoal baseada em longa trajetória de pesquisa e intervenção no contexto brasileiro. O argumento desenvolvido é que as experiências no campo da saúde são complexas e que as práticas profissionais devem ser fundamentadas tanto no saber técnico quanto na formação ampliada. A complexidade aqui referida não trata meramente de pontos de vista diferentes: das pessoas saudáveis, pacientes, médicos, profissionais de saúde, gestores e, é claro, da ciência. Trata-se da concomitância de múltiplas versões, de realidades fractais que são performadas de diferentes formas pelos muitos actantes sociais e materiais que estão presentes nessa rede heterogênea. O argumento do texto está estruturado em duas partes. A primeira meramente reposiciona multiplicidade na perspectiva da Psicologia como uma profissão da Saúde. A segunda propõe que a ação em contextos complexos exige ampla base de informação fundada mais em erudição do que em saberes técnicos: é a familiaridade com questões que são culturalmente, historicamente e direta ou indiretamente relacionadas com a organização cotidiana da atenção em saúde que irá ancorar práticas cotidianas polÃticas e éticas.This paper is a position statement based on a long trajectory of research and intervention in the Brazilian context. The argument put forward is that health experiences are complex, and professional practice must be based on both technical expertise and scholarship. Complexity is not about different points of view: that of healthy people, patients, doctors, health professionals, health administrators and science, of course. It is about the concomitance of multiple versions; about fractal realities that are performed in different manners by the many social and material actants that are present in this heterogeneous network. This argument is structured in two parts. The first one merely restates multiplicity from the perspective of Psychology as a health profession. The second, proposes that action in a complex setting requires a broad base of information based on scholarship rather that technical expertise: it is the familiarity with issues that are cultural and historical and directly or indirectly related to present-day organization of care delivery that will anchor political and ethical everyday practices
Caminando sobre huevos : una reflexión construccionista sobre la investigación
¿Cuál es la noción de acción que guÃa a la investigación construccionista? Tomando esta pregunta como base, se recurre a una investigación realizada para evaluar el papel de la Comisión Nacional de SIDA (CNAIDS) del Ministerio de Salud de Brasil como punto de partida para formular un concepto de acción compatible con la postura construccionista. Se comienza problematizando la noción clásica de acción, pasando a continuación a proponer alternativas, explorando las implicaciones de nociones tales como la de en-acción, discutida por Varela, para la investigación construccionista. La investigación sobre la CNAIDS se usa como ejemplo de las maneras posibles de conducir la investigación-intervención. La expresión investigación-intervención se usa en este artÃculo como estrategia discursiva para enfatizar que toda investigación tiene consecuencias, siendo necesariamente un proceso de producción de sentidos sobre los actos de nuestras vidas.What notion of action is compatible with constructionist research? Taking this question as a provocation, we use a study carried out to evaluate the role of the National Aids Committee (CNAIDS) of the Brazilian Ministry of Health as a starting point for the formulation of a concept of action that might be compatible with a constructionist position. Starting by questioning the classic notion of action, it goes on to propose alternative conceptualisations of action, exploring the implications of notions such as Varela's enaction for constructionist research. The CNAIDS research is used as an example of possible ways of conducting intervention-research with a constructionist spin. The expression intervention-research is used in this paper as a discursive strategy to emphasize that all research has consequences and is necessarily a process of making sense of events in our life
Enhanced surface acoustic wave cell sorting by 3D microfluidic chip design
We demonstrate an acoustic wave driven microfluidic cell sorter that combines advantages of multilayer device fabrication with planar surface acoustic wave excitation. We harness the strong vertical component of the refracted acoustic wave to enhance cell actuation by using an asymmetric flow field to increase cell deflection. Precise control of the 3-dimensional flow is realized by topographical structures implemented on the top of the microchannel. We experimentally quantify the effect of the structure dimensions and acoustic parameter. The design attains cell sorting rates and purities approaching those of state of the art fluorescence-activated cell sorters with all the advantages of microfluidic cell sorting
A Multiplicidade da Psicologia Social Brasileira
A Psicologia Social brasileira apresenta inúmeras definições, abordagens teóricas e objetos de estudo. Neste trabalho, embasadas em pesquisas da Teoria Ator-Rede, argumentamos que esses não são diferentes aspectos ou atributos de um mesmo objeto, mas elementos que ajudam a performar diferentes versões desse objeto. São, portanto, elementos que fazem Psicologias Sociais diferentes, embora relacionadas entre si. Que fazem uma Psicologia Social múltipla, ou seja, que é mais do que uma ao mesmo tempo em que é menos do que muitas. Buscamos, com isso, chamar a atenção para a possibilidade de ordenar e de coordenar a realidade de diferentes modos. De reconhecer que em uma disciplina cabem múltiplos e diversos actantes. De fazer uma Psicologia Social que busca conexões complexas que articulam humanos a não humanos e que performam múltiplas realidades.Brazilian Social Psychology has many definitions, theories and objects of study. In this essay, based on Actor-Network Theory, we argue that these are not different aspects or attributes of a single object, but elements that help to perform different versions of this object. They are, therefore, elements that make Social Psychologies different, although related to each other. They produce a multiple Social Psychology, which is more than one and, at the same time, less than many. In doing so, we strived to call attention to the possibility of ordinating and coordinating reality in different ways, of recognizing that there are multiple and diverse actants in a discipline and of making a Social Psychology that searches for complex connections that articulate humans and non-humans and perform multiple realities
Breeding for improved nitrogen use efficiency in oilseed rape
Oilseed rape has a high requirement for nitrogen (N) fertiliser relative to its seed yield. This paper uses published and unpublished work to explore the extent to which the N use efficiency (seed yield ÷ N supply) of oilseed rape could be improved without reducing seed yield. It was estimated that if the concentration of N in the stem and pod wall at crop maturity could be reduced from 1.0 to 0.6%, the root length density increased to 1 cm/cm3 to 100 cm soil depth and the post flowering N uptake increased by 20 kg N/ha then the fertiliser requirement could be reduced from 191 to 142 kg N/ha and the N use efficiency could be increased from 15.2 to 22.4 kg of seed dry matter per kg N. Genetic variation was found for all of the traits that were estimated to be important for N use efficiency. This indicates that there is significant scope for plant breeders to reduce N use efficiency in oilseed rape
Quantum Monte Carlo study of the Ne atom and the Ne+ ion
We report all-electron and pseudopotential calculations of the
ground-stateenergies of the neutral Ne atom and the Ne+ ion using the
variational and diffusion quantum Monte Carlo (DMC) methods. We investigate
different levels of Slater-Jastrow trial wave function: (i) using Hartree-Fock
orbitals, (ii) using orbitals optimized within a Monte Carlo procedure in the
presence of a Jastrow factor, and (iii) including backflow correlations in the
wave function. Small reductions in the total energy are obtained by optimizing
the orbitals, while more significant reductions are obtained by incorporating
backflow correlations. We study the finite-time-step and fixed-node biases in
the DMC energy and show that there is a strong tendency for these errors to
cancel when the first ionization potential (IP) is calculated. DMC gives highly
accurate values for the IP of Ne at all the levels of trial wave function that
we have considered
Caminando sobre huevos: una reflexión construccionista sobre la investigación
What notion of action is compatible with constructionist research? Taking this question as a provocation, we use a study carried out to evaluate the role of the National Aids Committee (CNAIDS) of the Brazilian Ministry of Health as a starting point for the formulation of a concept of action that might be compatible with a constructionist position. Starting by questioning the classic notion of action, it goes on to propose alternative conceptualisations of action, exploring the implications of notions such as Varela's enaction for constructionist research. The CNAIDS research is used as an example of possible ways of conducting intervention-research with a constructionist spin. The expression intervention-research is used in this paper as a discursive strategy to emphasize that all research has consequences & is necessarily a process of making sense of events in our life
Progress of Diamond Digital Low Level RF
The first version of digital low level RF (DLLRF) for the Diamond Light
Source storage ring and booster was developed with ALBA Synchrotron. Six
systems have been built so far. Two of them are in routine operation
controlling two normal conducting HOM-damped cavi-ties in the Diamond storage
ring. A third system is being used for cavity testing in the RF test facility
(RFTF). The fourth system is being commissioned to control the sec-ond normal
conducting booster cavity. The fifth DLLRF system is being prepared for the
third normal conducting RF cavity in the storage ring. A new DLLRF system based
on SIS8300-KU with RTM has been developed and tested in the last few years. We
are aiming to develop a common platform for the differ-ent RF systems in
Diamond, including the storage ring, the booster and the Linac. It will also be
our baseline design for the future Diamond II. Firmware, software and
supporting hardware have been developed and tested. The Linac version with
arbitrary waveform generator mode was tested successfully to generate flat top
pulse from SLED in the high power test in the Linac. The stor-age ring version
was also tested successfully in RFTF.Comment: Poster presented at LLRF Workshop 2022 (LLRF2022, arXiv:2208.13680
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