866 research outputs found

    Subjugation and Transformation of the Major Female Character in Chetan Bhagat’s One Indian Girl

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    Chetan Bhagat is a popular Indian writer. He exposes the various issues being practiced in society. All his novels present the problems of youths, their hopes, aspirations, dreams and frustrations. The Present novel One Indian Girl is acclaimed for his stance on female issues. This novel is presented from the female perspective. Radhika is the major female character in the fiction. She is victim of the male chauvinism. She undergoes many tribulations but in the end she takes her own decision. She doesn’t accept the male choice. After much emphasis she accepts to do arrange marriage but at the she realizes her own importance and refuses to marry. She determines to live life according to her own terms. The writer presents her expedition in a fantastic way

    Effect of Nanofluids on Heat Pipe Thermal Performance: A Review of the Recent Literature

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    Normally conventional fluids are used in heat pipes to remove the heat based on a temperature range for its particular operating conditions [1] (see Fig.2). The addition of the nano particles to the base fluid is one of the significant issues to enhance the heat transfer of heat pipes. The purpose of this review is to summarize the research done on heat pipes using nanofluids as working fluids in recent years (2012 to 2013). This review article provides additional information for the design of heat pipes with optimum conditions regarding the heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids in heat pipes. Moreover, this paper identifies several important issues that should be considered further in future works

    Comprehensive Survey on Automatic Reminder Systems

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    In today’s world old people, pregnant women’s needs the medicines on daily basis and on exact time. People who suffered with cronical diseases like Diabetics, Dementia, Heart patients need the exact dosage of medicine on right time otherwise it will affect their body. So we need to see such useful reminding system which helps to above people to take their medicine on exact time. It’s Automatic Medicine Reminder System which can be used with latest technologies. Today, GSM Module can be used to send the Text messages for reminding purpose of medicine those who don’t have smart phones, and for those who have Smartphone’s can get same reminding message but with advance feature and its Whatsapp messaging with the help of latest processors like Raspberry Pi module, which can operates through Ethernet or WIFI. This paper summarized the various techniques used for reminder purpose basically medical treatments


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    Information Retrieval (IR) is deal as the interface between the information handler and the framework and the query thus formulated is matched against a keyword indexed in the system whereas in Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR) Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is involved. Although, Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR) is a multidisciplinary field its broad subject is Computer science. Algorithmic kind of IR is still prevalent in Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR), information seeking and information behavior

    Pathology of heart, coronaries and aorta in autopsy cases with history of sudden death: an original article

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    Background: Natural deaths represent a large proportion of sudden (unexpected and unattended) deaths. The term “sudden cardiac death” (SCD) refers to death from the abrupt cessation of cardiac function due to cardiac arrest. The objective of this study was to identify various causes, risk factors, age and sex distribution associated with sudden cardiac death in an Indian setting.Methods: Detail review of medical records and an autopsy study of all cases of sudden cardiac death that occurred instantaneously or within 24 hours of onset of symptoms in a tertiary care institution, between December 2010 and December 2015 was carried out.Results: In total, 124 cases of sudden death were studied during this period. Out of 124 cases, 109 cases (87.90%) showed pathology in heart and aorta. Atherosclerotic coronary heart disease was the most common cause of death (72.58%) followed by Hypertensive heart disease (4.83%), Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (3.22%), Myocarditis (3.22%), Infective endocarditis (1.61%), Rheumatic heart disease (0.8%), Aortic dissection (0.8%), and syphilitic aortitis (0.8%).Conclusions: Sudden death is a source of concern and a detailed postmortem examination is mandatory to ascertain its cause. Presence of co-existing conditions like diabetes and hypertension contribute immensely to the risk of sudden death. Occurrence of sudden death at a younger age presents a formidable challenge. Prevention of development of risk factors of atherosclerosis at an early age can be an effective strategy to counter this ailment at all levels

    Comprehensive Survey on the Techniques used in Weighing and Recording Systems

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    Today farmers are facing more problems about fruit’s weight measuring and recording at the time of their final cost calculation while selling to the agents. Now a day, weighing issues are the most important in concern with the issues of farmers everywhere in the agriculture field, so weighing of everything from farm gains higher and higher importance in recent years. Here in this paper, trying to introduce the comprehensive literature study related to the various measuring systems that are necessary in the fields such as agriculture, industries and market. Weighing and measuring where possibilities of incursion are increasing day by day. In past days, the research is gone on various weighing and measuring systems, which provided the solution to manual methods. Due to the advancement in recent techniques, some weighing systems are based on microcontroller, ARM11, dynamic, fuzzy-logic, force-sensing, image-processing, filter, online, sensor network, and LVDT based etc. Every system has its own advantages and disadvantages. In most of systems, strain gauge technique is used for weighing so the system will become cost effective, more reliable and it will take less time to stores the many reading for continuous measuring process. The weight measuring systems today needs to make use of the latest technology. In some papers, the authors have presented weighing systems based on embedded and PLC and sometimes the load sensors is connected by online and sensor network. Hence, it could not easily hack the data of weighing records by hackers. A lot of modification takes places in various weighing and recording systems from the last few years, in next coming years many changes will takes place

    Multiple carcasses of Olive Ridleys along Malvan Beach

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    The Olive Ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) is protected under the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. Maharashtra government along with NGOs are undertaking several efforts in conservation of sea turtles along the coast. There is a state sponsored incentive program of `500 for locating and sharing information with forest officials. Malvan coast in Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra is known for turtle and fisheries interactions. Occasional turtle nestings can be seen between November to April

    Marine turtle conservation programs in villages of Ratnagiri, Maharashtra

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    Maharashtra is active in sea turtle conservation and its citizen actions with support of forest department are highly commendable particularly in some regions of southern Maharashtra. During the surveys conducted at Harne and Kolthare villages of Ratnagiri in March 2019 it was observed that local volunteers known as “Kasav Mitra” identified by Forest Department, in Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra are undertaking beach patrolling and relocating the eggs to secured enclosures for multiple reasons such as the egg sites being too close to tide water level, beaches open to public that can result in eggs being unknowingly crushed by beachgoers, or dug up by dogs or targeted poaching