308 research outputs found

    Reduced impact logging guidelines for lowland and hill dipterocarp forest in Indonesia

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    U ovom radu opisana je tehnologija mehaničke obrade, sa svim operacijama koje su specifične za proizvodnju cijevi oružja. U uvodnom dijelu definiran je pojam streljačkog oružja sa tehnološkom problematikom u izradi i specifičnostima u eksploataciji cijevi. Kroz pojašnjenja namjene, materijala i konstrukcije cijevi, spomenute su tehnologije obrade koje su nužne za kvalitetnu izradu cijevi streljačkog naoružanja. Na kraju je opisan tehnološki postupak izrade cijevi u standardnom NATO kalibru 5,56x45 mm, zajedno sa ključnim točkama u kojima je potrebna posebna pozornost, kako bi se izbjegle greške.This paper describes the mechanical processing technology with all operations that are specific to the production of gun barrels. The introductory section defines the concept of infantry weapon with the technological issues in manufacturing and specificity of barrel exploitation. Through the clarification of the purpose, materials and construction of the barrel, the processing technologies are mentioned which are necessary factor in producing a barrel for infantry weapon. At the end, a technological process of a weapon barrel manufacturing in the standard NATO 5.56x45 mm caliber is described, along with key points where special attention is needed to avoid mistakes

    Manejo florestal comunitário madeireiro na região Transamazônica.

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    A diminuição do desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira: apoiar o manejo florestal familiar.

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    Na Amazônia brasileira, o desmatamento anual vem diminuindo desde 2004, passando de 27.000 km², ele passou para 4.650 km2 em 2011-2012, uma cifra que está próxima da meta do plano nacional de luta contra a mudança climática para 2020, fixada em 3.900 km2. Até 2008, esta diminuição podia ser explicada pela redução das cotações mundiais /dos produtos agrícolas, na medida em que havia menos incentivo para desmatar. Mas, desde então, essa redução vem se mantendo apesar das cotações, o que mostra o impacto do Programa de Prevenção e Controle do Desmatamento na Amazônia, lançado em 2004.bitstream/item/92982/1/Perspective22-Sist-et-al-Pt.pd

    How persistent are the impacts of logging roads on Central African forest vegetation?

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    Logging roads can trigger tropical forest degradation by reducing the integrity of the ecosystem and providing access for encroachment. Therefore, road management is crucial in reconciling selective logging and biodiversity conservation. Most logging roads are abandoned after timber harvesting; however, little is known about their long-term impacts on forest vegetation and accessibility, especially in Central Africa. In 11 logging concessions in the Congo Basin, we field-sampled a chronosequence of roads that, judging from satellite images, had been abandoned between 1985 and 2015. We assessed recovery of timber resources, tree diversity and above-ground biomass in three zones: the road track, the road edge (where forest had been cleared during road construction) and the adjacent logged forest. The density of commercial timber species <15 cm d.b.h. was almost three times higher in the road track (321 individuals ha−1) and edge (267) than in the logged adjacent forest (97). Over time, tree species diversity converged to a comparable level between roads and adjacent forests, along with an increase in canopy closure. The average width of forest clearing for road construction was 20 m, covering a total 0·76% of the forest area inside concessions. After 15 years following abandonment, road tracks had recovered 24 Mg ha−1 of above-ground woody biomass, which was 6% of that in the adjacent forest, while road edges had accumulated 167 Mg ha−1 (42%). Ten years after abandonment, roads were no longer penetrable by poachers on motorcycles. An exotic herb species was fully replaced by dominant Marantaceae that have even higher abundance in the adjacent forest. • Synthesis and applications. Our evidence of vegetation recovery suggests that logging roads are mostly transient elements in the forest landscapes. However, given the slow recovery of biomass on abandoned road tracks, we advocate both reducing the width of forest clearing for road construction and reopening old logging roads for future harvests, rather than building new roads in intact forests. Road edges seem suitable for post-logging silviculture which needs to be assisted by removing dominant herbs during the early years after abandonment while the road track is still accessible. (Résumé d'auteur

    Management of natural tropical forests in the past, present, and projections for the future

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    Manejo sostenible de los bosques tropicales. Desafíos para las prácticas de aprovechamiento de impacto reducido.

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    Well-being, work comfort and food security are better than maximizing production in the Amazon.

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    In the Amazon, slash and burn is the most common technique used by American-Indians, small farmers and even big ranches to transform forests into rural landscapes. The basis of food subsistence for diverse populations (rice, corn and bean), slash and burn is also a must for the plantation of cocoa, coffee, palms and pastures. The Amazonian rural landscape is currently dominated by pastures, occupying around 80 % of the deforested surface. Even if the nature of the plantation varies according to location, height, soil type and local traditions, slash and burn remains relatively the same in all regions. Agro-ecological intensification and the integration of livestock and agriculture is 2-3 decades old. Different alternatives have been tested, particularly the introduction of leguminous (covering the land or forming trees) to improve the soil and to build a bank of proteins for cattle. New techniques for the recuperation of pasture lands have become widely popular among ranches. The introduction of one or two annual plantations between two pasture areas allows reestablishing fertility through the injection of nitrates and, as a result, increases the pasture?s productivity. However, being relatively high-cost because of its demand in terms of mechanization and inputs, this technique is almost unaffordable for small Amazonian farmers..