196 research outputs found

    A Novel Optical Beam Concept for Producing Coherent Synchrotron Radiation with Large Energy Spread Beams

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    Up to now two FEL concepts are known in conventional accelerators: 1.) In THz lasers an off-crest cavity adds a chirp to the bunch followed by a bunch compressor. Particles with different energies travel on different trajectories to the radiator. 2.) For EUV and X-ray FELs the beam enters an undulator which produces microbunches which then radiate. In this paper it is proposed to copy the THz laser scheme for EUV lasers. The incoming beam is chirped and a dogleg forces afterwards the particles with different energies to move on different parallel trajectories. Considering a detector plane perpendicular to the trajectories the particles with different energies arrive in general at different times. When in this plane for instance a TGU (Transverse Gradient Undulator) is positioned the emitted radiation in the TGU is monochromatic. If in addition chirp and dogleg are selected in such a way that the particles with different energies arrive at the same time at the entrance of the TGU the radiation is monochromatic and coherent similar to the THz laser concept

    Two unequally redundant "helper" immune receptor families mediate Arabidopsis thaliana intracellular "sensor" immune receptor functions

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    Plant nucleotide-binding (NB) leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptor (NLR) proteins function as intracellular immune receptors that perceive the presence of pathogen-derived virulence proteins (effectors) to induce immune responses. The 2 major types of plant NLRs that "sense"pathogen effectors differ in their N-terminal domains: these are Toll/interleukin-1 receptor resistance (TIR) domain-containing NLRs (TNLs) and coiled-coil (CC) domain-containing NLRs (CNLs). In many angiosperms, the RESISTANCE TO POWDERY MILDEW 8 (RPW8)-CC domain containing NLR (RNL) subclass of CNLs is encoded by 2 gene families, ACTIVATED DISEASE RESISTANCE 1 (ADR1) and N REQUIREMENT GENE 1 (NRG1), that act as "helper"NLRs during multiple sensor NLR-mediated immune responses. Despite their important role in sensor NLR-mediated immunity, knowledge of the specific, redundant, and synergistic functions of helper RNLs is limited. We demonstrate that the ADR1 and NRG1 families act in an unequally redundant manner in basal resistance, effector-triggered immunity (ETI) and regulation of defense gene expression. We define RNL redundancy in ETI conferred by some TNLs and in basal resistance against virulent pathogens. We demonstrate that, in Arabidopsis thaliana, the 2 RNL families contribute specific functions in ETI initiated by specific CNLs and TNLs. Time-resolved whole genome expression profiling revealed that RNLs and "classical"CNLs trigger similar transcriptome changes, suggesting that RNLs act like other CNLs to mediate ETI downstream of sensor NLR activation. Together, our genetic data confirm that RNLs contribute to basal resistance, are fully required for TNL signaling, and can also support defense activation during CNL-mediated ETI

    MidA is a putative methyltransferase that is required for mitochondrial complex I function

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    10 páginas, 6 figuras.-- et al.Dictyostelium and human MidA are homologous proteins that belong to a family of proteins of unknown function called DUF185. Using yeast two-hybrid screening and pull-down experiments, we showed that both proteins interact with the mitochondrial complex I subunit NDUFS2. Consistent with this, Dictyostelium cells lacking MidA showed a specific defect in complex I activity, and knockdown of human MidA in HEK293T cells resulted in reduced levels of assembled complex I. These results indicate a role for MidA in complex I assembly or stability. A structural bioinformatics analysis suggested the presence of a methyltransferase domain; this was further supported by site-directed mutagenesis of specific residues from the putative catalytic site. Interestingly, this complex I deficiency in a Dictyostelium midA- mutant causes a complex phenotypic outcome, which includes phototaxis and thermotaxis defects. We found that these aspects of the phenotype are mediated by a chronic activation of AMPK, revealing a possible role of AMPK signaling in complex I cytopathology.This work was supported by grants BMC2006-00394 and BMC2009-09050 to R.E. from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; to P.R.F. from the Thyne Reid Memorial Trusts and the Australian Research Council; to A.V. and O.G. from the Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute (www.inab.org), a platform of Genome Spain; to R.G. from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (PI070167) and from the Comunidad de Madrid (GEN-0269/2006). S.C. is supported by a research contract from Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid y del Fondo Social Europeo (FSE).Peer Reviewe

    Approaches in Sustainable, Biobased Multilayer Packaging Solutions

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    The depletion of fossil resources and the growing demand for plastic waste reduction has put industries and academic researchers under pressure to develop increasingly sustainable packaging solutions that are both functional and circularly designed. In this review, we provide an overview of the fundamentals and recent advances in biobased packaging materials, including new materials and techniques for their modification as well as their end-of-life scenarios. We also discuss the composition and modification of biobased films and multilayer structures, with particular attention to readily available drop-in solutions, as well as coating techniques. Moreover, we discuss end-of-life factors, including sorting systems, detection methods, composting options, and recycling and upcycling possibilities. Finally, regulatory aspects are pointed out for each application scenario and end-of-life option. Moreover, we discuss the human factor in terms of consumer perception and acceptance of upcycling

    Fabrication of cell container arrays with overlaid surface topographies

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    This paper presents cell culture substrates in the form of microcontainer arrays with overlaid surface topographies, and a technology for their fabrication. The new fabrication technology is based on microscale thermoforming of thin polymer films whose surfaces are topographically prepatterned on a micro- or nanoscale. For microthermoforming, we apply a new process on the basis of temporary back moulding of polymer films and use the novel concept of a perforated-sheet-like mould. Thermal micro- or nanoimprinting is applied for prepatterning. The novel cell container arrays are fabricated from polylactic acid (PLA) films. The thin-walled microcontainer structures have the shape of a spherical calotte merging into a hexagonal shape at their upper circumferential edges. In the arrays, the cell containers are arranged densely packed in honeycomb fashion. The inner surfaces of the highly curved container walls are provided with various topographical micro- and nanopatterns. For a first validation of the microcontainer arrays as in vitro cell culture substrates, C2C12 mouse premyoblasts are cultured in containers with microgrooved surfaces and shown to align along the grooves in the three-dimensional film substrates. In future stem-cell-biological and tissue engineering applications, microcontainers fabricated using the proposed technology may act as geometrically defined artificial microenvironments or niches

    Metabolic Adaptation of Ralstonia solanacearum during Plant Infection: A Methionine Biosynthesis Case Study

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    MetE and MetH are two distinct enzymes that catalyze a similar biochemical reaction during the last step of methionine biosynthesis, MetH being a cobalamin-dependent enzyme whereas MetE activity is cobalamin-independent. In this work, we show that the last step of methionine synthesis in the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum is under the transcriptional control of the master pathogenicity regulator HrpG. This control is exerted essentially on metE expression through the intermediate regulator MetR. Expression of metE is strongly and specifically induced in the presence of plant cells in a hrpG- and metR-dependent manner. metE and metR mutants are not auxotrophic for methionine and not affected for growth inside the plant but produce significantly reduced disease symptoms on tomato whereas disruption of metH has no impact on pathogenicity. The finding that the pathogen preferentially induces metE expression rather than metH in the presence of plant cells is indicative of a probable metabolic adaptation to physiological host conditions since this induction of metE occurs in an environment in which cobalamin, the required co-factor for MetH, is absent. It also shows that MetE and MetH are not functionally redundant and are deployed during specific stages of the bacteria lifecycle, the expression of metE and metH being controlled by multiple and distinct signals

    Irradiation leads to apoptosis of Kupffer cells by a Hsp27-dependant pathway followed by release of TNF-α

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    In a previous publication, we were able to show that irradiation of Kupffer cells, the liver resident macrophages, leads to an increased TNF-α concentration in the culture medium. The pathomechanisms underlying this phenomenon, however, remained to be elucidated. Here, we show that following irradiation of Kupffer cells, the apoptosis rate increased drastically within 48 h. At the same time, the total TNF-α concentration in cell lysates of Kupffer cells attached to the culture plate decreased. However, normalization of the TNF-α concentration with respect to cell number revealed that TNF-α concentration per attached cell remained constant during the observation period. Western blot analysis showed that heat shock protein 27 (Hsp27) is strongly downregulated and bax is upregulated in irradiated Kupffer cells as compared to sham-irradiated cells. Overexpression of Hsp27 in Kupffer cells was shown to prevent the effect of irradiation on bax expression, apoptosis and, at the same time, on increase of TNF-α concentration in the Kupffer cell medium. We conclude that irradiation of Kupffer cells leads to apoptosis because of downregulation of Hsp27 and consecutive upregulation of bax expression. Furthermore, we suggest that apoptosis of Kupffer cells leads to an increase of TNF-α concentration in the culture medium which may be due to cell death rather than active release or synthesis

    Excretory/Secretory-Products of Echinococcus multilocularis Larvae Induce Apoptosis and Tolerogenic Properties in Dendritic Cells In Vitro

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    Parasitic helminths are inducers of chronic diseases and have evolved mechanisms to suppress the host immune response. Mostly from studies on roundworms, a picture is currently emerging that helminths secrete factors (E/S-products) that directly act on sentinels of the immune system, dendritic cells, in order to achieve an expansion of immunosuppressive, regulatory T cells (T-reg). Parasitic helminths are currently also intensely studied as therapeutic agents against autoimmune diseases and allergies, which is directly linked to their immunosuppressive activities. The immunomodulatory products of parasitic helminths are therefore of high interest for understanding immunopathology during infections and for the treatment of allergies. The present work was conducted on larvae of the tapeworm E. multilocularis, which grow like a tumor into surrounding host tissue and thus cause the lethal disease alveolar echinococcosis. The authors found that E/S-products from early infective larvae are strong inducers of tolerogenic DC in vitro and show that E/S-products of larvae of the chronic stage lead to an in vitro expansion of Foxp3+ T cells, suggesting that both the expansion of these T cells and poorly responsive DC are important for the establishment and persistence of E. multilocularis larvae within the host
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