310 research outputs found

    Cartography of Landscape Dynamics in Central Spain

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    Depto. de Biodiversidad, Ecología y EvoluciónFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)pu

    Effects of whole linseed and rumen-protected conjugated linoleic acid enriched diets on beef quality

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    Instrumental assessments and sensory tests were performed to evaluate the effects of diet and postmortem ageing time (1, 7 and 21 days) on beef quality. A total of 48 Friesian calves were randomly allocated to four dietary treatments: control, whole linseed (10% linseed), conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) (2% protected CLA), and whole linseed+CLA (10% linseed and 2% protected CLA). Animals were slaughtered at 458±16.6 kg live weight and 11 months of age. Ageing was more significant than diet on most instrumental parameters. Meat from linseed enriched diets had greater drip loss (P=0.001) and intramuscular fat (P=0.01) than meat from animals fed CLA. Beef aged for 7 and 21 days had lower cooking losses (P=0.01) and shear force (P=0.001) than beef aged for 1 day. Lightness was affected only by display time. The addition of CLA in the diet increased hue and yellowness, whereas the inclusion of linseed decreased these values, as well as increased redness. Linseed in the diet decreased fat odour (P=0.05), but increased beef (P=0.01) and liver (P=0.05) flavours. Meat aged for 21 days was significantly more rancid (P=0.001), even under vacuum storage. Several organoleptic properties were improved with the inclusion of linseed in the diet, whereas they remained unaffected by the inclusion of CLA

    Effect of different finishing strategies and steer temperament on animal welfare and instrumental meat tenderness

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    The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of different fattening systems from pasture to concentrate and temperament on animal welfare (AW) and meat quality (MQ). Eighty-four Hereford steers were randomly assigned to the following groups: T1, pasture (4% of animal live weight: LW); T2, pasture (3% LW) plus concentrate (0.6% LW); T3, pasture (3% LW) plus concentrate (1.2% LW); T4, an ad libitum concentrate treatment. Temperament was assessed by three individual tests: crush score, flight time, and exit speed, building a multicriterial temperament index (TIndex). The flight zone was also registered for each treatment. AW was assessed through the integration of indicators of productivity, physiology, and behavior, as well as by monitoring the health status within each treatment. Shear force was registered for MQ. Differences in average daily gain were due to the different energetic composition of the diets (T4 > T3 > T2 > T1) and were not attributable to animal welfare problems. Animals from T4 had the higher average daily gain (ADG) but welfare was negatively affected, being evident through physiological indicators, the restriction or deprivation of relevant behaviors, diet-related diseases, and mortality. T1, T2, and T3 did not appear to compromise animal welfare. However, strict preventive measures and monitoring should be taken during the habituation process and when using any new diet that includes concentrate, because of possible dietary diseases. Shear force values were lower in T1. None of the animals in our experiment were excitable or aggressive, but there was a positive response to handling in all treatments. In addition, regardless of diet, calmer animals had higher average daily gain and lower shear force values; thus, temperament appears to have a significant influence on productivity and meat quality

    Effect of production system before the finishing period on carcass, meat and fat qualities of beef

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    Twenty Gascon young bulls that had been reared either in intensive conditions (INT) (n = 10) with early weaning at 3 to 4 months, or in a traditional extensive (EXT) system (n = 10) with weaning at 7 months, were subjected to the same conditions during the 145-day finishing period. Production system before the finishing period did not affect conformation, dressing percentage or morphology of the carcass; nevertheless, tissue composition differed somewhat between the two groups. Display had a stronger effect on meat colour than did production system. Percentage of myoglobin was highest in INT (P ⩽ 0.001), although meat texture and sensory quality did not differ between rearing conditions. EXT animals had darker, more yellow fat, a higher percentage of n-3 fatty acids (P ⩽ 0.001), a lower percentage of saturated fatty acids (P ⩽ 0.05) and a lower n-6/n-3 index (P ⩽ 0.001) than did the INT-reared animals. Production system before the fattening period might modify some of the characteristics of commercial beef, especially those associated with fat.This research was financed by European Project Programmes POCTEFA-OTRAC I 2009/010. The authors thank the OTRAC consortium members and the local government (DGA) for the PhD scholarship.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Discovery of a SAR11 growth requirement for thiamin's pyrimidine precursor and its distribution in the Sargasso Sea.

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript.Final version available from Nature via the DOI in this record.Vitamin traffic, the production of organic growth factors by some microbial community members and their use by other taxa, is being scrutinized as a potential explanation for the variation and highly connected behavior observed in ocean plankton by community network analysis. Thiamin (vitamin B1), a cofactor in many essential biochemical reactions that modify carbon-carbon bonds of organic compounds, is distributed in complex patterns at subpicomolar concentrations in the marine surface layer (0-300 m). Sequenced genomes from organisms belonging to the abundant and ubiquitous SAR11 clade of marine chemoheterotrophic bacteria contain genes coding for a complete thiamin biosynthetic pathway, except for thiC, encoding the 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine (HMP) synthase, which is required for de novo synthesis of thiamin's pyrimidine moiety. Here we demonstrate that the SAR11 isolate 'Candidatus Pelagibacter ubique', strain HTCC1062, is auxotrophic for the thiamin precursor HMP, and cannot use exogenous thiamin for growth. In culture, strain HTCC1062 required 0.7 zeptomoles per cell (ca. 400 HMP molecules per cell). Measurements of dissolved HMP in the Sargasso Sea surface layer showed that HMP ranged from undetectable (detection limit: 2.4 pM) to 35.7 pM, with maximum concentrations coincident with the deep chlorophyll maximum. In culture, some marine cyanobacteria, microalgae and bacteria exuded HMP, and in the Western Sargasso Sea, HMP profiles changed between the morning and evening, suggesting a dynamic biological flux from producers to consumers.This work was supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s Marine Microbiology Initiative and National Science Foundation grant OCE-0802004

    Influencia de la raza sobre la aceptabilidad en el hogar de la carne de cabrito y comparación con la especie ovina

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    Las razas autóctonas caprinas españolas de aptitud cárnica, aunque cuentan con un censo relativamente escaso (22.000 cabezas en pureza), cumplen una importante misión como agentes valorizadores de zonas y recursos marginales y suponen una importante reserva de nuestro patrimonio genético. Desgraciadamente, en muchos casos, ni el potencial productivo ni la calidad de sus productos están medianamente estudiados. De todas las especies de rumiantes que existen en España, la única que no posee ninguna marca de calidad es la especie caprina. La consecución de alguna distinción de este tipo podría ayudar a mejorar las rentas de los productores, a la propia subsistencia de las distintas agrupaciones y a la revalorización de la carne de esta especie. Por otra parte, existe la creencia de que los resultados de investigación que se pueden obtener con otras especies (bovino y ovino fundamentalmente) pueden ser fácilmente aplicables a las cabras, lo cual es definitivamente incierto debido a las múltiples especificidades de la especie caprina, incluyendo su carne (Sierra y Sañudo, 1987; Morand- Fehr y Lebbie, 2004). Por todo ello, se plantea el siguiente objetivo: Estudio de la apreciación global, por parte del consumidor en condiciones reales de cocinado en el hogar, de la calidad de la carne del cabrito de diversas razas caprinas en comparación con ovinos lechales, que podrían ser considerados como un producto de calidad de referencia.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) AGL2005-05777-C02-01/GA

    Development of a Multicriteria Scheme for the Identification of Strategic Areas for SUDS Implementation:A Case Study from Gijón, Spain

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    Spain has been pinpointed as one of the European countries at major risk of extreme urban events. Thus, Spanish cities pursue new urban plans to increase their resilience. In this scenario, experiences in the implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) have increased substantially. Nevertheless, few cities have developed a global urban strategy for SUDS, lacking, in many cases, a method to identify strategic areas to maximize their synergetic benefits. Furthermore, there is still a need for a holistic Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) framework that considers the four pillars of SUDS design. The city of Gijón, NW Spain, has been selected as a case study due to its environmental and climatic stresses. This research presents the methodology developed for this city, which aims to analyze the need for SUDS implementation throughout the identification of strategic areas. With this aim, a combination of Geographic Information System (GIS) software and the MCDA Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) were proposed. The results show the potential for SUDS’ implementation, according to nine criteria related to the SUDS’ design pillars. We found that the areas where the implementation of SUDS would bring the greatest functional, environmental and social benefits are mainly located in consolidated urban areas

    Using machine learning procedures to ascertain the influence of beef carcass profiles on carcass conformation scores

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    In this study, a total of 163 young-bull carcasses belonging to seven Spanish native beef cattle breeds showing substantial carcass variation were photographed in order to obtain digital assessments of carcass dimensions and profiles. This dataset was then analysed using machine learning (ML) methodologies to ascertain the influence of carcass profiles on the grade obtained using the SEUROP system. To achieve this goal, carcasses were obtained using the same standard feeding regime and classified homogeneous conditions in order to avoid non-linear behaviour in grading performance. Carcass weight affects grading to a large extent and the classification error obtained when this attribute was included in the training sets was consistently lower than when it was not. However, carcass profile information was considered non-relevant by the ML algorithm in earlier stages of the analysis. Furthermore, when carcass weight was taken into account, the ML algorithm used only easy-to-measure attributes to clone the classifiers decisions. Here we confirm the possibility of designing a more objective and easy-to-interpret system to classify the most common types of carcass in the territory of the EU using only a few single attributes that are easily obtained in an industrial environment