513 research outputs found

    UV Spectroscopy of AB Doradus with the Hubble Space Telescope. Impulsive flares and bimodal profiles of the CIV 1549 line in a young star

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    We observed AB Doradus, a young and active late type star (K0 - K2 IV-V, P= 0.514 d) with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph of the post-COSTAR Hubble Space Telescope with the time and spectral resolutions of 27 s and 15 km, respectively. The wavelength band (1531 - 1565 A) included the strong CIV doublet (1548.202 and 1550.774, formed in the transition region at 100 000 K). The mean quiescent CIV flux state was close to the saturated value and 100 times the solar one. The line profile (after removing the rotational and instrumental profiles) is bimodal consisting of two Gaussians, narrow (FWHM = 70 km/s) and broad (FWHM =330km/s). This bimodality is probably due to two separate broadening mechanisms and velocity fields at the coronal base. It is possible that TR transient events (random multiple velocities), with a large surface coverage, give rise to the broadening of the narrow component,while true microflaring is responsible for the broad one. The transition region was observed to flare frequently on different time scales and magnitudes. The largest impulsive flare seen in the CIV 1549 emission reached in less than one minute the peak differential emission measure (10**51.2 cm-3) and returned exponentially in 5 minutes to the 7 times lower quiescent level.The 3 min average line profile of the flare was blue-shifted (-190 km/s) and broadened (FWHM = 800 km/s). This impulsive flare could have been due to a chromospheric heating and subsequent evaporation by an electron beam, accelerated (by reconnection) at the apex of a coronal loop.Comment: to be published in AJ (April 98), 3 tables and 7 figures as separate PS-files, print Table 2 as a landscap

    Eclipsing Binaries in the OGLE Variable Star Catalogs.V. Long-Period Beta Lyrae-type Systems in the Small Magellanic Cloud and the PLC-beta Relation

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    Thirty eight long-period (P>10 days), apparently contact binary stars discovered by the OGLE-II project in the SMC appear to be Beta Lyrae-type systems with ellipsoidal variations of the cool components dominating over eclipse effects in the systemic light variations and in the total luminosity. A new period-luminosity- color (PLC) relation has been established for these systems; we call it the PLC-beta relation, to distinguish it from the Cepheid relation. Two versions of the PLC-beta relation - based on the (B-V)0 or (V-I)0 color indices - have been calibrated for 33 systems with (V-I)0>0.25 spanning the orbital period range of 11 to 181 days. The relations can provide maximum-light, absolute-magnitude estimates accurate to epsilon-M_V~0.35 mag. within the approximate range -3<M_V<+1. In terms of their number in the SMC, the long-period Beta Lyrae-type binaries are about 50 times less common than the Cepheids. Nevertheless, their large luminosities coupled with continuous light variations make these binaries very easy to spot in nearby galaxies, so that the PLC-beta relation can offer an auxiliary and entirely independent method of distance determination to nearby stellar systems rich in massive stars. The sample of the long-period Beta Lyrae systems in the SMC analyzed in this paper is currently the best defined and uniform known sequence of such binaries.Comment: submitted for publication in Astronomical Journal; 8 PS figures, 2 table

    A CCD photometric study of the late type contact binary EK Comae Berenices

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    We present CCD photometric observations of the W UMa type contact binary EK Comae Berenices using the 2 metre telescope of IUCAAIUCAA Girawali Observatory, India. The star was classified as a W UMa type binary of subtype-W by \citet{sam1996}. The new V band photometric observations of the star reveal that shape of the light curve has changed significantly from the one observed by \citet{sam1996}. A detailed analysis of the light curve obtained from the high-precision CCD photometric observations of the star indicates that EK Comae Berenices is not a W-type but an A-type totally eclipsing W UMa contact binary. The photometric mass ratio is determined to be 0.349 ±\pm 0.005. A temperature difference of ΔT=141±10\Delta T = 141 \pm 10 K between the components and an orbital inclination of i[o]=89.800±0.075i [^{o}] = 89.800 \pm 0.075 were obtained for the binary system. Absolute values of masses, radii and luminosities are estimated by means of the standard mass-luminosity relation for zero age main-sequence stars. The star shows O'Connell effect, asymmetries in the light curve shape around the primary and secondary maximum. The observed O'Connell effect is explained by the presence of a hot spot on the primary component.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in New Astronom

    Pulsation of EE Cam

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    EE Cam is a previously little studied Delta Scuti pulsator with amplitudes between those of the HADS (High-Amplitude Delta Scuti stars) group and the average low-amplitude pulsators. Since the size of stellar rotation determines both which pulsation modes are selected by the star as well as their amplitudes, the star offers a great opportunity to examine the astrophysical connections. Extensive photometric measurements covering several months were carried out. 15 significant pulsation frequencies were extracted. The dominant mode at 4.934 cd1^{-1} was identified as a radial mode by examining the phase shifts at different wavelengths. Medium-dispersion spectra yielded a vsiniv\sin i value of 40±340 \pm 3 km s1^{-1}. This shows that EE Cam belongs to the important transition region between the HADS and normal Delta Scuti stars.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars.IV

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    Radial-velocity measurements and sine-curve fits to the orbital velocity variations are presented for the fourth set of ten close binary systems: 44 Boo, FI Boo, V2150 Cyg, V899 Her, EX Leo, VZ Lib, SW Lyn, V2377 Oph, Anon Psc (GSC 8-324), HT Vir. All systems are double-lined spectroscopic binaries with only two of them not being contact systems (SW Lyn and GSC 8-324) and with five (FI Boo, V2150 Cyg, V899 Her, EX Leo, V2377 Oph) being the recent photometric discoveries of the Hipparcos satellite project. Five of the binaries are triple-lined systems (44 Boo, V899 Her, VZ Lib, SW Lyn, HT Vir). Three (or possibly four) companions in the triple-lined systems show radial-velocity changes during the span of our observations suggesting that these are in fact quadruple systems. Several of the studied systems are prime candidates for combined light and radial-velocity synthesis solutions.Comment: aastex5.0, 5 figures in PS; submitted to Astron.

    GSC 2314-0530: the shortest-period eclipsing system with dMe components

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    CCD photometric observations in VRI colors and spectroscopic observations of the newly discovered eclipsing binary GSC 2314-0530 (NSVS 6550671) with dMe components and very short period of P=0.192636 days are presented. The simultaneous light-curve solution and radial velocity solution allows to determine the global parameters of GSC 2314-0530: T_{1}=3735 K; T_{2}=3106 K; M_{1}=0.51 M_sun; M_{2}=0.26 M_sun; R_{1}=0.55 R_sun; R_{2}=0.29 R_sun; L_{1}=0.053 L_sun; L_{2}=0.007 L_sun; i=72.5 degr; a=1.28 R_sun; d=59 pc. The chromospheric activity of its components is revealed by strong emission in the H_alpha line (with mean EW=5 A) and observed several flares. Empirical relations mass-M_{bol}, mass-radius and mass-temperature are derived on the basis of the parameters of known binaries with low-mass dM components.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, MNRAS (accepted

    VW LMi: tightest quadruple system known. Light-time effect and possible secular changes of orbits

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    Tightest known quadruple systems VW LMi consists of contact eclipsing binary with P_12 = 0.477551 days and detached binary with P_34 = 7.93063 days revolving in rather tight, 355.0-days orbit. This paper presents new photometric and spectroscopic observations yielding 69 times of minima and 36 disentangled radial velocities for the component stars. All available radial velocities and minima times are combined to better characterize the orbits and to derive absolute parameters of components. The total mass of the quadruple system was estimated at 4.56 M_sun. The detached, non-eclipsing binary with orbital period P = 7.93 days is found to show apsidal motion with U approximately 80 years. Precession period in this binary, caused by the gravitational perturbation of the contact binary, is estimated to be about 120 years. The wide mutual orbit and orbit of the non-eclipsing pair are found to be close to coplanarity, preventing any changes of the inclination angle of the non-eclipsing orbit and excluding occurrence of the second system of eclipses in future. Possibilities of astrometric solution and direct resolving of the wide, mutual orbit are discussed. Nearby star, HD95606, was found to form loose binary with quadruple system VW LMi.Comment: 4 figures. accepted to MNRAS on July 31, 200

    A Surprising Reversal of Temperatures in the Brown-Dwarf Eclipsing Binary 2MASS J05352184-0546085

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    The newly discovered brown-dwarf eclipsing binary 2MASS J05352184-0546085 provides a unique laboratory for testing the predictions of theoretical models of brown-dwarf formation and evolution. The finding that the lower-mass brown dwarf in this system is hotter than its higher-mass companion represents a challenge to brown-dwarf evolutionary models, none of which predict this behavior. Here we present updated determinations of the basic physical properties of 2M0535-05, bolstering the surprising reversal of temperatures with mass in this system. We compare these measurements with widely used brown-dwarf evolutionary tracks, and find that the temperature reversal can be explained by some models if the components of 2M0535-05 are mildly non-coeval, possibly consistent with dynamical simulations of brown-dwarf formation. Alternatively, a strong magnetic field on the higher-mass brown dwarf might explain its anomalously low surface temperature, consistent with emerging evidence that convection is suppressed in magnetically active, low-mass stars. Finally, we discuss future observational and theoretical work needed to further characterize and understand this benchmark system.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Ap

    A unified solution for the orbit and light-time effect in the V505 Sgr system

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    The multiple system V505 Sagittarii is composed of at least three stars: a compact eclipsing pair and a distant component, which orbit is measured directly using speckle interferometry. In order to explain the observed orbit of the third body in V505 Sagittarii and also other observable quantities, namely the minima timings of the eclipsing binary and two different radial velocities in the spectrum, we thoroughly test a fourth-body hypothesis - a perturbation by a dim, yet-unobserved object. We use an N-body numerical integrator to simulate future and past orbital evolution of 3 or 4 components in this system. We construct a suitable chi^2 metric from all available speckle-interferometry, minima-timings and radial-velocity data and we scan a part of a parameter space to get at least some of allowed solutions. In principle, we are able to explain all observable quantities by a presence of a fourth body, but the resulting likelihood of this hypothesis is very low. We also discuss other theoretical explanations of the minima timings variations. Further observations of the minima timings during the next decade or high-resolution spectroscopic data can significantly constrain the model

    UV excess measures of accretion onto young very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs

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    Low-resolution spectra from 3000-9000 AA of young low-mass stars and brown dwarfs were obtained with LRIS on Keck I. The excess UV and optical emission arising in the Balmer and Paschen continua yields mass accretion rates ranging from 2e-12 to 1e-8 Mo/yr. These results are compared with {\it HST}/STIS spectra of roughly solar-mass accretors with accretion rates that range from 2e-10 to 5e-8 Mo/yr. The weak photospheric emission from M-dwarfs at <4000 A leads to a higher contrast between the accretion and photospheric emission relative to higher-mass counterparts. The mass accretion rates measured here are systematically 4-7 times larger than those from H-alpha emission line profiles, with a difference that is consistent with but unlikely to be explained by the uncertainty in both methods. The accretion luminosity correlates well with many line luminosities, including high Balmer and many He I lines. Correlations of the accretion rate with H-alpha 10% width and line fluxes show a large amount of scatter. Our results and previous accretion rate measurements suggest that accretion rate is proportional to M^(1.87+/-0.26) for accretors in the Taurus Molecular Cloud.Comment: 13 pages text, 15 tables, 14 figures. Accepted by Ap