70 research outputs found

    Tuning non-Markovianity by spin-dynamics control

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    We study the interplay between forgetful and memory-keeping evolution enforced on a two-level system by a multi-spin environment whose elements are coupled to local bosonic baths. Contrarily to the expectation that any non-Markovian effect would be buried by the forgetful mechanism induced by the spin-bath coupling, one can actually induce a full Markovian-to-non-Markovian transition of the two-level system's dynamics, controllable by parameters such as the mismatch between the energy of the two-level system and of the spin environment. For a symmetric coupling, the amount of non-Markovianity surprisingly grows with the number of decoherence channels.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, PRA versio

    Non-Markovianity, Loschmidt echo and criticality: a unified picture

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    A simple relationship between recently proposed measures of non-Markovianity and the Loschmidt echo is established, holding for a two-level system (qubit) undergoing pure dephasing due to a coupling with a many-body environment. We show that the Loschmidt echo is intimately related to the information flowing out from and occasionally back into the system. This, in turn, determines the non-Markovianity of the reduced dynamics. In particular, we consider a central qubit coupled to a quantum Ising ring in the transverse field. In this context, the information flux between system and environment is strongly affected by the environmental criticality; the qubit dynamics is shown to be Markovian exactly and only at the critical point. Therefore non-Markovianity is an indicator of criticality in the model considered here

    The ethanolamide metabolite of DHA, docosahexaenoylethanolamine, shows immunomodulating effects in mouse peritoneal and RAW264.7 macrophages: evidence for a new link between fish oil and inflammation

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    Several mechanisms have been proposed for the positive health effects associated with dietary consumption of long-chain n-3 PUFA (n-3 LC-PUFA) including DHA (22 : 6n-3) and EPA (20 : 5n-3). After dietary intake, LC-PUFA are incorporated into membranes and can be converted to their corresponding N-acylethanolamines (NAE). However, little is known on the biological role of these metabolites. In the present study, we tested a series of unsaturated NAE on the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced NO production in RAW264.7 macrophages. Among the compounds tested, docosahexaenoylethanolamine (DHEA), the ethanolamide of DHA, was found to be the most potent inhibitor, inducing a dose-dependent inhibition of NO release. Immune-modulating properties of DHEA were further studied in the same cell line, demonstrating that DHEA significantly suppressed the production of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), a cytokine playing a pivotal role in chronic inflammation. In LPS-stimulated mouse peritoneal macrophages, DHEA also reduced MCP-1 and NO production. Furthermore, inhibition was also found to take place at a transcriptional level, as gene expression of MCP-1 and inducible NO synthase was inhibited by DHEA. To summarise, in the present study, we showed that DHEA, a DHA-derived NAE metabolite, modulates inflammation by reducing MCP-1 and NO production and expression. These results provide new leads in molecular mechanisms by which DHA can modulate inflammatory processes

    Small-scale perturbation on soft bottom macrozoobenthos after mechanical cleaning operations in a Central-Western Mediterranean lagoon

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    1 - Sardinia Island (Italy), even if relatively small, has over 100 lagoons totalling some 12,000 ha. Yet their potential yield remain often unexpressed because they are subjected to environmental stress and degradation. As far as benthic communities are concerned, one of the main disturbances is certainly the accumulation of shell detritus, which progressively modifies the way benthic organisms interact with the sediment. 2 - An experimental dredging study was therefore performed in the Calich lagoon (NW Sardinia), due to its particular interest for fishing activities and potential semi-intensive mollusc culture. Changes in benthic community structure were examined in two areas of the lagoon by analysing both the demographic profile of several abundant species and the features of sedimentary matrix immediately after the cleaning operations and seven months later. Data obtained were compared with those collected in undisturbed areas of the lagoon. This allowed us to evaluate the effects of dredging operations on the benthic assemblages unaffected by natural temporal shifts of the system. 3 - Univariate and multivariate analyses indicated a strong relationship between macrofaunal community structure and intensity of the cleaning activities. At the dredged sites benthic fauna was not depleted but did exhibit higher diversity and evenness indexes than at the undisturbed sites. This seemed to be a consequence of decrease in the density of some abundant species at the dredged sites. Furthermore, a general reduction of total organic content was observed in the upper sediment layer. Lastly, the cleaning method employed is discussed in relation to its potential for impacting the benthos

    Clauser-Horne inequality for electron counting statistics in multiterminal mesoscopic conductors

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    In this paper we derive the Clauser-Horne (CH) inequality for the full electron counting statistics in a mesoscopic multiterminal conductor and we discuss its properties. We first consider the idealized situation in which a flux of entangled electrons is generated by an entangler. Given a certain average number of incoming entangled electrons, the CH inequality can be evaluated for different numbers of transmitted particles. Strong violations occur when the number of transmitted charges on the two terminals is the same (Q1=Q2Q_1=Q_2), whereas no violation is found for Q1Q2Q_1\ne Q_2. We then consider two actual setups that can be realized experimentally. The first one consists of a three terminal normal beam splitter and the second one of a hybrid superconducting structure. Interestingly, we find that the CH inequality is violated for the three terminal normal device. The maximum violation scales as 1/M and 1/M21/M^2 for the entangler and normal beam splitter, respectively, 2MM being the average number of injected electrons. As expected, we find full violation of the CH inequality in the case of the superconducting system.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures. Ref. adde

    Dynamics of Entanglement in One-Dimensional Spin Systems

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    We study the dynamics of quantum correlations in a class of exactly solvable Ising-type models. We analyze in particular the time evolution of initial Bell states created in a fully polarized background and on the ground state. We find that the pairwise entanglement propagates with a velocity proportional to the reduced interaction for all the four Bell states. Singlet-like states are favored during the propagation, in the sense that triplet-like states change their character during the propagation under certain circumstances. Characteristic for the anisotropic models is the instantaneous creation of pairwise entanglement from a fully polarized state; furthermore, the propagation of pairwise entanglement is suppressed in favor of a creation of different types of entanglement. The ``entanglement wave'' evolving from a Bell state on the ground state turns out to be very localized in space-time. Further support to a recently formulated conjecture on entanglement sharing is given.Comment: 25 pages, 21 figures; revte

    Optical signatures of quantum phase transitions in a light-matter system

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    Information about quantum phase transitions in conventional condensed matter systems, must be sought by probing the matter system itself. By contrast, we show that mixed matter-light systems offer a distinct advantage in that the photon field carries clear signatures of the associated quantum critical phenomena. Having derived an accurate, size-consistent Hamiltonian for the photonic field in the well-known Dicke model, we predict striking behavior of the optical squeezing and photon statistics near the phase transition. The corresponding dynamics resemble those of a degenerate parametric amplifier. Our findings boost the motivation for exploring exotic quantum phase transition phenomena in atom-cavity, nanostructure-cavity, and nanostructure-photonic-band-gap systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Out of equilibrium correlation functions of quantum anisotropic XY models: one-particle excitations

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    We calculate exactly matrix elements between states that are not eigenstates of the quantum XY model for general anisotropy. Such quantities therefore describe non equilibrium properties of the system; the Hamiltonian does not contain any time dependence. These matrix elements are expressed as a sum of Pfaffians. For single particle excitations on the ground state the Pfaffians in the sum simplify to determinants.Comment: 11 pages, no figures; revtex. Minor changes in the text; list of refs. modifie

    Controllable manipulation and entanglement of macroscopic quantum states in coupled charge qubits

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    We present an experimentally implementable method to couple Josephson charge qubits and to generate and detect macroscopic entangled states. A large-junction superconducting quantum interference device is used in the qubit circuit for both coupling qubits and implementing the readout. Also, we explicitly show how to achieve a microwave-assisted macroscopic entanglement in the coupled-qubit system.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics: Coherent Coupling of a Single Photon to a Cooper Pair Box

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    Under appropriate conditions, superconducting electronic circuits behave quantum mechanically, with properties that can be designed and controlled at will. We have realized an experiment in which a superconducting two-level system, playing the role of an artificial atom, is strongly coupled to a single photon stored in an on-chip cavity. We show that the atom-photon coupling in this circuit can be made strong enough for coherent effects to dominate over dissipation, even in a solid state environment. This new regime of matter light interaction in a circuit can be exploited for quantum information processing and quantum communication. It may also lead to new approaches for single photon generation and detection.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Nature, embargo does apply, version with high resolution figures available at: http://www.eng.yale.edu/rslab/Andreas/content/science/PubsPapers.htm