1,063 research outputs found

    The Boomerang Effect: How Nurses' Regulation of Patients' Affect Associates With Their Own Emotional Exhaustion and Affective Experiences

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    Recent research has shown that the intentional regulation of others’ affect has effects not only on the target (e.g., a patient) of the regulation, but also on the agent (e.g., a nurse). In particular, the use of intentional interpersonal affect regulation strategies has been found to predict employees’ emotional exhaustion (EEx). Use of affect-worsening strategies is associated with an increase in EEx, whereas the effect of using affect-improving strategies is less clear. Another relevant consequence of interpersonal affect regulation is its effect on affective experiences, which is one of the main determinants of job attitudes. This study tests the relationships between the interpersonal affect regulation strategies that nurses use to regulate their patients’ affect and the nurses’ EEx and affective experiences. A longitudinal 2-wave field study was conducted in sample of nurses. Participants completed a questionnaire on 2 different occasions, 2 months apart (Time 1 [T1], Time 2 [T2]). Of the 141 participants at T1, 103 also completed the survey at T2. Longitudinal hierarchical regression analyses showed that using affect-worsening strategies was a significant predictor of nurse’s EEx, whereas using affect-improving strategies did not significantly predict their EEx. For affective experiences, use of affect-worsening strategies was related to nurses experiencing low-activation negative affect (e.g., feeling depressed); whereas affect-improving strategies was related to them experiencing low-activation positive affect (e.g., feeling calm). Results support the view that intentional regulation of patients’ affect needs to be considered not only in relation to the patients’ perception of service quality but also from the perspective of nurses’ well-being

    On the origin of islands

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    Article / Letter to editorLeiden Univ Centre for Linguistic

    Light Collimation and Focussing by a Thin Flat Metallic Slab

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    We present experimental and theoretical work showing that a flat metallic slab can collimate and focus light impinging on the slab from a punctual source. The effect is optimised when the radiation is around the bulk, not at the surface, plasma frequency. And the smaller the imaginary part of the permittivity is, the better the collimation. Experiments for Ag in the visible as well as calculations are presented. We also discuss the interesting case of the Aluminium whose imaginary part of the permittivity is very small at the plasma frequency in UV radiation. Generalization to other materials and radiations are also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. To be published on Optics Lette

    Decision-making in school-age sport measured through a digital tool.

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    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido doble. Por un lado, diseñar y crear un software de evaluación de toma de decisiones en edad escolar, en base a aspectos espacio-temporales, contextualizado en voleibol, denominado “Juego Interactivo de Voleibol”. Por otro lado, analizar y establecer su fiabilidad y validez. El software diseñado se aplicó a una muestra de 132 escolares (64 niños y 68 niñas) de entre 10 y 13 años, de los centros educativos públicos de Educación Primaria y Secundaria de las localidades sevillanas de Arahal y Paradas (España). Para determinar la fiabilidad se estudió la consistencia interna a través del coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. Para calcular el número óptimo de repeticiones se utilizó el Coeficiente de Correlación Intraclase. La validez se comprobó en base a la evaluación de un grupo de 5 expertos. Los resultados indicaron que este nuevo software de evaluación alcanza altos niveles de fiablidad y validezThe aim of this study was twofold. On the one hand, the design and creation of an evaluation software for decision-making in school-age children based on spatial-temporal aspects in the context of volleyball called ‘Interactive Volleyball Game’. On the other hand, the analysis and establishment of its reliability and validity. The designed software was applied to a sample of 132 students (64 boys and 68 girls) aged between 10 and 13 years in public Elementary and Secondary Education schools of Seville towns, Arahal and Paradas (Spain). To determine the reliability, internal consistency was studied through Cronbach's alpha. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was also analyzed to calculate the optimal number of repetitions for future research. The validity was tested based on the assessment of a group of 5 experts. The results indicated that this new evaluation software reaches high levels of reliability and validit

    Comportamiento tribológico de materiales cerámicos de nitruro de silicio texturados

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    Se han fabricado materiales densos de nitruro de silicio (Si3N4) texturados incorporando semillas de β- Si3N4, favoreciendo su alineación mediante extrusión de las piezas en verde y prensado en caliente. Estos materiales presentan elevada anisotropía microestructural que conduce a un comportamiento anisótropo de sus propiedades, tanto mecánicas como tribológicas. Se han realizado ensayos de desgaste en seco mediante movimiento recíproco lineal de pares homólogos con geometría esfera-placa. El material texturado presenta mayor resistencia al desgaste que el de referencia, sin texturar, identificándose como principal mecanismo de desgaste la abrasión debida a microfractura y arranque de granos de Si3N4. En este material, además, se desarrolla un tercer cuerpo que protege la superficie del material

    The role for saxagliptin within the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus: an update from the 2010 European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) 46th annual meeting and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) 70th scientific session

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    Saxagliptin is a potent, selective DPP4 inhibitor. Highlights from abstracts presented at the 2010 meetings of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes and the American Diabetes Association include studies and analyses that shed light on the promising role for saxagliptin within the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Data show that saxagliptin combination therapy improves HbA1c levels compared with placebo, particularly in patients with high HbA1c at baseline, long duration of disease, low baseline creatinine clearance, and low homeostasis model assessment 2 β-cell function at baseline. These efficacy benefits are achieved without any increase in hypoglycemia or other adverse events. The study results also show that the saxagliptin plus metformin combination is a good candidate for initial therapy in drug-naïve patients treated for as long as 72 weeks. Survey data presented confirm that hypoglycemia (and fear of hypoglycemia) is a barrier to patients' acceptance of diabetes treatment, limiting its efficacy. Therefore, therapies such as saxagliptin that have a low risk of hypoglycemia may be more acceptable to patients in helping them to achieve glycemic control and to optimize their quality of life. In patients with renal impairment, for whom metformin is contraindicated, saxagliptin monotherapy is a promising option for antidiabetic management as, when given at a reduced dose, it is well-tolerated with a safety profile similar to that of placebo

    Quantum dynamical calculations on the magnetization reversal in clusters of spin-1/2 particles:Resonant coherent quantum tunneling

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    In the present work the reversal of magnetization and the coherence of tunneling when an external magnetic field is rotated instantaneously are studied in systems of a few spin-1/2 particles described by an anisotropic Heisenberg Hamiltonian at T=0. Our calculations demonstrate that this model for small magnetic particles exhibits collective tunneling of the magnetization only for some specific resonant values of the applied magnetic field. These resonant effects occur at fields much lower than the values corresponding to the vanishing of the barrier in the Stoner-Wohlfarth model. The former model is at variance with the exact calculations presented in this paper.</p