164 research outputs found

    realms of urban design:

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    The traditional thematic realms of urban design, such as liveability, social interaction, and quality of urban life, considered to be closely related to urban form and specifically to public space, have long since been recognised as important, and have given the discipline a certain identity. The book Realms of Urban Design: Mapping Sustainability is certainly rooted in this fundamental urban design thinking, but its main contribution belongs to the second part of the book’s title – discourse on sustainability. Its chapters, considered as a whole, put forward the importance of the discipline and the designerly way of thinking in the context of the discussion about unprecedented environmental transformation. The eleven chapters of the book represent the major sustainability concerns that the authors have seen as being related to the urban design discipline in their specific professional and environmental contexts. Therefore, the chapters as an entity could be seen as an act of mapping the sustainability issues that are coming “from the front” of urban design research and practice at the universities involved in the project Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments (KLABS). They show disciplinary, mostly methodological, concerns with the larger scales in comparison to those of the neighbourhoods and public space that are traditionally connected to urban design; with the collective or common nature of urban space; and with the distinctive, underused spaces coming not only as a legacy of the 20th century, but also as an important by-product of contemporary economic trends. The first four chapters tackle the self-questioning of the disciple of urbanism in the wake of spatial, social, and environmental change at an unprecedented planetary scale. They are assembled around the question of what the sustainability concept means for the discipline and how the discipline should change to become socially relevant in the context of dynamic spatial transformation? The chapters are review contributions to recent theoretical and methodological rethinking of design approaches to the urban condition, with a focus on multi-scale and process-oriented urbanism. The chapters call for an integrated design approach in the sense of finding a theoretical and methodological common ground for separated disciplines of architecture, urban design, and urban planning. The next two chapters examine what is, in the traditional manner, considered to be the main theoretical and analytical focus and the main creative and practical outcome of urban design – the urban form. How we should understand, analyse, and design the urban form in the context of the contemporary complexities of urbanisation? Two chapters present opposing perspectives of urban form design. One is a morphological approach in which the urban form is seen as a disciplinary tool of conceptualisation and regulation of the city, using sophisticated concepts such as landscape and place, while the other maps the urban form as a resident’s basic expression of the need for shelter, territory of everyday use, and cultural interpretation of home, beyond regulation and urban design. By putting the two approaches side by side, the urban form can be comprehended as the simultaneous materialisation and negotiation of the ground of power intentions and everyday practice. Chapters 7 and 8 are dedicated to a specific dimension of urban design process – participation. Who can participate in the design of territories and places? Who has the privilege to define who will participate? How should an urbanist manage the many different and contradictory requirements? Ultimately, how can people be encouraged and stimulated to take part in the public urban debate? These are the highly important questions rising in the wake of the urbanism crisis, intensified with the disintegration of the holistic expression of the public interest, characteristic of the modernist period. These chapters present a review of important theoretical considerations and recent experience of multi-voice design methodologies. The final three chapters deal with the specific typology of urban space - previously developed and then abandoned, forgotten and underused spaces of an economic and technological past. These reminders of past urbanisation are still numerous in the western Balkan countries. What could the role of these places be in the sustainable strategies of urbanisation? How can the approach to the urban regeneration (planning, regulation, and design) of these spaces be conceptualised in order to be in tune with the ecological and social demands of a distressed planet and local historical and cultural values? By explaining the specific theoretical concepts and western Balkan case studies, these chapters tackle the most important issue related to sustainability and the management of urbanisation - the question of spatial resources

    Application of mathematical models in milk coagulation process during lactic acid fermentation. Part I. Relation betwen enzymmatic and acidic milk coagulation

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    Acidic and enzymatic coagulation of milk are complex processes which proceed in several phases and are dependent upon many different parameters. The formation of coagulum during lactic-acid fermentation is in fact acidic coagulation of milk. It occurs because of an increase in concentration of lactic acid, which causes a decrease in pH. Enzymatic coagulation of milk has been analytically described by means of mathematical models by many authors. Although enzymatic and acidic coagulation of milk do not proceed according to identical physical and chemical rules, it is possible to compare them kinetically. The aim of this paper was to combine the kinetics of enzymatic and acidic coagulation of milk and to mathematically present the changes that develop during lactic-acid fermentation of milk. The models presented in this paper enable a more complex mathematical analysis of the coagulation of the protein content of milk during lactic-acid fermentation. Application of the models enables the analysis and comparison of the kinetics of coagulation in different types of milk and various types of fermented dairy products manufactured with lactic acid bacteria. Mathematical combination of coagulation kinetics of the protein complex in milk with reological characteristics of the obtained fermented dairy products enables easier defining of parameters for lactic acid fermentation

    Right to respect for family life

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    Докторска дисертација анализира право на поштовање породичног живота. Право на поштовање породичног живота спада у нова, савремена породична права. Право на поштовање породичног живота садржи у себи однос између два члана породице. Право на поштовање породичног живота је, пре свега, право предвиђено на европском правном подручју и то Европском конвенцијом за заштиту људских права и основних слобода. У погледу права на поштовање породичног живота у домаћој литератури породичног права није било обимнијих радова (монографија, зборника) и ово право није студиозније проучавано. У уводу се дају разлози за изучавање ове теме, затим методолошки приступ, хипотезе од којих се полазило, и очекивани научни допринос докторске дисертације. У првој Глави докторске дисертације разматрају се промене у савременом породичном животу које су довеле до промена основних појмова породичног права - породице, брака, пола, родитеља, супружника. У другој Глави, полазећи од основне идеје рада да право на поштовање породичног живота своје постојање црпи из Европске конвенције о људским правима, а да своју интерпретацију добија у пресудама Европског суда за људска права, разматрају се значај и структура ових "извора" за право на поштовање породичног живота и на унутрашње правне системе држава чланица. У трећој Глави разматра се порекло детета од стране оба родитеља и право на поштовање породичног живота. Посматра се настанак и постојање права на поштовање породичног живота детета у односу на мајку и оца, као и на (ван)брачни статус родитеља детета. Посебно се разматра утицај и однос ЕСЉП према биолошком и социјалном критеријуму за стицање статуса родитеља у праву. У четвртој Глави разматра се право на поштовање породичног живота у вези са родитељским правом, вршењем родитељског права, лишењем родитељског права и одвајањем родитеља и детета. Централни део права на поштовање породичног живота представља однос између родитеља и детета.Doctoral dissertation analyzes the right to respect for family life. Right to respect for family life falls into new family rights, human and family rights of third generation. Right to respect for family right consists of, as constitutive element, personal relation between two family members. This right is provided in European legal field, by European Convention for Human Rights. Regarding right to respect for family right, in Serbian Family Law literature there weren't extensively works (monographs, collections) and mentioned right has not been studiously explored. Preface gives reasons for research of this topic, then methodology approach, hypotheses, and expected scientific contribution of doctoral dissertation. In the first section of doctoral dissertation changes in contemporary family life which come to shifts of basic Family law terms - family, marriage, sex, parent, spouses - are scrutinized. In the second section, proceeding from founding dissertation idea that right to respect for family right comes out of European Convention for Human Rights, and gets its interpretation in decisions of the European Court for Human Rights, significance and structure of this sources are considered both on right to respect for family life, as well as to the legal systems of state members. In the third section subject is biological connection of the child to his parents. Occurrence and existence of the right to respect for family life is observed separately to the mother and father, also to (extra)marital status of child's parents. Special review is placed to attitude of ECtHR to biological and social criteria for acquisition of parental responsibility. The forth section analyzes the right to respect for family right regarding parental responsibility, exercise of parental responsibility, deprivation of parental responsibility and parent-child separation. The main part of right to respect for family life is relation between parents and child. All other relations between child and other persons are of subsidiary significance in compare to the parents and they are shadowed by parental responsibility

    Uzroci izlučenja prvotelki na farmama sa različitim nivoom proizvodnje

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    It is general knowledge that management influences results in cattle production to the highest extent, and that the culling of cows is a very good indicator of the success of farm management. A comparison of results of culling for first calving cows on farms with various levels of production in 2011 established differences both for the number of culled animals and the reasons for culling. On farms with higher levels of production, the share of first calving cows in overall culling was 25.9% or 4.5% less than on farms with a lower level of production, i.e. 4.8% less died, and 0.7% first calving cows had to be slaughtered, while 5.6% more first calving cows were culled for economic reasons. At both levels of production, dominant reasons for culling were diseases of the legs and hoofs, which can be linked to the tie stall system (more pronounced on farms with higher production) and metabolic disorders (more dominant on farms with lower production). Reproduction was a more considerable problem on farms with higher milk production, while culling due to selection was more pronounced on farms with lower production. In early lactation of first calving cows, regardless of the level of production, dominant reasons for culling on farms are leg and hoof problems and metabolic disorders (total: 55% i.e. 55.9%). When reasons for culling of first calving cows after 100 days of lactation are investigated, on farms with high production the significance of diseases of legs and hoofs remains almost unchanged, but culling due to reproduction grows to 28%. On farms with lower production, culling due to leg and hoof diseases is considerably reduced after 100 days of lactation, however culling due to selection is tripled (62%).Opšte je poznato da menadžment u najvećoj meri utiče na rezultate u govedarskoj proizvodnji, a izlučenja krava su vrlo kvalitetan pokazatelj uspešnosti upravljanja farmama. Poredeći rezultate izlučenja prvotelki na farmama sa različitim nivoom proizvodnje u toku 2011. god. ustanovljene su razlike i u broju izlučenih grla, ali i u razlozima izlučenja. Na farmama sa višim nivoom proizvodnje učešće prvotelki u ukupnim izlučenjima bilo je 25.9% što je za 4.5% manje nego na farmama sa nižim nivoom proizvodnje, odnosno uginulo je za 4,8% manje i prinudno je zaklano za 0,7% manje prvotelki, a iz ekonomskih razloga izlučeno za 5.6% prvotelki više. Na oba nivoa proizvodnje dominantni razlozi izlučenja su bili oboljenja nogu i papaka što se može dovesti u vezu sa vezanim sistemom držanja (izraženije na farmama sa većom proizvodnjom) i metabolički poremećaji (dominantnije izraženi na farmama sa nižom proizvodnjom). Reprodukcija je bila znatniji problem na farmama sa većom proizvodnjom mleka, odnosno selekcijska izlučenja na farmama sa nižom proizvodnjom. U ranoj laktaciji prvotelki, bez obzira na nivo proizvodnje, na farmama kao razlozi izlučenja dominiraju problemi sa nogama i papcima i metabolički poremečaji (ukupno 55% tj. 55.9%). Kada se posmatraju razlozi izlučenja prvotelki nakon 100 dana laktacije, na farmama sa visokom proizvodnjom značaj obolenja nogu i papaka je gotovo nepromenjen, ali izlučenja usled reprodukcije rastu na 28%. Na farmama sa nižom proizvodnjom, izlučenja usled oboljenja nogu i papaka su znatno smanjena nakon 100 dana laktacije, ali je zato utrostručen broj izlučenih iz selekcijskih razloga (62%)

    Electrochemically exfoliated graphene as support of platinum nanoparticles for methanol oxidation reaction and hydrogen evolution reaction

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    To enhance the utilization efficiency of platinum (Pt) in electrochemical energy conversion, the precise selection of support materials presents a highly promising strategy. We have developed an efficient and stable bifunctional catalyst for methanol oxidation (MOR) and hydrogen evolution (HER) reaction in an alkaline medium. The Pt-based electrocatalyst, denoted as Pt/e-rGO with low Pt loading was successfully synthesized using graphene sheets as the support via chemical reduction using formic acid as the reducing agent. Graphene sheets are obtained by anodic electrochemical exfoliation of graphite tape. Significant enhancement of intrinsic activity toward MOR and HER was achieved for Pt/e-rGO compared to the commercial Pt/C catalyst. Structural characterization was performed by TEM, SEM and XPS. XPS analysis shows that the graphene is highly reduced. TEM analysis unveiled that the majority of the Pt nanoparticles (NPs) exhibit a diameter in the range of 4-5 nanometers, which is significant because the efficiency of electrooxidation of methanol on supported Pt NPs shows a strong dependence on particle size distribution. Catalyst activity was studied by cyclic voltammetry and linear sweep voltammetry in 0.1M KOH. Electrochemical active surface area (ECSA) was measured by CO-stripping voltammetry and estimated to be 67.93 m2 /g. Current density of 11.28 mA/cm2 ECSA at 0.82 V vs. RHE for MOR is achieved. Onset potential for MOR is 0.55 V vs. RHE. Meanwhile, for HER overporential at the current density -10 mA/cm2 ECSA was 119 mV.Twenty-First Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering: Program and the Book of Abstracts; November 29 – December 1, 2023, Belgrade, Serbi

    Structure-dependent optical properties of Au/Ag irradiated TiN thin films

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    Titanium nitride (TiN) is an attractive alternative for modern and future photonic applications, as its optical properties can be engineered over a wide spectral range. In this study, we have used sequential implantation of gold and silver ions with varying ion fluence, as well as subsequent annealing, in order to modify the optical and plasmonic properties of TiN thin films and correlated this to their structural properties. Our investigations show that the columnar structure of the TiN films is partially destroyed upon implantation, but metallic Au and Ag nanoparticles are formed. The irradiation further induces a reduction of the lattice constant as well as changes the TiN stoichiometry and grain size. From the optical point of view, the implanted films possess less metallicity with increasing Ag fluence and losses several times lower than the as-deposited film, which can be correlated with the deficiency of nitrogen and additional defects. Subsequent annealing partially recovered the destroyed columnar structure, and the films become more metallic where the optical losses are much smaller in comparison to the as-implanted situation, being comparable to those of pure Au and Ag. In this way, by varying the implantation fluence of silver ions properly while keeping the gold fluence constant, we were able to optimize experimental parameters in such a way to ensure the formation of TiN with desirable optical performances

    Kako u Srbiji povećati proizvodnju junećeg, jagnjećeg i svinjskog mesa namenjenog domaćim potrebama i izvozu

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    The present situation in livestock production and production of meat is presented in this paper, as well as directions for future work aimed at bringing changes to this branch of economy. In the last decade, a drop in the number of animals was recorded of approx. 2 to 3% at annual level. Also, drop in production of meat was recorded from 444.000 tons (1990) to 384.000 tons (2010). In order to have planned progress in production of meat it is necessary to define more clearly breeding goals with precise determination of all economically relevant and indicator traits. In addition to growth and body development traits which have so far been in focus of selection work, for production of meat also maternal traits are important, food conversion and quantity and quality traits of carcasses and meat.Dugoročna koncepcija razvoja stočarstva treba da se temelji na efikasnosti proizvodnje mesa, preko organizovanja farmera. Za uspešno organizaciono i ekonomsko jačanje farmera važan je pravilan izbor poslovnog povezivanja. Za brdsko planinska područja naše zemlje, u kojima nema organizovanih otkupnih i prerađivačkih kapaciteta i koja su udaljena od gradskih centara, veoma interesantan oblik povezivanja će biti formiranje novih malih preradnih kapaciteta. Stabilne i unapred poznate cene za proizvode stočarstva, kao i dobro postavljeni pariteti cena garancija su za stabilno stočarstvo. Naša dosadašnja iskustva u unapređenju stočarstva i ostvareni rezultati u svetu, transfer tehnologija, sve više nas upućuju da je za brže ukupno poboljšanje stočarstva neophodna bolje organizovana i pojačana stručna i naučna infrastruktura. U Srbiji je 2010-godine i pored manjeg broja stoke proizvedeno ukupno 384.000 tona junećeg, svinjskog i jagnjećeg mesa, što je za 3,3% više nego u 2009. godini, odnosno 6,3 odsto više nego što je bila prosečna proizvodnja od 2001. do 2009. godine. U Srbiji u 2010. bila manja proizvodnja goveđeg, junećeg i telećeg mesa za 4,4 odsto i ovčijeg i jagnjećeg mesa za 7,1 odsto, dok se za 6,8 odsto više proizvodilo svinjsko. 2010-godine, u poređenju sa prosečno ostvarenom proizvodnjom u periodu od 2001. do 2009. proizvedeno je više svih vrsta mesa: svinjskog mesa za 3,1%, goveđeg i junećeg mesa za 7,5, i ovčijeg i jagnjećeg mesa za 15%. Sva domaćinstva koja se ozbiljnije bave govedarskom proizvodnjom trebalo bi u narednom periodu organizovati kao gazdinstva za tržišnu proizvodnju mleka, gazdinstva za tržišnu proizvodnju tovne junadi i gazdinstva za kombinovanu tržišnu proizvodnju mleka i junadi za klanje. Osnovnu pažnju u programima razvoja ovčarstva treba posvetiti porodičnom gazdinstvu i novim tehnologijama koje se bave intenziviranjem proizvodnje mesa, mleka i vune na farmama ovaca. Specijalizovani farmeri za meso, odnosno mleko treba da poseduju od 100-500 grla ovaca, kao i odgovarajuću infrastrukturu. Farmeri trojnog smera proizvodnje su tradicionalna domaćinstva koja drže do 20 ili 50 ovaca. Njima treba obezbediti kvalitetan priplodni materijal i svaku drugu pomoć u cilju povećanja njihove proizvodnje. Porodične farme bi u narednom desetogodišnjem periodu trebale da drže 50 a zatim do 100 krmača i tove 1000 i više tovljenika. Sve to bi moglo dovesti do povećanja proizvodnje svinjskog mesa po prosečnoj godišnjoj stopi od 2 do 2,5%. Neophodno je odabrati najbolje farme kako bi se formirali elitni, umnožavajući (reproduktivni) i proizvodni (komercijalni) zapati u piramidalnoj organizaciji proizvodnje priplodnih grla i tovljenika

    Mogućnosti stočarstva Srbije - perspektiva i budućnost

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    The paper describes the state of the livestock production in the Republic of Serbia including preliminary results from the 2012 census: according to preliminary data, 908.990 heads of cattle, 3.403.288 pigs, 1.729.278 sheep and 235.576 goats are reared in Serbia. Structural and institutional measures, and measures of credit support should be the main instruments for achieving the goals of progress in animal husbandry. Activities in the breeding-selection work should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of international organizations (ICAR, INTERBULL, EAAP). One of the most important outcome of these activities should result in a level of over 80% of the total population of cattle, pigs, sheep and other species of domestic farm animals in Serbia included in the control of production performance (presently between 25 and 30%). Genetic improvement of cattle, sheep and pigs (milk, meat) is very complex. More efficient use of reproductive technologies (AI - artificial insemination and embryo transfer ET, etc.), also of methods for evaluation of breeding value of farm animals through new methods of evaluation of breeding value of cows and breeding bulls will contribute to faster genetic improvement of production traits of these species of domestic animals. New knowledge in mapping and gene transfer, marker assisted selection, in vitro embryo development, embryo cloning, sexing, etc., are improving rapidly, with new technologies being developed permanently. Breeding/improvement of cattle, sheep and pigs in through breeding - selection work should facilitate further improvement of fertility traits, growth rate, feed efficiency, carcass quality (higher percentage of muscle tissue in the body), the quality of milk and meat, resistance to disease and stress, etc.Početkom 2013. godine dobijeni su preliminarni rezultati popisa poljoprivrede u Republici Srbiji, obavljenog 2012. godine. Ukupan broj goveda je 908.990, svinja 3.403.288, ovaca 1.729.278 i koza 235.576 grla.. Povećanje konkurentnosti stočarstva Srbije se može ostvariti kreiranjem uslova za tržišno okruženje i putem investicija, kako u znanje, tako i u opremu. Zbog toga strukturne i institucionalne mere, kao i mere kreditne podrške treba da budu glavni instrumenti za ostvarenje ovog cilja. Aktivnosti u odgajivačko-selekcijskom radu treba da se sprovode u skladu sa preporukama međunarodnih organizacija (ICAR, INTERBULL, EAAP i druga). Jedan od najvažnijih rezultata ovog rada treba da prouzrokuje nivo od preko 80% ukupne populacije goveda, svinja, ovaca i ostalih vrsta domaćih životinja u Srbiji bude obuhvaćeno kontrolom proizvodnih svojstava (sada između 25 i 30%). Status i ciljevi oplemenjivanja goveda u Srbiji. Genetsko unapređenje goveda (mleko,meso) je vrlo kompleksno. Efikasnije korišćenje reproduktivnih tehnologija (VO-veštačko osemenjavanje i ET-embriotransfer i dr.) i korišćenje metoda za procenu odgajivačke vrednosti domaćih životinja preko novih metoda ocene priplodnih vrednosti bikova i krava će doprineti bržem genetskom unapređenju mlečnosti krava. Nova saznanja u mapiranju i transferu gena, selekciji preko markera, in vitro razvoju embriona, seksiranju i kloniranju embriona i dr. Odgajivački ciljevi-simentalska rasa, prosečna proizvodnja mleka u standardnoj laktaciji preko 6 000 kg; Holštajn frizijska rasa u standardnoj laktaciji preko 8 000 kg. Melezi iz ukrštanja domaćih krava nižih proizvodnih sposobnosti i bikova tovnih rasa, francuskih, italijanskih, engleskih. Odgajivački ciljevi ovakvog oplemenjivačkog rada i korišćenje heterozis efekta je stvaranje takvih genotipova koji će omogućiti završnu telesnu masu meleza F1, junadi od preko 550 kg, prosečni dnevni prirast u tovu preko 1500 g, randman toplih polutki preko 60%, sadržaj mišića u trupu od preko 65%. Status i ciljevi oplemenjivanja ovaca u Srbiji. Oplemenjivanje u cilju povećanja proizvodnje mesa treba da omogući dobijanje jagnjadi sa većim dnevnim prirastom (preko 300 g), veće završne mase tela sa 90 dana uzrasta (preko 28 kg), kao i većeg randmana trupa, više od 58%). Problem prelaska na policikličnost i oplodnju ovaca u toku cele godine obavio bi se na dva načina: genetički, korišćenjem ukrštanja rasa koje manifestuju estrus izvan normalne sezone (dorzet horn, il de france i romanovska) primenom metoda stimulacije, tj. indukcijom i sinhronizacijom estrusa.Tako bi se stvorili uslovi za primenu intenzivnog sistema jagnjenja dva jagnjenja u jednoj godini odnosno tri jagnjenja u dve godine. Sistem jagnjenja, sistem ukrštanja, selekcija i linijsko odgajivanje, zatim skraćenje post partum intervala i povećanje indeksa jagnjenja, kao i broja jagnjadi pri rođenju, rano zalučenje jagnjadi, korišćenje metode veštačkog osemenjavanja, automatskih mašina za dojenje, odgajivanje jagnjadi uspešnom zamenom za mleko i tov jagnjedi od 30 - 45 kg sa 90 do 120 dana. Status i ciljevi oplemenjivanja svinja u Srbiji. Oplemenjivanje svinja u cilju unapređenja mesnatosti preko odgajivačko-selekciojskog rada treba da omogući dalje poboljšanje osobina plodnosti, brzine porasta, iskorišćavanja hrane, kvaliteta trupa (veći procenat mišićnog tkiva u trupu), kvaliteta mesa i otpornosti svinja na bolesti i stres. Odgajivačko-selekcijskim radom neophodno je: povećati genetski potencijal postojećih mesnatih rasa i meleza svinja, raditi na stvaranju linija unutar čistih rasa primenom divergentne selekcije, kako bi se kasnije njihovim ukrštanjem ispoljivo veći heterozis efekat. Cilj selekcije treba da bude povećanje mišićnog tkiva u najvrednijim delovima trupa: but, plećka i kare. Odgajivački program u našoj zemlji predviđa ukrštanje landrasa (švedski, holandski,) i velikog jorkšira radi proizvodnje nazimica F1 generacije. One se posle toga ukrštaju sa nerastovima treće rase (terminalna rasa nerastova: hempšir, durok, pietren, nemački i belgijski landras) ili nerastovima F1 generacije. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-31053

    Chemical Composition, Total Phenols and Flavonoids Contents and Antioxidant Activity as Nutritive Potential of Roasted Hazelnut Skins (Corylus avellana L.)

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    The present study evaluates natural composition of Serbian roasted hazelnut skins (HS) with potential role in application as functional nutrient of various food products. Total phenols (TPC) and flavonoids contents (TFC) in HS extracts obtained with dierent ethanol concentrations (10%—I, 50%—II and 96%—III) and their antioxidant activities were investigated. The highest total phenols content (706.0 9.7 mgGAE/gextract) was observed in 96% ethanol HS extract. Ethanol HS extracts showed very high antioxidant activity with eective concentrations (EC50) ranged between 0.052 and 0.066 mg/mL. The phenol and flavonoid content of roasted HS extracts I–III was determined by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS analyses. Contents of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, metals, and C, H, N, S elements in roasted HS were also determined. Relatively high C/N, C/P and C/N/P ratios, rich metal contents and fatty acids composition indicated that hazelnut skin might be a good candidate for use as either human or fungal functional nutrient. In addition, possible application of phenolic HS extracts as UV booster was studied by recording UV spectra (220–440 nm) of 10 mg/L of HS extracts I–III combined with 10 mg/L of chemical sunscreen agent benzophenone-3 and in vitro sun protection factor (SPF) was calculated