159 research outputs found

    Trends in childhood mortality in Kenya: the urban advantage has seemingly been wiped out

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    Background: we describe trends in childhood mortality in Kenya, paying attention to the urban–rural and intra-urban differentials.Methods: we use data from the Kenya Demographic and Health Surveys (KDHS) collected between 1993 and 2008 and the Nairobi Urban Health and Demographic Surveillance System (NUHDSS) collected in two Nairobi slums between 2003 and 2010, to estimate infant mortality rate (IMR), child mortality rate (CMR) and under-five mortality rate (U5MR).Results: between 1993 and 2008, there was a downward trend in IMR, CMR and U5MR in both rural and urban areas. The decline was more rapid and statistically significant in rural areas but not in urban areas, hence the gap in urban–rural differentials narrowed over time. There was also a downward trend in childhood mortality in the slums between 2003 and 2010 from 83 to 57 for IMR, 33 to 24 for CMR, and 113 to 79 for U5MR, although the rates remained higher compared to those for rural and non-slum urban areas in Kenya.Conclusions: the narrowing gap between urban and rural areas may be attributed to the deplorable living conditions in urban slums. To reduce childhood mortality, extra emphasis is needed on the urban slums

    Endometrial tuberculosis compounding polycystic ovary syndrome in a subfertile woman: a case report

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    Background: Asymptomatic female genital tuberculosis can impair tubal and endometrial function and later present as subfertility. A majority of the patients with genital tuberculosis in endemic regions present with subfertility and the delay in presentation, coupled with the potential the disease has in mimicking other gynecological conditions, renders it elusive. In addition to the challenge of diagnosing genital tuberculosis, fertility outcomes after treatment are not impressive. This is particularly so in the background of another confounding subfertility factor to which interventional efforts may initially be directed, at the expense of undiagnosed genital tuberculosis. We therefore present a case of subfertility due to endometrial tuberculosis, but confounded by other subfertility factors notably polycystic ovary syndrome. To the best of our knowledge this case report is the first of its kind in the literature. Case presentation: This is a case report of a 42-year-old woman of African descent who presented to our fertility clinic with a 10-year history of primary subfertility and amenorrhea of 6 years duration. She was a nurse in a medical ward and had no prior history of tuberculosis. She had undergone a diagnostic laparoscopy 8 years prior which demonstrated dense pelvic adhesions and an impression of tubal factor subfertility was made. At presentation, her gonadal hormone profile and pelvic ultrasound were consistent with polycystic ovary syndrome. A negative response to a progesterone challenge test prompted a hysteroscopic evaluation which revealed endometrial atrophy. Endometrial biopsies confirmed histological features consistent with tuberculosis. Normal endometrial function was not restored despite adequate treatment and her options were limited to surrogacy or adoption. Conclusions: Genital tuberculosis is elusive in presentation and clinicians should consider it in patients with amenorrhea and/or tubal disease from tuberculosis-endemic regions. Due to the attendant high cost of fertility treatment and associated poor fertility outcomes, it is prudent to explore options to diagnose it early. A routine endometrial biopsy in a patient with subfertility in a tuberculosis-endemic area would be pragmatic. An alternative algorithm in management would be risk stratification prior to endometrial biopsy

    Associations between exclusive breastfeeding duration and children's developmental outcomes: evidence from Siaya county, Kenya

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    BACKGROUND: Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) during the first 6 months of life is widely promoted as a key strategy to enhance child health, growth, and development. Even though a high proportion of children in Kenya are currently breastfed exclusively, there is little evidence regarding the developmental benefits during the first year of life. This paper aims to fill this gap by establishing an association between EBF and early childhood developmental outcomes among children below the age of 6 months in Kenya. METHODS: We used data collected as part of a cluster-randomized controlled trial conducted in Bondo sub-county in the western part of Kenya to assess the associations between EBF and development in the first year of life. The primary exposure variable was EBF, and the outcome variable was child development as measured by the Ages and Stages Questionnaire-Third Edition (ASQ-3). RESULTS: We analyzed data from 570 children aged below 6 months at the time of the interview. Breastfeeding children exclusively between 3 and 6 months was associated with 0.61 standard deviation (SD) higher ASQ-3 scores in the adjusted model. When specific domains were considered, in the adjusted models, EBF in the 3-6 months period was associated with 0.44 SD, 0.34 SD and 0.36 SD higher ASQ-3 scores in communication, gross motor, and problem solving domains, respectively. There were weak associations in the fine motor and social-emotional domains. CONCLUSION: EBF in the 3- to 6-month age range has significant positive associations with child development, especially for communication, gross motor, and problem-solving. Programs encouraging mothers to continue EBF in this period may have substantial benefits for children

    Iodine status and sources of dietary iodine intake in Kenyan women and children

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    In 2009, the Government of Kenya adopted a mandatory iodine standard for all ediblesalt of 30-50 mg/kg with potassium iodate as a required fortificant. To assess the new standard, iodine nutrition measurements were included in the Kenya National Micronutrient Survey (KNMS) in 2011. Spot urine samples were obtained from 951 school-age children (SAC, 5 - 14y of age) and 623 non-pregnant women (NPW, 15 – 49y), together with 625 salt samples from their households. Because salt is the major dietary source of iodine as well as sodium in Kenya, sodium concentrations were measured in the same urine samples. Using the iodine and sodium data, the report introduces a novel regression technique to apportion the urinary iodine concentrations (UIC) in both survey groups to the key sources of iodine intake, namely, naturally present (native) iodine content, iodized salt in processed foods and iodized household salt. The salt iodine (SI) content in Kenya’s households (mean 40.3 mg/kg, SD 19.4 mg/kg) showed high-quality iodized salt supply. The SI content in 94.9% of households was ≥15 mg/kg. Median UIC findings in SAC (208 μg/L) and NPW (167 μg/L) indicated adequate iodine nutrition. Although variations in UIC values existed by age, gender (only in SAC), residence type, household wealth index, and region, median UIC findings were within the accepted optimum range in virtually all sub-categories. The findings do not suggest the need for change in Kenya’s universal salt iodization (USI) strategy or adjustment of the current salt iodine standard. Partitioning of UIC values by dietary sources of iodine intake in each survey group attributed ± 35% to native dietary iodine content, ± 45% to processed food and ± 20% to household salt. The UIC levels from native iodine intake alone (60.8 μg/L and 65.3 μg/L in SAC and NPW, respectively) fell below the threshold for iodine deficiency, which supports the inference that the current USI strategy in Kenya is effective in preventing iodine deficiency. The results from regression analysis indicate that the iodine intakes of SAC and NPW can be explained mainly, and in the same way, by their urinary sodium concentrations (UNaC) and the SI contents in salt from their households. The spot UNaC data do not accurately represent salt intake estimates but the mean UNaC findings may be useful for analyzing future changes in salt supply and use from efforts to reduce the salt intake of Kenya’s population.Keywords: Universal Salt Iodization, Dietary Iodine Sources, Population Iodine Status, Keny

    Diverse soil carbon dynamics expressed at the molecular level

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    The stability and potential vulnerability of soil organic matter (SOM) to global change remains incompletely understood due to the complex processes involved in its formation and turnover. Here we combine compound-specific radiocarbon analysis with fraction-specific and bulk-level radiocarbon measurements in order to further elucidate controls on SOM dynamics in a temperate and sub-alpine forested ecosystem. Radiocarbon contents of individual organic compounds isolated from the same soil interval generally exhibit greater variation than those among corresponding operationally-defined fractions. Notably, markedly older ages of long-chain plant leaf wax lipids (n-alkanoic acids) imply that they reflect a highly stable carbon pool. Furthermore, marked 14C variations among shorter- and longer-chain n-alkanoic acid homologues suggest that they track different SOM pools. Extremes in SOM dynamics thus manifest themselves within a single compound class. This exploratory study highlights the potential of compound-specific radiocarbon analysis for understanding SOM dynamics in ecosystems potentially vulnerable to global change

    Nutritional characterisation of low-income households of Nairobi: socioeconomic, livestock and gender considerations and predictors of malnutrition from a cross-sectional survey

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    Background: In sub-Saharan Africa, urban informal settlements are rapidly expanding, leading to overcrowding and constituting challenging environments for food and water supplies, health and nutrition. The study objectives were to characterise and compare two low-income areas of Nairobi according to socioeconomic (including livestock and gender) indicators and the nutritional status of non-pregnant women of reproductive age and 1 to 3 year-old children; and to investigate socioeconomic predictors of malnutrition in these areas. Methods: In this cross-sectional survey 205 low-income households in deprived areas of Dagoretti and Korogocho (Nairobi) were randomly selected. Socioeconomic data were collected via an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Maternal and child dietary data were collected by a 24-h dietary recall. Maternal and child anthropometric and haemoglobin measurements were taken. Chi-square, t-test and Wilcoxon-Mann–Whitney test were used to compare groups and multivariable linear regression to assess predictors of malnutrition. Results: Dagoretti consistently showed better socioeconomic indicators including: income, education and occupation of household head, land ownership, housing quality and domestic asset ownership. Animal ownership was more than twice as high in Dagoretti as in Korogocho (53.0 % vs 22.9 % of households; p-value < 0.0001). A double burden of malnutrition existed: 41.5 % of children were stunted, and 29.0 % of women were overweight. In addition, 74.0 % of the children and 25.9 % of the women were anaemic, and were at risk of inadequate intakes for a number of micronutrients. Nutritional status and nutrient intakes were consistently better in Dagoretti than Korogocho; height-for-age (0.47 Z-scores higher; p-value = 0.004), the minimum dietary diversity (80.0 % vs 57.7 % in children, p-value = 0.001) and intakes of several nutrients were significantly higher. Positive predictors of maternal nutritional status were income, age and not having a premature delivery. Positive predictors of child nutritional status were area, household head education, mother not being married, female animal ownership and child’s sex (female). Conclusions: Malnutrition is prevalent in these settings, which could be partly due to low nutrient intakes, and to socioeconomic factors (including poverty), thus requiring comprehensive approaches that include increased accessibility and affordability of nutrient-dense foods. This study indicates that differences among low-income areas may need consideration for prioritisation and design of interventions

    Undernutrition among HIV-positive children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: antiretroviral therapy alone is not enough

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    BackgroundThe prevalence of HIV/AIDS has exacerbated the impact of childhood undernutrition in many developing countries, including Tanzania. Even with the provision of antiretroviral therapy, undernutrition among HIV-positive children remains a serious problem. Most studies to examine risk factors for undernutrition have been limited to the general population and ART-naive HIV-positive children, making it difficult to generalize findings to ART-treated HIV-positive children. The objectives of this study were thus to compare the proportions of undernutrition among ART-treated HIV-positive and HIV-negative children and to examine factors associated with undernutrition among ART-treated HIV-positive children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.MethodsFrom September to October 2010, we conducted a cross-sectional survey among 213 ART-treated HIV-positive and 202 HIV-negative children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. We measured the children\u27s anthropometrics, socio-demographic factors, food security, dietary habits, diarrhea episodes, economic status, and HIV clinical stage. Data were analyzed using both univariate and multivariate methods.ResultsART-treated HIV-positive children had higher rates of undernutrition than their HIV-negative counterparts. Among the ART-treated HIV-positive children, 78 (36.6%) were stunted, 47 (22.1%) were underweight, and 29 (13.6%) were wasted. Households of ART-treated HIV-positive children exhibited lower economic status, lower levels of education, and higher percentages of unmarried caregivers with higher unemployment rates. Food insecurity was prevalent in over half of ART-treated HIV-positive children\u27s households. Furthermore, ART-treated HIV-positive children were more likely to be orphaned, to be fed less frequently, and to have lower body weight at birth compared to HIV-negative children.In the multivariate analysis, child\u27s HIV-positive status was associated with being underweight (AOR = 4.61, 95% CI 1.38-15.36 P = 0.013) and wasting (AOR = 9.62, 95% CI 1.72-54.02, P = 0.010) but not with stunting (AOR = 0.68, 95% CI 0.26-1.77, P = 0.428). Important factors associated with underweight status among ART-treated HIV-positive children included hunger (AOR = 9.90, P = 0.022), feeding frequency (AOR = 0.02, p \u3c 0.001), and low birth weight (AOR = 5.13, P = 0.039). Factors associated with wasting among ART-treated HIV-positive children were diarrhea (AOR = 22.49, P = 0.001) and feeding frequency (AOR = 0.03, p \u3c 0.001).ConclusionHIV/AIDS is associated with an increased burden of child underweight status and wasting, even among ART-treated children, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In addition to increasing coverage of ART among HIV-positive children, interventions to ameliorate poor nutrition status may be necessary in this and similar settings. Such interventions should aim at promoting adequate feeding patterns, as well as preventing and treating diarrhea

    Sociodemographic variation in the use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in patients with stage IV lung, oesophageal, stomach and pancreatic cancer: evidence from population-based data in England during 2013-2014.

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    BACKGROUND: Sociodemographic inequalities in cancer treatment have been generally described, but there is little evidence regarding patients with advanced cancer. Understanding variation in the management of these patients may provide insights into likely mechanisms leading to inequalities in survival. METHODS: We identified 50,232 patients with stage IV lung, oesophageal, pancreatic and stomach cancer from the English national cancer registry. A generalised linear model with a Poisson error structure was used to explore variation in radiotherapy and chemotherapy within 6 months from diagnosis by age, sex, deprivation, ethnicity, cancer site, comorbidity and, additionally, performance status. RESULTS: There was substantial variation by cancer site, large gradients by age, and non-trivial associations with comorbidity and deprivation. After full adjustment, more deprived patients were consistently least likely to be treated with chemotherapy alone or chemotherapy and radiotherapy combined compared with less deprived patients with equally advanced disease stage (treatment rate ratio: 0.82 95% CI (0.78, 0.87) for CT, 0.78 95% CI (0.71, 0.85) for CTRT p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: There was marked variation in the management of patients with stage IV cancer. Routinely collected data could be used for surveillance across all cancers to help reduce treatment variation and optimise outcomes among patients with advanced cancer
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