427 research outputs found

    Effects of Learning Guided Discovery Using Map Concept of Process Skills and Abilities Cognitive Science Physics Students SMA

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    The purpose of this study were to analyze science process skill and physics cognitive competence taught of students by guided discovery learning by using the concept maps or taught by conventional learning. The research type was quasi experiment with the two group pre-test and post test design, and the population of this study was all students class X semester II at senior high school 1 Pancur Batu. The research sample was taken by simple random sampling technique consist of two class, theyare the experimental class taught by the guided discovery learning by using the concept maps and the control class taught by the conventional learning. The data of this research was taken using observation sheet to see the science process skill of students and multiple choice test to see the students\u27 physics cognitive competence. The result showed that the average value of science process skills of students in the experimental class is 69.26, while in the control class 47.72 and cognitive competence taught of students\u27 physics class experiment was 81.33, while in the control class 75.50. The results of this research indicated that science process skill of students on and physics cognitive competence taught by the guided discovery learning by using the concept maps was better than taught by the conventional learning

    SALSA-A dance on a slippery floor with changing partners

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    It is becoming increasingly clear that the connections between our immune system and the microbiota colonizing us have a tremendous impact on human health. A number of innate molecular defence mechanisms cooperate to selectively target unwanted microorganisms at the mucosal surfaces. Amongst others these include the complement system, IgA and the SALSA molecule. The salivary scavenger and agglutinin (SALSA), also known as deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 (DMBT1), salivary agglutinin (SAG) or gp340 is a multifunctional molecule with important functions in innate immunity, inflammation and epithelial homeostasis. The SALSA protein is expressed at most mucosal surfaces, where it is one of the most abundant proteins. In the fetal meconium and infant intestine it may constitute even up to 10% of the total protein amount. SALSA is found either directly associated with the epithelial surface or secreted into the lining fluids. In the fluid-phase SALSA interacts with a number of bacterial and viral organisms, as well as with endogenous ligands, including IgA, lactoferrin, surfactant proteins and complement components. While complement has been shown to impact the mucosal environment, this remains an area of limited research. The multiple interactions of the SALSA molecule provide a scaffold, where this potent defence system may engage in cooperative microbial clearance together with corresponding mucosal host ligands. With its high abundance, and multiple effects on both host and microbes, the SALSA molecule is a key player in maintaining the immunological balance at the mucosal surfaces. This is further supported by observations linking the expression of different SALSA isoforms to the development of chronic inflammatory conditions, such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. This review describes the latest advances in understanding functions of SALSA and its different isoforms. Recently recognized functions are related to complement activation and regulation, endothelial development and epithelial homeostasis. In addition, we suggest mechanisms how SALSA regulates inflammation at the mucosal surfaces.Peer reviewe

    Developing Online Reading and Discussion Boards on Facebook as Pre-Writing Activities to Improve Students\u27 Writing Achievement

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui apakah online reading dan discussion boards pada facebook sebagai kegiatan pre-writing dapat meningkatkan kualitas writinglebih baik daripada kegiatan pre-writing melalui printed text reading, aspek writing apa yang meningkat secara signifikan dan persepsi siswa terhadap ORDB. Pada desain quantitatif, uji tes awal dan tes akhir kelompok kontrol dilakukan dan pada desain qualitatif, kuesioner dilaksankan.Pada pengumpulan data, teswriting, analisa dokumen, dan kuesioner digunakan. Subyek dibagi dua kelompok, eksperimen dan kontrol, masing-masing terdiri dari 17 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai signifikan dua arah 0.000. Berdasarkan aspek writing yang meningkat secara signifikan, ORDB meningkatkan kualitas writing terutama pada vocabulary. Siswa meningkat pada vocabulary dengan penambahan 1.62 (8.1%) dengan pre-writing melalui printed-text reading dan 3.06 (15.3%) dengan ORDB. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan pada kedua kegiatan pre-writing. Berdasarkan kuesioner, diketahui bahwa metode ini dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan partisipasi dalam menulis.This research was conducted to find out whether online reading and discussion boards on facebook as pre-writing activities can improve writing quality better than pre-writing activity through printed text, what aspects of writing significantly improved, and the students\u27 perception of ORDB. In quantitative design, control group pre-test and post-test design was conducted and in qualitative design, questionnaire was conducted. To collect the data, the writing test, document analysis, and questionnaire were used. The subjects were divided into two groups, the experimental and control, each consists of 17. The result showed the value of two-tailed significance was 0.000. Based on the aspects of writing which are significantly improved, ORDB promoted their writing performance mainly in vocabulary. Students improved vocabulary with gain 1.62 (8.1%) with pre-writing through printed text and 3.06 (15.3%) with ORDB. The result showed the difference of both pre-writing. Based on questionnaire, it was noted that it may increase motivation and participation in writing

    Vitamin D and Allergic Disease: Sunlight at the End of the Tunnel?

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    A role for vitamin D in the regulation of immune function was first proposed after the identification of Vitamin D Receptors in lymphocytes. It has since been recognized that the active form of vitamin D, 1α,25(OH)2D3, has direct affects on naïve and activated helper T cells, regulatory T cells, activated B cells and dendritic cells. There is a growing body of literature linking vitamin D (serum 25(OH)D, oral intake and surrogate indicators such as latitude) to various immune-related conditions, including allergy, although the nature of this relationship is still unclear. This review explores the findings of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory research, and the potential role of vitamin D in promoting the inappropriate immune responses which underpin the rise in a broad range of immune diseases

    Electronic Refrigeration at the Quantum Limit

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    We demonstrate quantum limited electronic refrigeration of a metallic island in a low temperature micro-circuit. We show that matching the impedance of the circuit enables refrigeration at a distance, of about 50 um in our case, through superconducting leads with a cooling power determined by the quantum of thermal conductance. In a reference sample with a mismatched circuit this effect is absent. Our results are consistent with the concept of electromagnetic heat transport. We observe and analyze the crossover between electromagnetic and quasiparticle heat flux in a superconductor.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Implantação de unidade de captação e gerenciamento de recursos para o município de Santa Maria/RS

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    Este Plano de Intervenção foi elaborado como alternativa de solução a um problema contemporâneo diagnosticado na Prefeitura Municipal de Santa Maria/RS, no que se refere a Captação de Recursos extra tributários. As tarefas relacionadas a este fim, estão hoje sendo desenvolvidas por uma equipe multidisciplinar de profissionais que operam informalmente no Gabinete da Casa Civil, sem estarem a ela subordinados seja por questões formais, normativas ou por questões profissionais. As atividades de captação carecem de uma estrutura organizada com a dedicação exclusiva de profissionais em seu quadro, capacitados e atualizados conforme as exigências sistêmicas que envolvem as tarefas de captação de recursos. Para tornar o desenvolvimento dos projetos que tem prioridade de acordo com as políticas públicas da atual gestão administrativa do município, identifica-se necessário a implementação de uma Unidade de Captação e Gerenciamento de Recursos – UCGR, estruturada e instituída através de norma própria, para tornar os processos e resultados organizacionais mais céleres, eficazes, efetivos e eficientes.33 páginasGestão Públic

    Borrelia recurrentis employs a novel multifunctional surface protein with anti-complement, anti-opsonic and invasive potential to escape innate immunity

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    Borrelia recurrentis, the etiologic agent of louse-borne relapsing fever in humans, has evolved strategies, including antigenic variation, to evade immune defence, thereby causing severe diseases with high mortality rates. Here we identify for the first time a multifunctional surface lipoprotein of B. recurrentis, termed HcpA, and demonstrate that it binds human complement regulators, Factor H, CFHR-1, and simultaneously, the host protease plasminogen. Cell surface bound factor H was found to retain its activity and to confer resistance to complement attack. Moreover, ectopic expression of HcpA in a B. burgdorferi B313 strain, deficient in Factor H binding proteins, protected the transformed spirochetes from complement-mediated killing. Furthermore, HcpA-bound plasminogen/plasmin endows B. recurrentis with the potential to resist opsonization and to degrade extracellular matrix components. Together, the present study underscores the high virulence potential of B. recurrentis. The elucidation of the molecular basis underlying the versatile strategies of B. recurrentis to escape innate immunity and to persist in human tissues, including the brain, may help to understand the pathological processes underlying louse-borne relapsing fever


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    Membran selulosa asetat dapat digunakan untuk pemurnian minyak atsiri menggunakan teknik pemisahan non pori, akan tetapi membran ini mempunyai sifat fisika dan kimia yang rendah, sehingga mudah koyak dan rusak saat digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan sifat fisika dan kimia membran selulosa asetat menggunakan polifungsional monomer Trimethallyl isocyanurate (TMAIC). Membran tersebut diharapkan mempunyai kekuatan tarik tinggi dan derajat penggembungan rendah, sehingga memenuhi kriteria untuk digunakan pada pemurnian minyak atsiri. Selulosa asetat-TMAIC disintesis dengan cara mengisolasi selulosa dari sekam padi, kemudian dibuat selulosa asetat menggunakan asam asetat glasial. Polifungsional monomer TMAIC ditambahkan sebagai agen pengikat silang. Sinar gamma digunakan sebagai inisiator reaksi pembentukan ikatan silang antara selulosa-TMAIC-selulosa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan TMAIC pada selulosa asetat yang digabungkan dengan iradiasi sinar gamma, menyebabkan penurunan derajat penggembungan dan peningkatan kekuatan tarik secara signifikan, yaitu masing-masing sebesar 65,48% dan 53,24%. Karakterisasi menggunakan Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) membuktikan adanya pembentukan ikatan silang selulosa asetat dengan TMAIC.

    Tumour-cell-derived complement components C1r and C1s promote growth of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma

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    Summary Background Incidence of epidermal keratinocyte-derived cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is increasing worldwide. Objectives To study the role of complement classical pathway components C1q, C1r and C1s in the progression of cSCC. Methods The mRNA levels of C1Q subunits, C1R and C1S in cSCC cell lines, normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEKs), cSCC tumors in vivo and normal skin were analyzed with quantitative RT-PCR. The production of C1r and C1s was determined with Western blotting. The expression of C1r and C1s in tissue samples in vivo was analyzed with immunohistochemistry and further investigated in human cSCC xenografts by knocking down C1r and C1s. Results Significantly elevated C1R and C1S mRNA levels and production of C1r and C1s were detected in cSCC cells, compared to normal human epidermal keratinocytes. The mRNA levels of C1R and C1S were markedly elevated in cSCC tumors in vivo compared to normal skin. Abundant expression of C1r and C1s by tumor cells was detected in invasive sporadic cSCCs and recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa-associated cSCCs, whereas the expression of C1r and C1s was lower in cSCC in situ, actinic keratosis, and normal skin. Knockdown of C1r and C1s expression in cSCC cells inhibited activation of ERK1/2 and Akt, promoted apoptosis of cSCC cells and significantly suppressed growth and vascularization of human cSCC xenograft tumors in vivo. Conclusions These results provide evidence for the role of tumor cell-derived C1r and C1s in the progression of cSCC and identify them as biomarkers and putative therapeutic targets in cSCC. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe
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