195 research outputs found

    A New Troodontid Theropod Dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Utah

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    BACKGROUND: The theropod dinosaur family Troodontidae is known from the Upper Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, and Upper Cretaceous of Asia and from the Upper Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous of North America. Before now no undisputed troodontids from North America have been reported from the Early Cretaceous. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Herein we describe a theropod maxilla from the Lower Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah and perform a phylogenetic analysis to determine its phylogenetic position. The specimen is distinctive enough to assign to a new genus and species, Geminiraptor suarezarum. Phylogenetic analysis places G. suarezarum within Troodontidae in an unresolved polytomy with Mei, Byronosaurus, Sinornithoides, Sinusonasus, and Troodon+(Saurornithoides+Zanabazar). Geminiraptor suarezarum uniquely exhibits extreme pneumatic inflation of the maxilla internal to the antorbital fossa such that the anterior maxilla has a triangular cross-section. Unlike troodontids more closely related to Troodon, G. suarezarum exhibits bony septa between the dental alveoli and a promaxillary foramen that is visible in lateral view. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This is the first report of a North American troodontid from the Lower Cretaceous. It therefore contributes to a fuller understanding of troodontid biogeography through time. It also adds to the known dinosaurian fauna of the Cedar Mountain Formation

    Oral treatment of 4-methylumbelliferone reduced perineuronal nets and improved recognition memory in mice

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    Hyaluronan (HA) is a core constituent of perineuronal nets (PNNs) that surround subpopulations of neurones. The PNNs control synaptic stabilization in both the developing and adult central nervous system, and disruption of PNNs has shown to reactivate neuroplasticity. We investigated the possibility of memory prolongation by attenuating PNN formation using 4-methylumbelliferone (4-MU), an inhibitor of HA synthesis. Adult C57BL/6 mice were fed with chow containing 5% (w/w) 4-MU for 6 months, at a dose ~6.7 mg/g/day. The oral administration of 4-MU reduced the glycosaminoglycan level in the brain to 72% and the spinal cord to 50% when compared to the controls. Spontaneous object recognition test (SOR) performed at 2, 3, 6 and 7 months showed a significant increase in SOR score in the 6-months treatment group 24 h after object presentation. The effect however did not persist in the washout group (1-month post treatment). Immunohistochemistry confirmed a reduction of PNNs, with shorter and less arborization of aggrecan staining around dendrites in hippocampus after 6 months of 4-MU treatment. Histopathological examination revealed mild atrophy in articular cartilage but it did not affect the motor performance as demonstrated in rotarod test. In conclusion, systemic oral administration of 4-MU for 6 months reduced PNN formation around neurons and enhanced memory retention in mice. However, the memory enhancement was not sustained despite the reduction of PNNs, possibly due to the lack of memory enhancement training during the washout period. Our results suggest that 4-MU treatment might offer a strategy for PNN modulation in memory enhancement

    Traversing the margins of corruption amidst informal economies in Amazonia

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    This article focuses on local idioms of extra-legal economic activity among indigenous Amazonians in eastern Peru, and its overall argument is that these idioms are part of a broader context in which indigenous people are compelled by a variety of factors to act in a seemingly corrupt manner. I further suggest that within such a context these idioms are not confined to the informal economy but are also used to refer to activities that fall within the formal economy, supporting Hart’s (2009) claim that the informal economy is a way of imagining the orthodox economy. I argue that corruption within Amazonian economies is commonly perceived by non-indigenous people as contrasting with the workings of the orthodox economy without proper consideration of the economic conditions and bureaucratic structures that give rise to it. Lastly, I argue that, here, corruption can contravene bureaucracy by restoring the humanity that Herzfeld (1993) claims bureaucracy rejects through its acts of indifference toward individuals

    Long-Term Accumulation, Biological Effects and Toxicity of BSA-Coated Gold Nanoparticles in the Mouse Liver, Spleen, and Kidneys

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    Kristina Jakic,1 Michal Selc,1,2 Filip Razga,3 Veronika Nemethova,3 Petra Mazancova,3 Filip Havel,4,5 Michal Sramek,5 Monika Zarska,5 Jan Proska,4 Vlasta Masanova,6 Iveta Uhnakova,6 Peter Makovicky,7 Marta Novotova,8 Vit Vykoukal,9 Andrea Babelova1,2 1Department of Nanobiology, Cancer Research Institute, Biomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; 2Centre for Advanced Material Application, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; 3Selecta Biotech SE, Bratislava, Slovakia; 4Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic; 5Department of Genome Integrity, Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic; 6Department of Metallomics, Faculty of Medicine, Slovak Medical University, Bratislava, Slovakia; 7Department of Molecular Oncology, Cancer Research Institute, Biomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; 8Department of Cellular Cardiology, Institute of Experimental Endocrinology, Biomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; 9Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech RepublicCorrespondence: Andrea Babelova, Department of Nanobiology, Cancer Research Institute, Biomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, Tel +421-2-32295-189, Fax +421-2-5477-4284, Email [email protected]: Gold nanoparticles are promising candidates as vehicles for drug delivery systems and could be developed into effective anticancer treatments. However, concerns about their safety need to be identified, addressed, and satisfactorily answered. Although gold nanoparticles are considered biocompatible and nontoxic, most of the toxicology evidence originates from in vitro studies, which may not reflect the responses in complex living organisms.Methods: We used an animal model to study the long-term effects of 20 nm spherical AuNPs coated with bovine serum albumin. Mice received a 1 mg/kg single intravenous dose of nanoparticles, and the biodistribution and accumulation, as well as the organ changes caused by the nanoparticles, were characterized in the liver, spleen, and kidneys during 120 days.Results: The amount of nanoparticles in the organs remained high at 120 days compared with day 1, showing a 39% reduction in the liver, a 53% increase in the spleen, and a 150% increase in the kidneys. The biological effects of chronic nanoparticle exposure were associated with early inflammatory and fibrotic responses in the organs and were more pronounced in the kidneys, despite a negligible amount of nanoparticles found in renal tissues.Conclusion: Our data suggest, that although AuNPs belong to the safest nanomaterial platforms nowadays, due to their slow tissue elimination leading to long-term accumulation in the biological systems, they may induce toxic responses in the vital organs, and so understanding of their long-term biological impact is important to consider their potential therapeutic applications. Keywords: AuNPs, in vivo, long-term accumulation, biodistribution, inflammation, fibrosi

    A New Troodontid Theropod, Talos sampsoni gen. et sp. nov., from the Upper Cretaceous Western Interior Basin of North America

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    Troodontids are a predominantly small-bodied group of feathered theropod dinosaurs notable for their close evolutionary relationship with Avialae. Despite a diverse Asian representation with remarkable growth in recent years, the North American record of the clade remains poor, with only one controversial species--Troodon formosus--presently known from substantial skeletal remains.Here we report a gracile new troodontid theropod--Talos sampsoni gen. et sp. nov.--from the Upper Cretaceous Kaiparowits Formation, Utah, USA, representing one of the most complete troodontid skeletons described from North America to date. Histological assessment of the holotype specimen indicates that the adult body size of Talos was notably smaller than that of the contemporary genus Troodon. Phylogenetic analysis recovers Talos as a member of a derived, latest Cretaceous subclade, minimally containing Troodon, Saurornithoides, and Zanabazar. MicroCT scans reveal extreme pathological remodeling on pedal phalanx II-1 of the holotype specimen likely resulting from physical trauma and subsequent infectious processes.Talos sampsoni adds to the singularity of the Kaiparowits Formation dinosaur fauna, which is represented by at least 10 previously unrecognized species including the recently named ceratopsids Utahceratops and Kosmoceratops, the hadrosaurine Gryposaurus monumentensis, the tyrannosaurid Teratophoneus, and the oviraptorosaurian Hagryphus. The presence of a distinct troodontid taxon in the Kaiparowits Formation supports the hypothesis that late Campanian dinosaurs of the Western Interior Basin exhibited restricted geographic ranges and suggests that the taxonomic diversity of Late Cretaceous troodontids from North America is currently underestimated. An apparent traumatic injury to the foot of Talos with evidence of subsequent healing sheds new light on the paleobiology of deinonychosaurians by bolstering functional interpretations of prey grappling and/or intraspecific combat for the second pedal digit, and supporting trackway evidence indicating a minimal role in weight bearing

    Experimental and theoretical investigations on the polymorphism and metastability of BiPO4

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    In this work we report the metastability and the energetics of the phase transitions of three different polymorphs of BiPO4, namely trigonal (Phase-I, space group P3(1)21), monoclinic monazite-type (Phase-II, space group P2(1)/n) and SbPO4-type monoclinic (Phase-III, space group P2(1)/m) from ambient and non-ambient temperature powder XRD and neutron diffraction studies as well as ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The symmetry ambiguity between P2(1) and P2(1)/m of the high temperature polymorph of BiPO4 has been resolved by a neutron diffraction study. The structure and vibrational properties of these polymorphs of the three polymorphs have also been reported in detail. Total energy calculations have been used to understand the experimentally observed metastable behavior of trigonal and monazite-type BiPO4. Interestingly, all of the three phases were found to coexist after heating a single phasic trigonal BiPO4 to 773 K. The irreversible nature of these phase transitions has been explained by the concepts of the interplay of the structural distortion, molar volume and total energy.This study was supported by the Spanish government MEC under grants no: MAT2010-21270-C04-01/04, by MALTA Consolider Ingenio 2010 project (CSD2007-00045), and by the Vicerrectorado de Investigacion y Desarrollo of the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (UPV2011-0914 PAID-05-11 and UPV2011-0966 PAID-06-11). S. N. A. acknowledges the support provided by Universitat de Valencia during his visit to it. A. M. and P. R.-H. acknowledge the computing time provided by Red Espanola de Supercomputacion (RES) and MALTA-Cluster.Achary, SN.; Errandonea, D.; Muñoz, A.; Rodríguez Hernández, P.; Manjón Herrera, FJ.; Krishna, PSR.; Patwe, SJ.... (2013). Experimental and theoretical investigations on the polymorphism and metastability of BiPO4. Dalton Transactions. 42:14999-15015. https://doi.org/10.1039/c3dt51823jS14999150154

    A new large-bodied oviraptorosaurian theropod dinosaur from the Latest Cretaceous of Western North America

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    The oviraptorosaurian theropod dinosaur clade Caenagnathidae has long been enigmatic due to the incomplete nature of nearly all described fossils. Here we describe Anzu wyliei gen. et sp. nov., a new taxon of large-bodied caenagnathid based primarily on three well-preserved partial skeletons. The specimens were recovered from the uppermost Cretaceous (upper Maastrichtian) Hell Creek Formation of North and South Dakota, and are therefore among the stratigraphically youngest known oviraptorosaurian remains. Collectively, the fossils include elements from most regions of the skeleton, providing a wealth of information on the osteology and evolutionary relationships of Caenagnathidae. Phylogenetic analysis reaffirms caenagnathid monophyly, and indicates that Anzu is most closely related to Caenagnathus collinsi, a taxon that is definitively known only from a mandible from the Campanian Dinosaur Park Formation of Alberta. The problematic oviraptorosaurs Microvenator and Gigantoraptor are recovered as basal caenagnathids, as has previously been suggested. Anzu and other caenagnathids may have favored well-watered floodplain settings over channel margins, and were probably ecological generalists that fed upon vegetation, small animals, and perhaps eggs

    Theropod Fauna from Southern Australia Indicates High Polar Diversity and Climate-Driven Dinosaur Provinciality

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    The Early Cretaceous fauna of Victoria, Australia, provides unique data on the composition of high latitude southern hemisphere dinosaurs. We describe and review theropod dinosaur postcranial remains from the Aptian–Albian Otway and Strzelecki groups, based on at least 37 isolated bones, and more than 90 teeth from the Flat Rocks locality. Several specimens of medium- and large-bodied individuals (estimated up to ∼8.5 metres long) represent allosauroids. Tyrannosauroids are represented by elements indicating medium body sizes (∼3 metres long), likely including the holotype femur of Timimus hermani, and a single cervical vertebra represents a juvenile spinosaurid. Single specimens representing medium- and small-bodied theropods may be referrable to Ceratosauria, Ornithomimosauria, a basal coelurosaur, and at least three taxa within Maniraptora. Thus, nine theropod taxa may have been present. Alternatively, four distinct dorsal vertebrae indicate a minimum of four taxa. However, because most taxa are known from single bones, it is likely that small-bodied theropod diversity remains underestimated. The high abundance of allosauroids and basal coelurosaurs (including tyrannosauroids and possibly ornithomimosaurs), and the relative rarity of ceratosaurs, is strikingly dissimilar to penecontemporaneous dinosaur faunas of Africa and South America, which represent an arid, lower-latitude biome. Similarities between dinosaur faunas of Victoria and the northern continents concern the proportional representatation of higher clades, and may result from the prevailing temperate–polar climate of Australia, especially at high latitudes in Victoria, which is similar to the predominant warm–temperate climate of Laurasia, but distinct from the arid climate zone that covered extensive areas of Gondwana. Most dinosaur groups probably attained a near-cosmopolitan distribution in the Jurassic, prior to fragmentation of the Pangaean supercontinent, and some aspects of the hallmark ‘Gondwanan’ fauna of South America and Africa may therefore reflect climate-driven provinciality, not vicariant evolution driven by continental fragmentation. However, vicariance may still be detected at lower phylogenetic levels
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