790 research outputs found

    Oulanka-, Kitka- ja Kuusinkijoen kalastusmatkailun aluetaloudelliset vaikutukset

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    The polarization of Lyman alpha radiation produced in charge transfer collisions between protons and the inert gases

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    Polarization of Lyman alpha radiation in proton collisions with helium, argon, and neon atom

    The polarization of Lyman alpha radiation produced by direct excitation of hydrogen atoms by proton impact

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    Lyman alpha radiation measurement in collision between protons and hydrogen atom

    Kätilön työkokemuksen vaikutus synnytyksen lopputulokseen

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän mukaillun kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena on kuvailla kätilön työkokemuksen vaikutuksia synnytyksen lopputulokseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tuottaa uutta tietoa tutkittavasta ilmiöstä, jota terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöt sekä asiasta kiinnostuneet voivat hyödyntää käytännön työelämässä. Tutkielma toteutettiin mukailtuna kirjallisuuskatsauksena keväällä 2019. Aineistohaku suoritettiin PubMed-, Scopus- ja CINAHL-tietokannoista. Katsaukseen otettin mukaan neljä vertaisarvioitua alkuperäisartikkelia. Tutkielman aineisto analysoitiin induktiivisella kuvailevalla luokittelulla. Aineistosta nousi esiin kolme teemaa, jotka vaikuttivat synnytyksen lopputulokseen. Nämä teemat olivat kätilön työkokemuksen vaikutus toimenpidesynnytyksiin, vaikutus vauvan vointiin ja vaikutus perinataalikuolleisuuteen. Tulokset ovat osittain ristiriitaisia toistensa kanssa. Tutkimustuloksista voidaan kuitenkin todeta, että kätilön lisääntyvällä kokemuksella saattaa olla positiivisia vaikutuksia synnytyksen lopputulokseen

    Geokemiallisten aineistojen käsittely,laatu ja tulkinta

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    Scattering of positrons and electrons by alkali atoms

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    Absolute total scattering cross sections (Q sub T's) were measured for positrons and electrons colliding with sodium, potassium, and rubidium in the 1 to 102 eV range, using the same apparatus and experimental approach (a beam transmission technique) for both projectiles. The present results for positron-sodium and -rubidium collisions represent the first Q sub T measurements reported for these collision systems. Features which distinguish the present comparisons between positron- and electron-alkali atom Q sub T's from those for other atoms and molecules (room-temperature gases) which have been used as targets for positrons and electrons are the proximity of the corresponding positron- and electron-alkali atom Q sub T's over the entire energy range of overlap, with an indication of a merging or near-merging of the corresponding positron and electron Q sub T's near (and above) the relatively low energy of about 40 eV, and a general tendency for the positron-alkali atom Q sub T's to be higher than the corresponding electron values as the projectile energy is decreased below about 40 eV

    Trapping hot quasi-particles in a high-power superconducting electronic cooler

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    The performance of hybrid superconducting electronic coolers is usually limited by the accumulation of hot quasi-particles in their superconducting leads. This issue is all the more stringent in large-scale and high-power devices, as required by the applications. Introducing a metallic drain connected to the superconducting electrodes via a fine-tuned tunnel barrier, we efficiently remove quasi-particles and obtain electronic cooling from 300 mK down to 130 mK with a 400 pW cooling power. A simple thermal model accounts for the experimental observations.Peer reviewe

    Solid Sampling with a Diode Laser for Portable Ambient Mass Spectrometry

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    A hand-held diode laser is implemented for solid sampling in portable ambient mass spectrometry (MS). Specifically, a pseudocontinuous wave battery powered surgical laser diode is employed for portable laser diode thermal desorption (LDTD) at 940 nm and compared with nanosecond pulsed laser ablation at 2940 nm. Postionization is achieved in both cases using atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI). The laser ablation atmospheric pressure photoionization (LAAPPI) and LDTD-APPI mass spectra of sage leaves (Salvia officinalis) using a field-deployable quadrupole ion trap MS display many similar ion peaks, as do the mass spectra of membrane grown biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: These results indicate that LDTD-APPI method should be useful for in-field sampling of plant and microbial communities, for example, by portable ambient MS. The feasibility of many portable MS applications is facilitated by the availability of relatively low cost, portable, battery-powered diode lasers. LDTD could also be coupled with plasma- or electrospray-based ionization for the analysis of a variety of solid-samples.Peer reviewe

    Inferior parietal lobule and early visual areas support elicitation of individualized meanings during narrative listening

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    Introduction: When listening to a narrative, the verbal expressions translate into meanings and flow of mental imagery. However, the same narrative can be heard quite differently based on differences in listeners' previous experiences and knowledge. We capitalized on such differences to disclose brain regions that support transformation of narrative into individualized propositional meanings and associated mental imagery by analyzing brain activity associated with behaviorally assessed individual meanings elicited by a narrative. Methods: Sixteen right-handed female subjects were instructed to list words that best described what had come to their minds while listening to an eight-minute narrative during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The fMRI data were analyzed by calculating voxel-wise intersubject correlation (ISC) values. We used latent semantic analysis (LSA) enhanced with Wordnet knowledge to measure semantic similarity of the produced words between subjects. Finally, we predicted the ISC with the semantic similarity using representational similarity analysis. Results: We found that semantic similarity in these word listings between subjects, estimated using LSA combined with WordNet knowledge, predicting similarities in brain hemodynamic activity. Subject pairs whose individual semantics were similar also exhibited similar brain activity in the bilateral supramarginal and angular gyrus of the inferior parietal lobe, and in the occipital pole. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate, using a novel method to measure interindividual differences in semantics, brain mechanisms giving rise to semantics and associated imagery during narrative listening. During listening to a captivating narrative, the inferior parietal lobe and early visual cortical areas seem, thus, to support elicitation of individual meanings and flow of mental imagery.Peer reviewe