42 research outputs found

    Revealing the Orbital Composition of Heavy Fermion Quasiparticles in CeRu2Si2

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    We present a resonant angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) study of the electronic band structure and heavy fermion quasiparticles in CeRu2Si2. Using light polarization analysis, considerations of the crystal field environment and hybridization between conduction and f electronic states, we identify the d-electronic orbital character of conduction bands crossing the Fermi level. Resonant ARPES spectra suggest that the localized Ce f states hybridize with eg and t2g states around the zone center. In this fashion, we reveal the orbital structure of the heavy fermion quasiparticles in CeRu2Si2 and discuss its implications for metamagnetism and superconductivity in the related compound CeCu2Si2

    In situ uniaxial pressure cell for x-ray and neutron scattering experiments

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    We present an in situ uniaxial pressure device optimized for small angle x-ray and neutron scattering experiments at low-temperatures and high magnetic fields. A stepper motor generates force, which is transmitted to the sample via a rod with an integrated transducer that continuously monitors the force. The device has been designed to generate forces up to 200 N in both compressive and tensile configurations, and a feedback control allows operating the system in a continuous-pressure mode as the temperature is changed. The uniaxial pressure device can be used for various instruments and multiple cryostats through simple and exchangeable adapters. It is compatible with multiple sample holders, which can be easily changed depending on the sample properties and the desired experiment and allow rapid sample changes

    The regulatory mechanisms of NG2/CSPG4 expression

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    Neuron-glial antigen 2 (NG2), also known as chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan 4 (CSPG4), is a surface type I transmembrane core proteoglycan that is crucially involved in cell survival, migration and angiogenesis. NG2 is frequently used as a marker for the identification and characterization of certain cell types, but little is known about the mechanisms regulating its expression. In this review, we provide evidence that the regulation of NG2 expression underlies inflammation and hypoxia and is mediated by methyltransferases, transcription factors, including Sp1, paired box (Pax) 3 and Egr-1, and the microRNA miR129-2. These regulatory factors crucially determine NG2-mediated cellular processes such as glial scar formation in the central nervous system (CNS) or tumor growth and metastasis. Therefore, they are potential targets for the establishment of novel NG2-based therapeutic strategies in the treatment of CNS injuries, cancer and other conditions of these types

    Evolution of the Toarcian (Early Jurassic) carbon-cycle and global climatic controls on local sedimentary processes (Cardigan Bay Basin, UK)

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    The late Early Jurassic Toarcian Stage represents the warmest interval of the Jurassic Period, with an abrupt rise in global temperatures of up to ∼7 °C in mid-latitudes at the onset of the early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE; ∼183 Ma). The T-OAE, which has been extensively studied in marine and continental successions from both hemispheres, was marked by the widespread expansion of anoxic and euxinic waters, geographically extensive deposition of organic-rich black shales, and climatic and environmental perturbations. Climatic and environmental processes following the T-OAE are, however, poorly known, largely due to a lack of study of stratigraphically well-constrained and complete sedimentary archives. Here, we present integrated geochemical and physical proxy data (high-resolution carbon-isotope data (δ13C), bulk and molecular organic geochemistry, inorganic petrology, mineral characterisation, and major- and trace-element concentrations) from the biostratigraphically complete and expanded entire Toarcian succession in the Llanbedr (Mochras Farm) Borehole, Cardigan Bay Basin, Wales, UK. With these data, we (1) construct the first high-resolution biostratigraphically calibrated chemostratigraphic reference record for nearly the complete Toarcian Stage, (2) establish palaeoceanographic and depositional conditions in the Cardigan Bay Basin, (3) show that the T-OAE in the hemipelagic Cardigan Bay Basin was marked by the occurrence of gravity-flow deposits that were likely linked to globally enhanced sediment fluxes to continental margins and deeper marine (shelf) basins, and (4) explore how early Toarcian (tenuicostatum and serpentinum zones) siderite formation in the Cardigan Bay Basin may have been linked to low global oceanic sulphate concentrations and elevated supply of iron (Fe) from the hinterland, in response to climatically induced changes in hydrological cycling, global weathering rates and large-scale sulphide and evaporite deposition

    Sperrprotokolle für komplexe Objekte mit Versionen in CAD-Datenbanken

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    LRS-Prävention bei Risikokindern: Langfristige Effekte bis in die 3. Klasse

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    Fragestellung: Ziel der Studie war die Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit einer vorschulischen Förderung der phonologischen Bewusstheit und der Buchstaben-Laut-Verknüpfung bei Kindern mit einem Risiko für die Entwicklung einer Lese-Rechtschreibstörung (LRS) unter Bedingungen, die sich am Alltag der Kindertagesstätten orientierten und somit auch bei einem breiten Einsatz des Programms eine relativ ökonomische Variante darstellen. Methodik: Die Risikokinder der Trainingsgruppe (n = 20) wurden über 11 Wochen mit den Programmen Hören, Lauschen, Lernen 1 und 2 (Küspert & Schneider, 2008; Plume & Schneider, 2004) von Erzieherinnen gefördert. Sie wurden einer nicht-geförderten Risiko-Kontrollgruppe (n = 43) hinsichtlich ihrer Lese- und Rechtschreibleistungen sowie der Häufigkeit von LRS von der 1. bis zur 3. Klasse gegenübergestellt. Dabei wurden neben den Daten regulär eingeschulter Kinder auch jene in die Analyse inkludiert, die vom Schulbesuch zurückgestellt wurden. Ergebnisse: Im 1. und 2. Grundschuljahr zeigten die trainierten Risikokinder im Lesen und Rechtschreiben einen mindestens tendenziellen Leistungsvorsprung gegenüber nicht-geförderten Risikokindern. Trainingseffekte zeigten sich ebenfalls in einer Reduktion der Anzahl von Kindern mit LRS bis Klasse 2, tendenziell auch in Klasse 3. Schlussfolgerung: Insgesamt sprechen die Befunde für die Wirksamkeit des Trainings in der primären Prävention von Lese-Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten bei Risikokindern unter alltagsnahen Bedingungen