609 research outputs found

    Optimal interdependence between networks for the evolution of cooperation

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    Recent research has identified interactions between networks as crucial for the outcome of evolutionary games taking place on them. While the consensus is that interdependence does promote cooperation by means of organizational complexity and enhanced reciprocity that is out of reach on isolated networks, we here address the question just how much interdependence there should be. Intuitively, one might assume the more the better. However, we show that in fact only an intermediate density of sufficiently strong interactions between networks warrants an optimal resolution of social dilemmas. This is due to an intricate interplay between the heterogeneity that causes an asymmetric strategy flow because of the additional links between the networks, and the independent formation of cooperative patterns on each individual network. Presented results are robust to variations of the strategy updating rule, the topology of interdependent networks, and the governing social dilemma, thus suggesting a high degree of universality

    Isolation of Flow and Nonflow Correlations by Two- and Four-Particle Cumulant Measurements of Azimuthal Harmonics in sNN=\sqrt{s_{_{\rm NN}}} = 200 GeV Au+Au Collisions

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    A data-driven method was applied to measurements of Au+Au collisions at sNN=\sqrt{s_{_{\rm NN}}} = 200 GeV made with the STAR detector at RHIC to isolate pseudorapidity distance Δη\Delta\eta-dependent and Δη\Delta\eta-independent correlations by using two- and four-particle azimuthal cumulant measurements. We identified a component of the correlation that is Δη\Delta\eta-independent, which is likely dominated by anisotropic flow and flow fluctuations. It was also found to be independent of η\eta within the measured range of pseudorapidity η<1|\eta|<1. The relative flow fluctuation was found to be 34%±2%(stat.)±3%(sys.)34\% \pm 2\% (stat.) \pm 3\% (sys.) for particles of transverse momentum pTp_{T} less than 22 GeV/cc. The Δη\Delta\eta-dependent part may be attributed to nonflow correlations, and is found to be 5%±2%(sys.)5\% \pm 2\% (sys.) relative to the flow of the measured second harmonic cumulant at Δη>0.7|\Delta\eta| > 0.7

    Charged-to-neutral correlation at forward rapidity in Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV

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    Event-by-event fluctuations of the ratio of inclusive charged to photon multiplicities at forward rapidity in Au+Au collision at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV have been studied. Dominant contribution to such fluctuations is expected to come from correlated production of charged and neutral pions. We search for evidences of dynamical fluctuations of different physical origins. Observables constructed out of moments of multiplicities are used as measures of fluctuations. Mixed events and model calculations are used as baselines. Results are compared to the dynamical net-charge fluctuations measured in the same acceptance. A non-zero statistically significant signal of dynamical fluctuations is observed in excess to the model prediction when charged particles and photons are measured in the same acceptance. We find that, unlike dynamical net-charge fluctuation, charge-neutral fluctuation is not dominated by correlation due to particle decay. Results are compared to the expectations based on the generic production mechanism of pions due to isospin symmetry, for which no significant (<1%) deviation is observed.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Observation of charge asymmetry dependence of pion elliptic flow and the possible chiral magnetic wave in heavy-ion collisions

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    We present measurements of π\pi^- and π+\pi^+ elliptic flow, v2v_2, at midrapidity in Au+Au collisions at sNN=\sqrt{s_{_{\rm NN}}} = 200, 62.4, 39, 27, 19.6, 11.5 and 7.7 GeV, as a function of event-by-event charge asymmetry, AchA_{ch}, based on data from the STAR experiment at RHIC. We find that π\pi^- (π+\pi^+) elliptic flow linearly increases (decreases) with charge asymmetry for most centrality bins at sNN=27 GeV\sqrt{s_{_{\rm NN}}} = \text{27 GeV} and higher. At sNN=200 GeV\sqrt{s_{_{\rm NN}}} = \text{200 GeV}, the slope of the difference of v2v_2 between π\pi^- and π+\pi^+ as a function of AchA_{ch} exhibits a centrality dependence, which is qualitatively similar to calculations that incorporate a chiral magnetic wave effect. Similar centrality dependence is also observed at lower energies.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of Transverse Spin-Dependent Azimuthal Correlations of Charged Pion Pairs in p+pp^\uparrow+p at s=200\sqrt{s}=200 GeV

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    We report the observation of transverse polarization-dependent azimuthal correlations in charged pion pair production with the STAR experiment in p+pp^\uparrow+p collisions at RHIC. These correlations directly probe quark transversity distributions. We measure signals in excess of five standard deviations at high transverse momenta, at high pseudorapidities eta>0.5, and for pair masses around the mass of the rho-meson. This is the first direct transversity measurement in p+p collisions. Comparing the results to data from lepton-nucleon scattering will test the universality of these spin-dependent quantities.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 15 tables. Submitted to PR

    Elliptic flow of electrons from heavy-flavor hadron decays in Au+Au collisions at sNN=\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 200, 62.4, and 39 GeV

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    We present measurements of elliptic flow (v2v_2) of electrons from the decays of heavy-flavor hadrons (eHFe_{HF}) by the STAR experiment. For Au+Au collisions at sNN=\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 200 GeV we report v2v_2, for transverse momentum (pTp_T) between 0.2 and 7 GeV/c using three methods: the event plane method (v2v_{2}{EP}), two-particle correlations (v2v_2{2}), and four-particle correlations (v2v_2{4}). For Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 62.4 and 39 GeV we report v2v_2{2} for pT<2p_T< 2 GeV/c. v2v_2{2} and v2v_2{4} are non-zero at low and intermediate pTp_T at 200 GeV, and v2v_2{2} is consistent with zero at low pTp_T at other energies. The v2v_2{2} at the two lower beam energies is systematically lower than at sNN=\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 200 GeV for pT<1p_T < 1 GeV/c. This difference may suggest that charm quarks interact less strongly with the surrounding nuclear matter at those two lower energies compared to sNN=200\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 200 GeV.Comment: Version accepted by PR

    Energy dependence of acceptance-corrected dielectron excess mass spectrum at mid-rapidity in Au+Au collisions at sNN=19.6\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 19.6 and 200 GeV

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    The acceptance-corrected dielectron excess mass spectra, where the known hadronic sources have been subtracted from the inclusive dielectron mass spectra, are reported for the first time at mid-rapidity yee<1|y_{ee}|<1 in minimum-bias Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 19.6 and 200 GeV. The excess mass spectra are consistently described by a model calculation with a broadened ρ\rho spectral function for Mee<1.1M_{ee}<1.1 GeV/c2c^{2}. The integrated dielectron excess yield at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 19.6 GeV for 0.4<Mee<0.750.4<M_{ee}<0.75 GeV/c2c^2, normalized to the charged particle multiplicity at mid-rapidity, has a value similar to that in In+In collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 17.3 GeV. For sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV, the normalized excess yield in central collisions is higher than that at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 17.3 GeV and increases from peripheral to central collisions. These measurements indicate that the lifetime of the hot, dense medium created in central Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV is longer than those in peripheral collisions and at lower energies.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Azimuthal anisotropy in U+U and Au+Au collisions at RHIC

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    Collisions between prolate uranium nuclei are used to study how particle production and azimuthal anisotropies depend on initial geometry in heavy-ion collisions. We report the two- and four-particle cumulants, v2{2}v_2\{2\} and v2{4}v_2\{4\}, for charged hadrons from U+U collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 193 GeV and Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 200 GeV. Nearly fully overlapping collisions are selected based on the amount of energy deposited by spectators in the STAR Zero Degree Calorimeters (ZDCs). Within this sample, the observed dependence of v2{2}v_2\{2\} on multiplicity demonstrates that ZDC information combined with multiplicity can preferentially select different overlap configurations in U+U collisions. An initial-state model with gluon saturation describes the slope of v2{2}v_2\{2\} as a function of multiplicity in central collisions better than one based on Glauber with a two-component multiplicity model.Comment: Final paper version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. New version includes comparisons to a constituent quark glauber mode