1,755 research outputs found


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    The PowerLine Boat Instrumentation System3 is comprised of instrumented oarlocks capable of measuring pin forces in the direction of boat travel and oarlock angles. The aim of this study was to determine the reliability and validity of the force and angle data from the PowerLine Boat Instrumentation System in a laboratory setting. Data were collected with the sculling oarlocks affixed to a horizontally aligned, stabilised wing rigger. For force analysis, signals were collected at 50 Hz from both the PowerLine system and a 1 kN load cell4 during 10 repetitions at a rate of approximately 30 repetitions per minute. For angular analysis, whilst recording with PowerLine, oarlocks were repositioned for a minimum of two seconds at known angles in a random order using an inclinometer accurate to one tenth of a degree over a range of -80° to +60°, in 20° increments. Linear regression analysis through the origin was used to compare the PowerLine values with known values from the load cell and the inclinometer. Laboratory testing proved the force and angle sensors to be valid throughout the testing range (0 N to 554.8 + 20.4 N, and -80° to +60° respectively) when fully functioning. The PowerLine Boat Instrumentation System appears to be appropriate for measuring biomechanical variables in an elite sculling programme. On-water reliability testing is still required to fully evaluate their application in quantifying the effect of interventions made to technique or boat set-up

    Pandemic influenza control in Europe and the constraints resulting from incoherent public health laws

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    © 2010 Martin et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Background: With the emergence of influenza H1N1v the world is facing its first 21st century global pandemic. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and avian influenza H5N1 prompted development of pandemic preparedness plans. National systems of public health law are essential for public health stewardship and for the implementation of public health policy[1]. International coherence will contribute to effective regional and global responses. However little research has been undertaken on how law works as a tool for disease control in Europe. With co-funding from the European Union, we investigated the extent to which laws across Europe support or constrain pandemic preparedness planning, and whether national differences are likely to constrain control efforts. Methods: We undertook a survey of national public health laws across 32 European states using a questionnaire designed around a disease scenario based on pandemic influenza. Questionnaire results were reviewed in workshops, analysing how differences between national laws might support or hinder regional responses to pandemic influenza. Respondents examined the impact of national laws on the movements of information, goods, services and people across borders in a time of pandemic, the capacity for surveillance, case detection, case management and community control, the deployment of strategies of prevention, containment, mitigation and recovery and the identification of commonalities and disconnects across states. Results: Results of this study show differences across Europe in the extent to which national pandemic policy and pandemic plans have been integrated with public health laws. We found significant differences in legislation and in the legitimacy of strategic plans. States differ in the range and the nature of intervention measures authorized by law, the extent to which borders could be closed to movement of persons and goods during a pandemic, and access to healthcare of non-resident persons. Some states propose use of emergency powers that might potentially override human rights protections while other states propose to limit interventions to those authorized by public health laws. Conclusion: These differences could create problems for European strategies if an evolving influenza pandemic results in more serious public health challenges or, indeed, if a novel disease other than influenza emerges with pandemic potential. There is insufficient understanding across Europe of the role and importance of law in pandemic planning. States need to build capacity in public health law to support disease prevention and control policies. Our research suggests that states would welcome further guidance from the EU on management of a pandemic, and guidance to assist in greater commonality of legal approaches across states.Peer reviewe

    Mapping plasma structures in the high-latitude ionosphere using beacon satellite, incoherent scatter radar and ground-based magnetometer observations

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    In the autumn of the year 2000, four radio receivers capable of tracking various beacon satellites were set up along the southwestern coast of Greenland. They are used to reconstruct images of the ionospheric plasma density distribution via the tomographic method. In order to test and validate tomographic imaging under the highly variable conditions often prevailing in the high-latitude ionosphere, a time interval was selected when the Sondrestrom incoherent scatter radar conducted measurements of the ionospheric plasma density while the radio receivers tracked a number of beacon satellites. A comparison between two-dimensional images of the plasma density distribution obtained from the radar and the satellite receivers revealed generally good agreement between radar measurements and tomographic images. Observed discrepancies can be attributed to F region plasma patches moving through the field of view with a speed of several hundred meters per second, thereby smearing out the tomographic image. A notable mismatch occurred around local magnetic midnight when a magnetospheric substorm breakup occurred in the vicinity of southwest Greenland (identified from ground-based magnetometer observations). The breakup was associated with a sudden intensification of the westward auroral electrojet which was centered at about 69 and extended up to some 73 corrected geomagnetic latitude. Ground-based magnetometer data may thus have the potential of indicating when the tomographic method is at risk and may fail. We finally outline the application of tomographic imaging, when combined with magnetic field data, to estimate ionospheric Joule heating rates

    Gene expression correlates of social evolution in coral reef butterflyfishes

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    Animals display remarkable variation in social behaviour. However, outside of rodents, little is known about the neural mechanisms of social variation, and whether they are shared across species and sexes, limiting our understand- ing of how sociality evolves. Using coral reef butterflyfishes, we examined gene expression correlates of social variation (i.e. pair bonding versus solitary living) within and between species and sexes. In several brain regions, we quantified gene expression of receptors important for social variation in mammals: oxytocin (OTR), arginine vasopressin (V1aR), dopamine (D1R, D2R) and mu-opioid (MOR). We found that social variation across individuals of the oval butterflyfish, Chaetodon lunulatus, is linked to differences in OTR, V1aR, D1R, D2R and MOR gene expression within several forebrain regions in a sexually dimorphic manner. However, this contrasted with social variation among six species representing a single evolutionary transition from pair- bonded to solitary living. Here, OTR expression within the supracommissural part of the ventral telencephalon was higher in pair-bonded than solitary species, specifically in males. These results contribute to the emerging idea that nonapeptide, dopamine and opioid signalling is a central theme to the evolution of sociality across individuals, although the precise mechanism may be flexible across sexes and species

    Pair bond endurance promotes cooperative food defense and inhibits conflict in coral reef butterflyfish

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    Pair bonding is generally linked to monogamous mating systems, where the reproductive benefits of extended mate guarding and/or of bi-parental care are considered key adaptive functions. However, in some species, including coral reef butterflyfishes (f. Chaetodonitidae), pair bonding occurs in sexually immature and homosexual partners, and in the absence of parental care, suggesting there must be non-reproductive adaptive benefits of pair bonding. Here, we examined whether pair bonding butterflyfishes cooperate in defense of food, conferring direct benefits to one or both partners. We found that pairs of Chaetodon lunulatus and C. baronessa use contrasting cooperative strategies. In C. lunulatus, both partners mutually defend their territory, while in C. baronessa, males prioritize territory defence; conferring improvements in feeding and energy reserves in both sexes relative to solitary counterparts. We further demonstrate that partner fidelity contributes to this function by showing that re-pairing invokes intra-pair conflict and inhibits cooperatively-derived feeding benefits, and that partner endurance is required for these costs to abate. Overall, our results suggest that in butterflyfishes, pair bonding enhances cooperative defense of prey resources, ultimately benefiting both partners by improving food resource acquisition and energy reserves

    The first millikelvin cryocooler (mKCC): Design and performance

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    The design and performance of the first millikelvin cryocooler (mKCC) is presented. The mKCC is based upon a tandem Adiabatic Demagnetisation Refrigerator (ADR) that uses two single ADRs operated out of phase and connected to a common cold stage to provide continuous cooling. Development of this mKCC is part of an on-going research program to ultimately achieve sub-100 mK continuous cooling and builds upon our previous research, with each single ADR in the mKCC being a fast thermal response miniature ADR using a single crystal tungsten magnetoresistive heat switch as detailed in our 2015 publication [1]. With the mKCC operating from a 3.6 K bath temperature, the goal is to achieve continuous cooling at 250 mK (sub-100 mK is not possible without additional pre-cooling). The mKCC has dimensions of 120 × 56 × 228 mm and a mass of 4.67 kg. It can operate on very fast timescales – each superconducting magnet can be ramped to 2 Tesla in 30 s and the Chromium Potassium Alum pills have a measured sub-second thermal response, resulting in each miniature ADR being recycled in minutes. Unconventionally, the mKCC uses single crystal tungsten magnetoresistive heat switches. We present the performance of the first version of the fully automated mKCC (from a 3.6 K bath temperature), which has been determined by undertaking a range of tests analysing the cool down from 3.6 K to the operating temperature, the baseline performance, the thermal stability at the continuous stage, the reliability and repeatability in performance and the cooling power at a range of operating temperatures. The base temperature has been measured to be 750 mK and we have demonstrated that the mKCC can be operated at any temperature between 750 mK and 3 K, with the program-controlled transition between operating temperatures taking approximately 60 s. The cooling power of the mKCC (in addition to parasitic load) has been measured at a range of temperatures between 800 mK and 3 K by applying a heat load to the continuous stage via a heater; the maximum cooling power at 800 mK is 6 µW, increasing to 32 µW at 1 K and 412 µW at 3 K. In addition we conducted a six-week continuous test during which each ADR undertook 5,498 5.5 min cycles with no significant variation in performance detected. To conclude, we compare the measured performance of the mKCC to the expected performance based on mathematical thermal modelling and the performance of the miniature ADR. Whilst the measured performance does not meet the expected performance in terms of base temperature or cooling power, we have identified the limiting factors and discuss them here

    Influence of coral cover and structural complexity on the accuracy of visual surveys of coral-reef fish communities

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    Using manipulated patch reefs with combinations of varying live-coral cover (low, medium and high) and structural complexity (low and high), common community metrics (abundance, diversity, richness and community composition) collected through standard underwater visual census techniques were compared with exhaustive collections using a fish anaesthetic (clove oil). This study showed that reef condition did not influence underwater visual census estimates at a community level, but reef condition can influence the detectability of some small and cryptic species and thismay be exacerbated if surveys are conducted on a larger scale

    Laboratory Experiments, Numerical Simulations, and Astronomical Observations of Deflected Supersonic Jets: Application to HH 110

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    Collimated supersonic flows in laboratory experiments behave in a similar manner to astrophysical jets provided that radiation, viscosity, and thermal conductivity are unimportant in the laboratory jets, and that the experimental and astrophysical jets share similar dimensionless parameters such as the Mach number and the ratio of the density between the jet and the ambient medium. Laboratory jets can be studied for a variety of initial conditions, arbitrary viewing angles, and different times, attributes especially helpful for interpreting astronomical images where the viewing angle and initial conditions are fixed and the time domain is limited. Experiments are also a powerful way to test numerical fluid codes in a parameter range where the codes must perform well. In this paper we combine images from a series of laboratory experiments of deflected supersonic jets with numerical simulations and new spectral observations of an astrophysical example, the young stellar jet HH 110. The experiments provide key insights into how deflected jets evolve in 3-D, particularly within working surfaces where multiple subsonic shells and filaments form, and along the interface where shocked jet material penetrates into and destroys the obstacle along its path. The experiments also underscore the importance of the viewing angle in determining what an observer will see. The simulations match the experiments so well that we can use the simulated velocity maps to compare the dynamics in the experiment with those implied by the astronomical spectra. The experiments support a model where the observed shock structures in HH 110 form as a result of a pulsed driving source rather than from weak shocks that may arise in the supersonic shear layer between the Mach disk and bow shock of the jet's working surface.Comment: Full resolution figures available at http://sparky.rice.edu/~hartigan/pub.html To appear in Ap

    Chord distribution functions of three-dimensional random media: Approximate first-passage times of Gaussian processes

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    The main result of this paper is a semi-analytic approximation for the chord distribution functions of three-dimensional models of microstructure derived from Gaussian random fields. In the simplest case the chord functions are equivalent to a standard first-passage time problem, i.e., the probability density governing the time taken by a Gaussian random process to first exceed a threshold. We obtain an approximation based on the assumption that successive chords are independent. The result is a generalization of the independent interval approximation recently used to determine the exponent of persistence time decay in coarsening. The approximation is easily extended to more general models based on the intersection and union sets of models generated from the iso-surfaces of random fields. The chord distribution functions play an important role in the characterization of random composite and porous materials. Our results are compared with experimental data obtained from a three-dimensional image of a porous Fontainebleau sandstone and a two-dimensional image of a tungsten-silver composite alloy.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.