1,798 research outputs found

    Effect of turbulence on collisions of dust particles with planetesimals in protoplanetary disks

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    Planetesimals in gaseous protoplanetary disks may grow by collecting dust particles. Hydrodynamical studies show that small particles generally avoid collisions with the planetesimals because they are entrained by the flow around them. This occurs when StSt, the Stokes number, defined as the ratio of the dust stopping time to the planetesimal crossing time, becomes much smaller than unity. However, these studies have been limited to the laminar case, whereas these disks are believed to be turbulent. We want to estimate the influence of gas turbulence on the dust-planetesimal collision rate and on the impact speeds. We used three-dimensional direct numerical simulations of a fixed sphere (planetesimal) facing a laminar and turbulent flow seeded with small inertial particles (dust) subject to a Stokes drag. A no-slip boundary condition on the planetesimal surface is modeled via a penalty method. We find that turbulence can significantly increase the collision rate of dust particles with planetesimals. For a high turbulence case (when the amplitude of turbulent fluctuations is similar to the headwind velocity), we find that the collision probability remains equal to the geometrical rate or even higher for St≥0.1St\geq 0.1, i.e., for dust sizes an order of magnitude smaller than in the laminar case. We derive expressions to calculate impact probabilities as a function of dust and planetesimal size and turbulent intensity

    Motorway network effects on local population and employment: The case of Denmark

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    The effects of proximity to the motorway system on local employment and population levels is analyzed in Denmark from 1981 to 2013 by the use of regression models correlating the change in the distance of Danish municipalities to the motorway network and their increase or reduction in population, employment and workplaces. The conclusion is that there is an indication of a small, but significant negative impact on local levels of population, employment and workplaces. Thus, motorways seem to support a centralization process rather than sustaining local economic activity

    Earth's first snowball event: Evidence from the early Paleoproterozoic Huronian Supergroup

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    Ever since it was first proposed that the Earth completely froze during glaciations ∼ 640 million years ago evidence supporting this hypothesis has been increasing, primarily from samples of carbonates directly overlying glacial diamictites, termed cap carbonates. However, this was not the first extensive glacial period that affected planet Earth: ∼1750 million years prior to Neoproterozoic glaciations the Earth went through its first major glacial episode, the early Paleoproterozoic Huronian glaciations. The second Huronian ice advance deposited the Bruce Formation, with its overlying cap carbonate, the Espanola Formation. This up to ∼ 300 m thick succession of limestone, siltstone, dolostone and sandstone overlies diamictite containing a dropstone-bearing layer with δ13Ccarb of −10‰. The 12C-enriched interval also has rare earth element (REE) patterns with negative Eu anomalies, radiogenic Sr isotopes, and negative εNd(0) in the carbonate. The first of these observations is probably due to highly reducing conditions in the sediment, and the possible thawing of methane-rich areas, releasing fluids that mixed with the overlying bottom waters; the last two reflect the diagenetic incorporation into the carbonate of radiogenic Sr, and derivation of REEs, including Nd, from abundant silty loess. This infers a stratified water mass with a relatively stagnant bottom layer during disintegration of an ice shelf. Above this REE patterns through the basal Espanola become increasingly more light depleted upwards, C becomes heavier, Sr is less radiogenic, εNd(0) is near 0 and one area has up to ∼ 1300 ppm Ba incorporated into the carbonate, indicating breakdown of water-mass stratification. Vertically over ∼ 200 m δ13Ccarb increases from −4.5 to −2.5‰ as the environment shallowed incorporating gradually increasing amounts of seawater into the freshwater plume, which initially extended to depths below wave base. Strata deposited in the upper Espanola near the strandline contain layers of Fe-Mn-rich dolomite with positive Eu anomalies reflecting Paleoproterozioc seawater composition dominating even the nearshore by this time. These observations are similar to those from Neoproterozoic cap carbonates, and provide new evidence for the possibly snowball Earth-like nature of the ∼ 2.4 Ga Bruce glaciation

    Assisting Smallholder Farmers in Mixed Crop-Livestock Systems to Understand the Potential Effects of Technologies and Climate Change through Participatory Modelling

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    Smallholder farming systems in the semi-arid areas of Zimbabwe are characterized by low production. This low production is not solely due to lack of technologies but is also due to a lack of integrating a diversity of viewpoints belonging to local, expert and specialized stakeholders during technology development. Participatory approaches combined with computer-based modelling are increasingly being recognized as valuable approaches to jointly develop sustainable agricultural pathways. The application of this integrated and iterative process in developing and evaluating the impact of interventions aimed at improving food and feed production is discussed. The process allows farmers to determine the impact of their decisions, evaluate new options and define realistic production and management options tailored to their particular circumstances. Scientists and other stakeholders in-turn learn more about the farmers’ decision-making process, input and managerial potentials as well as knowledge gaps

    Transformation of stimulus correlations by the retina

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    Redundancies and correlations in the responses of sensory neurons seem to waste neural resources but can carry cues about structured stimuli and may help the brain to correct for response errors. To assess how the retina negotiates this tradeoff, we measured simultaneous responses from populations of ganglion cells presented with natural and artificial stimuli that varied greatly in correlation structure. We found that pairwise correlations in the retinal output remained similar across stimuli with widely different spatio-temporal correlations including white noise and natural movies. Meanwhile, purely spatial correlations tended to increase correlations in the retinal response. Responding to more correlated stimuli, ganglion cells had faster temporal kernels and tended to have stronger surrounds. These properties of individual cells, along with gain changes that opposed changes in effective contrast at the ganglion cell input, largely explained the similarity of pairwise correlations across stimuli where receptive field measurements were possible.Comment: author list corrected in metadat

    Soil Nitrogen Dynamics Following Harvesting and Conversion of Red Alder and Douglas-Fir Stands

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    Drastic reductions in NO3- leaching have been observed after harvesting of mature red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) stands. Our objective was to examine whether these reduction were linked to changes in soil N dynamics. Adjacent alder and Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziessii (Mirbel.) Franco] stands on young glacial soils (Alderwood; a loamy-skeletal, mixed, mesic, ortstein Aquic Haplorthod) in western Washington were harvested and replanted with either alder or Douglas fir seedlings; reference plots were established in nearby undisturbed stands. Three years after site conversion, when NO3- leaching declined most drastically in the harvested alder plots, net N mineralization and net nitrification in the upper soil were determined seasonally by in situ incubation using the buried-bag technique. There were no significant increases in soil NH4-N during incubation, indicating that nitrification rates closely followed net N mineralization in all plots. In the N-poor soils of the harvested and uncut Douglas fir plots, nitrification was consistently \u3c2 \u3eµg N g–1 per 30 d. In the N-rich alder reference plot, nitrification was highest in summer (52 µg N g–1 per 30 d), lowest in winter (4 µg N g–1), and intermediate in spring (20 µg N g–1). Seasonal fluctuations in nitrification diminished in the harvested alder plots. Nitrification rates were significantly lower than in the uncut alder plot in summer only (5–9 µg N g–1 per 30 d), but this difference was insufficient to account for the lower NO3- leaching rates in the conversion plots. Soils in the harvested plots were drier and experienced greater temperature extremes, but these changes did not correlate well with the variability in N-mineralization rates between uncut and harvested alder plots. Nitrification was positively correlated to soil temperature in the uncut alder plot only. The establishment of red alder seedlings did not appear to have influenced the N dynamics in either N-poor or N-rich soils

    Cation effects on the fluorescence of isolated chloroplasts.

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    Analytical pre-test support of boil-down test QUENCH-11

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    Analytische Unterstützung zur Vorbereitung des Ausdampf-Versuchs QUENCH-11 Im QUENCH-Vorhaben des Forschungszentrums Karlsruhe soll das Fluten eines teilweise zerstörten Kerns untersucht werden. Der zweite LACOMERA Versuch Q-L2 (QUENCH-11) beginnt mit einer Ausdampfphase des Bündels, bis der Wasserspiegel das untere Bündel¬ende erreicht hat. Ein derartiger Versuch wurde bislang noch nicht in der QUENCH-Anlage durchgeführt, so dass mit SCDAP/RELAP5 mod3.2.irs eine Machbarkeitsstudie erforderlich war. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine Zusatzheizung im unteren Plenum notwendig ist, um den Wasserstand und die Verdampfungsrate (Dampfmassenstrom in der Ausdampfphase) unabhängig von der angestrebten Maximaltemperatur im Bündel zu regeln. Für eine verläss¬liche Versuchsplanung sowie zur Erstellung der Energiebilanz muss die Zusatzheizung in¬nerhalb des unteren Plenums unterhalb der Wasseroberfläche installiert werden, damit die Heizleistung vollständig in das Wasser eingekoppelt wird. Um die Verdampfungsrate über längere Zeit aufrecht zu erhalten, muss zusätzlich Wasser in das untere Plenum eingespeist werden. Anhand dieser Rechnungen wird der Testablauf im Detail diskutiert. Eine entsprechende Studie zeigte die Durchführbarkeit eines solchen Ausdampftests und war die Grundlage für die oben erwähnten Änderungen in der Anlage und der Versuchs-Durchführung gegenüber früheren Tests. Eine Reihe von Vorversuche wurde durchgeführt, um die Brauchbarkeit der Änderungen an der Anlage und der geplanten Versuchsführung zu prüfen und um Daten für das thermohydraulische Verhalten der Anlage zu bekommen, an denen die Code-Modelle für die Voraus- und Nachrechnungen von QUENCH-11 getestet werden können. Im Anschluss an die Vorversuche wurden wie bei früheren QUENCH-Tests detaillierte Vorausrechnungen mit verschiedenen Codes zu Versuchsablauf und -steuerung durchgeführt. Drei Forschungs¬einrichtungen in der EU waren beteiligt. Die berechneten Ergebnisse reagieren empfindlich auf Änderungen der Versuchsparameter wie das anfängliche axiale Temperaturprofil und die eingespeiste elektrische Leistung, wie es auch für die untersuchten physikalischen Bedin¬gungen im Versuch erwartet werden kann

    Integrated Crop Livestock Systems--A Key to Sustainable Intensification in Africa

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    Mixed crop-livestock systems provide livelihoods for a billion people and produce half the world’s cereal and around a third of its beef and milk. Market orientation and strong and growing demand for food provide powerful incentives for sustainable intensification of both crop and livestock enterprises in smallholders’ mixed systems in Africa. Better exploitation of the mutually reinforcing nature of crop and livestock systems can contribute to a positive, inclusive growth trajectory that is both ecologically and economically sustainable. In mixed systems, livestock intensification is often neglected relative to crops, yet livestock can make a positive contribution to raising productivity of the entire farming system. Similarly, intensification of crop production can pay dividends for livestock and enhance natural resources management, especially through increased biomass availability. Intensification and improved efficiency of livestock production means less greenhouse gases per unit of milk and more milk per unit of water. This paper argues that the opportunities and challenges justify greater investment in research for development to identify exactly where and how win-win outcomes can be achieved and what incentives, policies, technologies and other features of the enabling environment are needed to enable sustainable, integrated and productive mixed crop livstock systems
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