12 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a High Throughput Starch Analysis Optimised for Wood

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    Starch is the most important long-term reserve in trees, and the analysis of starch is therefore useful source of physiological information. Currently published protocols for wood starch analysis impose several limitations, such as long procedures and a neutralization step. The high-throughput standard protocols for starch analysis in food and feed represent a valuable alternative. However, they have not been optimised or tested with woody samples. These have particular chemical and structural characteristics, including the presence of interfering secondary metabolites, low reactivity of starch, and low starch content. In this study, a standard method for starch analysis used for food and feed (AOAC standard method 996.11) was optimised to improve precision and accuracy for the analysis of starch in wood. Key modifications were introduced in the digestion conditions and in the glucose assay. The optimised protocol was then evaluated through 430 starch analyses of standards at known starch content, matrix polysaccharides, and wood collected from three organs (roots, twigs, mature wood) of four species (coniferous and flowering plants). The optimised protocol proved to be remarkably precise and accurate (3%), suitable for a high throughput routine analysis (35 samples a day) of specimens with a starch content between 40 mg and 21 µg. Samples may include lignified organs of coniferous and flowering plants and non-lignified organs, such as leaves, fruits and rhizomes

    Carbohydrate reserves as a competing sink: evidence from tapping rubber trees

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    Carbohydrate reserve storage in trees is usually considered a passive function, essentially buffering temporary discrepancies between carbon availability and demand in the annual cycle. Recently, however, the concept has emerged that storage might be a process that competes with other active sinks for assimilate. We tested the validity of this concept in Hevea brasiliensis Mull. Arg. (rubber) trees, a species in which carbon availability can be manipulated by tapping, which induces latex regeneration, a high carbon-cost activity. The annual dynamics of carbohydrate reserves were followed during three situations of decreasing carbon availability: control (no tapping), tapped and tapped with Ethephon stimulation. In untapped control trees, starch and sucrose were the main carbohydrate compounds. Total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC), particularly starch, were depleted following bud break and re-foliation, resulting in an acropetal gradient of decreasing starch concentration in the stem wood. During the vegetative season, TNC concentration increased. At the end of the vegetative season, there were almost no differences in TNC concentration along the trunk. In tapped trees, the vertical gradient of starch concentration was locally disturbed by the presence of the tapping cut. However, the main effect of tapping was a dramatic increase in TNC concentration, particularly starch, throughout the trunk and in the root. The difference in TNC concentration between tapped and untapped trees was highest when latex production was highest (October); the difference was noticeable even in areas of the trees that are unlikely to be directly involved in latex regeneration, and it was enhanced by Ethephon stimulation, which is known to increase latex metabolism and flow duration. Thus, contrary to what could be expected if reserves serve as a passive buffer, a decrease in carbohydrate availability resulted in a net increase in carbohydrate reserves at the trunk scale. Such behavior supports the view that trees tend to adjust the amount of carbohydrate reserves stored to the level of metabolic demand, at the possible expense of growth

    Carbohydrate reserves as a competing sink: evidence from tapping rubber trees

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    Carbohydrate reserve storage in trees is usually considered a passive function, essentially buffering temporary discrepancies between carbon availability and demand in the annual cycle. Recently, however, the concept has emerged that storage might be a process that competes with other active sinks for assimilate. We tested the validity of this concept in Hevea brasiliensis Mull. Arg. (rubber) trees, a species in which carbon availability can be manipulated by tapping, which induces latex regeneration, a high carbon-cost activity. The annual dynamics of carbohydrate reserves were followed during three situations of decreasing carbon availability: control (no tapping), tapped and tapped with Ethephon stimulation. In untapped control trees, starch and sucrose were the main carbohydrate compounds. Total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC), particularly starch, were depleted following bud break and re-foliation, resulting in an acropetal gradient of decreasing starch concentration in the stem wood. During the vegetative season, TNC concentration increased. At the end of the vegetative season, there were almost no differences in TNC concentration along the trunk. In tapped trees, the vertical gradient of starch concentration was locally disturbed by the presence of the tapping cut. However, the main effect of tapping was a dramatic increase in TNC concentration, particularly starch, throughout the trunk and in the root. The difference in TNC concentration between tapped and untapped trees was highest when latex production was highest (October); the difference was noticeable even in areas of the trees that are unlikely to be directly involved in latex regeneration, and it was enhanced by Ethephon stimulation, which is known to increase latex metabolism and flow duration. Thus, contrary to what could be expected if reserves serve as a passive buffer, a decrease in carbohydrate availability resulted in a net increase in carbohydrate reserves at the trunk scale. Such behavior supports the view that trees tend to adjust the amount of carbohydrate reserves stored to the level of metabolic demand, at the possible expense of growth