26 research outputs found

    PACE Technical Report Series, Volume 3: Polarimetry in the PACE Mission: Science Team Consensus Document

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    The first goal of PACE mission science is to open new vistas in aquatic bio geochemistry by measuring non-chlorophyll pigments, separate chlorophyll and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and characterize phytoplankton taxonomy. PACE science will follow aquatic biochemistry into ecosystems in coastal regions, estuaries, tidal wetlands and lakes. PACE's second science goal is to extend aerosoland cloud data-records begun by the passive EOS-era instruments, as an aerosol- cloud-climate continuation mission. Besides PACE, NASA has no plans for multi-angle radiometry to continue the MISR record nor for multi-angle polarimetry to continue the PARASOL record. A multi-angle polarimeter on PACE will reduce risk towards meeting the first goal and enable the realization of the second

    Pre-Aerosol, Clouds, and Ocean Ecosystem (PACE) Mission Science Definition Team Report

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    We live in an era in which increasing climate variability is having measurable impact on marine ecosystems within our own lifespans. At the same time, an ever-growing human population requires increased access to and use of marine resources. To understand and be better prepared to respond to these challenges, we must expand our capabilities to investigate and monitor ecological and bio geo chemical processes in the oceans. In response to this imperative, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) conceived the Pre-Aerosol, Clouds, and ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission to provide new information for understanding the living ocean and for improving forecasts of Earth System variability. The PACE mission will achieve these objectives by making global ocean color measurements that are essential for understanding the carbon cycle and its inter-relationship with climate change, and by expanding our understanding about ocean ecology and biogeochemistry. PACE measurements will also extend ocean climate data records collected since the 1990s to document changes in the function of aquatic ecosystems as they respond to human activities and natural processes over short and long periods of time. These measurements are pivotal for differentiating natural variability from anthropogenic climate change effects and for understanding the interactions between these processes and various human uses of the ocean. PACE ocean science goals and measurement capabilities greatly exceed those of our heritage ocean color sensors, and are needed to address the many outstanding science questions developed by the oceanographic community over the past 40 years

    PACE Technical Report Series, Volume 6: Data Product Requirements and Error Budgets Consensus Document

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    This chapter summarizes ocean color science data product requirements for the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud,ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission's Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) and observatory. NASA HQ delivered Level-1 science data product requirements to the PACE Project, which encompass data products to be produced and their associated uncertainties. These products and uncertainties ultimately determine the spectral nature of OCI and the performance requirements assigned to OCI and the observatory. This chapter ultimately serves to provide context for the remainder of this volume, which describes tools developed that allocate these uncertainties into their components, including allowable OCI systematic and random uncertainties, observatory geo location uncertainties, and geophysical model uncertainties

    PACE Technical Report Series, Volume 4: Cloud Retrievals in the PACE Mission: PACE Science Team Consensus Document

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    Earth is a complex dynamical system exhibiting continuous change in its atmosphere, ocean,and surface elements. Nearly all (99.97%) of the energy driving these systems is linked to the Sun. Measurements of reflected sunlight contain a unique signature of wavelength-specific scattering and absorption interactions occurring between incoming solar energy and atmospheric (molecules, aerosols,clouds) and surface features Clouds can affect significantly both shortwave and long wave radiation, depending on altitude/vertical structure, thermodynamic phase, and optical properties. Low, warm, and optically thick clouds predominantly have a cooling effect, while high, cold, optically thin clouds can cause warming by absorbing warmer radiation emitted from the surface and lower atmosphere.When the net difference between outgoing and incoming solar radiation is matched by the net infrared radiation emitted to space, the Earth's climate is in radiative balance. While radiative forcing components (GHGs, aerosols - direct and indirect) contribute to a net radiative imbalance, climate sensitivity is ultimately determined by the contribution of various system feed backs. The role of cloud feedback in a warming climate is currently the largest inter-model uncertainty in climate sensitivity and therefore in climate prediction [Bony and Dufresne 2005]. A comprehensive understanding of current cloud propertiesand dynamic/microphysical processes requires a global perspective from satellites

    Imagining a Safe Water Space for Danube’s Future: Engaging stakeholders for the co-creation of a Safe Operating Space for the Danube basin

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    On the 23 November 2023, the SOS-Water project held the first stakeholder workshop for the Danube Basin case study. As water challenges increase worldwide, exacerbated by climate change, the SOS-Water project aims to establish a Safe Operating Space (SOS) for water resources, to ensure an adequate, sustainable and clean water supply for both human activities and natural ecosystems. Funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe Framework Programme, the project uses an integrated approach that combines modeling, monitoring, and stakeholder engagement, applied to four different case studies in Europe and beyond. The Danube River basin, known for its ecological and socio-economic diversity, is one of the selected case studies. The workshop convened key stakeholders from various freshwater-related institutions, promoting dialogue and collaboration to address the complex challenges that the basin is facing. During a day of interactive activities, stakeholders collectively identified values, objectives, and priorities essential for sustainable water management in both the entire Danube basin and the Danube Delta. Discussions underscored the need for integrated approaches that balance environmental conservation, socio-economic development, and climate adaptation. Key outcomes include the refinement of objective hierarchy maps that reflect the stakeholder input and priorities collected during the workshop. The next steps will be the development of specific indicators for the objectives. This is followed by the weighting of goals (i.e., objectives) to be achieved through further stakeholder engagement activities and workshops, towards a co-development of the Safe Operating Space for the Danube River basin

    PACE Technical Report Series, Volume 5: Mission Formulation Studies

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    This chapter summarizes the mission architecture for the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission, ranging from its scientific rationale to the history of its realized conception to itspresent-day organization and management. This volume in the PACE Technical Report series focuses ontrade studies that informed the formulation of the mission in its pre-Phase A (2014-2016; pre-formulation:define a viable and affordable concept) and Phase A (2016-2017; concept and technology development).With that in mind, this chapter serves to introduce the mission by providing: a brief summary of thescience drivers for the mission; a history of the direction of the mission to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC); a synopsis of the mission's and instruments' management and development structures; and a brief description of the primary components and elements that form the foundation ofthe mission, encompassing the major mission segments (space, ground, and science data processing) and their roles in integration, testing, and operations

    PACE Technical Report Series, Volume 7: Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) Concept Design Studies

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    Extending OCI hyperspectral radiance measurements in the ultraviolet to 320 nm on the blue spectrograph enables quantitation of atmospheric total column ozone (O3) for use in ocean color atmospheric correction algorithms. The strong absorption by atmospheric ozone below 340 nm enables the quantification of total column ozone. Other applications are possible but were not investigated due to their exploratory nature and lower priority.The first step in the atmospheric correction processing, which converts top-of-the-atmosphere radiances to water-leaving radiances, is removal of the absorbance by atmospheric trace gases such as water vapor, oxygen, ozone and nitrogen dioxide. Details of the atmospheric correction process currently used by the Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) and will be employed for PACE with appropriate modifications, are described by Mobley et al. [2016]. Atmospheric ozone absorbs within the visible to near-infrared spectrum between ~450 nm and 800nm and most appreciably between 530 nm and 650 nm, a spectral region critical for maintaining NASA's chlorophyll-a climate data record and for PACE algorithms planned to characterize phytoplankton community composition and other ocean color products.While satellite-based observations will likely be available during PACE's mission lifetime, the difference in acquisition time with PACE, the coarseness in their spatial resolution, and differences in viewing geometries will introduce significant levels of uncertainties in PACE ocean color data products

    INDIGO-DataCloud: a Platform to Facilitate Seamless Access to E-Infrastructures

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    [EN] This paper describes the achievements of the H2020 project INDIGO-DataCloud. The project has provided e-infrastructures with tools, applications and cloud framework enhancements to manage the demanding requirements of scientific communities, either locally or through enhanced interfaces. The middleware developed allows to federate hybrid resources, to easily write, port and run scientific applications to the cloud. In particular, we have extended existing PaaS (Platform as a Service) solutions, allowing public and private e-infrastructures, including those provided by EGI, EUDAT, and Helix Nebula, to integrate their existing services and make them available through AAI services compliant with GEANT interfederation policies, thus guaranteeing transparency and trust in the provisioning of such services. Our middleware facilitates the execution of applications using containers on Cloud and Grid based infrastructures, as well as on HPC clusters. Our developments are freely downloadable as open source components, and are already being integrated into many scientific applications.INDIGO-Datacloud has been funded by the European Commision H2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement RIA 653549.Salomoni, D.; Campos, I.; Gaido, L.; Marco, J.; Solagna, P.; Gomes, J.; Matyska, L.... (2018). INDIGO-DataCloud: a Platform to Facilitate Seamless Access to E-Infrastructures. Journal of Grid Computing. 16(3):381-408. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-018-9453-3S381408163García, A.L., Castillo, E.F.-d., Puel, M.: Identity federation with VOMS in cloud infrastructures. In: 2013 IEEE 5Th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, pp 42–48 (2013)Chadwick, D.W., Siu, K., Lee, C., Fouillat, Y., Germonville, D.: Adding federated identity management to OpenStack. Journal of Grid Computing 12(1), 3–27 (2014)Craig, A.L.: A design space review for general federation management using keystone. 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Model Dev. 8(7), 2067–2078 (2015)Plasencia, I.C., Castillo, E.F.-d., Heinemeyer, S., García, A.L., Pahlen, F., Borges, G.: Phenomenology tools on cloud infrastructures using OpenStack. The European Physical Journal C 73(4), 2375 (2013)Boettiger, C.: An introduction to docker for reproducible research. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 49(1), 71–79 (2015)Docker: http://www.docker.com (2013)Gomes, J., Campos, I., Bagnaschi, E., David, M., Alves, L., Martins, J., Pina, J., Alvaro, L.-G., Orviz, P.: Enabling rootless linux containers in multi-user environments: the udocker tool. Computing Physics Communications. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2018.05.021 (2018)Zhang, Z., Chuan, W., Cheung, D.W.L.: A survey on cloud interoperability taxonomies, standards, and practice. SIGMETRICS perform. Eval. Rev. 40(4), 13–22 (2013)Lorido-Botran, T., Miguel-Alonso, J., Lozano, J.A.: A Review of Auto-scaling Techniques for Elastic Applications in Cloud Environments. Journal of Grid Computing 12(4), 559–592 (2014)Nyrén, R., Metsch, T., Edmonds, A., Papaspyrou, A.: Open Cloud Computing Interface–Core. Technical report, Open Grid Forum (2010)Metsch, T., Edmonds, A.: Open Cloud Computing Interface-Infrastructure. Technical report, Open Grid Forum (2010)Metsch, T., Edmonds, A.: Open Cloud Computing Interface-RESTful HTTP Rendering. Technical report, Open Grid Forum (2011)(Ca Technologies) Lipton, P., (Ibm) Moser, S., (Vnomic) Palma, D., (Ibm) Spatzier, T.: Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications. Technical report, OASIS Standard (2013)Teckelmann, R., Reich, C., Sulistio, A.: Mapping of cloud standards to the taxonomy of interoperability in IaaS. In: Proceedings - 2011 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom 2011, pp 522–526 (2011)García, A.L., Castillo, E.F.-d., Fernández, P.O.: Standards for enabling heterogeneous IaaS cloud federations. Computer Standards & Interfaces 47, 19–23 (2016)Caballer, M., Zala, S., García, A.L., Montó, G., Fernández, P.O., Velten, M.: Orchestrating complex application architectures in heterogeneous clouds. Journal of Grid Computing 16 (1), 3–18 (2018)Hardt, M., Jejkal, T., Plasencia, I.C., Castillo, E.F.-d., Jackson, A., Weiland, M., Palak, B., Plociennik, M., Nielsson, D.: Transparent Access to Scientific and Commercial Clouds from the Kepler Workflow Engine. Computing and Informatics 31(1), 119 (2012)Fakhfakh, F., Kacem, H.H., Kacem, A.H.: Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Computing a Survey. In: IEEE 18Th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops and Demonstrations (EDOCW), 2014, Vol. 71, pp. 372–378. Springer, New York (2014)Stockton, D.B., Santamaria, F.: Automating NEURON simulation deployment in cloud resources. Neuroinformatics 15(1), 51–70 (2017)Plóciennik, M., Fiore, S., Donvito, G., Owsiak, M., Fargetta, M., Barbera, R., Bruno, R., Giorgio, E., Williams, D.N., Aloisio, G.: Two-level Dynamic Workflow Orchestration in the INDIGO DataCloud for Large-scale, Climate Change Data Analytics Experiments. Procedia Computer Science 80, 722–733 (2016)Moreno-Vozmediano, R., Montero, R.S., Llorente, I.M.: Multicloud deployment of computing clusters for loosely coupled mtc applications. IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 22(6), 924–930 (2011)Katsaros, G., Menzel, M., Lenk, A.: Cloud Service Orchestration with TOSCA, Chef and Openstack. In: Ic2e (2014)Garcia, A.L., Zangrando, L., Sgaravatto, M., Llorens, V., Vallero, S., Zaccolo, V., Bagnasco, S., Taneja, S., Dal Pra, S., Salomoni, D., Donvito, G.: Improved Cloud resource allocation: how INDIGO-DataCloud is overcoming the current limitations in Cloud schedulers. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 898(9), 92010 (2017)Singh, S., Chana, I.: A survey on resource scheduling in cloud computing issues and challenges. Journal of Grid Computing, pp. 1–48 (2016)García, A.L., Castillo, E.F.-d., Fernández, P.O., Plasencia, I.C., de Lucas, J.M.: Resource provisioning in Science Clouds: Requirements and challenges. Software: Practice and Experience 48(3), 486–498 (2018)Chauhan, M.A., Babar, M.A., Benatallah, B.: Architecting cloud-enabled systems: a systematic survey of challenges and solutions. Software - Practice and Experience 47(4), 599–644 (2017)Somasundaram, T.S., Govindarajan, K.: CLOUDRB A Framework for scheduling and managing High-Performance Computing (HPC) applications in science cloud. Futur. Gener. Comput. Syst. 34, 47–65 (2014)Sotomayor, B., Keahey, K., Foster, I.: Overhead Matters: A Model for Virtual Resource Management. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Virtualization Technology in Distributed Computing SE - VTDC ’06, p 5. IEEE Computer Society, Washington (2006)SS, S.S., Shyam, G.K., Shyam, G.K.: Resource management for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) in cloud computing SS Manvi A survey. J. Netw. Comput. Appl. 41, 424–440 (2014)INDIGO-DataCloud consortium: Initial requirements from research communities - d2.1, see https://www.indigo-datacloud.eu/documents/initial-requirements-research-communities-d21 https://www.indigo-datacloud.eu/documents/initial-requirements-research-communities-d21 https://www.indigo-datacloud.eu/documents/initial-requirements-research-communities-d21 . 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