2,131 research outputs found

    Rocky Mountain Alba Emoting Training for Creative Arts Therapists

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    This dissertation research explored what experiences and influences Rocky Mountain Alba Emoting (RMAE) training generated for creative arts therapists in both their personal and professional lives. RMAE builds upon the effector patterns of Alba EmotingTM which uses innate physiological processes to induce, experience, and cease six genuine basic emotions. RMAE uses the process of learning these patterns as a means of enhancing emotional expression, awareness, and balance. With emotions and emotional regulation playing an increasing role in psychotherapy, a therapist’s emotional life and ability to work with emotions have become more important. RMAE shares some characteristics with the practices of creative arts therapies and its philosophy was partially influenced by the creative arts therapies. Applying this training with creative arts therapists within an arts-based research design was a logical step in exploring the potential of RMAE. In this study, five credentialed creative arts therapists, four females and one male, who were currently working in their fields and had at least two years of professional experience were provided with a full initial training in RMAE via two 2-day trainings with six weeks between trainings. Data generation and analysis were arts-based. Participants created written responses along with original arts pieces in various forms that responded to guiding questions about the experiences and influences of the training both during and after the experience. These data were analyzed through a process which utilized the core elements of live theatre in the form of intuitive dramatic enactments, and final results were presented in dramatic performance pieces. Results indicated that participants reported expanded emotional awareness, high degrees of emotional arousal, and novel experiences with emotion and emotional understanding, among other experiences. All of these were reported to influence participants in meaningful ways in various aspects of their lives. Conclusions indicated that RMAE is worthy of additional exploration as a means of training creative arts therapists and others in and about emotions, and could be further combined with creative arts therapies principles to become an effective means of emotional restoration, enlivenment, and empowerment

    The health and well-being of older adults with dual sensory impairment (DSI) in four countries

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    Objectives Dual sensory impairment (DSI) is a combination of vision and hearing impairments that represents a unique disability affecting all aspects of a person’s life. The rates of DSI are expected to increase due to population aging, yet little is known about DSI among older adults (65+). The prevalence of DSI and client characteristics were examined among two groups, namely, older adults receiving home care services or those residing in a long-term care (LTC) facility in four countries (Canada, US, Finland, Belgium). Methods Existing data, using an interRAI assessment, were analyzed to compare older adults with DSI to all others across demographic characteristics, functional and psychosocial outcomes. Results In home care, the prevalence of DSI across the four countries ranged from 13.4% to 24.6%; in LTC facilities, it ranged from 9.7% to 33.9%. Clients with DSI were more likely to be 85+, have moderate/severe cognitive impairment, impairments in activities of daily living, and have communication difficulties. Among residents of LTC facilities, individuals with DSI were more likely to be 85+ and more likely have a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Having DSI increased the likelihood of depression in both care settings, but after adjusting for other factors, it remained significant only in the home care sample. Conclusions While the prevalence of DSI cross nationally is similar to that of other illnesses such as diabetes, depression, and Alzheimer’s disease, we have a limited understanding of its affects among older adults. Raising awareness of this unique disability is imperative to insure that individuals receive the necessary rehabilitation and supportive services to improve their level of independence and quality of life

    Fast pick up technique for high quality heterostructures of bilayer graphene and hexagonal boron nitride

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    We present a fast method to fabricate high quality heterostructure devices by picking up crystals of arbitrary sizes. Bilayer graphene is encapsulated with hexagonal boron nitride to demonstrate this approach, showing good electronic quality with mobilities ranging from 17 000 cm^2/V/s at room temperature to 49 000 cm^2/V/s at 4.2 K, and entering the quantum Hall regime below 0.5 T. This method provides a strong and useful tool for the fabrication of future high quality layered crystal devices.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    The Lyman Continuum Escape Survey: Ionizing Radiation from [O III]-Strong Sources at a Redshift of 3.1

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    We present results from the LymAn Continuum Escape Survey (LACES), a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) program designed to characterize the ionizing radiation emerging from a sample of Lyman alpha emitting galaxies at redshift z3.1z\simeq 3.1. As many show intense [O III] emission characteristic of z>6.5z>6.5 star-forming galaxies, they may represent valuable low redshift analogs of galaxies in the reionization era. Using HST Wide Field Camera 3 / UVIS F336WF336W to image Lyman continuum emission, we investigate the escape fraction of ionizing photons in this sample. For 61 sources, of which 77% are spectroscopically confirmed and 53 have measures of [O III] emission, we detect Lyman continuum leakage in 20%, a rate significantly higher than is seen in individual continuum-selected Lyman break galaxies. We estimate there is a 98% probability that 2\leq 2 of our detections could be affected by foreground contamination. Fitting multi-band spectral energy distributions (SEDs) to take account of the varying stellar populations, dust extinctions and metallicities, we derive individual Lyman continuum escape fractions corrected for foreground intergalactic absorption. We find escape fractions of 15 to 60% for individual objects, and infer an average 20% escape fraction by fitting composite SEDs for our detected samples. Surprisingly however, even a deep stack of those sources with no individual F336WF336W detections provides a stringent upper limit on the average escape fraction of less than 0.5%. We examine various correlations with source properties and discuss the implications in the context of the popular picture that cosmic reionization is driven by such compact, low metallicity star-forming galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Controlling spin relaxation in hexagonal BN-encapsulated graphene with a transverse electric field

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    We experimentally study the electronic spin transport in hBN encapsulated single layer graphene nonlocal spin valves. The use of top and bottom gates allows us to control the carrier density and the electric field independently. The spin relaxation times in our devices range up to 2 ns with spin relaxation lengths exceeding 12 μ\mum even at room temperature. We obtain that the ratio of the spin relaxation time for spins pointing out-of-plane to spins in-plane is τ/τ\tau_{\bot} / \tau_{||} \approx 0.75 for zero applied perpendicular electric field. By tuning the electric field this anisotropy changes to \approx0.65 at 0.7 V/nm, in agreement with an electric field tunable in-plane Rashba spin-orbit coupling

    EPR identification of defects responsible for thermoluminescence in Cu-doped lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is used to identify the electron and hole traps responsible for thermoluminescence (TL) peaks occurring near 100 and 200 ◦C in copper-doped lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals. As-grown crystals have Cu+ and Cu2+ ions substituting for lithium and have Cu+ ions at interstitial sites. All of the substitutional Cu2+ ions in the as-grown crystals have an adjacent lithium vacancy and give rise to a distinct EPR spectrum. Exposure to ionizing radiation at room temperature produces a second and different Cu2+ EPR spectrum when a hole is trapped by substitutional Cu+ ions that have no nearby defects. These two Cu2+ trapped-hole centers are referred to as Cu2+-VLi and Cu2+active, respectively. Also during the irradiation, two trapped-electron centers in the form of interstitial Cu0 atoms are produced when interstitial Cu+ ions trap electrons. They are observed with EPR and are labeled Cu0A and Cu0B. When an irradiated crystal is warmed from 25 to 150 ◦C, the Cu2+active centers have a partial decay step that correlates with the TL peak near 100 ◦C. The concentrations of Cu0A and Cu0B centers, however, increase as the crystal is heated through this range. As the crystal is futher warmed between 150 and 250 ◦C, the EPR signals from the Cu2+active hole centers and Cu0A and Cu0B electron centers decay simultaneously. This decay step correlates with the intense TL peak near 200 ◦C

    Spectroscopic detections of CIII]1909 at z~6-7: A new probe of early star forming galaxies and cosmic reionisation

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    Deep spectroscopic observations of z~6.5 galaxies have revealed a marked decline with increasing redshift in the detectability of Lyman-alpha emission. While this may offer valuable insight into the end of the reionisation process, it presents a fundamental challenge to the detailed spectroscopic study of the many hundreds of photometrically-selected distant sources now being found via deep HST imaging, and particularly those bright sources viewed through foreground lensing clusters. In this paper we demonstrate the validity of a new way forward via the convincing detection of an alternative diagnostic line, CIII]1909, seen in spectroscopic exposures of two star forming galaxies at z=6.029 and 7.213. The former detection is based on a 3.5 hour X-shooter spectrum of a bright (J=25.2) gravitationally-lensed galaxy behind the cluster Abell 383. The latter detection is based on a 4.2 hour MOSFIRE spectra of one of the most distant spectroscopically confirmed galaxies, GN-108036, with J=25.2. Both targets were chosen for their continuum brightness and previously-known redshift (based on Lyman-alpha), ensuring that any CIII] emission would be located in a favorable portion of the near-infrared sky spectrum. We compare our CIII] and Lyman-alpha equivalent widths in the context of those found at z~2 from earlier work and discuss the motivation for using lines other than Lyman-alpha to study galaxies in the reionisation era.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Small animal disease surveillance: respiratory disease 2017

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    This report focuses on surveillance for respiratory disease in companion animals. It begins with an analysis of data from 392 veterinary practices contributing to the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network (SAVSNET) between January and December 2017. The following section describes canine respiratory coronavirus infections in dogs, presenting results from laboratory-confirmed cases across the country between January 2010 and December 2017. This is followed by an update on the temporal trends of three important syndromes in companion animals, namely gastroenteritis, pruritus and respiratory disease, from 2014 to 2017. A fourth section presents a brief update on Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus in companion animals. The final section summarises some recent developments pertinent to companion animal health, namely eyeworm (Thelazzia callipaeda) infestations in dogs imported to the UK and canine influenza virus in the USA and Canada

    Constraining C iii] Emission in a Sample of Five Luminous z = 5.7 Galaxies

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    Recent observations have suggested that the CIII]λ1907/1909\lambda1907/1909 emission lines could be alternative diagnostic lines for galaxies in the reionization epoch. We use the F128N narrowband filter on the Hubble Space Telescope's (HST\it{HST}) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) to search for CIII] emission in a sample of five galaxies at z = 5.7 in the Subaru Deep Field and the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field. Using the F128N narrowband imaging, together with the broadband imaging, we do not detect CIII] emission for the five galaxies with JABJ_{\rm{AB}} ranging from 24.10 -- 27.00 in our sample. For the brightest galaxy J132416.13+274411.6 in our sample (z = 5.70, JAB=24.10J_{\rm{AB}} = 24.10), which has a significantly higher signal to noise, we report a CIII] flux of 3.34±1.81×10183.34\pm1.81 \times 10^{-18} erg s1 cm2\mathrm{erg\ s^{-1}\ cm^{-2}}, which places a stringent 3-σ\rm\sigma upper limit of 5.43×10185.43\times 10^{-18} $\mathrm{erg\ s^{-1}\ cm^{-2}}onCIII]fluxand6.57A˚ ontheCIII]equivalentwidth.Usingthestackedimage,weputa3 on CIII] flux and 6.57 \AA\ on the CIII] equivalent width. Using the stacked image, we put a 3-\rm\sigmaupperlimitonthemeanCIII]fluxof upper limit on the mean CIII] flux of \mathrm{2.55\times10^{-18}\ erg\ s^{-1}\ cm^{-2}},anda3, and a 3-\rm\sigmaupperlimitonthemeanCIII]equivalentwidthof4.20A˚forthissampleofgalaxiesatz=5.70.CombinedwithstrongCIII]detectionreportedamonghighzgalaxiesintheliterature,ourobservationssuggestthattheequivalentwidthsofCIII]fromgalaxiesatz upper limit on the mean CIII] equivalent width of 4.20 {\AA} for this sample of galaxies at z = 5.70. Combined with strong CIII] detection reported among high-z galaxies in the literature, our observations suggest that the equivalent widths of CIII] from galaxies at z >$ 5.70 exhibit a wide range of distribution. Our strong limits on CIII] emission could be used as a guide for future observations in the reionization epoch

    A Physical Model for the Origin of Quasar Lifetimes

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    We propose a model of quasar lifetimes in which observational quasar lifetimes and an intrinsic lifetime of rapid accretion are strongly distinguished by the physics of obscuration by surrounding gas and dust. Quasars are powered by gas funneled to galaxy centers, but for a large part of the accretion lifetime are heavily obscured by the large gas densities powering accretion. In this phase, starbursts and black hole growth are fueled but the quasar is buried. Eventually, feedback from accretion energy disperses surrounding gas, creating a window in which the black hole is observable optically as a quasar, until accretion rates drop below those required to maintain a quasar luminosity. We model this process and measure the unobscured and intrinsic quasar lifetimes in a hydrodynamical simulation of a major galaxy merger. The source luminosity is determined from the black hole accretion rate, calculated from local gas properties. We calculate the column density of hydrogen to the source along multiple lines of sight and use these column densities and gas metallicities to determine B-band attenuation of the source. Defining the observable quasar lifetime as the total time with an observed B-band luminosity above some limit L_B,min, we find lifetimes ~10-20 Myr for L_B,min=10^11 L_sun (M_B=-23), in good agreement with observationally determined quasar lifetimes. This is significantly smaller than the intrinsic lifetime ~100 Myr obtained if attenuation is neglected. The ratio of observed to intrinsic lifetime is also strong function of both the limiting luminosity and the observed frequency.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ApJ Letter