1,070 research outputs found

    Faithful qubit distribution assisted by one additional qubit against collective noise

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    We propose a distribution scheme of polarization states of a single photon over collective-noise channel. By adding one extra photon with a fixed polarization, we can protect the state against collective noise via a parity-check measurement and post-selection. While the scheme succeeds only probabilistically, it is simpler and more flexible than the schemes utilizing decoherence-free subspace. An application to BB84 protocol through collective noise channel, which is robust to the Trojan horse attack, is also given.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; published version in Phys. Rev. Let

    Nash equilibria in quantum games with generalized two-parameter strategies

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    In the Eisert protocol for 2 X 2 quantum games [Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3077], a number of authors have investigated the features arising from making the strategic space a two-parameter subset of single qubit unitary operators. We argue that the new Nash equilibria and the classical-quantum transitions that occur are simply an artifact of the particular strategy space chosen. By choosing a different, but equally plausible, two-parameter strategic space we show that different Nash equilibria with different classical-quantum transitions can arise. We generalize the two-parameter strategies and also consider these strategies in a multiplayer setting.Comment: 19 pages, 2 eps figure

    Synthesis, characterization and investigation of tautomeric, potentiometric and antimicrobial properties of a novel unsymmetric Schiff base and its Fe(III) and Ni(II) complexes

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    Abstract A new unsymmetric Schiff base [(2OH)R-CH=N-(C6H4)-CH=N-R'(2OH) R=phenyl, R' = naphthyl] with its Fe(III) and Ni(II) complexes were synthesized by a two step method. Diimine Schiff base and its complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, mass spectra, IR, 1H/13C-NMR spectra, TGA analysis, electronic and magnetic measurements. The phenol-imine and keto-amine tautomerism of the unsymmetric Schiff base was investigated with NMR techniques and UV-visible spectra in different solvents. Also, the protonation constants of the ligand and the stability constants of its Ni(II) and Fe(III) complexes were determined potentiometrically in 1:1(v/v) ethanol-water mixture at an ionic strength of 0.5 mol·L-1 KCl and at 25.0 ± 0.1 oC. The antifungal, antimicrobial activities and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of the compounds were evaluated against Escherichia coli (0157:H7), Micrococcus luteus (NRRLB 4975), Bacillus cereus (RSKK 863) and Candida albicans (ATCC 16231). 

    Error Estimates for FE-BE Coupling of Scattering of Waves in the Time Domain

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    This article considers a coupled finite and boundary element method for an interface problem for the acoustic wave equation. Well-posedness, a priori and a posteriori error estimates are discussed for a symmetric space-time Galerkin discretization related to the energy. Numerical experiments in three dimensions illustrate the performance of the method in model problems. © 2022 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston 2022

    Fuzzy logic algorithm for runoff-induced sediment transport from bare soil surfaces

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    Utilizing the rainfall intensity, and slope data, a fuzzy logic algorithm was developed to estimate sediment loads from bare soil surfaces. Considering slope and rainfall as input variables, the variables were fuzzified into fuzzy subsets. The fuzzy subsets of the variables were considered to have triangular membership functions. The relations among rainfall intensity, slope, and sediment transport were represented by a set of fuzzy rules. The fuzzy rules relating input variables to the output variable of sediment discharge were laid out in the IF-THEN format. The commonly used weighted average method was employed for the defuzzification procedure. The sediment load predicted by the fuzzy model was in satisfactory agreement with the measured sediment load data. Predicting the mean sediment loads from experimental runs, the performance of the fuzzy model was compared with that of the artificial neural networks (ANNs) and the physics-based models. The results of showed revealed that the fuzzy model performed better under very high rainfall intensities over different slopes and over very steep slopes under different rainfall intensities. This is closely related to the selection of the shape and frequency of the fuzzy membership functions in the fuzzy model

    Time domain boundary elements for dynamic contact problems

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    This article considers a unilateral contact problem for the wave equation. The problem is reduced to a variational inequality for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator for the wave equation on the boundary, which is solved in a saddle point formulation using boundary elements in the time domain. As a model problem, also a variational inequality for the single layer operator is considered. A priori estimates are obtained for Galerkin approximations both to the variational inequality and the mixed formulation in the case of a flat contact area, where the existence of solutions to the continuous problem is known. Numerical experiments demonstrate the performance of the proposed mixed method. They indicate the stability and convergence beyond flat geometries.Comment: 38 pages, to appear in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineerin

    Coalitions in the quantum Minority game: classical cheats and quantum bullies

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    In a one-off Minority game, when a group of players agree to collaborate they gain an advantage over the remaining players. We consider the advantage obtained in a quantum Minority game by a coalition sharing an initially entangled state versus that obtained by a coalition that uses classical communication to arrive at an optimal group strategy. In a model of the quantum Minority game where the final measurement basis is randomized, quantum coalitions outperform classical ones when carried out by up to four players, but an unrestricted amount of classical communication is better for larger coalition sizes.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    HS Hya about to turn off its eclipses

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    Aims: We aim to perform the first long-term analysis of the system HS Hya. Methods: We performed an analysis of the long-term evolution of the light curves of the detached eclipsing system HS Hya. Collecting all available photometric data since its discovery, the light curves were analyzed with a special focus on the evolution of system's inclination. Results: We find that the system undergoes a rapid change of inclination. Since its discovery until today the system's inclination changed by more than 15 deg. The shape of the light curve changes, and now the eclipses are almost undetectable. The third distant component of the system is causing the precession of the close orbit, and the nodal period is about 631 yr. Conclusions: New precise observations are desperately needed, preferably this year, because the amplitude of variations is decreasing rapidly every year. We know only 10 such systems on the whole sky at present.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published in 2012A&A...542L..23

    Coupled wake boundary layer model of wind-farms

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    We present and test the coupled wake boundary layer (CWBL) model that describes the distribution of the power output in a wind-farm. The model couples the traditional, industry-standard wake model approach with a "top-down" model for the overall wind-farm boundary layer structure. This wake model captures the effect of turbine positioning, while the "top-down" portion of the model adds the interactions between the wind-turbine wakes and the atmospheric boundary layer. Each portion of the model requires specification of a parameter that is not known a-priori. For the wake model, the wake expansion coefficient is required, while the "top-down" model requires an effective spanwise turbine spacing within which the model's momentum balance is relevant. The wake expansion coefficient is obtained by matching the predicted mean velocity at the turbine from both approaches, while the effective spanwise turbine spacing depends on turbine positioning and thus can be determined from the wake model. Coupling of the constitutive components of the CWBL model is achieved by iterating these parameters until convergence is reached. We illustrate the performance of the model by applying it to both developing wind-farms including entrance effects and to fully developed (deep-array) conditions. Comparisons of the CWBL model predictions with results from a suite of large eddy simulations (LES) shows that the model closely represents the results obtained in these high-fidelity numerical simulations. A comparison with measured power degradation at the Horns Rev and Nysted wind-farms shows that the model can also be successfully applied to real wind-farms.Comment: 25 pages, 21 figures, submitted to Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy on July 18, 201

    Teleportation-based number state manipulation with number sum measurement

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    We examine various manipulations of photon number states which can be implemented by teleportation technique with number sum measurement. The preparations of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen resources as well as the number sum measurement resulting in projection to certain Bell state may be done conditionally with linear optical elements, i.e., beam splitters, phase shifters and zero-one-photon detectors. Squeezed vacuum states are used as primary entanglement resource, while single-photon sources are not required.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Misprints are corrected. 3 figures for number sum measurement are added. Discussion on manipulations are expanded. Calculations for success probabilities are added. Fig.4 is adde