14 research outputs found

    Noise map: professional versus crowdsourced data

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    Ponencias, comunicaciones y pósters presentados en el 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science "Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place", celebrado en la Universitat Jaume I del 3 al 6 de junio de 2014.The goal of the recent study is to evaluate the usability of the data measurement capability of an average smartphone and make a comparative study on available open source mobile applications potentially suitable to noise mapping. In the study a dataset generated by professional equipment was used as a reference. The study confirmed that the mobile applications running on the smartphones tested are not capable for scientific measurement although correlation suggest that calibration may lead to reasonably accurate noise level capture. The study also revealed that different mobile applications produce different outputs. These type of user generated noise measurements cannot substitute professional surveys but can contribute to noise monitoring to testing the effect of the action plans created by the settlements in order to reduce noise pollutions

    Experimental investigation of visualization methods of earthquake catalogue maps

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    The aim of the study is to find possible solutions to represent earthquake catalogue data and design maps which can help non-professionals to identify those places where earthquakes occurred frequently. The goal is to visualize all available catalogue data sets in a complex way on a single map, displaying the long-term recurrence times of earthquakes. Therefore, raw data and aggregated data were combined with different cartographic visualization techniques to test the applicability of earthquake maps. Preliminary research demonstrates that aggregation can improve the process of retrieving information from earthquake maps and 3D visualization is useful to find the places of earthquakes of highest magnitude. A second result is that 3D visualization is not effective in the comparison of quantities of released energy and the number of earthquakes

    Soil Erosion Analysis in a Small Forested Catchment Supported by ArcGIS Model Builder

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    To implement the analysis of soil erosion with the USLE in a GIS environment, a new workflow has been developed with the ArcGIS Model Builder. The aim of this four-part framework is to accelerate data processing and to ensure comparability of soil erosion risk maps. The first submodel generates the stream network with connected catchments, computes slope conditions and the LS factor in USLE based on the DEM. The second submodel integrates stream lines, roads, catchment boundaries, land cover, land use, and soil maps. This combined dataset is the basis for the preparation of other USLE-factors. The third submodel estimates soil loss, and creates zonal statistics of soil erosion. The fourth submodel classifies soil loss into categories enabling the comparison of modelled and observed soil erosion. The framework was applied in a small forested catchment in Hungary. Although there is significant deviation between the erosion of different land covers, the predicted specific soil loss does not increase above the tolerance limit in any area unit. The predicted surface soil erosion in forest subcompartments mostly depends on the slope conditions.TÁMOP 4.2.1/B-09/KONV-2010–0006TÁMOP 4.2.2. B–10/1–2010–0018EU/European Social Fun

    A településfejlesztés refinanszírozási formái Európában

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    cikk az Európai Unió támogatásával megvalósult COST Action CA17125 projekt eredményeit mutatja be. Az előzmények között bemutatásra kerül az értékmegragadás eszközeinek a településfejlesztésben betöltött szerepe. A következő rész szakirodalomi áttekintést ad az értékmegragadás eszközeiről. A cikk legterjedelmesebb része a résztvevő országok jelentései alapján készített statisztikákról ad összefoglalót. A nemzetközi tapasztalatok, illetve jó gyakorlatok alapján a szerzők javaslatot tesznek a Magyarországon bevezethető értékmegragadási eszközökkel kapcsolatban

    Sources of VGI for Mapping

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    Official Crime Statistics versus Fear of Crime of the Citizens in a Hungarian Small Town. GI_Forum 2014 – Geospatial Innovation for Society|

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    A wide range of GIS/map based crime statistics are available on line all over the world. However, the public opinion of these statistics is that they do not show the real extent of crime (NYÍRI 2005). This study attempts to test the reliability of crime statistics by mapping residents’ fear of crime. The result supports the idea that public perception of crime may be different from official data. Therefore it may be useful and necessary to test the citizens’ opinion as an essential requirement in planning, policy and law enforcement strategies to increase their effectiveness

    Citizens’ Perceptions of Environmental Noise - A Case Study. GI_Forum|GI_Forum 2018, Volume 1 |

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    In this study, the authors used an online survey to investigate the perception of noise pollution by the citizens of Szombathely in Hungary. The datasets were compared to field measurements taken with a sound-level meter, and a smartphone using a free noise-measurement app. On the whole, the participants identified the main roads and transport hubs as the most polluted areas, and parks and green spaces as the least polluted ones. Our measurements confirm that citizens are well aware of noise pollution in the city, although in some cases we found slight differences between their subjective perceptions and the actuality

    Official Crime Statistics versus Fear of Crime of the Citizens in a Hungarian Small Town. GI_Forum 2014 – Geospatial Innovation for Society|

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    A wide range of GIS/map based crime statistics are available on line all over the world. However, the public opinion of these statistics is that they do not show the real extent of crime (NYÍRI 2005). This study attempts to test the reliability of crime statistics by mapping residents’ fear of crime. The result supports the idea that public perception of crime may be different from official data. Therefore it may be useful and necessary to test the citizens’ opinion as an essential requirement in planning, policy and law enforcement strategies to increase their effectiveness

    GIS-Based Statistical Analysis of Detecting Fear of Crime with Digital Sketch Maps: A Hungarian Multicity Study

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    This study evaluates fear of crime perception and official crime statistics in a spatial context, by applying digital sketch maps and statistical GIS methods. The study aims to determine explanatory motives of fear of crime by comparing results of selected large, medium and small sized Hungarian cities. Fear of crime information of residents were collected by using a web application, which gave the possibility to mark regions on a map, where respondents have a sense of safety or feel fear. These digital sketch maps were processed by GIS tools, and were converted to grid data, in order to calculate comparable explanatory variables for fear of crime analysis. The grid-based normalised model reflected some similarities and differences between the observed cities. According to the outcomes, examples were found both in coincidences and opposite correlations of crime statistics and perception of unsafe places, highlighting the importance of locality in fear of crime research. Additionally, the results mirrored that the size of the city or the respondent’s sex does not significantly influence the overall judgment of places, rather the absolute number of safe markings and the local number of registered crime events could affect local results