97 research outputs found

    Illness as a divine punishment in the Hittite Empire: Hitit İmparatorluğu’nda ilahi bir cezalandırma yöntemi olarak hastalık

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    The Hittites, who were a political authority in the Anatolian II. millennium BC, not only changed the course of history, but also left deep traces in the history and culture of ancient Anatolia, Mesopotamia and Egypt. As in other ancient societies, religion was at the center of life in the Hittites, and it was the determining and shaping element of many issues from politics to economy, from daily life to relations with other nations. When they came to Anatolian lands, they added the gods of the local Anatolian peoples and the gods of the places they later conquered to the gods they brought with them, and as a result, they had a wide pantheon of gods, feasts and rituals. Since they think of the gods as human-shaped in their mental world, they assume that they have needs just like humans, and they take it upon themselves to serve the gods, make up for their deficiencies and entertain them. The Hittites thought that as long as the slave served his master and received security, shelter and food in return, they would be rewarded with peace, abundance, fertility, health and victory as long as they served the gods and kept them pleasant. In the opposite case; performing acts prohibited by the gods, such as a wrong or defect in the service that should be rendered to the gods, such as ill-treatment in case the slave does wrong or delays the work, not performing the feasts on time, not being well-fed or clean, not paying attention to cleanliness, will of course bring along various punishments. In line with this belief, the gods came to their minds in all kinds of negativity that the Hittites experienced, and they did not think that there could be any other reason. So just as health, wellness and longevity are a blessing from the gods; Physical and mental illnesses are also deserved punishments. What needs to be done at this point is what was done wrong, and which god was angry with it. At this point, what needs to be done is to make various prophecies and make fortune-tellings by applying to the gods in order to determine what has been done wrong, which god is angry and what can calm the god. After the necessary determinations are made, in order to return to the old healthy days, prayers should be offered to the gods, sacrifices should be made, and mercy and forgiveness should be asked. In this study, which was prepared to reveal that diseases were perceived as a method of divine punishment in the Hittite Empire, cuneiform text translations were used. In this respect, firstly, the prophecy texts related to the subject were evaluated, then the prayer and ritual texts were examined, and the relevant parts of the texts were shared with the reader. As a result, the accuracy of the idea put forward has been determined from the examined texts and it has been clearly understood from the mentioned texts that they hold the gods responsible for the individual and social diseases that people suffer from (Extended English summary is at the end of this document)   Özet M.Ö. II. binyıl Anadolu’sunda siyasi bir otorite varlık gösteren Hititler, hem tarihin seyrini değiştirmişler hem de antik Anadolu, Mezopotamya ve Mısır tarih ve kültüründe derin izler bırakmışlardır. Diğer antikçağ toplumlarında olduğu gibi Hititlerde de din, hayatın merkezinde yer almış siyasetten ekonomiye gündelik yaşamdan diğer milletlerle kurulan ilişkilere kadar birçok konunun belirleyici ve şekillendirici unsuru olmuştur. Anadolu topraklarına geldikleri zaman yanlarında getirdikleri tanrılara yerli Anadolu halklarının tanrılarını ve daha sonra fethettikleri yerlerin tanrılarını da eklemişler, netice olarak geniş bir tanrı panteonuna, bayram ve ritüel birikimine sahip olmuşlardır. Zihin dünyalarında tanrıları insan biçimli olarak düşünmeleri sebebiyle onların da insanlar gibi ihtiyaçları olduğunu var sayarak tanrılara hizmet etmeyi, eksiklerini gidermeyi ve eğlendirmeyi kendilerine vazife edinmişlerdir. Hititler, kölenin efendisine hizmet etmesi ve karşılığında güvenlik, barınak ve yiyecek alması gibi tanrılara hizmet ettikçe ve onları hoş tuttukça karşılığını barış, bolluk, bereket, sağlık ve zaferle alacaklarını düşünmüşlerdir. Bunun tam tersi olduğu durumda; kölenin işleri yanlış yapması veya aksatması halinde karşılaşacağı kötü muamele gibi tanrılara sunulması gereken hizmette bir yanlışlık veya eksiklik olması, bayramların vaktinde icra edilmemesi, kurbanların ve adakların besili veya temiz olmaması, temizliğe önem verilmemesi gibi tanrılar tarafından yasaklanan eylemlerin yapılması elbette çeşitli cezalandırmayı beraberinde getireceğine inanmışlardır. Bu inanç doğrultusunda, Hititlerin yaşadıkları her türlü olumsuzlukta akıllarına tanrılar gelmiş bunun dışında bir gerekçe olabileceğini düşünmemişlerdir. O halde nasıl ki sağlık, sıhhat ve uzun ömür tanrılardan gelen bir lütuftur; fiziksel ve ruhsal hastalıklar da hak edilmiş cezalardır. Bu noktada yapılması gereken ise neyin yanlış yapılmış olduğunu, buna bağlı olarak hangi tanrının öfkelendiğini ve tanrıyı neyin sakinleştirebileceğini tespit edebilmek için yine tanrılara başvurarak çeşitli kehanetlerde bulunmak ve fallar baktırmaktır. Gerekli tespitler yapıldıktan sonra ise eski sağlıklı günlere dönebilmek için tanrılara dualar edip kurbanlar sunulmalı ve adaklar adanarak merhamet ve af dilenmelidir. Hitit İmparatorluğu’nda hastalıkların ilahi bir cezalandırma yöntemi olarak algılandığını ortaya koymak amacıyla hazırlanan bu çalışmada çivi yazılı metin tercümelerinden faydalanılmıştır. Bu bakımdan ilk olarak konu ile alakalı kehanet metinleri değerlendirilmiş, ardından dua ve ritüel metinleri incelenmiş ve metinlerin ilgili kısımları okuyucuyla paylaşılmıştır. Netice olarak, irdelenen metinlerden ortaya atılan fikrin doğruluğu tespit edilmiş olup bahsi edilen metinlerden insanların muzdarip oldukları bireysel ve toplumsal hastalıklardan tanrıları sorumlu tuttukları net bir biçimde anlaşılmıştır.

    An examining the relationship between the trust in supervisors and interactional justice among the tourism employees

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    In recent years there has been a great increase in the number of researches dealing with trust in different disciplines.  The reason of this increase is as modern societies become more and more complicated and disciplines pay more attention to reasons of human behaviour. One of the sectors that human behaviour has a vital and important role is tourism industry.  Knowing the level of trust that employees have for their supervisors in tourism industry will help the enterprises to increase the level of their service quality and their effort to survive for along time in this competitive environment.  When employees trust their supervisors, their added value to the enterprise will increase and they will contribute more to enterprise to reach its pre-set goals. In this study it is aimed to determine the level of trust that tourism employees have for their supervisors and possible results of trust level for the enterprise.  In regression test made between trust in supervisor and interactional justice perception, trust in supervisor can be explained by interactional justice with 63%.

    Sociodemographic Determinants of Nonattendance in a Population-Based Mammography Screening Program in the City of Manisa, Turkey

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    Objectives. Community based breast cancer screening has decreased breast cancer mortality in women. This study examined the predictors of nonattendence for invitational breast cancer screening in relation to socioeconomic status in the city of Manisa, in western Turkey. Study Design. For the evaluation of the reasons for refusing to participate in the study, two districts were selected. 446 women aged between 50 and 69 years were selected from the program database by systematic random sampling. Methods. The questionnaire consisted of sociodemographic variables and the adapted version of Champion's Health Belief Model Scale. Univariete and multivariete logistic regression analysis were performed throughout the data analysis. Results. Being from an urban district and being from the western region were the risk factors for not participating in the screening program (P = 0.014, P = 0.023). A statistical significance was found between mammography-benefit, mammography-barrier and program participation (P = 0.044, P = 0.006). Although there were many more barriers for not participating in the screening program for the women of the slum district, the attendence rate of the slum district was higher than that of the urban district. Conclusions. Increased attendance may be achieved through enhancement of breast cancer awareness and by reducing some of the modifiable barriers

    Farklı yüzey işlemlerinin zirkonyanın ağız içi tamirine etkisi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, zirkonya yüzeyine uygulanan farklı yüzey işlemlerinin yaşlandırma sonrası kompozit rezin ve zirkonya arasındaki makaslama bağlanma dayanımına etkisini incelemektir.Gereç ve Yöntem: 40 adet sinterlenmiş zirkonya örnek (19x15x2 mm) dört farklı yüzey işlemi grubuna ayrıldı (n=10): Grup 1, elmas frez ile aşındırma; Grup 2, 30 µm Al2O3 ile tribokimyasal silika kaplama; Grup 3, 50 µm Al2O3 ile kumlama ve Grup 4, 110 µm Al2O3 ile kumlama grubu. Yüzey işlemi gören zirkonya örneklere adeziv fosfat monomeri uygulanıp polimerize edildi. Kompozit rezin polimerizasyonunu takiben örnekler termal yaşlandırmaya (x1000, 5-55 °C, 30 saniye) tabi tutuldu. Örneklere hızı 0.5 mm/dakika olan üniversal test cihazı ile makaslama bağlanma dayanımı testi uygulandı. Test sonrası kırılma tipleri adeziv veya karma tip başarısızlık olarak kaydedildi. İstatistiksel analiz tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) ve Tukey HSD testleri kullanılarak yapıldı (p<0.05).Bulgular: ANOVA sonuçlarına göre gruplar arası makaslama bağlanma dayanımı değerleri istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Bağlanma dayanımı değerleri her bir grup için sırasıyla: Grup 1 (21.51±1.72), Grup 2 (28.44±3.91), Grup 3 (19.93±2.31), Grup 4 (23.38±4.35) Megapaskal olarak kaydedilmiştir. Tüm gruplar arası en yüksek bağlanma dayanımı değeri tribokimyasal silika kaplama grubunda (p<0.05) olup Grup 1, 3 ve 4 arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır (p>0.05). Tüm gruplarda adeziv tip başarısızlık gözlenmiştir. Sonuç: Tüm gruplar klinik olarak kabul edilebilir bağlanma dayanımı değerleri göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte tribokimyasal silika kaplama yönteminin zirkonya ile kompozit rezin arasındaki bağlanma dayanımını anlamlı derecede artırdığı gözlenmiştir.ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Hava abrazyonu, dental; kayma mukavemeti; prostodonti; silikon dioksi

    Özel mektuplar yayınlanır mı?

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 24-Attila İlhan. Not: Gazetenin "Çapraz Ateş" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır

    Length of Hospital Stays of Patients Operated Due to Glioma Tumours in Neurosurgery Clinics and Intensive Care Units

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    DergiPark: 963054tmsjAims: To evaluate the relationship between the length of hospital stay and age, gender, and disease characteristics among glioma patients who went under surgery in Trakya University School of Medicine. Methods: The data of 51 glioma patients over 18 years of age, who have been followed up during 2019-2020 in Trakya University School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery were analyzed. Patients' data comprised of sex, age, tumour location, grades of the tu- mours, the presence of isocitrate dehydrogenase mutation, whether the patients were hospitalized in the intensive care unit or the neurosurgery clinic, duration of hospitalization, and whether radiotherapy and chemotherapy was received. Length of hospital stay was evaluated separately as intensive care unit and the neurosurgery clinic. Results: Out of 51 patients diagnosed with glioma, 18 (35.3%) were female, and 33 (64.7%) were male. The length of neurosurgery clinic and intensive care unit stays were not associated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy approaches. There was a statistically significant difference between the male and female patients in terms of the number of days stayed in the neurosurgery clinic. Conclusion: In conclusion, gender affected the length of neurosurgery clinic stays with a longer duration for female patients in our clinic. A waste number of parameters, including social ones, affect hospital stays. To reveal predictors of postoperative hospitalization thoroughly and overcome the study’s limitations, further prospective studies with larger sample sizes are needed


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    Bu araştırmada, peyzaj tasarımları için öznel olmayan bitki kompozisyonlarının oluşturulmasında, görsel içerikli bir anket çalışması yardımıyla yapı-bitki ağırlıklı bir alanda öneri alternatifler geliştirilmiştir. Bitki kompozisyonlarının değerlendirilmesinde anlamsal farklılaşım ölçeğinden yararlanılarak kullanıcı tercihleri belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, deneklerin vermiş oldukları cevaplara ait istatistiksel testlerden farklı sıfat çiftlerine göre seçilen alternatiflerin faktör analizi sonucu farklılıklar oluşturduğu ortaya konmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bitki Komposizyonu, Anlamsal Farklılaşım Tekniğ

    Investigation of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms and Associated Factors in Children with Cerebral Palsy in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Parents' Perceived Social Support, Depression and Corona Anxiety

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    Objective: There is little research on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of children with cerebral palsy (CP). The primary aim of this study is to determine the level of anxiety and depression in children with CP during the COVID-19 pandemic. The secondary aim is to examine the relationship between perceived social support, depression and COVID-19 anxiety levels of parents of children with CP and anxiety and depression symptoms in children with CP. Material and Methods: Data were gathered by snowball sampling method using an online survey. Depression and anxiety levels of children with CP were evaluated via Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale-Parent (RCADS-P). Depression, corona anxiety, and perceived social support levels of parents of children with CP were evaluated with Beck Depression Scale for Primary Care, Corona Anxiety Scale (CAS), and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, respectively. The Pearson correlation test was employed to assess whether or not there was an interconnection amongst continuous variables and different independent samples under consideration. Total Anxiety Scale, Major Depressive Disorder and Total Internalizing Scale sub-dimension scores of the RCADS-P were evaluated as dependent variables according to the groups in the multiple linear regression analysis. Results: The sample covered 102 children (61, %59.8 boys) with CP and their parents (67, %65.8 mothers). Predictors of the anxiety symptoms of children with CP, in order of importance, were the parents’ corona anxiety total score (β=0.324, p=0.003) and the parents’ depression total score (β=0.266, p=0.025). Only the parent’ CAS total score predicted the depressive symptoms of children with CP (β=0.365, p=0.001). Conclusion: Coronavirus anxiety of the parents was found to be the strongest predictor of anxiety and depression symptoms in children with CP. These results suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the mental health needs of both children with CP and their parents

    Relationship between BODE index, quality of life and inflammatory cytokines in COPD patients

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Recently a multidimensional grading system based on the body mass index (B), degree of airflow obstruction (O), dyspnea (D) and exercise capacity (E) - the BODE index - has begun to be used increasingly for the evaluation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. The aim of our study was to investigate the relationship between the BODE index and disease duration, annual exacerbation and hospitalization rates, health related quality of life and systemic inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-8. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 88 stable COPD patients we evaluated the body-mass index, pulmonary function tests, Modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale and six-minute walk test (6 MWT). BODE scores were determined. Disease duration, number of exacerbations and hospitalization in the previous year were recorded. We also performed arterial blood gases analysis, administered the St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and measured serum levels of CRP, TNF-α, IL-8. RESULTS: According to BODE score 52% of patients were BODE 1, 21% BODE 2, 15% BODE 3 and 12% were BODE 4. There was a significant relationship between BODE index and COPD stage as classified according to the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) (p < 0.001). Correlations between BODE score and disease duration (p = 0.011), number of exacerbations (p < 0.001) and hospitalizations (p < 0.001) in the last year were also observed. SGRQ symptom, activity, emotion scores and total scores were found to be significantly correlated to BODE (p < 0.001). Serum CRP levels and BODE were also correlated (p = 0.014); however, no correlation was found between serum levels of TNF-α and IL-8 and BODE. CONCLUSIONS: As the BODE index shows a strong correlation with various prognostic and follow up parameters of COPD and systemic inflammation, its use should be considered for the evaluation of COPD patients