9 research outputs found

    Osteoporozu olan yaşlı hastalarda kas iskelet sistemi ağrısı: Çok merkezli bir çalışma

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    Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı kas iskelet sistemi (KİS) yakınması ile başvuran yaşlı hastalar içerisinden osteoporozu (OP) olanları belirlemek, bu hastaların ağrıyan bölgelerinin dağılımını ve KİS hastalıklarına yönelik kullandıkları ilaçları değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Dokuz farklı şehirdeki polikliniklere ardı sıra başvuran 1141 hasta OP tanısına yönelik olarak tarandı. Hastaların yaşları, cinsiyetleri, kas iskelet sistemine dair başvuru yakınmaları, tanıları ve ilaç kullanımları kaydedildi. Bulgular: Yaş ortalaması 71,9±5,3 yıl olan 382 hastanın (341 kadın, 41 erkek) OP tanısı mevcuttu. Her iki cinste de hastaların en sık başvuru yakınmaları bel (%54,5) ve sırt ağrısı (%39,6) olarak belirlendi. Bunları sırasıyla diz, kalça, boyun ve omuz ağrısı takip ediyordu. OP’ye en sık eşlik eden tanılar arasında osteoartrit (%36), lomber spondiloz/stenoz (%21) ve servikal spondiloz/stenoz (%10) ilk sıralarda yer alıyordu. Hastaların kullanmakta olduğu ortalama ilaç sayısı 3±1,2 idi. OP tedavisine yönelik olarak en sık reçetelenen ilaçlar bifosfonatlardı (%59). KİS ağrıları için hastaların %46,6’sı non-steroidal antiinflamatuvar ilaçlar (sistemik ve/veya topikal), %24,6’sı ise parasetamol kullanıyordu. Sonuç: OP’si olan yaşlı hastalarda bel ağrısının altta yatan nedeninin açığa çıkarılması için tam bir fizik muayene yapılması çok önemlidir. Bununla birlikte, çoklu ilaç kullanımını en alt düzeye getirmek için farmakolojik olmayan yaklaşımların KİS hastalıklarının tedavisinde kullanılabileceği mutlaka akılda tutulmalıdır.Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the ones with osteoporosis (OP) in elderly patients presenting with musculoskeletal complaints and to evaluate the distribution of region of pain and the medications used for the musculoskeletal disease(s) in these patients. Materials and Methods: 1141 elderly patients who were consecutively admitted to the outpatient clinics in nine different provinces were screened for the diagnosis of OP Age, gender, complaints, diagnosis and current . medications related to musculoskeletal system disorder(s) were recorded. Results: 382 elderly (341 female, 41 male) with a mean age of 71.9±5.3 years had the diagnosis of OP Low (54.5%) and upper back (39.6%) . pain were the most common complaints in both sexes. These were followed by knee, hip, cervical and shoulder pain, respectively. Osteoarthritis (36%), lumbar (21%) and cervical spondylosis/stenosis (10%) were the most common musculoskeletal diseases accompanying OP The mean number of drugs used was 3.0±1.2. The most commonly . prescribed anti-osteoporotic agents were bisphosphonates (59%). For the musculoskeletal pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (systemic and/or topical) were used in 46.6% and paracetamol in 24.6% of patients. Conclusion: It is crucial to perform a thorough physical examination to reveal the underlying cause of back pain in elderly osteoporotic patients. Besides, in order to minimize polypharmacy, it should be kept in mind that non-pharmacological approaches can be used for the management of musculoskeletal diseases

    ERS international virtual congress 2021: Highlights from the Turkish thoracic society early career members

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    This review aimed to highlight some important points derived from the presentations of the European Respiratory Society 2021 Virtual International Congress by a committee formed by the Early Career Task Group of the Turkish Thoracic Society. We summarized a wide range of topics including current developments of respiratory diseases and provided an overview of important and striking topics of the congress. Our primary motivation was to give some up-to-date information and new developments discussed during congress especially for the pulmonologists who did not have a chance to follow the congress. This review also committed an opportunity to get an overview of the newest data in the diverse fields of respiratory medicine such as post-coronavirus disease 2019, some new interventional and technologic developments related to respiratory health, and new treatment strategies

    Perceived Need for Mental Health Services Among Healthcare Workers During the Coronavirus disease-19 Pandemic in Turkey: A Multicenter Cross-sectional Study.

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    Background: The coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic has contributed to work-related psychosocial risks in healthcare workers.Aims: To evaluate the perceived need for mental health services and related factors in Turkish healthcare workers practicing in pandemic hospitals.Study Design: Cross-sectional study.Methods: Data were collected from face-to-face interviews with healthcare workers at 19 pandemic hospitals in 13 provinces between September and November 2021. The study survey included the evaluation of the perceived need for and utilization of mental health services in the previous year, as well as sociodemographic, health-related, and work-related characteristics, the General Health Questionnaire-12, the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQoL-BREF) questionnaire, and the Fear of coronavirus disease-2019 scale (FCV-19S).Results: Of 1,556 participants, 522 (33.5%) reported a perceived need for mental health services, but only 133 (8.5%) reported receiving these services. Multiple logistic regression analysis of the perceived need for mental health services revealed significant relationships with lower age, female sex, being a current smoker, having a chronic disease, having a mental disorder, coronavirus disease-2019 contact within the last three months in settings other than the home or workplace, a positive coronavirus disease-2019 vaccination history, being a physician, being a non-physician healthcare professional, and coronavirus disease-2019 contact within the last three months at work. After adjustment for these characteristics, higher General Health Questionnaire-12 and FCV-19S scores and lower WHOQoL-BREF domain scores were related to the perceived need for mental health services in logistic regression analyses.Conclusion: The findings indicate a substantial need for mental health services amongst Turkish healthcare workers during the pandemic and outline participants' characteristics regarding high-priority groups for the intervention. Future research may focus on developing actions and evaluating their efficiency