133 research outputs found

    EIF4B (eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B)

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    Review on eIF4B, with data on DNA/RNA, on the protein encoded and where the gene is implicated

    Beta diversity patterns reveal positive effects of farmland abandonment on moth communities

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    Farmland abandonment and the accompanying natural succession are largely perceived as unwanted amongst many European conservationists due to alleged negative effects on biodiversity levels. Here, we test this assumption by analysing alpha, beta and gamma diversity patterns of macro-moth communities in habitats on an ecological succession gradient, from extensively managed meadows to scrub-encroached and wooded sites. Macro-moths were light-trapped at 84 fixed circular sampling sites arranged in a semi-nested design within the National Park of Peneda-Gerês, NW-Portugal. In total, we sampled 22825 individuals belonging to 378 species. Alpha, beta and gamma diversity patterns suggest that farmland abandonment is likely to positively affect both overall macro-moth diversity and forest macro-moth diversity, and to negatively affect species diversity of non-forest macro-moth species. Our results also show that spatial habitat heterogeneity is important to maintain gamma diversity of macromoths, especially for rare non-forest species and habitat specialistsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Remodelling of a polypyrimidine tract-binding protein complex during apoptosis activates cellular IRESs.

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    Post-transcriptional control of gene expression is mediated by the interaction of RNA-binding proteins with their cognate mRNAs that specifically regulate their stability, localization and translation. mRNA-binding proteins are multifunctional and it has been proposed therefore that a combinatorial RNA-binding protein code exists that allows specific protein sub-complexes to control cytoplasmic gene expression under a range of pathophysiological conditions. We show that polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) is central to one such complex that forms in apoptotic cells. Thus, during apoptosis initiated by TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand there is a change in the repertoire of RNA-binding proteins with which PTB interacts. We show that altering the cellular levels of PTB and its binding partners, either singly or in combination, is sufficient to directly change the rates of apoptosis with increased expression of PTB, YBX1, PSF and NONO/p54(nrb) accelerating this process. Mechanistically, we show that these proteins post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression, and therefore apoptotic rates, by interacting with and stimulating the activity of RNA elements (internal ribosome entry segments) found in mRNAs that are translated during apoptosis. Taken together, our data show that PTB function is controlled by a set of co-recruited proteins and importantly provide further evidence that it is possible to dictate cell fate by modulating cytoplasmic gene expression pathways alone

    A ribosome-related signature in peripheral blood CLL B cells is linked to reduced survival following treatment.

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    We have used polysome profiling coupled to microarray analysis to examine the translatome of a panel of peripheral blood (PB) B cells isolated from 34 chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) patients. We have identified a 'ribosome-related' signature in CLL patients with mRNAs encoding for ribosomal proteins and factors that modify ribosomal RNA, e.g. DKC1 (which encodes dyskerin, a pseudouridine synthase), showing reduced polysomal association and decreased expression of the corresponding proteins. Our data suggest a general impact of dyskerin dysregulation on the translational apparatus in CLL and importantly patients with low dyskerin levels have a significantly shorter period of overall survival following treatment. Thus, translational dysregulation of dyskerin could constitute a mechanism by which the CLL PB B cells acquire an aggressive phenotype and thus have a major role in oncogenesis

    Sää- ja ilmastoriskit Suomessa - Kansallinen arvio

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    Tähän raporttiin on koottu ajantasainen arvio sään ja ilmaston aiheuttamista riskeistä eri toimialoille Suomessa. Arviossa otettiin huomioon sekä muuttuvan ilmaston että yhteiskunnallisen kehityksen vaikutus riskin muodostumiseen nykyhetkessä ja tulevaisuudessa. Sää- ja ilmastoriskejä pyrittiin hahmottamaan vaaratekijän (riskiä aiheuttava sääilmiö), altistumisen (riskin kohteen sijainti) ja haavoittuvuuden (riskin kohteen ominaisuudet) yhdistelmänä. Sääilmiöt aiheuttavat Suomessa riskejä jo nykyilmastossa. Muun muassa rajuilmat, helleaallot ja rankkasateet aiheuttavat taloudellisia ja terveydellisiä vaikutuksia sekä yleistä haittaa. Tulevaisuudessa riskit muuttuvat ilmastonmuutoksen muuttaessa haitallisia sääilmiöitä. Ilmastonmuutos tuo vähitellen kasvavia riskejä erityisesti ekosysteemeille ja infrastruktuurille. Muualla maailmalla tapahtuvat ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset voivat heijastua epäsuorasti Suomeen globaalien tavara-, energia-, raha- ja ihmisvirtojen kautta. Näiden riskien systemaattinen arviointi on vasta aloitettu. Raportin tavoitteena on tukea yhteiskunnan riskeihin varautumista ja ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumista eri hallinnon tasoilla ja toimialoilla. Arvio perustuu pääosin kirjallisuudesta löytyviin tutkimuksiin ja selvityksiin sekä asiantuntija-arvioihin. Työ tehtiin “Sää- ja ilmastoriskien arviointi ja toimintamallit” (SIETO)- hankkeessa vuosina 2017–2018

    Cholesterol Induces Specific Spatial and Orientational Order in Cholesterol/Phospholipid Membranes

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    In lipid bilayers, cholesterol facilitates the formation of the liquid-ordered phase and enables the formation of laterally ordered structures such as lipid rafts. While these domains have an important role in a variety of cellular processes, the precise atomic-level mechanisms responsible for cholesterol's specific ordering and packing capability have remained unresolved

    Cholesterol Induces Specific Spatial and Orientational Order in Cholesterol/Phospholipid Membranes

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    In lipid bilayers, cholesterol facilitates the formation of the liquid-ordered phase and enables the formation of laterally ordered structures such as lipid rafts. While these domains have an important role in a variety of cellular processes, the precise atomic-level mechanisms responsible for cholesterol's specific ordering and packing capability have remained unresolved

    A Retrospective Overview of Enterovirus Infection Diagnosis and Molecular Epidemiology in the Public Hospitals of Marseille, France (1985–2005)

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    Human enteroviruses (HEV) are frequent human pathogens and, associated in particular with large outbreaks of aseptic meningitis. Here, we have compiled a database of clinical HEV isolates from the Public Hospitals of Marseille, from 1985 to 2005. Amongst 654 isolates that could be characterized by complete sequencing of the VP1 gene, 98% belonged to species HEV-B; the most frequently isolated serotypes were Echovirus E30, E11, E7, E6 and E4. The high incidence of E30 and the recent emergence of E13 are consistent with reports worldwide and peak HEV isolation occurred mostly in the late spring and summer months. The proportion of echoviruses has decreased across the years, while that of coxsackieviruses has increased. Stool (the most frequent sample type) allowed detection of all identified serotypes. MRC5 (Human lung fibroblasts) cell line was the most conducive cell line for HEV isolation (84.9% of 10 most common serotype isolates, 96.3% in association with BGM (Buffalo green monkey kidney cells)). Previous seroneutralization-based serotype identification demonstrated 55.4% accuracy when compared with molecular VP1 analysis. Our analysis of a large number of clinical strains over 20 years reinforced the validity of VP1 serotyping and showed that comparative p-distance scores can be coupled with phylogenetic analysis to provide non-ambiguous serotype identification. Phylogenetic analysis in the VP1, 2C and 3D regions also provided evidence for recombination events amongst clinical isolates. In particular, it identified isolates with dissimilar VP1 but almost identical nonstructural regions