262 research outputs found

    Employee empowerment, equality plans and job satisfaction: an empirical analysis of the demand-control model.

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    The paper investigates the effects of individual employees' empowerment on different forms of job satisfaction in British workplaces while controlling for the presence of job demands and whether these effects depend on the presence of an equality plan in the workplace. The demand-control model that the authors test proposes that imbalances between the demands placed on employees and the control they have in their job negatively affect employee well-being and health. Control may also be strengthened, and demands mitigated, by effective equality policies. This study looks at nine forms of job satisfaction and examines the individual effects of job demands, job control, the interaction of control and demands and their joint effects with equality plans. The study uses matched employee–employer British data from the 2011 Workplace Employment Relations Survey (WERS). The authors conduct principal component analysis (PCA) and logit estimations and estimate a recursive simultaneous bivariate probit model. Employee empowerment, or job control, is a key predictor of job satisfaction, and job demands are negatively associated with various aspects of job satisfaction. The presence of equality plans strengthens the positive effects of job control and mitigates the detrimental effects of job demands. Consistent with the demand-control model, employees are more likely to be satisfied in low strain jobs (jobs with low demands and high control) than in high strain jobs (jobs with high demands and low control). Employees in passive jobs (jobs with low demand and low control) on the other hand are less likely to be satisfied with achievement and influence than employees in low strain job. Much of the empirical literature has focused on collective empowerment practices and none has tested the demand-control model. This paper adds to the literature on employee empowerment practices with a focus on individualised job control and the way its effects interact with equality plans. In the process, the authors provide novel and rigorous empirical evidence on an extended version of the demand-control model

    Diversité des élÚves, des enseignants et diversification des pratiques

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    Le centre Alain-Savary de l’Institut national de recherche pĂ©dagogique (INRP) est « un centre de ressources sur les pratiques Ă©ducatives et sociales en milieux difficile ». GrĂące aux apports cumulatifs de recherches d’horizons disciplinaires diffĂ©rents, il contribue Ă  la comprĂ©hension, l’analyse et la diffusion de pratiques et dispositifs visant Ă  amĂ©liorer la scolaritĂ© de tous les Ă©lĂšves. L’expression « milieux difficiles », inscrite dans l’acte de naissance du centre, a suscitĂ© beaucoup de ..

    L’émergence du fĂ©minin en AmĂ©rique Latine et la modernisation de l’État

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    Cet essai signale la parution d’un ouvrage important qui renouvelle l’histoire politique des pays de langue espagnole formant le CĂŽne Sud de l’AmĂ©rique latine. Par son sujet : le premier fĂ©minisme se dĂ©finissant comme tel, apparu en Argentine, Chili et Uruguay vers 1880. Et par son auteur Ă  laquelle on doit plusieurs synthĂšses pionniĂšres qui ont lĂ©gitimĂ© le champ de l’histoire des femmes dans cette partie du monde. Replaçant cette histoire dans le contexte des autres fĂ©minismes du monde occidental de la premiĂšre moitiĂ© du XXe siĂšcle, l’auteur relĂšve la conjonction opĂ©rĂ©e entre des femmes se donnant une « mission sociale » et le projet modernisateur d’un État, ainsi que la spĂ©cificitĂ© propre Ă  chaque processus - personnalitĂ©s fĂ©ministes les plus fortes en Argentine, lĂ©gislation la plus avancĂ©e en Uruguay, mise en place de politiques publiques pour la « diade mĂšre-enfant » les plus durables au Chili.This essay recognizes a major contribution to rethinking the political history of Latin America’s Southern Cone - one important because it addresses the first feminism defining itself as such in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay from about 1880 and because the author’s various ploneering works have legitimized the field of women’s history in this region. Relocating this history in the context of other feminisms of the Western world in the first half of the XXth century, the essay highlights the conjunction between women with a « social mission » and the modernization of the State as well as distinctive national patterns - strong feminist personalities in Argentina, advanced legislation in Uruguay, implementation of durable public policies for the « mother and child dyad » in Chile

    Horizontal Mergers with Capital Adjustment: Workers' Cooperatives and the Merger Paradox

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    We study the incentives towards horizontal merger among firms when the amount of capital is the strategic variable. We focus on workers' cooperatives, but our conclusions apply also to employment\u2010constrained profit maximizers. Within a simple oligopoly model, we prove that the horizontal merger, for any merger size, is: (i) privately efficient for insiders as well as for outsiders; (ii) socially efficient if market size is large enough, even in the case of merger to monopoly

    A qualitative study of diverse providers' behaviour in response to commissioners, patients and innovators in England: research protocol

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    INTRODUCTION: The variety of organisations providing National Health Service (NHS)-funded services in England is growing. Besides NHS hospitals and general practitioners (GPs), they include corporations, social enterprises, voluntary organisations and others. The degree to which these organisational types vary, however, in the ways they manage and provide services and in the outcomes for service quality, patient experience and innovation, remains unclear. This research will help those who commission NHS services select among the different types of organisation for different tasks. RESEARCH QUESTIONS: The main research questions are how organisationally diverse NHS-funded service providers vary in their responsiveness to patient choice, NHS commissioning and policy changes; and their patterns of innovation. We aim to assess the implications for NHS commissioning and managerial practice which follow from these differences. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Systematic qualitative comparison across a purposive sample (c.12) of providers selected for maximum variety of organisational type, with qualitative studies of patient experience and choice (in the same sites). We focus is on NHS services heavily used by older people at high risk of hospital admission: community health services; out-of-hours primary care; and secondary care (planned orthopaedics or ophthalmology). The expected outputs will be evidence-based schemas showing how patterns of service development and delivery typically vary between different organisational types of provider. ETHICS, BENEFITS AND DISSEMINATION: We will ensure informants' organisational and individual anonymity when dealing with high profile case studies and a competitive health economy. The frail elderly is a key demographic sector with significant policy and financial implications. For NHS commissioners, patients, doctors and other stakeholders, the main outcome will be better knowledge about the relative merits of different kinds of healthcare provider. Dissemination will make use of strategies suggested by patient and public involvement, as well as DH and service-specific outlets

    La vie inimitable: dans les maquis du TriĂšves et du Vercors en 1943 et 1944

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    International audienceLa vie inimitable is the history of a group of partisan fighters in the Alps during the Second World War as told by one of them and here published for the first time. Yves PĂ©rotin describes the formation and organization of three partisan camps — in TriĂšves, then in Vercors-north, and finally in Vercors-south — that were successively destroyed by German units and then reorganized by survivors and others, between August 1943 and July 1944. Following the Allied landing in Normandy on June 6, 1944, the last camp took part in the uprising of the Vercors in open warfare with the German army that had taken control of the massif July 23. The narrative ends in September 1944 when PĂ©rotin and his companions are integrated into the First Free French Division, with which they liberated Alsace.Beyond the story of dramatic events, the book is an evocative eyewitness account of the precarious wandering life of the partisans and their evolution between 1943 and 1944; it depicts the fraternal ties woven among some twenty individuals who would finish the war together and the singular culture they shared.After beginning to draft La vie inimitable while still in the army, Yves PĂ©rotin finished his manuscript after resuming his graduate studies, in 1946. Almost seventy years later, Anne PĂ©rotin-Dumon prepared a critical edition. This includes an introduction about the author and the general context of the war; 570 endnotes that clarify terms, individuals, allusions and references within the narrative; 50 photos, maps, and a succinct chronology; and two annexes of later texts. In one Yves PĂ©rotin describes his experience as part of the early student Resistance before joining the armed partisans and in the other the sociological contours of the camps of which he had been part.La Vie inimitable est l’histoire d’un groupe de maquisards dans les Alpes pendant la DeuxiĂšme Guerre mondiale, racontĂ©e par l’un d’eux et publiĂ©e ici pour la premiĂšre fois. Yves PĂ©rotin relate la formation et l’organisation de trois camps —dans le TriĂšves, puis le Vercors-nord et enfin le Vercors-sud —successivement dĂ©truits par des unitĂ©s allemandes, dont les survivants se sont chaque fois regroupĂ©s et rĂ©organisĂ©s avec d’autres, entre aoĂ»t 1943 et juillet 1944. Le dernier camp a pris part au soulĂšvement du Vercors dans l’enthousiasme du dĂ©barquement alliĂ© de Normandie le 6 juin 1944 puis, en juin, Ă  la guerre ouverte contre l’armĂ©e allemande qui le 23 juillet a investi le massif. Le rĂ©cit prend fin en septembre 1944 quand PĂ©rotin et ses compagnons sont intĂ©grĂ©s dans la 1re Division française libre avec laquelle ils libĂšreront l’Alsace. Par-delĂ  le rĂ©cit d’évĂ©nements dramatiques, le livre est un tĂ©moignage prĂ©cis et Ă©vocateur de la vie errante et prĂ©caire dans les maquis et leur Ă©volution entre 1943 et 1944; il dĂ©peint les liens fraternels tissĂ©s entre une vingtaine d’individus qui finiront ensemble la guerre et la culture singuliĂšre qui a Ă©tĂ© la leur. Yves PĂ©rotin a commencĂ© Ă  rĂ©diger La Vie inimitable alors qu'il Ă©tait encore dans l'armĂ©e et a achevĂ© le manuscrit une fois de retour Ă l'École des Chartes, en 1946. PrĂšs de soixante-dix ans aprĂšs, Anne PĂ©rotin-Dumon en a Ă©tabli l’édition critique. Celle-ci comporte une introduction sur l’auteur et le contexte gĂ©nĂ©ral de la guerre, 570 notes qui Ă©clairent les termes, individus, allusions et rĂ©fĂ©rences Ă©maillant le rĂ©cit, plus de 50 photos, des cartes, une chronologie succincte ainsi que deux textes en annexe. Dans le premier, Yves PĂ©rotin tĂ©moigne de son expĂ©rience de rĂ©sistant avant le maquis; dans le second, il dĂ©gage les contours sociologiques des camps auxquels il a appartenu

    Presentation of Tools Helping to Set a Preservation Target for Displaying Light Sensitive Collection items

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    Relationships between color production, color rendering of indigenous American textiles and their historical, ethnological, social, symbolic, aesthetic meanings, were presented during the conference. This paper explores the subject of color stability in relation to preservation issues that become critical through display under museum or gallery conditions. The paper reviews the definitions and relationships between important concepts pertaining to lighting decisions for sensitive artifacts, such as damage function, “Preservation Target”, value function, color rendering and light-induced color change (terms to be explained, below). Recently developed tools in the conservation field and explorative approaches that can help in the design of an appropriate lighting policy for sensitive collection items are presented. Use of the microfade tester to assess the light sensitivity of collection items is described. The paper also describes how microfadotesting results can be used in combination with innovative visual tools based on model rendering of color in order to facilitate a decision on the establishment of the “Preservation Target” for a given collection item. Setting a Preservation Target is key to designing the appropriate lighting policy for sensitive collection items. In parallel, appropriate lighting policies strive to optimize the collection items perceived value by allowing viewers to experience it in the museum context, while minimizing risk of light induced degradation
