184 research outputs found

    Biomass partitioning and gas exchange parameters in different Musa cultivars as influenced by natural shade

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    Poster presented at Tropentag 2011 Development on the Margin. Bonn (Germany), 3-7 Oct 2011

    A possible Carmen Latinvm epigraphicvm in a sepulchral inscription of the ager dianensis (Pedreguer, Alicante)

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    Nueva edición y análisis de un fragmento de inscripción sepulcral que, por el léxico y habida cuenta de la tradición de la poesía sepulcral, parece corresponder a un carmen Latinum epigraphicum.New edition and analysis of a fragment of funerary inscription. For the lexicon and the tradition of sepulchral poetry it seems to correspond to a carmen Latinum epigraphicum

    The response of Musa cultivar root systems to a tree shade gradient

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    Poster presented at Tropentag 2011 - Development on the Margin. Bonn (Germany), 3-7 Oct 2011

    Towards Visualisation and Analysis of Runtime Variability in Execution Time of Business Information Systems based on Product Lines

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    There is a set of techniques that build Business Information Systems (BIS) deploying business processes of the company directly on a process engine. Business processes of companies are continuously changing in order to adapt to changes in the environment. This kind of variability appears at runtime, when a business subprocess is enabled or disabled. To the best of our knowledge, there exists only one approach able to represent properly runtime variability of BIS using Software Product Lines (SPL), namely, Product Evolution Model (PEM). This approach manages the variability by means of a SPL where each product represents a possible evolution of the system. However, although this approach is quite valuable, it does not provide process engineers with the proper support for improving the processes by visualising and analysing execution-time (non-design) properties taking advantage of the benefits provided by the use of SPL. In this paper, we present our first steps towards solving this problem. The contribution of this paper is twofold: on the one hand, we provide a visualisation dashboard for execution-traces based on the use of UML 2.0 timing diagrams, that uses the PEM approach; on the other hand, we provide a conceptual framework that shows a roadmap of the future research needed for analysing execution-time properties of this kind of systems. Thus, due the use of SPL, our approach opens the possibility for evaluating specific conditions and properties of a business process that current approaches do not cover.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) TIN2006-0047

    ODEWiki: A Semantic Wiki That Interoperates with the ODESeW Semantic Portal

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    We present ODEWiki, a technology for the development of Semantic Wikis, which has a combined set of added-value features over other existing semantic wikis in the state of the art. Namely, ODEWiki interoperates with an existing semantic portal technology (ODESeW), it manages inconsistencies raised because of the distributed nature of knowledge base development and maintenance, it uses RDFa for the annotation of the resulting wiki pages, it follows a WYSIWYG approach, and it allows decoupling wiki pages and ontology instances, that is, a wiki page may contain one or several ontology instances. Although some of these features appear in some of the state-of-the-art semantic wikis, but they are not combined together in a single solution

    Producción de chiltoma (Capsicum annuum L.), mediante la aplicación de microorganismo eficaces y biofertilizante. Siuna, 2009

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    Este estudio se realizó en la ciudad de Siuna en el año 2009, con el propósito de evaluar los microorganismos eficaces y biofertilizante en la producción de capsicum annuum L. sobre la base de un diseño completamente al azar (DCA) univariado, con cuatro tratamiento y cuatro repeticiones en un área experimental de 121 m2 Las variables evaluadas fueron: número de fruto por planta, largo del fruto (cm) y diámetro del fruto (cm). Los datos fueron analizados mediante el uso de la prueba F de Fisher para el análisis de varianza y, en aquellos casos en que la prueba de F resultó significativa, se utilizó la prueba de Tukey para determinar el tratamiento o tratamientos más eficaces según las variables evaluadas durante tres cosechas consecutivas. El peso promedio del fruto (libras) de chiltoma en los tres tratamiento durante las tres cosechas, se destaca el biofertilizante con los mayores promedios productivos x=28.22 los otros tratamientos promediaron: microorganismos de montaña, x=16.01, capturador de bacterias x=15.58 y el control x=16.24 De acuerdo con el análisis estadístico realizado para un nivel de significancia a = 0.05 y a = 0.01, el biofertilizante (T3) mostró una alta significancia en su producción promedio en las tres cosechas (2709 frutos), mayor longitud (7.68cm) y diámetros del fruto (3.40cm) que los tratamientos capturador de bacterias (1496 frutos), microorganismos de mantaña liquido (1537 frutos) y el testigo (1559 frutos). En términos de rentabilidad, por cada córdoba invertido en el cultivo de Chiltoma, se obtuvieron los siguientes porcentajes por tratamiento: Testigo 8.8 biofertilizante 8.2, capturador de bacteria 8.01 y el de menor rentabilidad se obtuvo el microorganismo de montaña liquido (3.95). El tratamiento más eficaz fue el biofertilizante, este generó los mejores resultados productivos, frutos de mayor diámetro y longitud por ende, frutos de mayor calidad. Esto significa que, es rentable cultivar chiltoma, aun con cualquiera de estos tratamientos, sin embargo en términos de calidad del fruto y cuando se hace una proyección a un área mayor a la del experimento el biofertilizante T3, es el más rentable y el que produce frutos mayor longitud y diámetro

    Multistage and adaptive sampling protocols combined with near-infrared spectral sensors for automated monitoring of raw materials in bulk

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    A near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy-based real-time monitoring system is proposed to sample and analyse agro-industrial raw materials transported in bulk in a single stage, easing and optimising the evaluation process of incoming lots at reception of agri-food plants. NIR analysis allows rapid and cost-effective analytical results to be obtained, and hence to rethink current sampling protocols. For this purpose, multistage and adaptive sampling designs were tested in this paper, which have been reported (in soil science and ecology) to be more flexible and efficient than conventional strategies to study patterns of clustering or patchiness, which can be the result of natural phenomena. The additional spatial information provided by NIR has also been exploited, using geostatistical analysis to model the spatial pattern of key analytical constituents in Processed Animal Proteins (PAPs). This study addresses the assessment of two kinds of quality/safety issues in PAP lots – moisture accumulation and cross-contamination. After a simulation study, qualitative and quantitative analyses were carried out to make a performance comparison between sampling designs. Results show that sampling densities below 10–15% demonstrated higher estimation errors, failing to represent the actual spatial patterns, while a stratified adaptive cluster sampling design achieved the best performance

    Performance comparison of sampling designs for quality and safety control of raw materials in bulk: a simulation study based on NIR spectral data and geostatistical analysis

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    This study exploits the potential of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to deliver a measurement for each sampling point. Furthermore, it provides a protocol for the modelling of the spatial pattern of analytical constituents. On the basis of these two aspects, the methodology proposed in this work offers an opportunity to provide a real-time monitoring system to evaluate raw materials, easing and optimising the existing procedures for sampling and analysing products transported in bulk. In this paper, Processed Animal Proteins (PAPs) were selected as case study, and two types of quality/safety issues were tested in PAP lots —induced by moisture and cross-contamination. A simulation study, based on geostatistical analysis and the use of a set of sampling protocols, made a qualitative analysis possible to compare the representation of the spatial surfaces produced by each design. Moreover, the Root Mean Square Error of Prediction (RMSEP), calculated from the differences between the analytical values and the geostatistical predictions at unsampled locations, was used to measure the performance in each case. Results show the high sensitivity of the process to the sampling plan used — understood as the sampling design plus the sampling intensity. In general, a gradual decrease in the performance can be observed as the sampling intensity decreases, so that unlike for higher intensities, the too low ones resulted in oversmoothed surfaces which did not manage to represent the actual distribution. Overall, Stratified and Simple Random samplings achieved the best results in most cases. This indicated that an optimal balance between the design and the intensity of the sampling plan is imperative to perform this methodology

    Toma decisiones del padre en la realización del parto en el domicilio

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    Objective. This work sought to inquire on the father's role on the decision making regarding home birth from the perspective of both partners. Methodology. The design was ethnographic of qualitative nature, conducted in the province of Alicante, Spain. A total of 11 couples participated voluntarily in the study. To gather the data, the following techniques were used: two life stories, five narrations, and in-depth interviews of all the study participants. The data obtained were analyzed with the ATLAS-ti v6.2 software. Results. Four fundamental categories were obtained: father's attitude, role performed, influencing factors, and perception of the woman. Theproposal to carry out the delivery at home tends to be made by the woman, but its decision is made jointly. This decision is influenced by different factors, like: good evolution of the pregnancy, accompaniment by a professional, and the couple's beliefs on the delivery. The fathers consider they must be respectful of the woman's decision and accompany them during the whole process; the women are comforted by their unconditional support and accompaniment, considering it essential. Conclusion. The father's role is fundamental in the planned decision of having a home birth; a decision discussed and mediated by the couple in which their fears and beliefs are determinant in their decision. The woman has her partner's support to implement her decision.Objetivo. Indagar acerca del papel del padre en la toma de decisiones sobre el parto domiciliario desde la perspectiva de ambos miembros de la pareja. Metodología. Diseño de carácter cualitativo de corte etnográfico realizado en la provincia de Alicante, España. Un total de once parejas participaron de forma intencional en el estudio. Para la recogida de datos se optó por las siguientes técnicas: dos historias de vida, cinco relatos y entrevistas en profundidad a todos los participantes del estudio. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron con el software ATLAS-ti v6.2. Resultados. Se obtuvieron cuatro categorías fundamentales: actitud del padre, rol desempeñado, factores que influyen y percepción de la mujer. La propuesta de realizar el parto en el domicilio suele ser planteada por la mujer, pero la decisión se realiza de forma conjunta. En la misma influyen distintos factores como la buena evolución del embarazo, el acompañamiento de un profesional y las creencias de estas parejas sobre el parto. Las parejas consideran que deben ser respetuosos con la decisión de la mujer y acompañarlas durante todo el proceso; las mujeres se sienten reconfortadas por el apoyo incondicional y el acompañamiento, los cuales consideran imprescindible. Conclusión. El rol del padre es fundamental en la decisión planificada de realizar un parto en el domicilio. Se trata de una decisión discutida y meditada por la pareja, en la que los miedos y las creencias de ambos son determinantes. La mujer cuenta con el apoyo de su pareja para poder llevar a cabo su decisión