51 research outputs found
Lumbalgia y ejercicio físico
La lumbalgia es un problema que se caracteriza por su alta prevalencia en la población, de hecho hasta el 80% de la población lo padece al menos una vez en la vida En cerca del 90% de los casos no se encuentra ningún tipo de lesión que justifique el proceso, por lo que el problema será catalogado como lumbalgia inespecífica. La lumbalgia tiene una gran trascendencia debido a sus grandes repercusiones económicas y sociales asociadas, ya que se ha convertido en una de las primeras causas de absentismo laboral. En la cronificación de la lumbalgia se produce una asociación entre factores musculares y psicosociales que favorecerán la cronificación e incapacidad asociada al proceso. El reposo está contraindicado, pues debilita y atrofia la musculatura de la espalda, debiéndose de restringir por este motivo a no más de 2-3 días y cuando sea absolutamente necesario. Por el contrario, el ejercicio físico ha demostrado su eficacia a la hora de proteger contra la lumbalgia, contra el dolor asociado a la misma, de favorecer la recuperación en los procesos que se han cronificado, disminuir las recidivas, el número de días de baja laboral y ayudar en el tratamiento de los componentes psicológicos asociados a la lumbalgia crónica. En las personas aquejadas de lumbalgia crónica hay una pérdida en la fuerza del tronco, flexibilidad del tronco y capacidad cardiovascular, por lo que una terapia de ejercicios adecuada debería de tener en cuenta estos tres parámetros, ya que los buenos resultados que se pueden obtener indican la conveniencia de la misma. En relación a la frecuencia de entrenamiento muscular, de forma genérica una vez a la semana es suficiente para progresar y mantener los resultados obtenidos. Por último, en cuanto a la intensidad de dicho entrenamiento, es mejor entrenar con alta intensidad pues los resultados son mayores y más rápidos
Ameloblastoma mandibular: revisión de la literatura y presentación de seis casos
El ameloblastoma es un tumor odontogénico benigno de origen
epitelial sin inducción en el tejido conectivo. En el tratamiento
del mismo se debe valorar el tipo clínico (sólido y multiquístico,
uniquístico, periférico), la localización y el tamaño del tumor,
así como la edad del paciente. Recientemente se han publicado
algunos artículos con el fin de actualizar los conocimientos y
actitudes terapéuticas frente al ameloblastoma.
Se presentan seis casos de pacientes afectos de ameloblastomas
localizados en la mandíbula, tratados en los últimos siete años.
Se aportan datos acerca de su aparición clínica, sus características
histológicas, el manejo terapéutico realizado que consistió
en la extirpación de la lesión, fresado perilesional del hueso o
resección en bloque, según el tipo de ameloblastoma. Finalmente
analizamos el seguimiento y la aparición de recidivas en los
pacientes presentados.
El objetivo de este artículo es revisar los conceptos respecto al
ameloblastoma que se han publicado recientemente y valorar
su influencia en la actitud del clínico a la hora de actuar frente
a esta patología, tomando como punto de partida para ilustrar
está discusión la presentación de nuestra experiencia respecto
al ameloblastoma.Ameloblastoma is a benign odontogenic tumour of epithelial
origin without induction in the connective tissue. In treating this
type of tumour, it is important to assess the clinical type (solid,
multicystic, unicystic, peripheral), localisation, and size of the
tumour as well as age of the patient. Articles have recently been
published with the purpose of providing updated knowledge
and therapeutic approaches to ameloblastoma. We present six
cases of patients with localised mandibular ameloblastoma who
were treated during the last seven years. We present data on
clinical appearance, histological characteristics, and therapeutic
approach that was used, which included excision of the lesion,
perilesional drilling of the bone, or block resection, according
to the type of ameloblastoma. Lastly, we analysed follow-up
measures and the rate of recurrence in these patients. The aim of
this paper is to review the concepts relating to ameloblastoma
that have been published recently and to assess their influence on
the clinical attitude taken when facing this pathology, using our
experience with ameloblastoma as a starting point to illustrate
this discussion
Assessment of quality of life in oral cancer
Quality of life (QL) in oral cancer patients has become one of the most important parameters to consider in the diagnosis and post-treatment follow-up. The purpose of this article has been to review the papers published that study the QL in oral cancer patients, the different QL questionnaires used, the clinical results obtained, and the systematic revisions available in the indexed literature for the last 10 years. The term QL appears as a keyword in an increasing number of articles throughout the past 10 years; however, few studies focus on oral cancer. Most of them assess all head and neck cancers, which conform to a heterogeneous group with several different features depending on location (oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, hypopharynx, nasopharynx and salivary glands). Most studies evaluate QL in short periods of time, normally within the first year after the diagnosis. Series do not discern between different therapeutic options, and they generally center on Northern European or Northern American populations. There are few instruments translated and validated into Spanish that measure QL, a fundamental characteristic to link QL to own patients? socio-cultural parameters. Data related with QL are mostly related to patient (age, sex, co-morbidity), tumour (location, size), and treatment (surgical treatment, radiotherapy association, reconstruction, cervical dissection, and/or feeding tube). Nowadays QL?s assessment is considered an essential component of an oral cancer patient as well as the survival, morbidity and years free of disease. Although many aspects related to QL in oral cancer patients have been published throughout the past 10 years, more systematic research is needed to be able to apply it on a daily basis
Conservative management of dentigerous cysts in children
Purpose and Introduction: Dentigerous cysts are epithelial in origin and are the most commonly found cyst in
children. The majority of these lesions are usually a radiological finding and are capable of quite large before
being diagnosed. The standard treatment for these cysts is the enucleation and the extraction of the affected tooth.
However, if the patient is a child and the affected tooth is not developed, a more conservative attitude should be
Material and Methods: (Clinical case): A 7-year-old patient is presented with an eruptive backlog of the lower permanent first molars. Radiological examination reveals two radiolucid lesions in relation to them, which are compatible with a dentigerous cyst, and in relation to the inferior aveolar nerve and various germs. A partial enucleation
is carried out, maintaining all the dental germs related to the cyst in mouth and monitoring the patient until the case
study is over.
Results and Discussion: Diagnosis and early treatment of these lesions in children is of great importance, especially
in cases where the lesions enclose permanent teeth.
Conclusions: Whenever possible, a conservative attitude should be taken, one that allows for the maintenance of
the dentition and treatment of the associated cyst in order to not compromise either the occlusion or the mental state
of these patients
Cri du chat syndrome : a critical review
A new syndrome was identified in 1963, when Lejeune et al. reported a genetic disease resulting from a partial or total deletion on the short arm of chromosome 5 (5p-) and named it the cri du chat syndrome (CdCS). This term makes reference to the main clinical feature of the syndrome, a high-pitched monochromatic cat-like crying, that usually disappears in the first years of life. CdCS is one of the most common chromosomal deletion syndromes in humans, with an incidence of 1:15.000-1:50.000 live-births. Our purpose was to review different aspects of this syndrome (concept, epidemiology, aetiology, clinical features, diagnostic methods and prognosis) emphasizing both: the breakthrough in this field introduced by new cytogenetic and molecular techniques, and the orofacial manifestations most frequently reported. The main orofacial anomalies registered were mandibular microretrognathia, high palate but rarely cleft, variable malocclusion (frequently anterior open-bite), enamel hypoplasia, poor oral hygiene, generalized chronic periodontitis, and retardation of tooth eruption, although there is not enough evidence to support any clear association between these pathologies and the CdCS
Spanish Ketogenic Mediterranean diet: a healthy cardiovascular diet for weight loss
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ketogenic diets are an effective healthy way of losing weight since they promote a non-atherogenic lipid profile, lower blood pressure and decrease resistance to insulin with an improvement in blood levels of glucose and insulin. On the other hand, Mediterranean diet is well known to be one of the healthiest diets, being the basic ingredients of such diet the olive oil, red wine and vegetables. In Spain the fish is an important component of such diet. The objective of this study was to determine the dietary effects of a protein ketogenic diet rich in olive oil, salad, fish and red wine.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective study was carried out in 31 obese subjects (22 male and 19 female) with the inclusion criteria whose body mass index and age was 36.46 ± 2.22 and 38.48 ± 2.27, respectively. This Ketogenic diet was called "Spanish Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet" (SKMD) due to the incorporation of virgin olive oil as the principal source of fat (≥30 ml/day), moderate red wine intake (200–400 ml/day), green vegetables and salads as the main source of carbohydrates and fish as the main source of proteins. It was an unlimited calorie diet. Statistical differences between the parameters studied before and after the administration of the "Spanish Ketogenic Mediterranean diet" (week 0 and 12) were analyzed by paired Student's <it>t </it>test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was an extremely significant (p < 0.0001) reduction in body weight (108.62 kg→ 94.48 kg), body mass index (36.46 kg/m<sup>2</sup>→31.76 kg/m<sup>2</sup>), systolic blood pressure (125.71 mmHg→109.05 mmHg), diastolic blood pressure (84.52 mmHg→ 75.24 mmHg), total cholesterol (208.24 mg/dl→186.62 mg/dl), triacylglicerols (218.67 mg/dl→113.90 mg/dl) and glucose (109.81 mg/dl→ 93.33 mg/dl). There was a significant (p = 0.0167) reduction in LDLc (114.52 mg/dl→105.95 mg/dl) and an extremely significant increase in HDLc (50.10 mg/dl→54.57 mg/dl). The most affected parameter was the triacylglicerols (47.91% of reduction).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The SKMD is safe, an effective way of losing weight, promoting non-atherogenic lipid profiles, lowering blood pressure and improving fasting blood glucose levels. Future research should include a larger sample size, a longer term use and a comparison with other ketogenic diets.</p
Monitoring of cerebral autoregulaion during early mobilization owards personalization of post-stroke mobilization
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Biochemical, physiological, and performance response of a functional watermelon juice enriched in L-citrulline during a half-marathon race
Background: Watermelon is a rich natural source of l-citrulline. This non-essential amino acid increases exercise performance.
Objective: Evaluate the effect of Fashion watermelon juice enriched in l-citrulline (CWJ) (3.45 g per 500 mL) in physical performance and biochemical markers after a half-marathon race.
Design: A randomised, double blind, crossover design where 2 h after drinking 500 mL of CWJ or placebo (PLA, beverage without l-citrulline) amateur male runners performed two half-marathon races. Jump height, heart rate and rating of perceived exertion were evaluated before and after the races. Moreover, muscle soreness and plasma markers of muscle damage and metabolism were evaluated for 72 h after the races.
Results: Muscle soreness perception was significantly lower from 24 to 72 h after the race with CWJ beverage. Immediately after the races, runners under CWJ condition showed plasma lactate and glucose concentrations significantly lower and higher lactate dehydrogenase and l-arginine concentration than runners under PLA. A maintenance of jump heights after the races under CWJ supplementation was found, decreasing significantly with PLA.
Conclusion: A single Fashion watermelon juice enriched in l-citrulline dose diminished muscle soreness perception from 24 to 72 h after the race and maintained lower concentrations of plasma lactate after an exhausting exercise.Actividad Física y Deport
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