474 research outputs found

    On the reactivity of naphthalene and biphenyl dianions: tying up loose ends concerning an SN2-ET dichotomy in alkylation reactions

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    Naphthalene and biphenyl dianions are interesting compounds that can be obtained by double reduction of the corresponding arenes in solution with certain alkali metals. These dianions are highly reactive and rather elusive species with very high laying and highly delocalized electrons. They share many aspects of the reactivity of the alkali metal they originated from and consequently behave primarily as strong electron transfer (ET) reagents. We report here kinetic evidence for a different type of reactivity in their alkylation reactions with alkyl fluorides. By using cyclopropylmethyl fluoride (c-C3H5CH2F) as a very fast radical probe, we were able to settle that this alkylation does not involve the classical electron transfer reaction followed by radical coupling between diffusing radicals, but supports the alternative SN2 concerted mechanism, discerning thus this mechanistic SN2-ET dichotomy.This work was generously supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (CTQ2011-24165) and the Universidad de Alicante. IB thanks the Instituto de Síntesis Orgánica for financial support

    Relation between quantum advantage in supervised learning and quantum computational advantage

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    The widespread use of machine learning has raised the question of quantum supremacy for supervised learning as compared to quantum computational advantage. In fact, a recent work shows that computational and learning advantage are, in general, not equivalent, i.e., the additional information provided by a training set can reduce the hardness of some problems. This paper investigates under which conditions they are found to be equivalent or, at least, highly related. The existence of efficient algorithms to generate training sets emerges as the cornerstone of such conditions. These results are applied to prove that there is a quantum speed-up for some learning tasks based on the prime factorization problem, assuming the classical intractability of this problem

    Dareios, Clytaemestra and Polydorus, ghost characters in Greek tragedy with something to say

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    La tragedia griega conservada completa cuenta únicamente con tres personajes fantasmas con intervención hablada en la obra. A pesar de la influencia homérica, hay una concepción plenamente dramática del personaje y éste no es una visión onírica. Su presencia en las respectivas tragedias es fundamental: en Los persas Darío, convertido en héroe, da una explicación religiosa al desastre de Jerjes; en Euménides Clitemestra, con su aparición, contribuye a la asociación hombre-divinidad, haciendo que el problema humano planteado en la obra se transforme en un conflicto entre dioses; Polidoro, en Hécuba, da unidad a la tragedia y plantea una reflexión sobre cómo se muere, con o sin honor. La escasa presencia de personajes fantasmas en el teatro griego habla de la concepción filosófica occidental centrada en esta vida.The Greek tragedies that have been preserved in their entirety include only three ghost characters with speakings parts in the plays. In spite of Homeric influence, there is an completely dramatic conception of the character rather than presenting it as part of a dream. The presence of the ghost characters in the tragedies where they appear is fundamental: Dareios in The Persians, converted into a hero, provides a religious explanation for Xerxes’ defeat; in the Eumenides, Clytaemestra, with her spectre, contributes to the association between man and divinity, transforming the human problem raised in the play into a conflict between gods; Polydorus in Hecabe provides unity to the play and presents a relection on how a person dies with or without honour. The limited presence of ghost characters in the Greek Tragedy says much about the Western philosophical conception focused on this life

    Ulysses, the friend /enemy

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    Sófocles ha creado en el Ayante a un Ulises sabio, imagen del tema central que desarrolla la tragedia, la amistad / enemistad, que aparece en el prólogo, episodio segundo y éxodo, desarrollo de Il. VII 299-302. Ulises es capaz de transformar su enemistad (prólogo: escena 1ª) en amistad (éxodo) gracias a la compasión (prólogo: escena 3ª), adquirida a través del conocimiento. Ulises actúa con sophrosyne, medida en el comportamiento, que refleja, a su vez, la medida armónica que estructura la obraIn the Ajax, Sophocles has created a wise Ulysses, who mirrors the central subject of the tragedy, namely that of friendship / enmity (in the prologue, second episode and exodus), elaborated from Il. VII 299-302. Ulysses has the ability to transform his enmity (prologue: first scene) into friendship (exodus) thanks to the compassion that he acquires through knowledge (prologue: third scene). Ulysses acts with sophrosyne, in other words, to measure his behaviour. This also reflects the harmonic measure which structures the whole pla

    Quantum multiple hypothesis testing based on a sequential discarding scheme

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    We consider the quantum multiple hypothesis testing problem, focusing on the case of hypothesis represented by pure states. A sequential adaptive algorithm is derived and analyzed first. This strategy exhibits a decay rate in the error probability with respect to the expected value of measurements greater than the optimal decay rate of the fixed-length methods. A more elaborated scheme is developed next, by serially concatenating multiple implementations of the first scheme. In this case each stage considers as a priori hypothesis probability the a posteriori probability of the previous stage. We show that, by means of a fixed number of concatenations, the expected value of measurements to be performed decreases considerably. We also analyze one strategy based on an asymptotically large concatenation of the initial scheme, demonstrating that the expected number of measurements in this case is upper bounded by a constant, even in the case of zero average error probability. A lower bound for the expected number of measurements in the zero error probability setting is also derived.This work was supported in part by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, of the Spanish Government, under Grant RED2018-102668-T and Grant PID2019-104958RB-C41; in part by the Catalan Government under Grant 2017 SGR 578 AGAUR; and in part by the QuantumCAT within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Program of Catalunya under Grant 001-P-001644.Postprint (published version

    A Spanish Sign Language (LSE) Adaptation of the Communicative Development Inventories

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    This article presents the adaptation of the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory (CDI; Fenson et al., 1993, 1994) to Spanish Sign Language (LSE). Data were collected from 55 participants (32 boys and 23 girls; 17 deaf signers, 38 hearing signers) who, evaluated by their caregivers every four months, presented a total of 170 records. The parents reported the signs that the children could understand or produce between 8-36 months. Results suggested that the CDI adapted to LSE is a valid and reliable instrument. Signing children could understand more signs than they produced at this early developmental stage. There were no significant differences between boys and girls, or between deaf and hearing children. The development of LSE is similar to other sign languages, although with a lower production of signs in the early stages, perhaps due to the bilingualism of most of the children of our study.Se presenta la adaptación a la lengua de signos española (LSE) del Inventario de Desarrollo Comunicativo MacArthur (CDI; Fenson et al., 1993, 1994). Se recogieron datos de 55 participantes (32 niños y 23 niñas; 17 niños y niñas sordos signantes y 38 oyentes signantes), que, evaluados cada cuatro meses por sus cuidadores, representaron un total de 170 registros. Los padres y madres informaron de los signos que los niños podían producir o comprender entre los 8 y 36 meses. Los resultados sugieren que el CDI adaptado a la LSE es un instrumento válido y fiable. Los niños signantes podían entender más signos que producir en esta etapa del desarrollo temprano. No hubo diferencias significativas entre niños y niñas o entre niños sordos y oyentes. El desarrollo de la LSE es similar a otras lenguas de signos, aunque con una menor producción de signos en las etapas iniciales, quizás debido al bilingüismo de la mayoría de los niños del estudio.Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía (España), Proyectos de Excelencia (P11-SEJ-7417)

    Paths of recognition and emancipation in a theatrical experience with home-less people

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    Partiendo de un espectáculo teatral protagonizado por un grupo de personas en situación de vulnerabilidad social, este artículo discute críticamente tanto el proceso de creación colectiva de la obra como las reacciones que suscitó en el público, con el objetivo de debatir el potencial transformador de este tipo de experiencias en cuanto a la subjetividad ética y de deconstrucción de prejuicios sobre los colectivos que las protagonizan. El marco reflexivo lo constituye la noción de reconocimiento en la ética de Lévinas (1999), argumentándose que es precisamente la interacción (en este caso, entre público y elenco) la que vehicula la transformación ética de subjetividades y percepciones dialógicas. Asimismo, y dado que la experiencia estudiada es de naturaleza artística y educativa, se nutrirá el bagaje conceptual con autores como Brecht, Rancière o Adorno, que han contribuido notablemente al pensamiento sobre la función social del arte, interrogante fundamental en este estudio.Based on a theatrical performance starring a group of socially disadvantaged people, this article will critically analyse the process of collective creation of the play and the reactions it elicited from the audience. The objective of the contribution is to debate the transformative potential of this type of experiences in relation to the deconstruction of prejudices about the protagonists. The reflective framework is constituted by Lévinas’ (1999) notion of recognition in ethics, arguing that it is precisely the interaction (in this case, between audience and cast) the vehicle for the ethical transformation of subjectivities and dialogic perceptions. Furthermore, since the experience studied is of an artistic nature, the conceptual framework will be nourished by authors such as Brecht, Rancière and Adorno, who have contributed significantly to reflection on the social function of art, a fundamental question in this study

    Extrusión del componente plástico de la copa acetabular sin luxación protésica: a propósito de un caso

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    Se present a un caso de extrusión del component e plástic o (polietileno) ocurrido en el transcurso del primer me s del postoperatorio en un pacient e que había sufrido un recambio del component e acetabular. Se destaca el hecho de que cursase de forma asintomática y de que no se acompañase de luxación de la prótesis.A case of disassembly of the polyethylene component of the acetabular cup acurred in a patient one mouth after revision surgery for loosening of a screwed acetabular cup is reported. Special emphasis is made in the asyntomati c clinic and on the no association with dislocation of the femoral component

    A Correlational Predictive Study of Teacher Well-Being and Professional Success in Foreign Language Student Teachers

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    This research has been partly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Economy and Competitiveness as part of the Research and Development Project: A Study of theWellbeing of Language Teachers in the Context of the Challenges posed by Plurilinguism and Multicultural Classrooms, whose code is: EDU2013-44890-P.The teaching profession has an important emotional burden that, together with the erosion of different elements that compose it from continuous educational reform to the bad behavior and demotivation of students has led to many teachers experiencing physical and psychological illness or leaving the profession. Nevertheless, studies and interventions in this regard are still insufficient in the Spanish context. This situation also exponentially affects pre-service teachers, which according to numerous studies is the stage during which the diminishing of teacher well-being begins and consolidates. Within this panorama, with this study the authors pursue to determine which dimensions of teacher well-being are capable of predicting the professional success of 88 preservice primary education teachers who specialize in a foreign language so that they can be addressed in the training process. To this end, an ex post facto study was carried out correlating the following instruments: the Teacher Distress Questionnaire, the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire and the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educators Survey with an adaptation of the Rueda de la vida escolar sobre el éxito y la satisfacción laboral del docente (Wheel of school life on teacher success and job satisfaction). Multiple linear regression revealed that of all the variables studied for teacher well-being (intrinsic motivation, expectations about good professional performance, professional distress, professional exhaustion, irrational beliefs, emotional intelligence and burnout) only emotional intelligence and intrinsic motivation have the ability to predict the success of teachers in training in their future professional performance. This result is of paramount importance for reconsidering the training that teachers receive during their university stage, which currently and substantially prioritizes the cognitive component over psychosocial and emotional components.Spanish Government EDU2013-44890-

    The impact of corporate social responsibility on innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: The mediating role of debt terms and human capital

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    © 2021. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.2125The aim of this paper is to study the influence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) over small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) innovation and the effect of two mediating variables, debt terms and human capital. Based on a sample of 2825 Span ish SMEs and applying a structural equations modeling, the results demonstrate that the effect of CSR on innovation is mediated by debt terms and by good human resource practices. Part of the positive effect of CSR on innovation occurs through these two variables, which, alone, positively and significantly affect innovation in SMEs. Consequently, the positive effect of CSR practices on debt terms through a decrease in asymmetric information goes further, also having repercussions on inno vation. Additionally, the suitable development of human resource practices based on strategies oriented toward CSR allow companies to carry out greater and more effi cient innovative activities. This paper contributes to the CSR literature considering the human resource management and the debt access in the relationship between CSR and innovation. The findings reveal important implications for policy makers and managers. For the former, the results show that it would be interesting to carry out actions aimed at assisting SMEs, especially those with fewer resources available, to implement a suitable CSR strategy, supporting sustainable development in SMEs. And, for the latter, CSR-oriented innovation has proven to be a valuable strategy for more efficient SMEs management because of the multiple competitive advantages it generates