647 research outputs found

    Advanced Elastic Platforms for High Throughput Computing on Container-based and Serverless Infrastructures

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    [ES] El principal objetivo de esta tesis es ofrecer a los usuarios científicos un modo de crear y ejecutar aplicaciones sin servidor (i.e. serverless) altamente paralelas, dirigidas por eventos y orientadas al procesado de datos, tanto en proveedores en la nube públicos (e.g. AWS) como privados (e.g. OpenNebula, OpenStack). Para llevar a cabo dicho objetivo, se han desarrollado e integrado diferentes herramientas que ofrecen una vía para desplegar aplicaciones de computación de altas prestaciones basadas en contenedores, que además pueden beneficiarse de la alta escalabilidad presente en los entornos serverless. Primero se ha creado una herramienta que permite el despliegue de cargas de trabajo genéricas en el proveedor público AWS. Esta herramienta posibilita que se puedan aprovechar las funcionalidades de AWS Lambda (e.g. alta escalabilidad, computación basada en eventos) para el despliegue y la integración de aplicaciones computacionalmente intensivas que usan el modelo de funciones como servicio (FaaS). En segundo lugar se ha desarrollado un modelo de programación de alto rendimiento para el procesado de datos y orientado a eventos que permite a los usuarios desplegar flujos de trabajo como un conjunto de funciones serverless, a la vez que ofrece una gestión transparente de los datos. En tercer lugar, para poder superar los problemas presentes en los proveedores públicos (e.g. tiempo de ejecución limitado), se ha creado una plataforma que facilita el uso del modelo FaaS en infraestructuras privadas. Esta plataforma también puede ser desplegada automáticamente en distintos proveedores públicos de la nube. Finalmente, para comprobar y validar las diferentes herramientas y plataformas desarrolladas, se han probado diferentes casos de uso con interés tanto para investigación como para la empresa.[CA] El principal objectiu d'aquesta tesi és oferir als usuaris científics una manera de crear i executar aplicacions sense servidor (i.e. serverless) altament paral·leles, dirigides per esdeveniments i orientades al processament de dades, tant en proveïdors en núvol públics (e.g. AWS) com en privats (e.g. OpenNebula, OpenStack). Per a dur a terme aquest objectiu, s'ha desenvolupat e integrat diferents eines que ofereixen una via per desplegar aplicacions de computació d'altes prestacions basades en contenidors, alhora que es poden beneficiar de l'alta escalabilitat present en els entorns serverless. Primerament, s'ha creat una eina que possibilita el desplegament de càrregues de treball genèriques al proveïdor públic en núvol AWS. Aquesta eina permet aprofitar les funcionalitats de AWS Lambda (e.g. alta escalabilitat, computació basada en esdeveniments) per al desplegament i la integració d'aplicacions computacionalment intensives que fan ús del model de funcions com a servei (FaaS). En segon lloc, s'ha desenvolupat un model de programació d'alt rendiment per al processament de dades i orientat a esdeveniments, que permet als usuaris desplegar fluxos de treball com un conjunt de funcions serverless, alhora que ofereix una gestió transparent de les dades. En tercer lloc, per a superar els problemes presents als proveïdors públics (e.g. temps d'execució limitat) s'ha creat una plataforma que permet utilitzar el model FaaS en infraestructures privades. A més, aquesta plataforma pot ser desplegada automàticament en múltiples proveïdors públics en núvol. Finalment, per a comprobar i validar les diferents eines i plataformes dutes a terme, s'han provat diferents casos d'ús amb interès tant per a la recerca com per a l'empresa.[EN] The main objective of this thesis is to allow scientific users to deploy and execute highly-parallel event-driven file-processing serverless applications both in public (e.g. AWS), and in private (e.g. OpenNebula, OpenStack) cloud infrastructures. To achieve this objective, different tools and platforms are developed and integrated to provide scientific users with a way for deploying High Throughput Computing applications based on containers that can benefit from the high elasticity capabilities of the serverless environments. First, an open-source tool to deploy generic serverless workloads in the AWS public Cloud provider has been created. This tool allows the scientific users to benefit from the features of AWS Lambda (e.g. high scalability, event-driven computing) for the deployment and integration of compute-intensive applications that use the Functions as a Service (FaaS) model. Second, an event-driven file-processing high-throughput programming model has been developed to allow the users deploy generic applications as workflows of functions in serverless architectures, offering transparent data management. Third, in order to overcome the drawbacks of public serverless services such as limited execution time or computing capabilities, an open-source platform to support FaaS for compute-intensive applications in on-premises Clouds was created. The platform can be automatically deployed on multi-Clouds in order to create highly-parallel event-driven file-processing serverless applications. Finally, in order to assess and validate all the developed tools and platforms, several use cases with business and scientific backgrounds have been tested.Pérez González, AM. (2020). Advanced Elastic Platforms for High Throughput Computing on Container-based and Serverless Infrastructures [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/146365TESI

    Generación de interfaces gráficos automáticos a partir de ontologías, aplicación a guías clínicas

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    Pérez González, AM. (2011). Generación de interfaces gráficos automáticos a partir de ontologías, aplicación a guías clínicas. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/11582.Archivo delegad

    El mundo de las Fallas

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    En número dedicado a: Valenci

    Static load behavior and energy absorption of safety guardrails for construction works = Comportamiento bajo cargas estáticas y absorción de energía de barandillas de seguridad para obras

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    One of the requirements which must be met by the temporary edge protection systems (TEPS) is to stop a worker who walks, stumbles, falls and knocks against the system. The effect of the worker?s crash with the protection system is a dynamic type stress applied as an impact. The capacity of the system to withstand the impact depends on its ductility and its ability to absorb energy. The area enclosed by the load-displacement graph of a TEPS when the load is statically applied is an indicator of its ductility and its ability to absorb energy. In Europe, the EN 13374 standard specifies the requirements to be fulfilled by the TEPS. For systems placed in floor slabs with a slope smaller than 10° (class A systems), the standard indicates that the testing should be performed using static loads. In this work, TEPS manufactured from steel, wood, injected plastic, and composites have been tested with the static loads test system specified in the EN 13374 standard for assessing class A systems. Subsequently, the areas enclosed in the load-displacement diagram have been tested and have been compared with the estimated values of impact energy

    Serverless computing for container-based architectures

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    [EN] New architectural patterns (e.g. microservices), the massive adoption of Linux contain- ers (e.g. Docker containers), and improvements in key features of Cloud computing such as auto-scaling, have helped developers to decouple complex and monolithic sys- tems into smaller stateless services. In turn, Cloud providers have introduced serverless computing, where applications can be defined as a workflow of event-triggered functions. However, serverless services, such as AWS Lambda, impose serious restrictions for these applications (e.g. using a predefined set of programming languages or difficulting the installation and deployment of external libraries). This paper addresses such issues by introducing a framework and a methodology to create Serverless Container-aware AR- chitectures (SCAR). The SCAR framework can be used to create highly-parallel event- driven serverless applications that run on customized runtime environments defined as Docker images on top of AWS Lambda. This paper describes the architecture of SCAR together with the cache-based optimizations applied to minimize cost, exemplified on a massive image processing use case. The results show that, by means of SCAR, AWS Lambda becomes a convenient platform for High Throughput Computing, specially for highly-parallel bursty workloads of short stateless jobs.The authors would like to thank the Spanish "Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad" for the project "BigCLOE" under grant reference TIN2016-79951-R. The authors would also like to thank Jorge Gomes from LIP for the development of the udocker tool.Pérez-González, AM.; Moltó, G.; Caballer Fernández, M.; Calatrava Arroyo, A. (2018). Serverless computing for container-based architectures. Future Generation Computer Systems. 83:50-59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2018.01.022S50598

    Comportamiento de la lactancia materna exclusiva en el municipio Jaruco

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    Introducción: la utilización de la leche materna es tan antigua como la humanidad, siendo durante milenios el único recurso para la alimentación de los lactantes. Objetivo: determinar el comportamiento de la lactancia materna exclusiva en un grupo de consultorios. Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva de corte transversal sobre el comportamiento de la lactancia materna en los 170 niños, de los 17 consultorios del médico de la familia pertenecientes a la zona urbana del Policlínico Docente “Noelio Capote” del municipio de Jaruco, provincia Mayabeque, nacidos entre 1 de septiembre de 2004 y el 30 de junio de 2006. Las variables estudiadas fueron la edad y escolaridad materna, el destete precoz y las enfermedades diarreicas agudas, destete y las infecciones respiratorias agudas. Resultados: la totalidad de las madres egresaron de la maternidad con lactancia materna exclusiva, pero solo el 40 % lactó hasta los seis meses y más. Las madres que lactaron por más tiempo fueron las trabajadoras, de 20 a 29 años, con nivel escolar de secundaria. Conclusiones: la causa principal del destete precoz fue la poca o ninguna secreción láctea referida por las madres. Los niños con lactancia materna hasta los seis meses y más presentaron menos episodios de infecciones respiratorias agudas y enfermedad diarreica aguda. Se sugiere continuar realizando esfuerzos en la promoción de la lactancia materna exclusiva

    Application of the Schmidt-hammer for relative-age dating of glacial and periglacial landforms in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain)

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    [EN] A Schmidt hammer was applied for relative-age dating to 48 sites in 5 different massifs of the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain). The sample included glacial (moraines, erratics, and polished bedrock) and periglacial (rock glaciers, blockfields, and talus slopes) sites from the last glaciation to the present in different geomorphological contexts. The rebound (R) values agree with the morphostratigraphic reconstructions, showing progressively lower values for older deposits. Six stages from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present are inferred. The results differ according to the lithology: i) the quartzites showed higher R-values and very low weathering rates; ii) the granodiorites showed larger differences in R-values reflecting clearly age differences; iii) sandstones appear to be unsuitable for Schmidt hammer measurements in some areas; however, quartzite sandstones provide better results. The rock glaciers formed in different periods after deglaciation (i.e. just after the Last Glacial Maximum, Bölling/Allerød, Holocene), indicate a paraglacial dependence rather than climate-driven landforms. The sampled blockfields stabilized after the (almost) total deglaciation of the cirques, but their origin and significance in this mountainous area remain poorly understood.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Avulsão dentária e mantenedor do espaço estético-funcional e corretivo em Odontopediatria

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    A boy of 8 years old was seen in the dental service at the Policlínico Universitario “Chiqui Gómez Lubián”, in Santa Clara, Villa Clara. Examination revealed avulsion in the right upper central incisor, uncomplicated crown fracture in left upper central incisor and an improper alignment of the teeth. Taking into account patients´ characteristics and requirements, it was fabricated a Hawley´s retainer in order to achieve a better aesthetic outcome, maintain the length of the dental arch and correct the improper alignment of the teeth. The appliance has achieved a satisfactory outcome, which has had a psychological influence on the patient by improving his self-esteem and oral health.Se presentó el caso de un niño de 8 años que acudió al Servicio de Estomatología del Policlínico Universitario “Chiqui Gómez Lubián”, de Santa Clara, provincia Villa Clara. En el mismo se observó avulsión del incisivo central superior derecho, fractura no complicada de la corona en incisivo central superior izquierdo y una marcada vestibuloversión. Se confeccionó un aparato placa Hawley de acuerdo a las características y necesidades del paciente, con el fin de lograr la recuperación estética, mantener la longitud del arco y corregir la vestibuloversión en el mismo. El aparato permitió obtener un resultado satisfactorio, que ha influido psicológicamente en el paciente al elevar su autoestima y salud bucal.Foi apresentado o caso de um menino de 8 anos que veio ao Serviço de Estomatologia do Policlínico Universitario "Chiqui Gómez Lubián", em Santa Clara, província de Villa Clara. Neste, observou-se avulsão do incisivo central superior direito, fratura não complicada da coroa em incisivo central superior esquerdo e vestibuloversão acentuada. Um dispositivo de placa de Hawley foi confeccionado de acordo com as características e necessidades do paciente, a fim de se obter recuperação estética, manter o comprimento do arco e corrigir a vestibuloversão nele. O dispositivo permitiu obter um resultado satisfatório, o que influenciou psicologicamente o paciente, elevando sua autoestima e saúde bucal


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    The presentation addresses one of the most pressing problems of primary education: the understanding of mathematical problems; it aids heuristics to achieve treated. The fifth grade teachers, methodological actions to enable it to train students in understanding mathematical problems are proposed. It builds why the difficulties in solving mathematical problems through heuristic aids manifest. The results obtained are favorable as an training of logical thinking is observed in the solution of mathematical problems in these students.La ponencia responde a una de las problemáticas más apremiantes de la Educación Primaria: la comprensión de los problemas matemáticos; en él se tratan medios auxiliares heurísticos para lograrla. Se propone a los maestros de quinto grado, acciones metodológicas que le permitan adiestrar a los alumnos en la comprensión de problemas matemáticos. Se fundamenta el por qué se manifiestan las dificultades para resolver problemas matemáticos a través de los medios auxiliares heurísticos. Los resultados alcanzados son favorables pues se observa un adiestramiento del pensamiento lógico en la solución de problemas matemáticos en estos alumnos

    Ferrous iron biooxidation in a flooded packed-bed bioreactor at extreme conditions of iron concentration and acidity

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    The utility of ferrous iron biooxidation is to regenerate Fe(III) at required rates and conditions in specific hydrometallurgical contexts, such as metal extraction from ores/concentrates and mining and electronic waste. In these applications, considerable kinetics improvements can be achieved by increasing [Fe(III)], but pH must be decreased to avoid precipitation of this oxidant. Information about continuous biooxidation operation is limited to [Fe] pH > 1, therefore, it is interesting to test wider ranges for these parameters. A 1L flooded packed-bed bioreactor (30 cm in height), inoculated with Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, was operated 60 days in continuous mode without interruptions at [Fe] up to 57 g/L and pH up to 0.44. Total Fe(II) conversion was achieved when operating at [Fe] = 57 g/L and pH = 1.2. The maximum biooxidation rate reached was 3.5 g/L·h for [Fe] = 40 g/L and 1 h of hydraulic retention time. Biooxidation rate decreases by 32 % when pH decreases from 1.2 to 0.44. Nevertheless, the biofilm remained stable at this low pH and steady state was achieved. When comparing the relative decreases in biooxidation rate and oxygen solubility, the drop of efficiency can be explained by aeration limitations and salting out effect