980 research outputs found

    The extender tags and the like and or something in late Modern English: A formal and functional approach

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    Extender tags can be defined as a class of expressions of the type and stuff and or something that are added to the end of phrases, sometimes in clause-final position in order to extend otherwise complete utterances (Overstreet 1999). Although such expressions have been broadly studied in present-day English from very diverse perspectives, a thorough historical examination of these forms is still lacking. The aim of this dissertation is to offer a corpus-based analysis of the extender tags and the like and or something in the late Modern English period (1700 - 1900), with data from the Eighteenth Century Fiction and the Nineteenth Century Fiction. The main focus of the thesis is on the formal and textual features of these tags, as well as on the functions they perform during this period. Attention is also paid to their historical development from the point of view of grammaticalization

    Estudio y evaluación de la contaminación atmosférica generada por los buques

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    Grado En Náutica Y Transporte MarítimoEl presente trabajo trata sobre la contaminación atmosférica ocasionada por los buques, así como sus consecuencias para la salud medioambiental y por tanto también, para la salud humana. Se estudia el convenio internacional MARPOL 73/78, el cual está compuesto de un conjunto de normativas para prevenir la contaminación por los buques, en concreto este trabajo ahonda en el Anexo VI, donde se encuentran las regulaciones para las emisiones de gases a la atmósfera. En la actualidad, los buques usan alternativas para disminuir la contaminación atmosférica y cumplir con la normativa vigente, ya sea mediante uso de sistema de lavado de gases o combustibles en bajo sulfuro. No obstante, con las nuevas tecnologías en combinación de las energías renovables se buscan modos de propulsión menos contaminantes. Con este estudio se busca concienciar a todo el sector marítimo de la importancia que tiene la obtención de las medidas adecuadas para crear un menor impacto en el medio ambiente y, en concreto, en la atmósfera. El objetivo principal de este estudio consiste en conocer la normativa y las posibles alternativas para reducir la contaminación atmosférica procedente de los buques.The present work deals with the atmospheric pollution caused by the ships, also about its consequences on the environment and therefore also on the human health. The international agreement MARPOL 73/78 has been studied, which is made up of a set of regulations to prevent the pollution caused by the vessels, specifically this work delves into the Annex VI, where we find the regulations about gas emissions into the atmosphere. Nowadays, the ships use alternatives to reduce the atmospheric contamination and this way to fulfill the current regulations, either by the use of scrubbers or using low sulfide fuel. However, less pollution propulsion ways are being investigated combining new technologies and renewable energies. The purpose of this study is, that the whole maritime sector raises awareness about the importance of obtaining appropriate measures to cause less impact into the environment, more concretely, into the atmosphere. The main objective of this study is to get to know the regulations and the possible alternatives to reduce the atmospheric pollution generated by the ships. KE

    Comunicación en la Enfermedad de Parkinson

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    El Parkinson es una enfermedad crónica y degenerativa del sistema nervioso caracterizada por un gran déficit motor. Esta genera diferentes alteraciones en el habla y la voz, las cuales pueden ser atendidas a través de un tratamiento logopédico y multidisciplinar. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: revisar a través de la bibliografía qué tratamientos de base logopédica existen para tratar estos síntomas que afectan a la comunicación; asimismo observar si esas técnicas resultan efectivas. Para ello, se ha realizado una búsqueda a través de diversas bases de datos. En referencia a los resultados se han encontrado un conjunto amplio de procedimientos descritos para tratar estos problemas. En cuanto a la eficacia de los mismos, se han encontrado resultados bastantes positivos, haciendo hincapié en la importancia de persistir en el perfeccionamiento de estos, y de continuar investigando nuevos tipos de tratamiento.Parkinson's is a chronic and degenerative disease of the nervous system characterized by a large motor deficit. This causes different alterations in speech and voice, which can be addressed through a multidisciplinary and speech therapy treatment. The purpose of this work is to review through the bibliography what basic treatments are available to treat these symptoms that affect communication; also to see if these techniques are effective. For this reason a search has been made through numerous databases. In reference to the results a wide set of procedures have been found to treat these problems. In terms of their effectiveness, very positive results have been found, nevertheless emphasizing the importance of persisting in the improvement of these, and of continuing to investigate new types of treatment

    Innovación y transparencia: maridaje teórico, divergencia práctica. Propuesta sobre las empresas innovadoras del sector de la comunicación en España

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    La innovación puede considerarse un concepto transversal a lo que la empresa es, hace y dice. En base a esta idea, las empresas de de comunicación, como agentes económicos, políticos, pero también sociales (como elaboradoras del output mediático), deben apelar a la innovación en sus modelos de negocio y su cultura organizativa, esto es, los rasgos de innovación no solo deben llegar a la organización, a la estructura societaria y al modelo productivo, sino que también deben mostrarse y hacerse transparentes a su entorno. A través de técnicas metodológicas cuantitativas y enfoque cualitativo, se presenta una radiografía de cinco modelos empresariales en el sector de la comunicación con el objetivo de identificar el grado de transparencia que muestran a través de sus web sites en lo relativo a cuatro grandes áreas temáticas: aspectos sociales y societarios, económico-financieros, comunicacionales y de organización interna. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten concluir que innovación y transparencia no son conceptos indisociables y que los aspectos económico-financieros son los que cuentan con un menor nivel de visibilidad

    Twitter use in the Latin American universities

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    Las redes sociales ofrecen fórmulas eficaces a la institución de educación superior tanto para desarrollar actividades formativas innovadoras apoyadas en la participación e interacción entre docentes y estudiantes, como para mejorar su identidad corporativa, difundir y transmitir información institucional. La presente investigación analiza el uso de Twitter que hacen las 20 primeras universidades iberoamericanas (Ranking Shangai, 2012), mediante la identificación de sus listas, seguidores y la generación de tweets y retweets. Los resultados más significativos ponen de manifiesto por un lado, que algunos docentes la usan como herramienta catalizadora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a partir de los hashtags, y por otro, que a nivel institucional, las universidades lo hacen para dinamizar la participación e interacción con la comunidad educativa mediante los Tweets. El promedio de seguidores de las universidades estudiadas en Twitter es de 4.772 usuarios, y de 114 tweets usuarios (2011). La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México es la que posee más (35.679). Casi todas ven la importancia del uso de Twitter, sin embargo se infrautiliza como canal de comunicación directa y efectiva. Los docentes deben actualizarse para manejar las TIC y las redes sociales, descubrir su aplicabilidad educativa y rentabilizar el tiempo de interacción con los estudiantes. Además, la comunicación entre las universidades y la comunidad educativa podría verse optimizada con Twitter si para el envío de mensajes efectivos aprovecharan sus bases de datos como canal de difusión viral.Social networks offer effective ways to higher education centers to develop innovative training activities supported by the participation and interaction between teachers and students and in the same way to improve their corporate identity, broadcasting and transmiting corporate information. This research analyzes the usage of top 20 Latin American Universities (Sanghai Ranking, 2012) that participate in Twitter by identifying their lists, fans and tweets and retweets. The most significant results show that some teachers use it as a tool that fosters the teaching and learning process via the hashtags, and furthermore, that at the institutional level, universities boost the participation and interaction with the educational community through tweets. The average fans level of the studied universities is 4,772 Twitter users considering tweets of 114 users (2011). The National Autonomous University of Mexico is the one with most (35,679) followers. Almost al of them see the importance of using Twitter, however Twitter is underused as a channel of direct and effective communication. Teachers should be trained to use ICT and social network to discover their educational applicability and to take advantage of interaction time with students. Furthermore, communication between universities and their educational communities could be optimized using Twitter to send effective messages to exploit their databases as a viral distribution channel

    Microwave-Assisted Pillaring of a Montmorillonite with Al-Polycations in Concentrated Media

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    [EN]A montmorillonite has been intercalated with Al3+ polycations, using concentrated solutions and clay mineral dispersions. The reaction has been assisted by microwave radiation, yielding new intercalated solids and leading to Al-pillared solids after their calcination at 500 C. The solids were characterized by elemental chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction, FTIR spectroscopy, thermal analyses, and nitrogen adsorption. The evolution of the properties of the materials was discussed as a function of the preparation conditions. Microwave treatment for 2.5 min provided correctly pillared solids

    From feelings of imprisonment to group cohesion: A qualitative analysis of group analytic psychotherapy with dual diagnosed patients admitted to an acute inpatient psychiatric unit

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    Objectives: Group cohesion, the establishment of hope, and the expression of feelings have been said to be the basic ingredients of group psychotherapy. To date, there is few literature describing therapeutic processes in short stay settings such as acute psychiatric wards and with special patient groups such as addictions. Our goal with this study is to describe and analyze group processes in such contexts. Methods: We used a qualitative methodology combining constant comparative methods and hermeneutical triangulation to analyze therapeutic narratives in the context of a group analytic process carried following Foulkes' and Yalom's styles. Results: The results provide a picture of the therapeutic process including the use of norms to strengthen group cohesion facilitating the expression of emotions in early stages of group development. Conclusions: This analysis is intended to be a guide for practitioners implementing group therapy in contexts involving several constraints, such as acute psychiatric wards

    Friendship conceptions: an exploratory study with spanish and immigrant children established in the Madrid Community

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    El objetivo de nuestro estudio es conocer la concepción que tienen los niños acerca de la amistad, viendo si ésta varía en función del género y las características culturales de los participantes. Para ello, se elaboró una entrevista semiestructurada de respuesta abierta, que se aplicó –siguiendo el método clínico propuesto por Piaget–, a una muestra de 30 estudiantes (16 niñas y 14 niños) de 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria, con un rango de edad que oscilaba entre los 11;1 y 12;3 años, y donde el 50% eran inmigrantes y la parte restante españoles (autóctonos). Los resultados de este trabajo indican que no hay diferencias significativas en la concepción que tienen los niños de la amistad según su origen nacional, entendiéndola como un vínculo que se basa en la ayuda, la confianza, la compañía y la fidelidad. Sin embargo, se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a la facilidad a la hora de entablar relaciones con los iguales, y el origen étnico de las amistades, asegurando los españoles, en mayor medida que los inmigrantes, que les costaba hacer amigos, y que éstos eran en su mayoría de origen español. Igualmente, se hallaron diferencias significativas en función del género, destacando las niñas en mayor medida que los niños, la confianza como el rasgo que diferencia a los amigos, del resto de iguales que no lo son.The aim of our study is to know the childrens’ conceptions of friendship and looking at if it changes according to gender and the cultural characteristics of the participants. To this end, a semistructured interview of open answerered questions was developed, and applied –following the piagetian method– to a sample of 30 students (16 girls and 14 boys) of the 5th and 6th grades of primary school. The ages of the children varied between 11;1 and 12;3 years, and the 50% were immigrants, with the remaining part being natives Spaniards. The results of this work show that there aren’t significant differences in the childrens’ conceptions of friendship based on their national origin, understanding it as a link based on help, confidence, company and faithfulness. However, significant differences were found in relation to the ease of starting relationships with the peers, and the ethnical origin of their friends, confirming a higher number of Spanish natives that had the most problems making friends, as opposed to the immigrants, and whose friends were mostly Spanish natives. Likewise, significant differences were found according to gender, pointing out that the girls, rather than boys, found confidence as a trait that differentiated their friends from the rest of their peers.peerReviewe


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    Se demuestra la utilidad de la tomografía de coherencia óptica de segmento anterior y de la biomicroscopía como métodos de detección, diagnóstico y seguimiento de las diferentes distrofias corneales, relacionando los hallazgos encontrados en cada uno de los equipos y diferenciando los patrones característicos de cada una de las distrofias corneales.<br /

    Hyperthermia in human ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke: similar outcome, different mechanisms

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    Hyperthermia is a predictor of poor outcome in ischemic (IS) and intracerebral hemorrhagic (ICH) stroke. Our aim was to study the plausible mechanisms involved in the poor outcome associated to hyperthermia in stroke. We conducted a case-control study including patients with IS (n = 100) and ICH (n = 100) within the first 12 hours from symptom onset. Specifically, IS and ICH patients were consecutively included into 2 subgroups, according to the highest body temperature within the first 24 hours: Tmax 2) at 3 months. Serum levels of glutamate and active MMP-9 were measured at admission. Our results showed that Tmax ≥37.5°C within the first 24 hours was independently associated with poor outcome in both IS (OR, 12.43; 95% CI, 3.73-41.48; p<0.0001) and ICH (OR, 4.29; 95% CI, 1.32-13.91; p = 0.015) after adjusting for variables with a proven biological relevance for outcome. However, when molecular markers levels were included in the logistic regression model, we observed that glutamate (OR, 1.01; 95% CI, 1.00-1.02; p = 0.001) and infarct volume (OR, 1.06; 95% CI, 1.01-1.10; p = 0.015) were the only variables independently associated to poor outcome in IS, and active MMP-9 (OR, 1.04; 95% CI, 1.00-1.08; p = 0.002) and National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) at admission (OR, 1.29; 95% CI, 1.13-1.49; p<0.0001) in ICH. In conclusion, these results suggest that although the outcome associated to hyperthermia is similar in human IS and ICH, the underlying mechanisms may be different