1,348 research outputs found

    Rediscovery of one of the first dinosaur remains from the Spanish Record

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    The information of one of the dinosaur fossils collected by Juan Vilanova y Piera at the end of the XIX century in Mora de Rubielos is updated. MNCN 80000 is an pedal phalanx of an Iguanodontoidea dinosaur found between 1873 and 1893, recently rediscovered at the MNCN of Madri

    Juan Vilanova y Piera (1821-1893) and the first turtle found in the Spanish Mesozoic

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    MNCN 59511 is a natural inner cast of the caparace of a Pancryptodiran turtle from the Lower Cretaceous of Morella (Castellón), whose discovery was attributed to José Royo y Gómez. However, information available at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid) shows that the fossil was actually collected in the second half of the nineteenth century by Juan Vilanova y Piera, constituting the first known discovery of a turtle in the Spanish Mesozoi

    cf. Lirainosaurus sp. (Dinosauria: Titanosauria) in the Upper Cretaceous of Sacedón (Guadalajara)

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    A fragment of a distal caudal vertebra that is assigned to a sauropod titanosaur is described. The fossil comes from an outcrop of the Villalba de la Sierra Formation in Sacedón (Guadalajara), which is considered to the Lower Campanian-Upper Maastrichtian in age. The characters combination available on the specimen is discussed, and it is classified as cf. Lirainosaurus sp. due to it shares some of the autapomorphies of this taxo

    Analysis of the rear leg rotation movement during the fencing lunge

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    The most relevant aulhois of fencing agree on the extension of the rear leg's knee from the on guard position, which is the ona thai provides ihe real speed to the lunge, and the extension of the arm only serves to drive the points towards the target. All the authors coincide thai it is important to keep the whole sole of the rear Foot supported on the Boor, keeping the same direction and without sliding it during the movernent, being the only one support that assures a really fast and balanced lunge, allowing the return to the on guard position or to continue towards ahead. Nevertheless, in a competition it may be observed that there are just a few fencers that keep the position of the feet in 90° angle during the lunge, as proposed in the fencing books. From this situation, we try to know if the rotation movement of the rear leg improve the speed of the Mass Centre and the weapon


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    In this paper, we describe pleurodire turtle material from the island of Sardinia, Italy, originating from two Eocene localities of the Cixerri Formation. The more complete among the two specimens bears strong resemblance with the continental Western European Eocenochelus eremberti and is tentatively referred to the same species, while the second, less complete specimen is only provisionally referred to the genus Eocenochelus. The new Sardinian turtles add to the so far scarcely documented fossil record of pleurodires in Italy, while it ranks as among the very few Paleogene vertebrates known from the island. The identification of the widespread Eocene Western European genus Eocenochelus in the fossil record of Sardinia supports recent palaeogeographic reconstructions of the island, according to which the Sardinia-Corsica Massif was located rather close to mainland Europe and was subjected to a significant, counterclockwise rotation during the Paleogene

    Integrating Provenance Capture and UML with UML2PROV: Principles and Experience

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    This document contains supplementary material for the paper entitled ''Integrating Provenance Capture and UML with UML2PROV: Principles and Experience'', submitted for publication in TSE

    Els vertebrats de la Formació Argiles de Morella (Aptià inferior, Cretaci Inferior)

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    La Formació Argiles de Morella és una de les formacions del Cretaci Inferior peninsular que més registre fòssil de vertebrats està aportant. La seva condició de medis deposicionals, generalment continentals, però també de vegades transicionals amb influències mareals, fa que les restes de la fauna de vertebrats que s’ha localitzat als diversos nivells d’aquesta Formació, siguin principalment d’origen terrestre però també d’origen marí. Així entre la fauna terrestre destaquen per damunt de tot les restes de diversos grups de dinosaures mentre que, de la fauna marina, podríem destacar sobretot materials fòssils que pertanyen al grup dels plesiosaures. No obstant la varietat faunística recuperada és més ampla, amb peixos, amfibis, tortugues, escamosos, cocodrils i pterosaures. Tots junts generen un conjunt de vertebrats que representen una gran part dels tàxons que s’han descrit fins ara en la biota terrestre de l’Aptià inferior, no sols de la Península Ibèrica, sinó de la resta del continent europeu. The vertebrates from Argiles de Morella Formation (Early aptian, Early Cretaceous) One of the most relevant Iberian Lower Cretaceous Formations is the Argiles de Morella Formation. Most of the vertebrate fauna recorded from the distinct beds of this Formation are related with continental environments, but some remains are close related with marine environments. Among the continental fauna highlights the remains of a great variety of dinosaurian groups, whereas plesiosaurian are the most common among marine fauna. Nevertheless, a great variety of other vertebrates such as fishes, amphib·ians, turtles, lizards, crocodiles and pterosaurs have been recorded in beds of this Formation too. This assemblage of vertebrate remains represents one of the most complete records of early Aptian terrestrial biota from Europ