743 research outputs found
El sitio del castillo de San Luis de Marbella (1810). Historia de una epopeya
Since February 5, 1810, after the occupation of the city of Malaga by the Napoleonic troops, the Peninsular War in the territory of the modern day Malaga province changed course. The Spanish resistance to the French army moved to other places and territories, being the Sierra of Ronda the most well-known. The Castle of San Luis, Marbella, was another stronghold which symbolized the military resistance to the invader. This small fortress resisted to the French army until December 8, 1810. This is a history of an ordeal, for a long time forgotten.A partir del 5 de febrero de 1810, tras la ocupación de la ciudad de Málaga por el ejército napoleónico, la Guerra de la Independencia en el territorio de la actual provincia de Málaga cambió de rumbo. La resistencia contra el francés se trasladó a otros puntos y poblaciones, el más conocido será la Serranía de Ronda. Otro de esos focos que simbolizaron la oposición al invasor fue el Castillo de San Luis de Marbella, una pequeña fortaleza que supo resistir a las tropas francesas hasta el 8 de diciembre de 1810. Ésta es la historia de una epopeya, olvidada durante largo tiempo
Malagueños en la élite militar de poder durante el reinado de Alfonso XIII
Durante el primer tercio de\ siglo XX el ejército español tuvo una creciente presencia en la vida nacional. La guerra de África y el pronunciamiento
del General Primo de Rivera fueron las causas fundamentales de este protagonismo. Dentro del grupo castrense tuvieron especial significado
las élitcs militares, cuya invesrigación estarnos desarrol lando en nuestra Tesis Docto ral sobre la hipótesis de !Tes grupos: élitc de poder, élite
burocrática o técnica y éli te simbólica. La presencia de Jos militares malagueños en éstas es el objerivo de este trabajo
Light cone tensor network and time evolution
The transverse folding algorithm [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 240603] is a tensor network method to compute time-dependent local observables in out-of-equilibrium quantum spin chains that can sometimes overcome the limitations of matrix product states. We present a contraction strategy that makes use of the exact light cone structure of the tensor network representing the observables. The strategy can be combined with the hybrid truncation proposed for global quenches in [Phys. Rev. A 91, 032306], which significantly improves the efficiency of the method. We demonstrate the performance of this transverse light cone contraction also for transport coefficients, and discuss how it can be extended to other dynamical quantities
The role of public policies in the universalization of the broadband in Spain
This paper presents the problems of the deployment of telecommunication networks and the role of public policies in order to fulfil the Digital Agenda for Europe targets regarding basic broadband universal service for 2013 and the 30 Mbps universal availability for 2020 for the case of Spain. The impact of issues as the universal service declaration, reframing process and access regulation are analysed as means of bringing the benefits of Information Society closer to all the citizens
La regulación social de la muerte en el ejército español en la crisis del antiguo régimen
Los funerales constituían en la sociedad del Antiguo Régimen algo más que una despedida al difunto y así se reflejaba en el ritual que acompañaba a la muerte de cualquier individuo hasta su enterramiento. En este espíritu el grupo social castrense tiene sus propias características a la hora de poner en práctica las cuestiones que acompañaban el fallecimiento de uno de sus miembros. La diferenciación se establece al regular éstas mediante disposiciones de carácter militar, fundamentalmente las Ordenanzas, donde los honores fúnebres se integran como un aspecto más del régimen de las Tropas. En el último tercio del siglo XVIII, el Rey Carlos III establece unas Reales Ordenanzas que recogen las anteriores normas y usos y que se utilizarán durante todo su reinado y el de sus sucesores. Las honras fúnebres que en ellas se fijan serán las que acompañen a los Reyes y militares que vivieron la crisis del Antiguo Régimen.The funeral they were constituting in the the Former Regime society something more than a farewell to the deceased and like that it was reflected in the rite that he was accompanying on the death of any person up to his burial. In this spirit the social military group has his own characteristics at the moment of putting into practice the questions that were accompanying the death of one of his members. The differentiation is established when these regulate by means of dispositions of military character, fundamentally the Ordinances, where the funereal honors join as one more aspect of the regime of the Troops. In the last third of the 18th century, the King Carlos III establishes a Royal Ordinances that gather the previous procedure and uses and that will be in use during all his reign and that of his successors. The funereal honors that in them are fixed will be those who accompany the Kings and military men who lived through the crisis of the Former Regime
Memorias de guerra y crónicas de viajeros, dos visiones de la Guerra de la Independencia y de Andalucía
Después de la Guerra de la Independencia, las memorias de guerra, junto con las crónicas de viajeros, contribuyeron a la formación de una nueva visión, un estereotipo, de España y sus habitantes. Los hábitos de vida y nuestras costumbres se verán entremezclados con los relatos de batallas y el devenir de los ejércitos en conflicto. El presente trabajo pretende profundizar en esas visiones que tienen su culminación con la imagen de Carmen, de Prosper Merimée.After the War of the Independence, the memories of war, together with the travelers’ chronicles, contributed to the formation of a new concept, a stereotype, of Spain and his inhabitants. The habits of life and our customs will meet intermingled with the statements of battles and the life of the armies in conflict. The present work, it tries to penetrate into these visions that have his culmination with Carmen’s image, of Prosper Merimée
Assessment of spectrum value: application to sub-1GHz frequency bands
This paper is focused on the impact in network operator costs of new sub-1GHz spectrum bands, which will be soon available to provide mobile broadband services. To analyse these effects a techno-economic model has been used to evaluate the maximum inter-site distance and therefore the cheapest network. The results achieved show the different value of the sub 1GHz bands depending on the spectrum holding of the operator
Keys And Challenges To Close The Rural Broadband Gap. The Role Of LTE Networks In Spain
This paper presents a techno-economic analysis to evaluate the feasibility of a Long-Term Evolution (LTE) radio access network to provide fixed wireless 30 Mbps broadband access services in the rural areas of Spain. The results are compared to those of Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) technology and conclude that FTTH networks could reach up to 74% households for 2020 and the proposed LTE network could expand this coverage up to 94.4% households, playing an important role to close the broadband gap with regard to one of the key targets of the Digital Agenda for Europe
Classically computing performance bounds on depolarized quantum circuits
Quantum computers and simulators can potentially outperform classical
computers in finding ground states of classical and quantum Hamiltonians.
However, if this advantage can persist in the presence of noise without error
correction remains unclear. In this paper, by exploiting the principle of
Lagrangian duality, we develop a numerical method to classically compute a
certifiable lower bound on the minimum energy attainable by the output state of
a quantum circuit in the presence of depolarizing noise. We provide theoretical
and numerical evidence that this approach can provide circuit-architecture
dependent bounds on the performance of noisy quantum circuits.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure
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